Last Day (6) at DLP with the Baloos

Started by davewasbaloo, September 01, 2008, 12:57:47 AM

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Overall we had an awesome time. There were somethings that need improving, and other things that are almost as good as opening day. The resort was so busy, and yet pleasant, and it fills me with hope for the future.

On our last morning, we got up early, packed and went to breakfast. We enjoyed an extramagic hour and basically said our good byes. Due to timings we couldn't fit everything in we wanted (missing the Tram Tour, Rock n Roller Coaster, Armageddon, the Lion King, and the Nautilus). I really wish they had EMH at the WDSP and that the Lion King did not have dark days (also why is the Nuatilus running such short hours, makes me nervous for it's future). We decided not to do the Labrynth, prefering to see it post refurb (though the leapfrog fountains were working).

We had some lucky moments meeting Cinderella with no queue, same for Goofy, and also enjoying a band concert before going to lunch.

We had an enjoyable meal with the uKFAN posse (cannot wait to read their trip report of the last days of the summer season).  And headed off home. a quick stop off at the Hypermarket, and some good deals on cases of wine at the terminal, 8 hours later, we arrived home wanting to book our next advenutre to DLP.

Overall we were very impressed as DLP was the closest to Disneyland standards in years, and reconfirmed we will not be heading back to WDW for a while.

I just would like to see a return to greatness for the HNY, and the shopping, a standardisation of hours, and a continuation of live non character entertainment and I will be happy. But the resort is doing very well, the new additions are great quality, and I am cautiously optimistic.

Now, must find a way to get there for the Halloween and Christmas celebrations.

Pics: ... leid=en_GB
since 2001 (many before that)


Fantastic trip report. I'm glad you had a great time and excellent photos.  =D>

Makes me miss DLRP even more.

From the mansion on the hill
Shrieks of laughter break the still
Ghoulish figures start to wake
Makes your knees begin to quake

DLRP - We\'ve been there one or two times .....


Thanks for taking the time to read and respond. I really need to find a way to get back.
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Thanks for taking the time to read and respond. I really need to find a way to get back.

They'll be opening rehab clinics for us disney nuts soon!

Great trip report. Just finished reading them today. I agree that it is annoying when guests climb onto the grass area near the castle. 1. it ruins your photos and 2 it ruins the forced perspective.

What setting was your camera on for the dark ride shots (ie small world)?


Quote from: "Alpop"
Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Thanks for taking the time to read and respond. I really need to find a way to get back.

They'll be opening rehab clinics for us disney nuts soon!

Great trip report. Just finished reading them today. I agree that it is annoying when guests climb onto the grass area near the castle. 1. it ruins your photos and 2 it ruins the forced perspective.

What setting was your camera on for the dark ride shots (ie small world)?

Or during parades and fireworks when the cast member tells them to get off the grass and they then try to get in your spot that you were holding for 90 mins grrrrrr.

As for the setting, I had it on one called "natural" that does not use the flash.
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Now, must find a way to get there for the Halloween and Christmas celebrations.

I too am trying to work out how to get there for Christmas and the St.David's festival next March.......and still have my normal summer break there :-k

Anyhow, glad you had a great time and thanks for sharing your holiday with us =D>

Epcot_Boy :ears:



Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Or during parades and fireworks when the cast member tells them to get off the grass and they then try to get in your spot that you were holding for 90 mins grrrrrr.
Yeah, or when it's your JOB to tell them to get off the grass :cry: over and over and over waaaaaaah :cry:


You'd think there would be more common sense around (like "if I have to climb over a fence or rope, chances are I shouldn't be here...)but. NOT really.


it's such a shame people do that! i love to see seople stand in a line to when caracters come out, if thye had the chance they would like to act like a sworm of bees!!!!

in wdw the people wait in a straight line, and don't you dair go first when it's not you'r turn!!!! :evil:  :evil: and they hole down you'r spot nicly when you have to ga potty :P ore some other tings you have to do all of a sudden.

i think it's just the mentallity of the people! that is in every country different :?


Quote from: "daisylovesdisney"it's such a shame people do that! i love to see seople stand in a line to when caracters come out, if thye had the chance they would like to act like a sworm of bees!!!!

in wdw the people wait in a straight line, and don't you dair go first when it's not you'r turn!!!! :evil:  :evil: and they hole down you'r spot nicly when you have to ga potty :P ore some other tings you have to do all of a sudden.

i think it's just the mentallity of the people! that is in every country different :?
It is the attitude of the people where you are, but it is also the way things are run as well... I think Americans in general are very into waiting their turn, it is very important here to people... But it's also the fact that every character has an attendant in Florida and California so if someone jumps the line, etc, they are told to leave, get back in line, etc

In Paris there is no system so people kinda panic like, well if I don't jump in front of them everyone will jump in front of me and I'll never get up there, etc. If Paris would just give some attendants to every character it would transform the feel of a lot of that park. But as I was told directly by a manager at that park, "it is different, customer service here than in America"... in other words less important to the company that runs DLPR :/


that really is a shame then, becouse like you said it could have a whole other feel to it! i think whaiting in line for a caracter is ok, and i love to here all the kids story's in the line, but when the caracter express comes out everybody just jumps to the caracter nomather what the attendend sais to them! i once waited for like 10 min to get my picture taken with daisy, and becouse of all the rude poeple she had to go early, just as i was going to take my picture, it really bummed me out!!!!


Fantastic report, when I looked at your photos I recognised you!! We were there at the same time, sadly only for 2 days but throughout our visit we seemed to spot you everywhere we went!!   I think it was the Ears and the Buzz/Cinderella costumes which made you stand out!


Great report and loved the photos, seemed like you had a great time! your kids are beautiful, they look so alike! I think it's fantastic they get on so well and really love the way they hug each other and have some very memorable photos of their childhood taken on this holiday alone!! You all look like you had a great time! The photos of the food have definately made me hungry lol!You are definately a big adventure isle fan, so many pics of it and of things i have never seen before, so that was great! Hope you get to go again for the halloween and christmas celebrations like you want:)

Aveen x
Luv Aveen xoxo


Thanks for the reports, fantastic photos and loved the story about Patrick, that's just so sweet. Also loved the first couple of pictures from the fifth day where your kids are holding hands, it's one of cutest things I've ever seen!

edit: Remind them of that moment when they argue as teens!
Jan 2002- Cheyenne,
Nov 2004- Santa Fe,
July 2005- Santa Fe,
March 2007- Cheyenne,
Sept 2007- Cheyenne,
Oct 2008- HNY,
Jan 2010- Santa Fe,
Sept/Oct 2013- Cheyenne (Alice's first trip),
Feb 2015- DLH (Isaac's first trip and Alice's birthday trip)
June 2016- Sequoia Lodge


Quote from: "squiggle"Fantastic report, when I looked at your photos I recognised you!! We were there at the same time, sadly only for 2 days but throughout our visit we seemed to spot you everywhere we went!!   I think it was the Ears and the Buzz/Cinderella costumes which made you stand out!

How cool!  If you see us next time, please be sure to say hi!

Thanks for all the positive feedback folks.
since 2001 (many before that)


Just read all of your trip reports and I must see, really loved them all!  :)

Your pictures really showed what a great atmosphere Disney has, even in dull, gray days! I specificly loved this (click) picture of your daughter with Cinderella. A true cute magic moment!  :D

Thanks for all the great reports and hope you can enjoy Christmas and/or Halloween at DLRP! (And I hope I can read more of these great trip reports!)  =D>

[size=85]September 15th - September 19th 2008; Sequoia Lodge (click for photo\'s and trip report!)
December 15th - December 18th 2008; Davy Crocket Ranch[/size]