Mobilization against the creation of F1 circuit

Started by benjicool, September 28, 2008, 12:50:26 PM

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ford prefect

Things may not be as dead as it appears: ... t_id=36665
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


reading the article i would say its pretty dead, thank goodness


Quote from: "ford prefect"Things may not be as dead as it appears: ... t_id=36665
Interesting article that. :)

As someone who doesn't know a thing about F1, I still find it quite odd that they won't fund the actual race themselves. (Not that I'd want them to.) But then I suppose that's like us forking out billions for London to host the Olympics. I'm still glad Euro Disney aren't striking financial deals to make this happen when they should be doing the same for other projects.

Is there no land near CDG that's suitable? That has arguably even better transport links, and more than enough noise of its own.


I really hope the Euro Disney management does not revive the project with the first turn in financing.I reaaally wouldn't like to see Mickey in race uniform and Minnie in sexy clothes,bleach blonde hair :roll: ...'teasing' guests instead of greeting them..!! :shock:

I think they forget that this is mainly a family oriented park and anyways the Disney culture is totally different from that of F1.It would not make a good match and the magic would totally be ruined...So F1,just keep off...! :x
\'\'I only hope that we don\'t lose sight of one thing-that it was all started by a mouse\'\'-Walt Disney

ford prefect

Quote from: "N-Igmagineer_88"I really hope the Euro Disney management does not revive the project with the first turn in financing.I reaaally wouldn't like to see Mickey in race uniform and Minnie in sexy clothes,bleach blonde hair :roll: ...'teasing' guests instead of greeting them..!! :shock:

I think they forget that this is mainly a family oriented park and anyways the Disney culture is totally different from that of F1.It would not make a good match and the magic would totally be ruined...So F1,just keep off...! :x

I am sure you wrote that to provoke a response and to wind up those who like both.

Much as I dislike shouting:


I take my four year old and two year old children to motor racing events frequently.  They have been to touring cars, historic races, F1, F3, A1GP, Le Mans and GT races and they love it.

Please consider that it is possible to be passionate about Disney and Motorsport.
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


Quote from: "ford prefect"
Quote from: "N-Igmagineer_88"I really hope the Euro Disney management does not revive the project with the first turn in financing.I reaaally wouldn't like to see Mickey in race uniform and Minnie in sexy clothes,bleach blonde hair :roll: ...'teasing' guests instead of greeting them..!! :shock:

I think they forget that this is mainly a family oriented park and anyways the Disney culture is totally different from that of F1.It would not make a good match and the magic would totally be ruined...So F1,just keep off...! :x

I am sure you wrote that to provoke a response and to wind up those who like both.

Much as I dislike shouting:


I take my four year old and two year old children to motor racing events frequently.  They have been to touring cars, historic races, F1, F3, A1GP, Le Mans and GT races and they love it.

Please consider that it is possible to be passionate about Disney and Motorsport.

I was just expressing my opinion.No provocation intended(don't forget that this is a topic started by people opposing the F1 project so i don't think i was 'targeting' at any F1 fan).Shouting is clearly not the way.Personally i am not that interested in F1 but surely I respect that other people are.

As for the family thing,i think it was clear that i was referring to the showgirls and general spirit that accompany it and,of course,not the sport itself.That i think is not Disney.That doesn't mean that Disney does not include other racing elements(e.g.Autopia,Cars) more family oriented.Just to clear things out...
\'\'I only hope that we don\'t lose sight of one thing-that it was all started by a mouse\'\'-Walt Disney


Quote from: "ford prefect"I am sure you wrote that to provoke a response and to wind up those who like both.

Much as I dislike shouting:


I take my four year old and two year old children to motor racing events frequently.  They have been to touring cars, historic races, F1, F3, A1GP, Le Mans and GT races and they love it.

Please consider that it is possible to be passionate about Disney and Motorsport.

I totally agree with you, its a family event, debatable if a Disney event, but still a family event.
Don't forget the Walt Disney World (the worlds top family resort) with their Speedway which takes a lot of money from their nascar and indycar experiences. Guess who they get their money off? Yep its families.

These days the showgirls aren't around as much as people seem to think (from my experiences). I saw more at a family football event a few months ago.


Quote from: "Willow"
Quote from: "ford prefect"I am sure you wrote that to provoke a response and to wind up those who like both.

Much as I dislike shouting:


I take my four year old and two year old children to motor racing events frequently.  They have been to touring cars, historic races, F1, F3, A1GP, Le Mans and GT races and they love it.

Please consider that it is possible to be passionate about Disney and Motorsport.

I totally agree with you, its a family event, debatable if a Disney event, but still a family event.
Don't forget the Walt Disney World (the worlds top family resort) with their Speedway which takes a lot of money from their nascar and indycar experiences. Guess who they get their money off? Yep its families.

These days the showgirls aren't around as much as people seem to think (from my experiences). I saw more at a family football event a few months ago.

You're right about the WDW.The difference as compared to DLRP though,is that WDW has by far more space available and is generally a complex that has the ability to satisfy literally all interests.

This,however,is not the case with DLRP,a resort centered mostly around its magic kingdom park.The space is limited and was initially reserved for a third Disney park.It's all a matter of priorities,and of course the issue of the proximity of the course to the Disney hotels involving sound disturbances and large amounts of concrete interfering with the green character of the entire resort.
\'\'I only hope that we don\'t lose sight of one thing-that it was all started by a mouse\'\'-Walt Disney