Pascal soft toy/beanie?

Started by gemmasteele84, April 18, 2013, 03:18:22 PM

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Im 99% sure they will, but does anybody know if they currently sell pascal beanies or soft toys at disneyland paris? My daughter has lost hers and is devistated.  I told her we'd get her one at DLP when we go next week but now wondering if they sell them or not lol


Don't remember seeing them at the park.
I do know the disneystore UK website still sells them.


Might have to go for that instead, just hate paying £5 delivery on a £7 toy lol


Oh yeah  :/  no store near you?

Hopefully someone else can confirm then if they have them at DLRP or not  :)


No, though for my bank balance thats probably a good thing! lol. There is one about a 45 minute drive away but busy each day until we go away now.  :roll:  trust my child to lose her toy at such a busy time!


Haven't seem Pascal in any of the shops unfortunately! I bought mine at Disney Store in London. Here he is online: ... allpartial