Getting the best deal for November 17

Started by Queenie, January 22, 2017, 11:08:01 AM

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We want to book a 4 night stay for November, preferably in the Sequoia Lodge - currenty we can get 2 nights free, but have to pay for the meal plan.  Last year, we had 30% off and free half board  - does anyone know if offers tend to work on a rotation, or are one-offs/random?  We're not sure whether to book the current offer, or try and hold off in case something better comes along.  Is anyone here a seasoned offer-getter and able to give some advice about whether we should book now, or wait?  We def want a meal plan included. 

Thanks  :)

polar vixen

30 percent of typically followed the 2 days 2 nights free, so expecting that around march however it would typically be just for the summer season. The same offer for November usually comes out early September. I'm just hoping the keep the offer the same now that breakfast is no longer included.....


I originally booked for our Sequioa Lodge (GFC) December stay last year on the Buy 2 get 2 free package but then, nearer the time, the 30% off free half board came on and it was only going to cost £130 more to change the booking and get 4 nights evening meal paid for. By making a booking early on, it gave me peace of mind that our accommodation is sorted but felt was getting a better deal when the new offer came on. Disney are happy to change the booking as long as you are paying more to them. Going to do the same for this year's August trip.


I would definitely wait because I'm sure the free dining plan plus a percentage discount offer will come at some point.  We are also hoping to go in November but I'm not booking until the offer comes on.