Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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@Rex - Yeah that's still true.  To the Party Gras music, so it's fast!  I practiced my moves before I went just so I didn't get a mind-blank on the day.

I can't remember if anyone else was bare-foot, I wasn't looking!  Hehe.  Do whatever you're comfortable with so you can give your best I guess!  Make-up wise some people wore loads and some wore none.



I received an e-mail saying following my phone interview I was invited to an interview in London at future galleries on January 10,11 or 12th! This is great...except I haven't had a phone interview, and when I looked up recruitment Disney days on google, it appeared these were for characters/parades at pineapple studios?

Basically, is anyone else going to future galleries and is it normal not to have had a phone interview?!

Many thanks :)


@Cendrillon, thanks for the information! :)
Good luck for the people who are going to audition the 10th and 11th in London! I'm not going this time, maybe later this year....got another audition in the Netherlands!
I looked on the internet and they did a first Disney casting in the Netherlands last year, so maybe and hopefully this year again?! That will save me a lot of money (But I don't mind to go to London again, LOVE London, can't wait to go back) !!!  [-o<
Do what your heart desires and dont worry about what the others think. At the end of the day, what makes you happy is what matters the most.


Rex, it really doesn't matter that you don't have dance shoes. Wear trainers, go bare foot, just do what you are most comfortable with :)


@DisneyBud - Thank you, think I will go in trainers and kick um off before we start maybe?!

@Astya - So if its to music is it like 'dance like a cowboy etc' or just mime real fast.. bit lost now.. sorry if it sounds daft! Ooo which dawf to choose... decisions :P

@All - Again thanks for all the kind words of advise :D I found this on youtube... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pNV5a0V ... ideo_title for a complete novice when it comes to dancing will it help at all?

 :D/ 1 WEEK TODAY!! :D/
Just think of a wonderful thought..


@Rex - Here's what I copied off this thread ages ago, it's still the same!

1st Count of 8 - You walk forward as a cowboy
2nd Count of 8 - You have to walk around in a circle like a Pirate
3rd Count of 8 - You stand on the spot as 1 of the 7 dwarfs
4th Count of 8 - You walk left and right as a villian
5th Count of 8 - You take a bow as a Prince or Princess
Final Count of 8 - You walk off stage as a cast member waving goodbye!



Blimey will have to think now! :P
Just think of a wonderful thought..


@Rex - No worries!  Hehe.  You get some practice on the day too.  If you can when you're there try and remember some of the dance moves and the music, I must have listened to loads of Disney music now and still can't find it!!  I keep hoping I'll come across it as part of a parade or something!


Hello, have just been reading through all you posts,
im also auditioning on the 10th in London, very excited yet nervous also!,
I can dance just worried about the acting part as not the best actor!, but think when put on the spot could probably deliver some cheesy faces haha!, although how do villians and pirates walk!? haha!,
and from anyone whos been to an audition previously, do they put you in groups of so many?
or is it solo?
Hope to hear back from someone sooon! Charlotte x


Hi Charlotte! Number 4 member to our audition next week! eek! I'm Emma, hope we all bump into each other some how!

My first time too, I have experience performing for live shows, but I can't dance and just as nervous for the animation section. Reading other people posts its all in big groups, then they cut you by numbers if I understand rightly.

Spending most of my time watching youtube to prepare, well try to prepare! :P
Just think of a wonderful thought..


Hello Emma, yes nice to know im not the only nervous one haha!
i think i am going to have a look through you tube! especially pirates walk haha!
do you know what to wite in our resume?
and ohhh i see!, reading all the comments in seems there is a lot of people that go so probably a quicker way to do it!x


well chances are they will look at us and what we are capable of lonnnng before they look at our resumes so i wouldn't worry to much about it.

I have narrowed mine down to fit on one page and have a head shot on back. My photo isn't professionally done, its just a nice  photo of me cropped and cleaned up on photo shop and printed on photo paper :)

If I was you I would just stress anything that would be beneficial to them i.e. your dance skills, have you had experience working with children before, performing, team player... those sorts of things.

Keep it short... it sounds like there is going to be a well over a hundred of us! Where are you travelling from?

no your defo not the only nervous one! Were all living on this forum up until the morning of the audition  :lol:  

...off to watch youtube.com :donald:
Just think of a wonderful thought..


You never know it could just be us four XD Hello Emma :)
Hmm its the cowbow and pirate im struggeling with too! I hope im not too nervous on the day!
Would be great to bump into anyone.. despite not knowing what anyone looks like.. you never know! how funny were all going on day one!
Anyone have suggestions what I could do to pass the time on the night before? first time on my own in London! (From a small town XD)
...Wish I could be part of that world...


Oright yes i guess so!, just needs previous experiences and and your skills on really then?
And im travelling from Norfolk!, which is taking me nearly 4 hours on coach!, leaving at 4.30am!,
so will be having to get up and ready early haha!, also never even been to London so giving myself 2 hours when arrive to find Pineapple!, although sure will have time for a morning coffee to wake me up haha!
Where are you all travelling from?
And yes im on youtube trying to get inspiration! haha, x


You perform both bits in groups of about 10 I think it was.  I didn't take a resume...absolutely no idea what goes on one!  And yes, they only look at your resume if you 'pass' the rest.

@Charlotte - is it Pineapple studios?  If so it's really close to the tube station...I think it's Covent Garden?  And confusingly for us iPhone google map people, right near Pineapple the shop.  I nearly had a heart attack when I was directed there, for a second I thought I was totally in the wrong place and not going to make it.  Haha.

@Rex - what have you put in performing resumes before??

You guys better tell us all how you get on, I'm excited for you :)