Space mountain 1 or 2?

Started by mary, August 02, 2011, 09:31:49 PM

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Can anyone describe what the difference is between SM 1 and 2?  And what are the preferences - is it improved or was it better before the change?  As most of it is in darkness, it it possible to see the changes, or is it just the experience of different movements that can be felt ?


Space Mountain 1 had a Jules Verne theme, based on "From the Earth to the Moon". The idea was that you were being shot from a canon into outer space towards the moon.

In Mission 2, the story was changed so that riders are travelling to see a supernova explosion instead. A lot of fans don't like the new version, because it removes the Jules Verne theme, so it no longer firsts with Discoveryland's retro-futuristic theme. Also, apparently the effects inside the ride look worse in Mission 2.

I've never ridden on Space Mountain (I always feel sick on the more extreme rides like SM and ToT :oops: ), but even I think that the first version is better. I prefer the soundtrack as well, but I guess it has a lot to do with nostalgia as well.

There was a good remake of both the rides in a computer game. It shows most of the differences between the two. :)

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It was much much much much much much much much much better before the change.
In this years space mountain was one of my favorite rides at DLP.  The Music, the thrill, the theme, the decoration everything was better. Now it´s something that I don´t need for a special trip.
Hope they bring back jule verne to discoveryland and space mountain one day.  [-o<
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

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I never experienced Space Mountain (both M1 and M2), but according to the soundtracks for both rides I prefer the first version. The ambiance was MUCH better and it made sense to be in Discoveryland (just like the Visionarium, which is, strangely enough, gone too... :?)

Compare the soundtracks for yourself:
[size=120]"Most men, they\'ll tell you a story straight through. It won\'t be complicated, but it won\'t be interesting either."[/size]

[size=120] - twitter - youtube[/size]


The thing is, Mission 2 actually brought some positive improvements:

• Smarter, metallic-looking trains (no more UV paint)
• Lower launch position in the Cannon
• LED lighting effects in the Cannon
• Stars inside the mountain
• Red re-entry lighting effect at the end of the ride

So, I'd like to keep most of Mission 2. But I'd like the original story to return, the original Steve Bramson soundtrack, the original attraction poster, and some of the Jules Verne-y set pieces inside the mountain.


The track itself never changed, its the same ride with different effects. Alan summed it up best I think and I think he's hit it on the head about De La Terre a La Lune returning.


I miss the viewing gallery that they used to have. It would be nice if that was back too, but they changed it for different reasons; because it became the fastpass entrance.
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The viewing gallery? Yeah, that was officially called the Stellar Way. It was really magical being able to look out into "space" and see the trains looping and whooshing by like ribbons in the sky. And the audio in there was so inspiring, with various soundtracks by James Horner clashing in a discordant yet beautiful way.

However, there's one thing about the Stellar Way that I didn't like. In terms of story, it didn't make any sense. The first thing you did when you entered the attraction was walk through space. Then you got into a train, got loaded into a cannon, and got fired into space. So, it always made me think, if you can just walk into space, what's the point of the Columbiad Cannon?

So, I kind of like what they did with Mission 2, covering up the windows of the Stellar Way, so that it just looks like a regular corridor. But, there's no magic anymore. The original music should definitely return :-)



Wow, thanks! I only ever went into the stellar way once when I was about 5 or 6 years old. I really wish I went in there more, because I've got very little memory of it. :(
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Quote from: "Alan"But, there's no magic anymore.

Signed. As I wrote in the other SM-Thread: De la terre à la lune was the centrepiece of an area with a great theme. But with Mission 2, the magic is gone and the ride has become only one of many rollercoasters with a poor space theme. Before it was unique.

But I have to admit, I never thought about the fact that walking through space in the queue didn't make any sense, but of course you are absolutely right. But as was already proposed above, why not bring back the old ride, but with the improvements of the new version (even if I would say there weren't too many of them...).
I guess everything would be better than the status quo...It hurts to see the leftovers of De la terre à la lune like the canons of the Baltimore Gun Club in the queue or the Columbiad Canon, but the atmosphere has vanished into outer space...
Secure all cargo, all passengers aboard!


Bring back the moon!


I definately prefer Space Monutain -de la terre a la lune and the wonderful music score!!! It was just perfect theming and a specific atmosphere which is unfortunately gone :-( I also loved the stellar way. Even it didn't make sense. But it was so interesting and special to look into the attraction! iIalso liked to wait in line on that "balcony". So you could watch people boarding the trains which let the time pass by faster. But it's not used anymore due to Fast pass...
 Why did they change it anyway??? Could there be a chance to switch it back? They did it with Indiana Jones... Let's get fingers crossed!


Yes, I remember walking around on the mezzanine in the Space Mountain station. It really gave you a chance to appreciate the design and architecture of that area, while getting caught up in the excitement of guests boarding the trains. The way the queue is routed now, you get very little time in the station, which is a shame.

Anyway, have you ever wondered what it would be like to ride Space Mountain in Paris, with a glass/clear roof? Well, check out this amazing recreation in NoLimits Roller Coaster Simulator. It reveals all the mysteries of the track, and Steve Bramson's original score syncs almost perfectly.



I thought the Stellar Way was spectacular. It was otherworldly. It made people stop their conversations and look around in wonder. I even remember the smell, which comes with the association of great excitement, both for the cinematic effects and the knowledge that my stomach was about to get turned upside down. It leveled the Pirates of the Caribbean queue in terms of atmosphere. Compare to this epic belly-tingling prelude the experience of FastPassing your way into the current Space Mountain. Depressing, isn't it.


Well, Fastpass has its advantages and disadvantages...Of course, your waiting time is reduced, but in the most cases you miss all of the pre-ride atmosphere...BTM, Indiana Jones, Star Tours, all of them have great queues which make the rides even more special. A friend of mine also told me that when he was at DLP, they opened a door in the POTC queue so you could get to the boats faster - but the impression of walking deep into a ancient pirate castle disappeared...Many queues at DLP are really great, so if you do not have to wait much longer without a Fastpass, often the case in off-seasons, I would always chose the normal queue.

But to come back to Space Mountain: The fact that the stellar way didn't make too much sense does not mean it wasn't spectacular...In my eyes the SM queue was always some kind of boring, without the stellar way this fact even increased in my eyes...
Secure all cargo, all passengers aboard!


Bring back the moon!


I wouldn't say the BTM queue is very interesting, though. The bit on the outside is fun, but after that, you're trapped in a shack with wooden walls and a few occasional objects to look at.
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