Tips for fussy child?

Started by Vicky1705, February 10, 2017, 10:34:47 PM

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Hi, I have some particularly fussy eaters!  I'm guessing buffets would be our best option but what kind of food do buffets serve?  Anywhere that does simple sausage and chips, chicken nuggets etc?  Would like to try planet Hollywood and Annette's too, how are restaurants with making small adjustments, like a plain burger with no cheese or salad? Don't want to cause them hassle but there's no way my son will eat a cheese burger or any kind of sauce!
Any tips gratefully recieved!

polar vixen

We found Billy bobs to have the best child friendly buffet. Had chicken nuggets and plain pasta, bread rolls etc and plenty of child friendly desserts. Plaza garden seat and restaurant des stars were hothouse nice but not great for fussy kids. Mine ended up just having fruit when we went there as almost everything else was in sauce. As long as you get a server who speaks decent English most of the burger places will adapt  the menu and remove sauces etc but it is an important thing to find someone who understands you.


I second polar vixen, my fussy kids also ate well at Billy Bobs but struggled in Plaza Gardens.

If by some slim chance you're staying at Davy Crockett, the buffet there is amazing.  My kids favourite as well as mine and hubby's!

We didn't have any trouble getting plain burgers for my kids from the counter service restaurants either.  Just learn the French for 'no sauce' or 'without sauce' before you go just in case.


That's great advice thank you!  And yes we are staying at Davy Crockett!


Buffet at Davy Crockett is my kids favourite as well lots of plain Jane food for fussy eaters  :)