The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror

Started by Anthony, March 12, 2005, 04:50:53 PM

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It simply amazes me that they even bring Studio One into the opening.
Lighting and eerie music-like the excitement of the ride finally opening wasn't enough!
Welcome foolish mortals


Quote from: "Fever"It simply amazes me that they even bring Studio One into the opening.
Lighting and eerie music-like the excitement of the ride finally opening wasn't enough!

And imagine the possibilities when Disney decides to do a Halloween season at the Studios. We have just seen how Studio 1 can fit in perfectly. With the Tower of Terror, WDS seems to be ready for its own Halloween season if you ask me.  :)


I liked the effects in Studio 1, that was a very good idea. I thought the actual ceremony wasn't too good though - It seemed like they improvised the whole thing, and some of them didn't seem to know what they were talking about :roll: I love the way that the people arrived in Mainstreet vehicles though :)


Great ceremony and those effects in Studio 1 were fantastic :shock:   I would love them effects to stay in Studio 1 for atleast a year, see what people think of them and do people think they go with the ToT theming.
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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Small touches like that: that is the reason Disney are number one in all aspects.
Welcome foolish mortals


heres the size of the line on christmas eve..

and thats whilst Crush went out of action for a change, suits me we can ride it over and over and over again.. But people let go of the handrails  :D  :mrgreen:  :D
[size=85]WDW Florida July 91(way too hot), DL California June 92,DL California Sep 93, DLP France Feb 96, DLP France March 02, DLP France Christmas to NY 03, WDW Christmas Eve to NY 04, WDW Oct 05, DL California Christmas to NY 05, DLP March 06, WDW Nov 06,DLP Paris Christmas to NY 06, WDW April 07 DL California Nov 07, WDW Dec 07, DLP Mar 08, DLP Jul 08, DL Hong Kong Mar 09, WDW Oct 09,  DLP Xmas 09[/size]


Wow!  I'd settle for it being under an hour from tomorrow when I arrive!  :lol:


stick to fast pass or mornings or evenings (the view is more spactacular at night even in the fog that seems to have settled on the resort these last few days) If your using fast pass and its a long normal line insist on accessing the right hand library.

By the way why are they taking FP from guests at the entrance to the FP line instead of allowing the CM at  the end of the q to take them, theres a fundamental flaw in doing it this way which I saw being abused several times over the last few days.
[size=85]WDW Florida July 91(way too hot), DL California June 92,DL California Sep 93, DLP France Feb 96, DLP France March 02, DLP France Christmas to NY 03, WDW Christmas Eve to NY 04, WDW Oct 05, DL California Christmas to NY 05, DLP March 06, WDW Nov 06,DLP Paris Christmas to NY 06, WDW April 07 DL California Nov 07, WDW Dec 07, DLP Mar 08, DLP Jul 08, DL Hong Kong Mar 09, WDW Oct 09,  DLP Xmas 09[/size]


I don't know if your press talks about the Tower of Terror, but French Tv has started to broadcast little reportages. But as usual french tv is very negative about DLRP and keeps calling it eurodisney  :x  reminding its financial problems! (I prefer BBC reportages like the one for SM). Nevertheless it is a good add.






Oooh let them talk negative. They'll be surprised soon.  Besides, any reference on tv or in a newspaper, positive or negative, is media value.


Thanks for posting the videos! The TF1 report is great, some interesting camera angles and it seemed generally positive. I suppose they have to talk about the financial troubles so that it doesn't seem like one big advertisement.

Showing Crush and Cars and having one of the PR people talk about the various new shows and parades is also a pretty great thing to get on the national news. All this coverage makes me wonder for what purpose they'll have a big ceremony in April - the public probably won't be allowed to see it.

The Butlin Boy

Ha ha, I love it in the first video when the cast member takes her hat off and it almost floats back on to her head :lol:


Hey, great videos. Thanks for uploading those. Great footage of the ride in the TF1 report.

I've always thought that News Channels are the worst place to talk about Disney theme parks. I mean, news presenters often have this smug "silly item" look on their face when they talk about Disney theme parks, as if they're saying "now, here's some news for any babies watching, which doesn't interest me because I'm a cynical grown-up". You know what I mean?

Oh, btw, can someone please tell me, do they run either the Library or the actual Ride in English? Or is it 100% in French? If you can experience the Tower of Terror in English, how/where do you go to do it?


Another Tower question, does the ride have the usual system of Chicken Exits? Is it possible to queue up for the ride, experience the Library pre-show, walk around the Boiler Room a bit then leave through a Chicken Exit without actually having to go on the ride? If so, are the Chicken Exits in the Boiler Room easy to find, and if you go through them, where do you end up?


Its french with english sub titles though If youve ridden the US versions its the same film dubbed so you'll know it of by heart.. Yes you can chicken out right at the last minute. Just inform the cast member at the boiler room. Due to the nature of this set up (same as the californian one) you end up in the same exit corridor that you walk through to enter the ride. So you just go down and wait on a bench near the photo displays(I think, have neve actually chickened out)
[size=85]WDW Florida July 91(way too hot), DL California June 92,DL California Sep 93, DLP France Feb 96, DLP France March 02, DLP France Christmas to NY 03, WDW Christmas Eve to NY 04, WDW Oct 05, DL California Christmas to NY 05, DLP March 06, WDW Nov 06,DLP Paris Christmas to NY 06, WDW April 07 DL California Nov 07, WDW Dec 07, DLP Mar 08, DLP Jul 08, DL Hong Kong Mar 09, WDW Oct 09,  DLP Xmas 09[/size]