5 day trip - First time - February 2012

Started by DLRP Roundup!, March 16, 2012, 10:51:01 PM

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DLRP Roundup!

Having been to WDW a few times before, I wanted to go see the Disney that was basically on my doorstep, coming from Scotland in the UK a trip for £780 including flights for 5 days was not to be missed!

I booked in September for February, and it came rapidly approaching, while reading up on DLP I came across this site and enjoyed reading the trip reports and looking at the pictures. I asked a few questions here and on Reddit about DLP and what it offered.

Up at 4am for a 6:30am flight at Edinburgh airport, very simple check in, pick seats and off we go, flight is on a tiny tiny Avro RJ85, but it gets to Paris in an hour and a half! Off the plane, grab the bags and onto the VEA shuttle (also included in the price!). Very disappointed to see the shuttle bus actually just a plain white bus :( driver was absolutely rubbish and due to his horrible driving technique made basically everyone on the bus sick. Was very cool to see the castle in the distance upon arrival, and the top of RC racer, however at the same time I was a bit disappointed it was so close to reality, unlike the Magic Kingdom in Orlando where you can't see the castle until your truly in Disneys grasp.

Arrival at The Cheyenne - the bus pulled up outside and I loved what I saw, it was absolutely picture perfect (just a little icy). We went inside and as we walked in Mickey was there in his gear! Was very impressed at the first site! Room was ready despite it only being 11am, so dropped the bags off and headed to the parks! (Room was very nice and much better than I expected).

We jumped on the yellow disney bus and were taken to the parks, the bus was very efficient and distance wise was probably one of the better locations to have! A bus every 8 minutes while I was timing!

The Disneyland Parc was a little bit difficult to find due to them relaying all the paths outside, but alas maintenance must continue. The Disneyland Hotel is very nice to see and the water fountains that are struggling while iced over were particularly cool.

Ticket machines were a bit odd with the horrible "welcome" tone it presents but alas through the doors and into the kingdom. I was immediately impressed, having read lots of members here complain about the parks upkeep, I was VERY impressed with Main Street and its paint work, detail and overall maintenance felt very new. I did feel Main Street was smaller than the MK one (perhaps I'm wrong?) but it was none the less very cool!

The castle looked very majestic in the background, but looked a lot smaller in real life than most of the photos that I've seen. Perhaps I was just expecting Cinderella's Castle. However its design was absolutely amazing, especially when you consider its grassy side, its moat and its bridge, it truly is a very nice castle

We went and saw the dragon, which is a VERY nice touch to the castle and definitely needs cascade to other parks, gave more personality to the castle and a bit more to do.

Over to Discoveryland and onto Space Mountain, absolutely brilliant and much better than the original, the ride enclosure is much better as well. I think anyone riding this first would be disappointed by its Florida cousin.

Star Tours was fantastic too and operationally up to capacity, I was surprised after reading around here of not very many CM's working that every ride I went on only had a 10 minute wait, and a very happy, cheery team working on it.

We wanted lunch at Pizza Planet but it seems closed, or dead or something.

Captain EO was shut, but thats no issue since personally I think its a lot of rubbish. The sub walkthrough was kinda cool but I don't think you actually walk to that sub? The path seems like it goes way too far away.

We had lunch which was very good and tasty, seemed very similar in quality to Florida too.

Onto its a small world, compared to Florida again this is just fantastic - lots of good theming including the globe at the front, feels much more at home! Was impressed by how far the castle extends into Fantasyland and is a natural part of it.

All the way through into Pirates which was ok, and Indiana felt a little cheap for a Disney park, seen follow the leader with Peter Pan, then climbed a tree ;)

Went round to Big Thunder Mountain and thought it was brilliant along with Phantom Mannor.

We waited until it got dark to see the castle in its night time glory, I was pretty disappointed by it, I really feel even with Dreams in development that DLP need to do something with this big beautiful pink castle they have. I looked at the lights and projectors already in place and really didn't feel four spot lights really did the park justice. It was nice, just not spectacular like Cinderella's rotating colours at night.

Also would MSEP or Fantillusion really kill them to run once a night? Seriously with the castle cost savings there obviously making by doing nothing with it at present, surely some form of nighttime amazingness wouldn't go a miss?

Out the park and over to WDS for the next day, Hollywood Tower Hotel was VERY good and kicks the ass of the random ride profiles of DHS, absolutely better.

I felt the Aerosmith entranceway looked cheap and fair groundish rather than the built structure that DHS has. The park felt small but overall I really liked it. Its a good sister to DHS and with a bit of work could rival DLP easily, I didn't feel it was half as bad as people made out. TSPL doesn't seem to fit but was rather quirky and I enjoyed trying new rides.

Animagique and Cinemagique were rubbish and I'd rip them out. Nothing is gained in the park with them. Indiana could have a stunt show here.

Again nothing to do at night. Fantasmic is my favourite part of WDW, so obviously was sorely missed.

Disney Village was cool, much better than Downtown Disney and I felt more relaxed, Drinks were good and everything was very well kept. Back at the Hotel there was a great little man playing his guitar while we had some drinks infront of the fire, was brilliant.

Overall the resort has a lot of good points:

Location and closeness of everything is outstanding. I really did like cutting out the 30 minute travel to get to a park, also the bus system is a credit to them. Rooms were fabulous and I really didn't think the park was underkept compared to its American cousins. Food was good and wasn't as expensive as I thought it'd be.

Downsides would be, entertainment wise the park is a total riot. For Disney I was sorely upset, the parade was rubbish and seemed half attempted. Night time entertainment doesn't exist - no fireworks, no lasers, no parade, no fire, no lights. Live entertainment is either terrible or doesn't exist.

I'll maybe go back for Dreams if I can find another great deal, overall I really did enjoy myself and I loved the time I spent there. I really think Disney will soon have a winner park on its hands, as weather aside the park is every bit as good as an American park - a Third Gate may help extend the time people spend there making it a lot more profitable.

I probably wen't for too long and hence noticed a lack of night time magic a bit too much as when your there and the park shuts, its off to dinner then bed :/
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DLRP Roundup!

Wrong forum it does seem, sorry!
The Roundup
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Thanks for your trip report. I enjoyed your positive review of maintenance ( a lot of work has been done over the last year glad you noticed it ) and WDS, although I love Cinemagique. You even say it's a good sister to DHS and could rival DLP in the future. Going in February you did miss out on Fantillusion which is only on during the Christmas season and summer.  A lot has been written about cut shows on this forum, sadly the Videopolis theatre isn't in use at the moment. Tarzan which is excellent will be back on at the Chapparal theatre in June, and you just missed out on Mickey's Winter Wonderland which was taken off early this year. A lot of work has been going on in the park in preparation for the 20th and Dreams, and this could of affected your enjoyment. But a good review for a park that gets some unfair criticism in my opinion.
Ed & David


Great trip report, it was an interesting read. I must admit I agreed with a lot of your comparisons of the US parks & DLP and your points on DLP entertainment. I tend not to visit off-season as the resort feels dead = mo live entertainment and no night-time parades/shows. Hopefully you make it back to see Dreams & experience the resort in peak-season.


Quote from: "Trekkie101"Was impressed by how far the castle extends into Fantasyland and is a natural part of it.

I've always loved this too :thumbs:

Thanks for sharing your trip with us........

and yes ;)  wrong forum :)  but never mind I'm sure Anthony will ship it to 'TR's'.
