Mickey's Holiday Cruise - Newport Bay 25.12.08

Started by dossie, October 28, 2008, 08:48:36 AM

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Hi all

Can anyone shed any light onto this event. We have booked for it for Christmas Day evening. It's billed as a dinner show in the brochure but I am not really sure what we're getting, apart from a Christmas Meal with characters.

Someone told me it was a rehashed version of Tinkerbelle's Christmas Tour (or some such title) which I never saw either.

Just wondered if anyone else was going to this or indeed knew what to expect.

Many thanks :D/

ford prefect


I have heard such a mixed bag of reviews.  Whilst mine is a negative one I am sure that there have been good ones too!

I can only give you my opinion based on our experience.  

Last Christmas my wife, 2 kids aged 3 and 1, and my parents went to DLP for 4 nights from 23/12.

We had booked Mickey's Holiday Cruise for Christmas Eve night, since trying to have a nice dinner on Christmas Eve is a) always expensive and b) hectic beyond belief!

Mickey's Holiday Cruise is the only bad experience I have had with Disney in 11 years of holidaying with them.

When we arrived we were offered a toy for each of our children, as they gave the toy the cast member asked how old they were, on being told they were undr 3 the cast member withdrew the toy!!!

Apparantly it was only children who had a paid for ticket were entitled to a toy.

We were seated at a long table set to the side of 3 small stages running down the centre of the auditorium.  There was a band on the main stage at the front playing and a (huge) christmas tree at the opposite end.

The decoration and presentation was beautiful.

The next disappointment arrived when they presented the food.  Whilst the adults'food was beautifully presented and was delicious, they gave a jar of baby food for each of my children.  Naturally my 3 year old refused to even contemplate it!  After much haggling and discussion we eventually blagged a childs menu.

There was supposed to be unlimited (sic) wine etc.  However there was none forthcoming after the first bottle shared between ourselves (4 adults) and 4 other adults sitting in our area.

The show took place on the three stages running down the centre of the auditorium.

Now, if you were lucky enought to be at the end of the table near the stages you had a great time because you could get up and dance with the characters.

We were in the middle and found it very difficult to extract ourselves.

Overall, we made the best of it, however it simply wasn't worth the money for us.

As a foot note I wrote the only letter of complaint I have ever sent to Disney and by return of post received 2 huge mickey and minney toys and a meal voucher for 6 for our next visit.

It didn't spoil our evening, we made the best of it as I said, but it is an experience I won't repeat.  The rest of our holiday was wonderful and perfect.  Disney at Christmas is beautiful and great fun.

If I can help in anyway with any tips at Christmas please PM me.

Please don't let my experience spoil your magical planning!  Disney assured me in their letter that they have taken the criticism on board and will act on it. So hopfully you will have the best experience and get the evening we wanted.

Let me know how it went!
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


Thank you for such a detailed reply.
I am sorry you had, what sounds like an absolutely awful time - I appreciate the cost of this experience and it sounds a poor night for the money.

I suspected it was the case - which is why I put up the post. However, we have particpated in similar events at WDW, including Private Dining at the Grand Floridian - which, however amazing it may be billed - never really lives up to the expectations. I think its all to do with the Disney factor - such events never seem to reach the high quality provided in the parks.

Anyway, as you mentioned, I've booked it to make Christmas Night special, rather then risk us not getting in anywhere else. Hopefully they will have upped the wine portions - as we're staying at Newport Bay I can take the slow, wobbly walk up to bed when its all over.

 :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :shock:  :shock:  :roll:  :roll:  :D/