
Started by sdpoole_, June 01, 2017, 09:03:08 PM

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I'm going in October, and although we're getting free half board standard vouchers we will probably buy an extra meal a day, and maybe one night trade in the buffet voucher for money towards a table service restaurant. Can anyone recommend their favourite 3 buffets, favourite 3 counter service, and favourite 3 table service resaturants, as there's so many to choose from I'm currently struggling to narrow it down and will probably try a combination of them! Looking at the menus, some appeal to me more than others, but I'd like to know food quality from people who've tried it, not just what the menu says :)

polar vixen

Favourite buffet: Billy bobs
Table service :bistrot chez Remy
Counter service : hmmmmm not tried many other than hyperion.ooooo I know! Cowboy cookout! Great portions and we like the setting. Only one we really dislike is the one in the studios- nothing special and the queues are always huge


Bistrot chez remy was the best table service meal we had. We only tried the buffet at our hotel - Cape Cod at NBC-  and Plaza Gardens. I preferred Cape Cod.


In no particular order -
Buffets: Plaza Gardens, Inventions, Restaurant des Stars
Counter Service: Hakuna Matata, Cowboy Cookout
Table service: Walts, Bistro Chez Rémy, Blue Lagoon

Believe it or not, in seven visits, we've only been to these once each. My idea of trying everything must be working! Although, we will be revisiting one, two or even three of these next trip.
Disneyland Hotel - SEPT 17
Davy Crockett  - JUL 15
Davy Crockett  - JUN 12
Hotel Cheyenne - FEB 11
Magic Circus - SEPT 10
Newport Bay Club - NOV 2009
Sequioa Lodge - JAN 2009
Davy Crocketts  -  AUG 2008


Hmm lets see...

My top 3 in each category (in order, top favourite first)

Buffets: Agrabah, Plaza Gardens, Cape Cod (Newport Bay)
Counter service: Hakuna Matata, Cowboy Cookout, Toad Hall
Table service: Chez Remy, Blue Lagoon, Cafe des Cascadeurs


Cape Cod
Not been to any others!

Counter Service:
Never used really although I can recommend Market House Deli on main street for their veggie pizza slice thingy - it's yum!

Table service:
Silver Spur Steakhouse
Rainforest Cafe
Auberge de Cendrillon
Disneyland Hotel ~ 3rd - 6th October 2013
Sequoia Lodge ~ 28th October - 1st November 2014
Adagio Val d'Europe ~ 12th - 20th November 2015
Sequoia Lodge ~ 15th - 18th May 2016
Day trip ~ 1st August 2016
HiPark ~ 4th - 6th November 2016
Rive Gauche ~ 17th - 21st February 2017
Adagio Val d'Europe ~ 29th May - 3rd June 2017
Adagio Val d'Europe ~ 23rd - 27th October 2017
Rive Gauche ~ 27th - 30th October 2017
Adagio Val d'Europe ~ 14th - 19th March 2019