Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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oh and just out of interest, is the woman your waiting on an email for Christine? I emailed Christine to say I couldnt get through but haven't got a reply!


im absolutely gutted :(


this is so annoying! so disapointed! no I emailed a woman called Isabelle


Quote from: "chachaaa"Hey guys, ive been following this forum for months, since the skype auditions :) I was wondering if anybody would be able to help me? I got the contract email on friday and i'm now trying to ring up, i've been unable to get through for the past half an hour and the email says call from 10.00-13.00 and then from 14.30-17.00, do you reckon they've stopped answering their phones because they're on a lunch break or something haha? x

Hey yes Im sure thats it! Its 1.45 in france now so try again at 1.30 here! :)


Quote from: "morjen"
Quote from: "chachaaa"Hey guys, ive been following this forum for months, since the skype auditions :) I was wondering if anybody would be able to help me? I got the contract email on friday and i'm now trying to ring up, i've been unable to get through for the past half an hour and the email says call from 10.00-13.00 and then from 14.30-17.00, do you reckon they've stopped answering their phones because they're on a lunch break or something haha? x

Hey yes Im sure thats it! Its 1.45 in france now so try again at 1.30 here! :)

Fingers crossed, although the news doesn't sound too promising  :(


I've not actually received an email about a contract.  I was hoping that they'd be sending out more contracts by email today or tomorrow, possibly for restuarants?  Does this mean that all jobs are taken completely?  I have retail and bar experience and my French is reasonably good, I don't understand how they are selecting people for jobs?


Quote from: "NaeBad"I've not actually received an email about a contract.  I was hoping that they'd be sending out more contracts by email today or tomorrow, possibly for restuarants?  Does this mean that all jobs are taken completely?  I have retail and bar experience and my French is reasonably good, I don't understand how they are selecting people for jobs?

I share your frustration. If there are really no jobs left I wish they'd just let us know rather than leaving us in purgatory.


I have never received an email either - I have been in the talent pool since January ... I know four other people who attended interviews the same time, none have had news, so there are many people in the same situation. Of course I want to work there, but if there is no hope I would prefer to know now, so as to make other plans ... does anyone know if this is the last round of contracts ? Is there any chance left ? It seems an unfair way to treat potential employees !


Okay guys I just called back and got through to a man, not really sure what he said i struggled to understand, he asked for my  name and my dates and then I have no idea what he said after that then he just ended 'bon journee'? WHAT DID HE SAYYYYYY?


I completely agree.  A simple automated email would suffice telling people there are no more positions left.  I don't know if there's even any point in emailing someone about it, as they tend not to reply....


Quote from: "morjen"Hey I rang and the call was a bit of a blur because I didnt really know what he was saying so after giving my dates and stuff I just said yes to whatever he said! I barely gave my name and he was saying goodbye, will I get an email or should I email somebody just in case?

Did you speak to the man? My conversation was EXACTLY the same, followed him when he asked about my dates and my name and then he just mumbled about 3 sentences and ended the conversation! what do you think this means?


I just rang again (Im down for boutique) and she said there was nothing left, I asked if there was anything, anywhere and she looked for ages and said no, she took my email address in case something comes up but other than that no, sorry guys :(


Quote from: "chachaaa"Okay guys I just called back and got through to a man, not really sure what he said i struggled to understand, he asked for my  name and my dates and then I have no idea what he said after that then he just ended 'bon journee'? WHAT DID HE SAYYYYYY?

I just spoke to the same guy, not a clue what he said....


i got an email from Christine saying to call this afternoon for a job offer but when I rang the women told me there were no jobs left! :(


Quote from: "morjen"I just rang again (Im down for boutique) and she said there was nothing left, I asked if there was anything, anywhere and she looked for ages and said no, she took my email address in case something comes up but other than that no, sorry guys :(

I just did the same thing :( I just rang again and got through to the man and he said there were no available jobs for the restaurants or the boutiques but said he'd contact me if anything became available :( SOOO SAD he went off for ages and i asked him for anything, even cleaning and he said no  jobs for the summer :(