Meal Vouchers

Started by TJBezz, November 21, 2017, 10:26:39 AM

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Can anyone be so kind and explain the meal vouchers to me?
what are they exactly and how to use them?
we've been many times but never got them


They can only be obtained, AFAIK, only by those who stay at the Disney hotels. The voucher is just a prepaid ticket for a meal in certain restaurants. On the vouchers it says in which restaurants you can use them, either for lunch of dinner. You can use them in other restaurants that aren't stated on the vouchers but you have to pay for the difference between your vouchers' worth and the menu you choose.
The only 2 advantages of the vouchers over just going to the restaurant and order a menu is 1)having the meal already prepaid and don't have to worry with how much you're spending and 2) the meal voucher is worth always a bit less than normal menu price so you may be saving a bit of money vs. just going to the restaurant and order a menu (haven't done the math).


So if we opt for half board, breakfast is still included in the hotel package?


Quote from: TJBezz on November 21, 2017, 04:56:16 PM
So if we opt for half board, breakfast is still included in the hotel package?
Yes but if it's a paid half-board, you get hotel breakfast. If it's free half-board, you get a quick counter-service breakfast at Hyperion. If you got the free half board, you can pay a bit more and have breakfast at the hotel but it depends on how crowded it is (ie, they can turn you away).

Jules Verne

I have a half board meal plan but i get a breakfast at the GF with my booking so for the voucher that I would of used for breakfast can i use that for some thing like a counter service restaurant meal ?


polar vixen

My understanding was that if paying for gf you dont still get the  'additional' voucher for breakfast although i can understand where youre coming from as it seems like youre paying for breakfast twice. So id be interested in the answer to this one!


Quote from: Jules Verne on November 24, 2017, 11:21:37 PM
I have a half board meal plan but i get a breakfast at the GF with my booking so for the voucher that I would of used for breakfast can i use that for some thing like a counter service restaurant meal ?


You don't get a breakfast voucher if you have booked GF. I was wondering about paying double for breakfast too when I booked GF last year. So I make a pretend booking for a normal room at SL where I added a meal plan, to compare prices.
The meal plan was cheaper for my GF booking than it was for my normal room booking. So I guess they only let you pay for your diner/lunch vouchers if you already have breakfast in a club level.

Disney is very strikt with where you van use your vouchers and what you get. So be careful with that. You cant use one voucher for 2 cheaper meals or use a voucher in a non Disney owned restaurant. You can however use a voucher at face value for a more expensive meal (but is has to be a 3 cours meal with a drink)
So if you want to eat at the restaurants they list, and maybe splurge on one that is more expensive then they are great. But if you want to be more flexible and have more options I wouldn't pay for them.
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