The Future of Disneyland Paris

Started by dagobert, June 09, 2011, 03:18:51 PM

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Why nice try? those rumors got puplic in 2008, all the american forums were full of it, just here were nothing to read about... sorry but michael eisner warned roy disney about bob iger! and iger was not the right person in roy disneys eyes, but he had no chance to give him the ceo, because of the shareholders and investors.

do i believe those rumors? no i don´t, but they also don´t sound good. The fact is, we still can dream of better quality, because it won´t happen. Lets see if Ratatoille (if getting greenlit) will have some major cut backs! I also read a post from an CM of WDW that mrs. crofton is an evil. The accidents on the monorail ect. would not happend if the money for the maintenance were given, but all they got is a big NO from her, and this will also be the future of DLP...


WDW is very poor quality now thanks to over her head Meg. DLP is about to take a further slip into the gutter. If maintenance is already terrible at WDW (it was on our last trip, worse than DLP in some cases), and DLP is an embarrassment, watch this space.

The future is bleak, not bright. But if the rumour of a sale is right, then there may be a huge change anyway.

Sorry Ed, once again I think you are way off base. Meg has really trashed WDW over the years including being responsible for deaths of cast members on her watch, diminishing returns on retail, very poor maintanence on attractions, and cut backs in entertainment, and that is a resort that is the so called most visited in the world with what has been healthy ROI.

Meg was one of Rasulo's cronies, and she is bound to screw this one up....anyone want to buy a Marriott Villa, I might do you a deal and throw my pin collection into the mix :)
since 2001 (many before that)


Just look at the History of her, she got president of WDW in 2006 and the Yeti on expedition everest broke in 2007 so it didnt got fixed till today... in my eyes this is what will happen in DLP too. She and Mr. Gas will be the evils who can destroy DLP in a very bad way...

I don´t know but somehow i realy miss the Eisner and Wells era!!!


And how would they "destroy DLP in a very bad way" exactly?

Trying to cut costs and increase revenue isn't anything new, DLP have been doing that since it opened.

As for Disney selling their parks? I don't believe it for a minute..


You have the answer in your question... Cut costs!!
Cutting costs in a company is something totaly normal. I also have to do it in my own company.
but if the Cost cutting hurts maintenance, food and lives of people than its not okay anymore. Sorry but i don´t
get it how anyone can say its not bad! You know that this person have serveral accident on her list just because she didnt
spend money in maintenance just because of cutting cost!

Cant wait to see, once upon a dream parade in 10 years, paintet all over and get a new name, so we have a new parade, fantillusion will be there forever... nice future i argee!!


Quote from: "lil-shawn"if the Cost cutting hurts maintenance, food and lives of people than its not okay anymore!

So where would it be OK to cut costs? Saving money is a fact of business life, so budgets have to be managed and priorities have to be set. Don't do that and you are bankrupt. And I'm assuming you'd rather that didn't happen, although it's a bit hard to tell sometimes.

Seems like some of you are almost looking forward to a disaster...?


No am not looking for a disaster. Right cuts have to be made, i know this for myself, i need to do this every month for my company, but am always watch out for my workers, and try to get the quality for my customer as high as possible. All machines are in top conditions just to play the safty card for my workers. sorry but cut backs are okay just do it wisely!


Quote from: "lil-shawn"No am not looking for a disaster. Right cuts have to be made, i know this for myself, i need to do this every month for my company, but am always watch out for my workers, and try to get the quality for my customer as high as possible. All machines are in top conditions just to play the safty card for my workers. sorry but cut backs are okay just do it wisely!

Uh-huh. But I'm pretty sure that Disney management would say that IS what they were doing. You might not agree, but you are not part of the team, you don't see the figures and you don't know the targets.


I never wanted to be someone of the Team, i don´t Like Igner and his Brainwash thinking! Sure they do Cut Cost, but they should be done at Entertainment, or at some other areas but not on maintenance or Food!

QuoteAs for Disney selling their parks? I don't believe it for a minute..

In a business kind of thinking, of making more profit without spending any money, like Iger does it,
i think its more plaussible than the building of Ratatouille Attraction.
The Parks costs Disney a lot of money every year, if they would sell it to someone else they can earn a lot of money for the licence and don´t have to bother to spend money on maintenance at all.

is it Possible they do it? i say yes it is,  and do i believe it? no i don´t but i realy don´t like the fact they have it maybe in mind!

Guys don´t think just because its Disney, everything in the Company is okay, we all don´t realy know whats going on behind the doors, an if am honest i realy don´t wanna know at te moment!


You think Iger doesn't spend money on parks? He's spending a billion dollars on DCA and the park is looking very good now. Let's give him credit for that. The WDC also have two new cruise ships in service, but some fans choose to focus on some broken AAs at WDW, and when we look at the expansion of Fantasyland at the MK, we can see money is being invested in WDW. I'm sure owning a resort the size of WDW, brings some big challenges concerning maintenance. We all think maintenance is important.
Ed & David


one question, why does everyone have such a negative view on this new management thing? i've never been to wdw, but i understand that the size of it is beyond comprehension. i think people are being a bit harsh towards her. what if someone says "ok, we're gonna give you this amount of money to look after 4 theme parks, 2 water parks, hundreds of shops and restaurants, over 20 hotels, directly and indirectly over 1000 staff, and you need to keep making us a profit, and because this is a business, if you don't create more profit, then we'll fire you". will your prioritis be on a couple of broken things?

also, we need to remember that in 2008, it was the worst part of the economic downturn, so of course there would be rumours going round about selling off assets, but if this was happening, then why would they spend 1 billion dollars in california?


But this is not how business works... WDW is making a lot of money every month, this money is for the Paychecks, buying new food, merch, electricity ect. ect. with the rest of the money they have, it needs to get used for rfurbs or for maintenance, but she isn´t going to use it for such thinks, she holds the money back for the end of the year, to show, lthat WDW was making lets say $1 billion win. i wouldn´t say anything if they would say "okay lets hold the money back for the rest of the year, and after the end results we spend some of it for maintenance or refurbs. but she dosent do it like it should be to garante the safty for the CMs and guests. On the other hand she isn´t to blame for everything, she worked under Al Weiss, if he said no she has to say no too, but Mr Staggs and Mr. iger wouldn´t promote her if she would change now the status quo of Al Weiss thinking.

Sure it is better for the stockholders and banks. Money for new Attractions ect. is comming from Burbank so WDW don´t have to bay it, and if they do its a repay of the new attractions in a monthy basis or at the end of the year. As i said, the new Star Tours 2 got a very big Cut in costs, and also the Fantasyland Expanion, also both were forced to Team Disney Orlando, if Burbank wouldn´t had did it, Mrs. Crofton wouldn´t brought it to WDW!

With Selling the Parks it´s a bit different, I Don´t believe it but its also nothing good. First Mr. Satggs and Mr. Iger were seen in WDW with a Saudi Prince and with a Chinese Investor. Right maybe they got a special preview of the Parks, but why did the Board Visit the Parks at the same Time? they never Visit the Parks if there is no Change.
Just remember back wit the Blackstone group (Universal) They wanted to sell the Parks, so they added a few new things, when it got puplic they wanna sell the Universal Parks, they didn´t add anything new in years, after 5 Years they decided not to sell them anymore and since then they added WWOHP, Rip Ride Rockit and much more...
Also Disney Sold the Disney Stores around the world for a big amount of money, the group who was the new owner did let the Stores run down so Disney bought it back with lees money, so it was a win win situation for the Disney Company.
Thats how business works, so if they wanna sel them they could do it, but they also know if they would do it, its not good at all for the stocks!

Also interessting is, that TWDC and OLC did Talked about the CEOs of the Asian parks, the talk is that OLC will get them so they have some influence on the Asian parks, because the chinese law forbit it that OLC is running the Parks, but in this Case they can.. but if this is true or like the other thing just speculation, i realy don´t know... But its very interesting to read about it on other boards!!!


Disney haven't said that they want to sell their parks which is the point. Why would Disney want to sell Disneyland in California to the Chinese?  Disney are building parks in China anyway, and Chinese companies are being set up to  run and invest in those parks. The Disney Company talks to goverments and investors all over the world. It doesn't mean that Disney want to sell Disneyland to a Saudi Prince. As you said at the end of your post "I really don't know", to me it sounds like make believe, and I'll believe it when I see it.
Ed & David


Who was talking about Disneyland in California? And i also didn´t say i believe it, but it is possible, not that they would do it at all. Its just something good to have a disscusion about it, but now i see that this Forum is not ready for such disscusions!


lil shawn, there is an excellent discussion about this on Laughing Place, the best site for Disney business discussions. And there is the possibility of a sale. Just like some people do up their houses before selling, or there is the case of the WWOHP before Blackstone sold Universal too.
since 2001 (many before that)