Some questions

Started by Fleurette, March 12, 2013, 10:56:09 AM

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We passed our holiday the last few years at DLP, but the last two times we had problems with our rooms. The problems began in 2011, when we stayed in Hotel New York at a standard room. It was on Halloween, when we joined the Halloweenparty and when we came back to our room, it was really late, we noticed that our room wasn´t cleaned. We reported that at the reception, they we´re friendly as well and they excused about that and promised, that this would never happen again. In fact of that we were upgradet to VIP and they controlled our room every day.

In September 2012 we were again at DLP and stayed again at New York. My brother is allergic to dust mites, and when we entered the room after our arrival, he started to sneeze. Then we noticed that the room wasn´t very clean, there were dust on the picture frame, on the lamps and even at the furniture and in the bath we founded hairs (not from us!!) on the floor and in the bath tube. And not enough, they didn´t exchanging the bed linen! Afterwards we went to the reception and informed them about our problems. They promised us that they would send somebody to clean our room. So we went to Disney Village for a few hours (unfortunately the park was closed, because we arrived late as our car had broken down) and when we came back at our room, they had cleaned it, but the dust wasn´t removed and the bed linen was also the same! So we complained again about our room. Then they told our problems the hotel manager, he came to our room and finally he helped to clean our room!!! I have never seen this before! And he agreed with us, that it should be requirement that the room is cleaned. And so they controlled our room as the year before.

Now we thinking about coming again in September this year. But we don´t want to have the same problems as the 2 years before. So we have a few options:
First: We book a suite at Hotel New York
Second: We book a standard room at the empire state floor
Third: We book a standard room at Castle Club floor

What I want to know, is there somebody that booked one of these rooms and can tell me which experience he or she made? Would be very nice if somebody could help me with this decisions!
Thanks for your answers!


i'm not convinced the rooms would necessarily be any cleaner in a suite or castle club room - its still down to the application of the cleaner of that room whether they do a good job on that day or not.

You did the right thing in the past, complaining immediately to the hotel management.

The only other thing I can think of for next time, is once you have booked your hotel room, contact the hotel by email or phone and explain that your brother is allergic to dust mites.


Many hotels are so old that they hardly renovate their furniture and other interior of the room giving a headache to the customers. Even their cleaning staff do not do the work properly. You have witnesses the same  condition twice in the rooms and i would suggest you get more info of the hotels and then only do the bookings to avoid any in convenience.


I have to agree with previous comments - I doubt the staff that clean the suites are different to those that clean the other rooms. It is possible that you were unlucky on both occasions, but you were absolutely right to complain. Book whatever room you want, but the rooms in the Santa Fe or Cheyenne, say should be cleaned to a similar standard to the Sleeping Beauty Suite in DLH - arguably they should be easier to clean as they're smaller with less amenities. As a Brit, it's not in our nature to complain but I will be striding straight down to the front desk if my room isn't clean when I arrive at HNY in June. We all accept that the rooms will suffer from wear and tear but there is a difference between "well loved" and unclean. On a side note, I was told long ago that a good way to complain in a shop is to do fairly loudly on a Saturday lunch time. For a Disney Hotel I'd guess mid morning or early afternoon work best so they try and deal with you quickly and keep you quiet.