Trip Report 25th and 26th of March

Started by DisneyDonna, March 27, 2012, 02:27:59 PM

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After a magical two-day trip, I'm back home! (sadly enough). I went to Disneyland Paris with my mom. We stayed at the Kyriad, which I enjoyed very much!

Day 1

My mom woke me up around 2 o'clock at night. We arrived shortly after to catch our bus at Breda. We were with 24 other people in the bus, which meant a relaxed bus ride to Disneyland. Our bus driver was really funny and enthusiastic which made the bus ride fun. After half an hour we reached the border with Belgium and it was only a matter of time until we reached France. I'm always so excited to see the Disneyland Park signs along the high way!!

We arrived at half past 9 at the hotel, lots of time to drop of our luggage and head towards the park. We were told we couldn't check in yet, since the rooms were not ready yet. So we headed for the park straight away. While waiting for the shuttle to take us there, I took some pictures of the hotel.

The shuttle ride was absolutely horrendous, it was so busy. We decided we would first go to Walt Disney Studios, since we wanted to ride the Tower of Terror first. We arrived at Walt Disney Studios at exactly 10 o'clock and we were greeted by the lovely Studio 1 and blue skies!

We headed for the Tower of Terror straight away. We queued for about 30 minutes , which wasn't too bad. I absolutely love the Tower of Terror. It's safe to say it's my favorite ride of the whole resort. You just can't help but smile when you ride it!

We then decided it was time for a quick snack and something to drink. We sat down at the Blockbuster Café. I always love the ice tea at Disneyland.

After that I went to ride the Rock N Rollercoaster all by myself, while my mother waited in the sun. Queue time was short, it was about 15 minutes!

We walked through Toy Story Playland and peeked over the fence to see how the Ratatouille ride was coming along.

Since we never rode Crush's Coaster before (I know, that's bad) we decided we should just queue up for it. The waiting time was 100 minutes, but we queued for about an hour. This is the 11th time I went to Disneyland and I'm sad to say that while queueing I saw a rat for the first time in Disneyland (and pretty much anywhere). The rat was actually quite cute, and we quickly decided it was Remy from Ratatouille.

I really liked Crush's Coaster. Although I found it quite short. It's a shame it's capacity is too low for fastpasses...

It was quite busy in the parks so we decided to go to Disneyland Park!

Stay tuned for part two!


Nice trip report and great pictures. It seems you had really good weather, dining outside. :D
Awaiting the second part!


Thanks for your trip report. It's always nice to read one with pictures, so bring on the second part.


The crowds were still busy, but the Disneyland Hotel never fails to amaze me! It's so beautiful! I've stayed here three times, but I was really young so I can't really remember a lot from it. But it's still a pretty sight.

We quickly entered the park. The freshly painted Main Street Station was looking beautiful! I first wasn't a fan of the gold, but after seeing it 'live' I really liked it!

We decided it was time for lunch and ate a delicious hotdog at Casey's Corner. Sadly, I forget to take a picture of it, it was too delicious lol.

We then walked through the castle towards Fantasyland and then straight into Adventureland to ride Pirates of the Caribbean.

The freshly painted castle was looking beautiful!

The queue for Pirates of the Caribbean was quite long compared to other times. It was also quite hot waiting in the sun. But nevertheless, I really enjoyed it.

We then checked out some shops in Adventureland and Frontierland as well. Big Thunder Mountain was closed. I wanted to ride Phantom Manor, but after seeing the big queue I changed my mind.

The sun was really bright so it was hard to take good pictures sometimes lol.

After walking through the cave underneath the castle were Malificent resides, we checked out some more shops in Fantasyland (addicted) ! I failed to take a good picture of the dragon though :(

The boutiques in the castle were looking really cute, especially the christmas one.

After that, it was time for dinner!

Part III will be up soon!


Nice report :-)
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California

Good report and great pictures - makes me even more excited for my return this summer :)

Keep 'em coming!

Please visit my DLP website:

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]


We decided to have dinner at our usual spot: Au Chalet de Marionette. We always eat here at least once on our trip! It's also never really busy, so that's nice. I had a cheeseburger and my mom had a roast chicken, which were both very nice.

After that we walked around Fantasyland some more and went inside Alice's Curious Labyrinth. It had been completely refurbed and it looked lovely

We also rode It's A Small World and then headed for Discoveryland! I really wanted to go and ride Buzz Lightyear's Laser Blast.

We waited for an hour to ride it, and when it was finally our turn the ride stopped. We had been inside the ride for like 2 minutes and it stopped. But I thought, it does did more often. So I kept on shooting and had a really large score, but then out of nowhere they had reset all the vehicles, thus my score was gone :( But then after 20 minutes of waiting, nothing happened. Than the lights came on and we had to be evacuated out of the attraction! :( But the sad part is, we didn't even know why, and we didn't get anything (like a fastpass) in return. So we basically lost almost two hours :(

Well, anyway, after that we bought a lightsaber for my brother and decided to call it a day. It was getting late. I still took some photos of Main Street USA.

I took some shots of Walt Disney Studios, Disneyland Hotel and Disney Village. We quickly went inside Disney Village to shop a little bit more, but the shops were just way too busy.

We took the shuttle back to the hotel and called it a day, we were both very tired!


I'm sorry to hear about your Buzz Lightyear experience, but that's the Disneyland Paris way of guest treatment. Something similar happened to us at WDW, but we got a bottle of coke and a fastpass for another ride.

Your castle ictures are great.


The following day we had breakfast at 7. It wasn't busy at all. They had a lot of really tasty rolls and croissant. Only the orange juice didn't really had any taste, lol.

After that we immediately headed towards the park, but it was only half past 8, so we had to wait for the parks to opened. I wanted to check out the shops in Disney Village, but it turned out the would open at 9, so we went to Starbucks to kill the time.

After that the shops had opened and it was time for some shopping! There was almost no one in the shops, so it was a lot more relaxed than the night before.

After some shopping the parks had opened and we went to WDS again. The sky was still looking lovely and blue!

We rode the Tower of Terror, twice! :D and then went to Rock N Rollercoaster again, but for some reason it was closed.

We then walked around the park one more time, taking more pictures. We did everything we wanted to do in WDS already so we headed for DLP to take some more pictures and ride Star Tours. The crowds were still very busy!

One our way over the other park we also spotted Buzz Lightyear, Sully and Minnie Mouse!


What a lovely report!

We were there at exactly the same time as you although we were at Santa Fe.
Funny thing is, a lot of our 'Studios' photographs are almost identical to yours so I bet we walked past eachother, even the people in the Minnie photograph are the same! :)

We missed Buzz Lightyear tho  :?

Glad you had a lovely time x
Past Visits
March 25th-28th 2012 - Santa Fe
Planned Visits
November 8th-11th 2012 - Santa Fe



Quote from: "CherryPie"What a lovely report!

We were there at exactly the same time as you although we were at Santa Fe.
Funny thing is, a lot of our 'Studios' photographs are almost identical to yours so I bet we walked past eachother, even the people in the Minnie photograph are the same! :)

We missed Buzz Lightyear tho  :?

Glad you had a lovely time x

Wow, that is funny! It's a small world after all! I shall upload my final part soon, I didn't had the time to upload it


Really fun to read report  =D>   Loved the photos, some great vivid colours :thumbs:
