Meal Plans - Help

Started by tlbe82, October 12, 2016, 12:31:12 PM

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Good Morning,

I am sorry, I know this has already been asked - however, I am booked for 4 nights in Feb next year, as a surprise for my 6 year old daughter - so excited!

I am booked at Cheyenne on B & B - and am now looking at meals. Do you think it is worth adding a meal plan? I would probably add half board for us - do you feel this is worth the price? We are not massive eaters, and will probably have a big brekkie early in the morning, to make the most of Extra Magic Hours, a light lunch (sandwich etc); and aren't fussy about dinners. I would like to do a character meal at some stage, whether café mickey or if I can save up , then the princess meal (again - opinions on whether its worth the price?)

I am just in two minds as to whether to book the package, and know we have our evening meals, or whether I am better to put that money aside?

Sorry so long winded, any advice or opinions would be appreciated.

Many thanks!


If you are not big eaters the meal plan is not worth buying.The vouchers are for three coarse meals and can only be used in Disney owned restaurants so you can,t use the best three restaurants in the village.Also if you don,t book in advance a lot of the places are busy because nearly everyone have vouchers.It is better if you choose where to eat rather than Disney forcing you to eat in one of their restaurants.

polar vixen

if you can afford it id's definitely stop auberge over cafe Mickey


I think it very much depends on your preferences.
We had a standard meal plan last time, and for us it was great.  We topped up for ADC and Cape Cod, and had the other 2 meals in standard buffet restaurants.  This was great for us (2 adults with a big appetite, but different preferences, and 2 very fussy children who could fill up on the stuff they would eat!), but obviously it doesn't work for everyone.
We found that, by carrying light snacks, we didn't need to buy any lunch - we bought one counter service meal between the four of us to warm up one afternoon and that was it.

I'm hoping to add a meal plan to our upcoming visit in May/June... but I'll have to wait and see what options there are with the changes to breakfast etc...