First trip of the year, 16-18 February

Started by never2old, February 21, 2014, 10:18:32 AM

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Enjoying your trip report, you seem to be getting used to your camera great photos.  Do you know the prices for plaza gardens buffet??


Plaza Gardens buffet is around 24 euros per adult.  :)
Great choice, but, if eating in the evening during Winter season it is better to go 'early' say 5pm because we ate at 6.30 (in early Feb) and lots of things were running low and not being refilled. In September we did not have that problem.
Disneyworld 1990
Disneyland Paris 1996, 2002, 2004, 2013, 2014...


Finally!! Here's the next update

After our lunch in the Restaurat des Stars, we split up. While our friends took their daughter and eldest son on a few rides, we went for a walk around the Studios (first to get Alicia to sleep, then to made sure she stayed asleep  ;) ) .

Of course I ended up heading towards Toy Story Playland...

... and tried to see what was going on around the new Ratatouille ride.

I was tempted to try to put the camera over the fence to take some pictures (and I wouldn't have been the only one, there were at least 2 people doing just that!!) but I'm trying to save some of the magic... So I only looked at what was visible over the fence. And I'm telling you, pictures don't do it justice. It's beautiful, very big, and I can't wait to walk around there when it's complete. Not to mention doing the ride and eating at the restaurant!! It's going to be amazing.

We caught up with our friends in the Cars ride

By now Alicia was waking up, so we decided to head back to the other park (and maybe get a spot for the parade, depending on how the crowds were doing....)

Continues very soon!!


Two updates for the price of one....  ;)

The beautiful Main Street station, almost back to its original form.... Nice to see (almost) it free of decorations!! Now if they could take the golden banners out....

So we had about 1 hour before the parade. My friend had to go and feed her baby (who also had only now waken up), so while she went to the Baby Care Center we headed towards Fantasyland.  Of course we had to stop to take some pictures on the way...

The dads...

And one with me!!

First stop, the Castle!!

(loving the zoom in my new camera, by the way  ;D )

In the gallery

And outside in the balcony...

And finally, we went to see the dragon...

Needless to say, we didn't stay long in there... As soon as he started growling one of the kids got scared, and then they all started getting scared too... It really is quite realistic!!

Time to get a spot for the parade. We still had maybe 20 minutes to wait though, so the dads took the kids to IASW, and I stayed in our spot, with the 3 pushchairs, waiting for the parade, in our usual spot by the Bella Notte. And taking some pictures of course  ;)

The light hitting IASW was beautiful!!

They all came back just in time for the parade to start

Since their float is being refurbished, Mickey and the others came first, walking. It was really good, they were interacting a lot with everyone, and I think like this they were a lot easier to see for the children!! Mickey is quite high up on top of his float....

My daughter (like I guess all the little girls around the world) is totally mad on Frozen. We saw the film with her in the cinema (her first time!!) and since she loves it, we have the books, the toys, and of course the album which we listen to all the time. She sings along to all the songs, and of course her favourite is Let it Go. She was extremely excited to see Anna and Elsa in the parade (she's still talking about it!!)

You know, I had never noticed Owl was in there??

To be continued!




Great pictures and report, thank you for posting!
Your little girl is just adorable! I showed the pis to my daughter (she`s 13) and I nearly got deaf! She screamed "cuuuute!!" so loud! :)
And I can realate to Frozen, she`s listening all the time! She downloaded it in different languages. If she still had to use the old fashioned cassette tapes, it wwould be broken from all the rewinding! ;)


Thanks!  :D

Here's the next update!

After the parade,we thought we would give the dark rides in Fantasyland a go. Peter Pan had a 40 minute wait so that was not an option, but Pinocchio and Snow White were both almost empty.

Pinocchio first

(the ride stopped for a few moments, otherwise I don't even try taking pictures inside...)

(it stopped a couple of times...)

Followed by Snow White

After Snow White we went for a little browse in the Taniere des Sept Nains, and there I run into my friend Tina (who I met here in the magic forum!!)

Always great to meet Disney friends  :D

Evening in Fantasyland

And in Adventureland

The children didn't want to do Pirates of the Caribbean, so we went instead to visit Hook's galley

The light this evening was magical. Pictures don't do it justice...

Does it happen to you, when you're home, that suddenly you get this beautiful light, or a particularly stunning sky, and you wish you were enjoying it in DLP? It was that kind of evening. Absolutely gorgeous, perfect evening to be in the park.

And into Frontierland, for the first time this trip!! Terrible crime, really, it used to be one of my first destinations!!

Nice to see al 4 torches burning bright!!

We decided to try Buzz, we hadn't done it yet and for your friends this could be their last chance (they were not coming to the park the next day)

Back to Central Plaza

And into Discoveryland!!

Buzz had a 35 minute wait, a bit more than we like to wait but well.... We joined the line anyway.

Alicia was entertaining the other guests singing Let it Go...

The ride itself was great, I had a decent gun, most everything seemed to be in perfect working order, it was a lot of fun!!

I usually try to get a picture of the score, to compare with my husband... Usually he wins of course, but sometimes I get lucky

Now my actual score was 346000

But somehow I managed to take a picture while it was flickering, and it showed this:

So if anyone asks, I got 846000!!  ;D ;D

When we came out the line for Space Mountain was only 5 minutes, hard to resist it... I hadn't done BTM, I hadn't done RnRC, I had at least to go on this!! So we took turns, first the moms, and then the dads  :D

Fun!!! I hadn't done this in some time (since we've started coming with Alicia, really), so I loved doing it again. I know it's a bit rough, but still, so much fun!!

After this, we thought it was time to get a spot for Dreams, we only had about 10 minutes before it started (and this time I had triple checked the time  ;) ) so it wasn't too long a wait.

Dreams next!!


Just a question, I go in October this year, will I be able to visit lands and ride the attractions at night before Dreams begins?


Oh yes! Part of Fantasyland is closed (the area behind the Castle) but everything else is open. You can go on rides until the very end!


Holy cheese! I can ride Phantom Manor at dusk/night? Please say yes!

EDIT: So can ride the rides when Dreams is on? Will the queues be shorter?


what lovely photos. my daughter and i have loved looking at them.



Thank you all for the comments  :D

There maybe a delay with the next chapter, I have over 200 photos of Dreams to sort through... But I'm working on them  ;)

Quote from: DisneyManiac on March 03, 2014, 06:55:01 PM
Holy cheese! I can ride Phantom Manor at dusk/night? Please say yes!

EDIT: So can ride the rides when Dreams is on? Will the queues be shorter?

Oh, Phantom Manor at dusk is the best!!! You have to, the atmosphere is perfect at that time. And then go to BTM, it's even better at night. I've read of people being on Big Thunder Mountain during Dreams (that must have been quite something!!) so yes, you can. Last year I did BTM maybe 15 minutes before Dreams was due to start and there was no queue at all (it had been around 30-40 minutes during the day, so it wasn't a particularly busy day). Then we did Buzz, again no queue at all (walked straight in), and had time to come out just when Dreams was starting.
