Trip report - Day 5 (24-28 Oct 07)

Started by Bopshop, November 11, 2007, 06:07:12 PM

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Up at 7 (enjoyed that extra hour in bed!)  Got our stuff ready and finished packing.  Checked out and got train from BSG and over to parks – left bags at the luggage store ahead of our last day in the parks.  In for EMH and up Main Street.  Through the Castle and over to Peter Pan – did it then a quick spin on Tea Cups.

Small World not open yet so took a walk down to the Princess Stage.  Into Discoveryland but Buzz was too busy.  Down to the Main Street bakery for Mickey brioche and coffee.  Over and waited at the side entrance to Frontierland – in at opening and straight to Big Thunder – loads of people.  Waited for the back row – fabulous!  When we came out the queue was up to 80 minutes!

Walked past Pirates through Fantasyland and down to Princesses – Aurora out but when we got to the front it was Belle – she had a fabulous Winter gown on.  

Got spot to the side of the Halloween show but at front.  Gaston, Cruella and Maleficent all waved hello as they were waiting to go on.  Show was ace – Minnie and Stitch came running over and hugged us both.  Lots of pics – again!  

Over and got into the queue for Lion King.  Good show.  

Out and caught the end of the Halloween show still going on.  Into Frontierland – big shop.  

Mum got some kitchen stuff and got me cool Mickey plates. Troll guys, pink witch and Halloween Stitch all out.  

Up to Witches Academy and then into Adventureland – got plush Minnie for Mum.  Down past Hakuna Matata – Agrabah shop.  Into Central Plaza – pin traders here again today. Into Walt's for lunch.  Lovely – I had Fettucini and Mum had the Risotto. Out and followed Character Express up to Fantasyland.  Got spot on corner for the parades.  Saw Chelsea and France star Flourent Maluda there with his family.  

Watched the Halloween pre-parade and then the OUAD parade – Princess float stopped right in front of us.  

Into Fantasyland – got my girl some Princess ears for our New Year trip.  Over by Pirates which had a 45 minute wait!! Into Frontierland and Halloween fun – walked down through it.  Down onto Main Street and got baguette's for the journey home.  Waved goodbye to the Castle and left the park.  Got our bags and headed for the train.  We had a safe and on time journey home via Beauvais......

I hope you enjoyed my reports – if anyone has any questions, drop me a PM.

The Butlin Boy

Great reports, it made me want to go back :wink:


Liked all your reports and your great photos.
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"


Thanks for sharing Bob! Always funny, VIP spotting  :P
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


Great report!Sounds like you had lots of fun,great pictures too!Where is the princess stage? :oops:


Hey, you've made so many great pictures, thank you for sharing them :)!
Seems as if my idea of a picture-trip-report is a good way to show pictures and also tell the others how great it was ;)!

The pics of you and your wife (?) together with Emile and Remy are so sweet :)! With the pins on your lanyard next to the princesses, you remind me on Dark_Prince of this forum, hehe! He'll be so glad when he sees your picture of "his" Belle ;)!
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World



My pics with Belle seemed a bit cosier, holding each other's hands.



Quote from: "Nala_84"Hey, you've made so many great pictures, thank you for sharing them :)!
Seems as if my idea of a picture-trip-report is a good way to show pictures and also tell the others how great it was ;)!

The pics of you and your wife (?) together with Emile and Remy are so sweet :)! With the pins on your lanyard next to the princesses, you remind me on Dark_Prince of this forum, hehe! He'll be so glad when he sees your picture of "his" Belle ;)!

I'm sure my Mother will be thrilled you think she looks so young!  :wink:  :lol: