
Started by penfold12, April 05, 2007, 08:48:25 PM

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I just read that WDS had 2,200, 000 visitors compared with Disneyland Park 10,600,000.

While I knew the Studios was quieter, I never realised by how much!  lower attendance than Alton Towers. While I dont want to dwel on negative news, kinda puts stuff into perspective.

I love the park, just hope the work thats going on gets it up there with Disneyland Park


I never realised it was that big a difference. A lot of the people I talk to say they go into DLP but they leave out the Studios. I always tell them how great it was to try and make them regret it and go back :lol:


What I cant get over is how many people who have park hopper  tickets dont bother even popping over to the Studios!

I just dont get that at all. It not like its extra cost to them......


i think this will all change with all the new stuff  :stitch:
 i think the main problem with the studios is the entertainment i think it need more parades and shows througth the day at quiet times of the year , this will encourage people to visit!

i would never visit and miss the studios  :nemo:


I think when Tower of Terror is built it will bring more people to the Studios.
You dont no whats in the Studios unless you actually go in to it and people just see the Magical Castle and Space Mountain and rush straight to Disneyland Park.

When Tower of Terror is built maybe people will see that and think i definetly want to go to this park for that main ride and may get more popular. Not true but its just my idea of things.  :)

And another thing, when i went with my friends, people said that they would go in the Disneyland Park first and then go to the Studios. Later to find that when they got to the Studios it was shut.


There's something weird about how they count attendance at DLRP though, it must actually be much higher than 2 million...

I seem to remember that for people with park hopper tickets, it's the first park the guest visits which gets the "point".  So if you head to DLP first with your ticket, DLP gets an attendance count.  So only 2,200,000 head to WDS first compared with 10,600,000 going to DLP.  DLRP sold 12.8m tickets last year, but the actual turnstile counts for each park would be much higher.  I'm not sure what happens with annual passports...

You're right the attractions should definitely boost the number then, since more people will go to WDS first. :)


That makes more sense! I was trying to figure out why it was such a difference in numbers, but the first turnstyle getting the number makes a lot more sense


me and my partner went to disneyland resort paris for two days.
 so on the first day we went to the  disneyland park and did all we could do in the day and then went to the studios park for the second day.
 again we did all the stuff we wanted to do i really love the stunt show - animagique - and tram tour.
when we go next time i intened to make a point of going to the studios park again as well as the disneyland park as i feel it makes the holiday complete even when its two days


We gt to studios butwe only tend to spend about 1/2 day! Disabled vistors can't skip the que and my sister can't que for a long time! Plus she's pretty much blind and can't see the shows so I go in when she's busy!


Well I tend to spend more time in Disneyland, than WDS. I'm more likely to just pop into the Studio's for an hour or two at a time, and spend the best part of the day in Disneyland.

I like to have at least 5 days at the resort, so you're able to spread out the studio's that way, and cover everything across the week.

Whereas Disneyland, there tends to be a lot that I like to do, if not everyday, then nearly everyday, like Star Tours, Indy, BTM, Space Mountain, POTC and the parade.


QuoteDisabled vistors can't skip the que

Holders of a blue card for disabled people get priority access to attractions and shows.  Next time you should inform yourself at City Hall.


I would've thought, with the opening of Crush's Coaster and the Tower of Terror, attendance should really take off at the Walt Disney Studios. I mean, in the past, there haven't been too many major draws/reasons to visit the park, so I can understand why not too many people have chosen to visit.

However, with the opening of the new attractions, the park will now have a grand total of 5 MOVING rides. So that's a lot better than the 2 it used to have.

Still, more rides (especially family ones) are needed. Soarin' would be a HUGE success, and from the sounds of things, Toy Story Mania would be too.


The studios does need more moving rides. (the great movie ride, soarin etc.)

But also some evening entertainment. I know this won't help the park much but i'd love to see Fantasmic in the studios.


Yeah i think the studios needs some more rides to push up the attendance, i think the arrival of Cush, Cars and Tower of Terror will get more people going to the park but i can't see the attendance going up that much.

I also think the studios needs this expansion i've heard about, the park is very small when you compare it to the Disneyland Park.
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QuoteI also think the studios needs this expansion i've heard about,

Like what, and source?  :)