SL Golden Forest room VS. Hotel New York

Started by Dan80, August 15, 2014, 04:17:56 PM

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At the moment we are trying to book a stay in DLRP for November 2014 during the Christmas period.
Now we are facing a problem: Which hotel or room do we take....

In the past we stayed in SL and SF several times. In the last few years we stayed in SF, which is OK, but, in my opinion, misses that last final magical touch of Disney. So, therefore we are looking at SL Golden Forest or Hotel New York.

The reason that we are looking for NY is that some people on this forum say that for the same price as a Golden Forest room you can also check into NY. But, in other topics I read that NY will be refurbished next year and that the hotel needs a make-over on paint, carpet, etc.

Now, what is the best: Choose for the refreshed SL or check into NY, which needs a refreshing next year. Is NY so bad now or is it OK.

Hopefullu some of you can help me with this "problem"....


I have no doubt that NY is still more than OK (Disney has pretty high quality standards), but since SL has been refreshed recently, a Golden Forest room there probably looks better than a normal Hotel New York room does. :D


Well I suppose it depends we were originally going to book HNY with srandard meal plan but decided to book SL with premium meal plan .... I then found out about golden forest and I rang after booking and upgraded after getting a bargain quote so upgraded!!! I think we will value more the afternoon drinks/snacks, nespresso machine in the room, fast pass each and little things like that which I value more than simply a bigger room, but think its down to personal preference!


This is the real deal breaker for me with HNY for roughly the same price you don't get a separate breakfast room, you don't get a room with a view of the lake, you don't get the lounge with free drinks and snacks etc, you won't get the VIP chocolate coin in the beds turn down service! you don't get the bell hops taking your luggage and you don't get the Hotel Fastpasses each day.

I did consider the HNY but the fact they are talking about closing it for a whole year to refurb it means I would wait until it is finished just like I'm doing with the Newport Bay.

For the moment I would definitely pick the GFC rooms in the Sequoia and if you can afford to I'd also take a lake view room!  :D