Having a wobble about extra night! Is my travel agent my only option?

Started by Mrsya, May 05, 2014, 09:51:21 PM

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We arrive in less than two weeks and now thinking that 3 nights 4 days might not be enough for our first time and this will be our last term-time holiday so want to make the most of it.

We booked through Co-op travel and my question is do I have to go through them to add an extra night?? They're quoting £280 now for an extra night!! Whereas disneyland.fr are quoting £302 for TWO nights!


Yes you have to go through the travel agent to add an extra night.  Perhaps you could book 2 nights with Disneyland.fr as a separate trip, either just before or just after your original one.  I'm not saying you can do that, just you might be able to. 

Slimy yet satisfying

If you've booked flights or other travel arrangements you're probably stuck with the co-op. It's probably changing travel arrangements that is bumping up the price whereas disney.fr will just show the cost if hotel and tickets. If this deal doesn't include travel i'd play hardball with them and get a printout of the other price and see if they will match it. If they won't there is absolutely nothing stopping you adding extra nights as a separate booking with whoever is offering the best deal. Just make sure you extend your travel insurance too.
1992 Honeymoon DH
1994 Oct DH, 1996 Jan DH, 1998 Oct DH, 2000 Oct DCR, 2002 Jan SL....too many babies so a big break...2010 Mar SF, 2011 Mar SF, 2013 Jan Kyriad, 2013 Apr Gite, 2013 Oct Gite + 2nts DC, 2014 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 Oct Gite, 2016 Jan Gite, 2016 Easter Kyriad, 2016 June Explorers, 2016/7 NY Dream Castle and Gite, 2017 Feb Cheyenne , 2017 May Dream Castle,  2017/8 NY/Jan Gite, 2018 Feb Dream Castle Hotel, 2018 Nov Dream Castle, 2019 Feb Santa Fe.


Thanks for your replies. We're driving so it is just the price of stay plus park tickets. I'll ring my travel agents and see if they can get disney to match the fr price.


Yay!!!!!!! Thanks again for your advice! I've just rang my travel agent with the fr price and she rang disney direct. They've beat that price for two nights plus they're honouring the free half board too! £301 for 2 extra nights half board! My quick trip just became a 6 day holiday!! We won't get another term time Disney holiday so making the most of it... Better ring Eurotunnel now and see what the damage is there.....

Slimy yet satisfying

Great news...sometimes you just have to stick to your guns (metaphorically speaking of course...this IS Disney!) to get the best deal for you. Have a wonderful trip.
1992 Honeymoon DH
1994 Oct DH, 1996 Jan DH, 1998 Oct DH, 2000 Oct DCR, 2002 Jan SL....too many babies so a big break...2010 Mar SF, 2011 Mar SF, 2013 Jan Kyriad, 2013 Apr Gite, 2013 Oct Gite + 2nts DC, 2014 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 Oct Gite, 2016 Jan Gite, 2016 Easter Kyriad, 2016 June Explorers, 2016/7 NY Dream Castle and Gite, 2017 Feb Cheyenne , 2017 May Dream Castle,  2017/8 NY/Jan Gite, 2018 Feb Dream Castle Hotel, 2018 Nov Dream Castle, 2019 Feb Santa Fe.