What excuses do you have for buying Disney merchandise?

Started by Welshfans, August 08, 2010, 09:10:59 AM

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Christmas is still a good excuse. The only time of the year when anyone anywhere is in need of kitchy ornamentation.

Frankly, the only thing I've bought all year is a white bathrobe with an acrylic bling Mickey on it, and that was only because I was forced to find a gift for my mother. I'm forever on the lookout for something nice, something that would somehow enhance my home or wardrobe, but they haven't been selling it. I still have hopes they will stock the Mickey's Coffee products again one of these days...

You can still buy decent gifts for very small children, that's true. But who's going to buy a snow globe of the castle or a colander with Mickey-shaped holes for 9,000 times the price of an IKEA one? What grown person is going to put a "New Generation Festival" decorative plate on their mantelpiece? The whole thing is lost on me.


My excuse is...
...in the january sales, some of it is just far too good and cute to pass off  :D I either buy some for myself or future christmas/birthday presents for other people.
Besides that, I hardly ever buy the full priced merchandise.  As an ex-cast member I seriously miss my discount...and for those that know it, I miss Cast Connection at WDW  ;)
even when I went to Disneyland Paris the only thing I bought was something that was reduced(Minnie dressed as Leia)  :lol:


I don't really have an excuse, I just love it!!

But if I did have to have an excuse, I'd say that it's the one time of year I can have a real spending spree, and I save for it all year! I have a collection of Disney hoodies from over the years, that and Tiggers! (I HAVE to buy a little Tigger every yeah for my collection!)

December 2003 - Hotel New York
December 2004 - Davy Crockett Ranch
December 2005 - Newport Bay
December 2006 - Davy Crockett Ranch
December 2007 - Davy Crockett Ranch (One night in Sequoia Lodge)
December 2008 - Davy Crockett Ranch
December 2009 - Disneyland Hotel
December 2010 - Sequoia Lodge (7th-11th)
December 2010 - Davy Crockett Ranch (19th-22nd)
December 2011 - Sequoia Lodge
December 2012 - Davy Crockett Ranch
December 2013 - Sequoia Lodge (Can't wait!)


i dont need a reason i need a reason not to buy!
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