Big Thunder Mountain incident? - Thu 21 Feb

Started by Anthony, February 25, 2008, 12:24:30 AM

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Via The Disney Blog and Mousekingdom Blog, it sounds like 'something' happened at Big Thunder Mountain last Thursday. Emergency crews were spotted attending to someone on the mountain, and the attraction was closed the rest of the day...


Can't quite tell whether it's a cast member, but the fact he's lying there and in that position seems strange if not. BTM reopened the next morning, so it can't have been anything to do with the ride at least.

Anyone know more?


Here's my theory: BTM broke down, cast members go to the trains in the attraction to evacuate guests, this cast member slipped and hurt himself and was helped by DLRP's fire department out of the attraction.

Hope he'll be ok!


I thought he'd probably slipped too, weather doesn't look too good.

Hope he's recovering well either way.


isn't that the bit where you go round and then down to the photo point ?

it more than likely wouldn't be a CM since they clip them selves on with harnesses, and i dont think there is any access points there ? nearest one would be photo and then the 2nd chain hill

Either way... hope they are ok, will they release information or not ?
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


Oh God, that doesn't look well :(! Poor guy, really would like to now what and how could have happened there... I hope he's okay right now!

Do you post any news you have here?
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


Is that the part of the ride just before the final the tunnel?

If it is, I think it a strange place to get injured. I mean, what were they doing there? Or is that the route that the CM's take to get to get to the trains when the ride has broken down?

Whatever happened, I hope they're okay.

The Butlin Boy

I would have thought Raptor's theory was correct, I can't see it being anything else. I hope he has a speedy recovery.


:shock: That doesn't look good at all. I hope s/he's OK!


I see another Cast Member holding his/her head. Here's hoping the Cast Member in question is ok and makes a speedy recovery.


Quote from: "RnRCj"Is that the part of the ride just before the final the tunnel?

If it is, I think it a strange place to get injured. I mean, what were they doing there? Or is that the route that the CM's take to get to get to the trains when the ride has broken down?

Yes it is just before you enter the tunnel back to the station!

Yes I think its the route they have to go to evacuate the ride. In summer when I was in a train the ride stopped on the third hill. The CMs came from the direction in wich the CM on the photo is lying!

I don't think that we get more information about this accident....



Is the guy a live? Looks like they might think he broke his neck, or something. More info please


From the way he's having his head held, it looks as if it's a back/neck injury, possibly from slipping and falling over as has previously been mentioned in this thread.

Can't imaging it being anything life threatening.


Dont over do it guys, as a qualified first aider I can tell you that any serious fall means the head/neck is imobilsed just in case. It may only be a precaution
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To answer your concerned questions:
It was a CM who slipped; not a guy but a girl, though. She's fine and apparantly was back at work a few days after the incident.

Oh, and it's neither part of an evacuation route nor of the route to get to the trains when the ride has broken down (there are shortcuts for those), but the route all along the track taken to start up the ride after breakdowns.
David G. Ravenswood
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Quote from: "DGRavenswood"To answer your concerned questions:
It was a CM who slipped; not a guy but a girl, though. She's fine and apparantly was back at work a few days after the incident.

Oh, and it's neither part of an evacuation route nor of the route to get to the trains when the ride has broken down (there are shortcuts for those), but the route all along the track taken to start up the ride after breakdowns.

Good to hear that everything is ok!

Thank you very much for clarifying that and even more for joining the forum to do so!