DLP Entertainment fan meeting 02 April 2011

Started by Kristof, April 05, 2011, 12:58:33 AM

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I would be great if Disney would bring these kinds of entertainment back.

In the US we have seen a documentation about TDR on Discovery Channel or Travel Channel. There they still have such things, at least I remember a guy with a piano on a bicycle playing in the World Bazaar area of the park. The movie also showed various singers around TDS.

It would be amazing to have such things and I'm sure many adults, who are not only interested in Mickey & Co would be very happy.


These types of entertainments exist in California, Orlando, Hong Kong and Tokyo, just not Paris.
since 2001 (many before that)


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes to all of the above!

I loved the marching band they had for precisely 24 hours at the launch of the 15th Anniversary.

To me there are basically two obvious types of street entertainments at DLP (and maybe other Disney Parks): the ones which embellish a location, make you stop and appreciate your surroundings (all of the above), and then the ones which might not necessarily be bad productions, but crash into the park thinking only of themselves, making the average guest completely ignore their surroundings (Disney Dance Express) - usually only at the requirement for something "new" to push in the brochures. Some of the Magical Moments stuff really succeeds with the first - the Rhythms of the Jungle, Peter Pan and Alice moments are nice "live" additions to their lands.

Anyway, can't we lament park entertainments in one specific topic rather than every single one? Maybe even keep this discussion to Kristof's write-up of the Entertainment Q&A, if he doesn't mind that being hijacked. I might move these posts over there.


Move them where you think them best. I am just keen, that maybe we have a chance to lobby Disney to think about this as they are preparing for next year, as I am sure they are ;)

Thinking about it, that is probably the most appropriate place. I tried to keep a really open mind, afterall, last year's hub show was ok (ish) and having the Dixieland Group with Tiana last year was really great. Tarzan coming back is better than last year too. But this new campaign has me shaking my head. At least we are not stuck with it like a certain newish land in WDSP  :D
since 2001 (many before that)


Posts moved. :)

Quote from: "davewasbaloo"But this new campaign has me shaking my head.
Hmm, I quite like the idea of a series of "moments" throughout the lands, like a collection of different Sword in the Stone ceremonies. Smaller-scale things to bring the existing sets to life. I'm disappointed they didn't bring the Mary Poppins show back to Main Street this year, even if it is a few years old. That would have been perfect for one of these moments.


That is fine. As long as they mixed it up. I remember in 1992 they did this. With my own eyes I witnessed:

- MS was full of all the live music, as well as Good Morning Main Street, and the pengiuns with Burt and Mary.
- Gunfight in Frontierland, canoes of course, 3 Cabrello's, Mariachis at Fuente Del Oro, cowboy goofy, as well as the can can dancers
- In Adventureland - Capt Hook and Jungle Book meet and greets, tam tams, snake charmer, belly dancers, and fencing pirates on Adventure Isle/Pirate Ship
- Fantasyland had princesses, a tea party at March Hare refreshments and the Labrynth, Merlin ceremony
- Discoveryland had C3P0, Ewoks, Chewy, as well as a number of funky bands.

And of course characters would randomly appear. 2 parades and fireworks every night.

This was the Disney experience I knew and loved, and would adore to return.
since 2001 (many before that)


QuoteI'm glad to hear that there are no plans to replace Cinemagique, one of the best Disney attractions. I also like Animagique and I'm happy that it will stay for at least a few years.

I have to admit, I'm a bit excited that a new stage show will come to Videopolis.

Totally agree with you there. Though I'd take it one step further and say I love Animagique!


To the Entertainment fan meeting: For me the meeting seems to be a big disappointment. What have they said? Nothing new. They just wanna go on with the same kind of entertainment. They won´t juse the DLP stages. Instead they keep up octopus stage on central plaza with some BIG shows that have low budget and no interest by guests.

The wonderful cinéfolies won´t come back, no little shows....they seem to thing that they do a great job so far.

So the wonderful little entertainment that make a park seems again to have a very small part.

It´s like anthony said:

" and then the ones which might not necessarily be bad productions, but crash into the park thinking only of themselves, making the average guest completely ignore their surroundings (Disney Dance Express) - usually only at the requirement for something "new" to push in the brochures. "

It´s great if we get a wonderful little or big show out of that. But most time it´s "Dance time at discoveryland"....and NO the parisian fans didn´t thing that it was a great show!
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Did they say if Dr Facilier will be back this Halloween? lol.  (This is purely a Q for my 5 yr old)

I would love to see more musical entertainment.

I am shocked that someone would go to the Auberge and not eat, whats the point?
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Quote from: "dagobert"How did it work in the early days of DLRP to have shows in the restaurants?

In my opinion the food department shouldn't be involved anywhere except for food, because that's really bad in Paris. Disney should cut their power or replace the managers and then they should concentrate to improve the food quality. It works in all other Disney parks to have shows in restaurants, except, what a surprise, in Paris.

What lamposts on Central Plaza are you talking about? I didn't expect that the stage will be removed, nevertheless it still ruins the view on the castle.

I'm glad to hear that there are no plans to replace Cinemagique, one of the best Disney attractions. I also like Animagique and I'm happy that it will stay for at least a few years.

I have to admit, I'm a bit excited that a new stage show will come to Videopolis. I don't know how elaborate shows like "The Golden Mickeys" in HKDL and on DCL are, but I can imagine that the new show will be based on an existing show to cut the costs. Didn't Disney bring a Toy Story Musical to the new Disney ship?

Tokyo Disneyland has shows in restaurants which you can ONLY watch if you have booked a table to eat - i guess like a mini dinner show
Disneyland - 1991, 1995, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010, 2012
Walt Disney World - 1998, 2000, 2010, 2011, 2012
Tokyo Disneyland - 2008, 2011, 2012
Disneyland Paris - 1997, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2009 (March, May, Halloween & Dec), 2010 (Feb, July, Oct & Dec), 2011 (April, July & September), 2012 (March, April & July & New Years Eve) 2013 March
Hong Kong Disneyland - 2007, 2008