Meet the Robinsons (Disney 2007)

Started by Kristof, April 16, 2006, 09:51:54 PM

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Agree with you on that Penfold. It was OK, but not great. Rob managed to sit through Cars without a peek, but struggled with Robinsons although its shorter.

I think the storyline is weak and a little confusing for little people. I think the only time I laughed was (without giving too much of the story away) was when Lewis imagined what the Dad looked like and then who the voice of the Dad was. And you have to be old (ish!) to get the joke-and I guess it only works in English :?

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I have to say I really loved this movie, don't know if it was since I saw it in 3d in London or anything, but the storyline actually made me interested.  Loved all the references to Tomorrowland and the quote of Walt Disney at the beginning gave it that extra interesting part.  The storyline seemed rather fun and different, after all I personally have had enough of pixar ruling disney.  The dinosaur made me laugh, I knew it was coming, but rather funny seeing subtitles for what he's saying.  The storyline in my brain seemed rather simple that a child would understand, but suppose I'm not a child.  Plus seeing space mountain in cgi is rather different.  The music was great too, Danny Elfman is truly amazing.

Don't know if this is in the normal cinema version, but seeing a classic chip n dale short before the movie was a nice touch, cannot wait to see Disney starting making new shorts for "their" movies :).

This movie sadly has been tarnished by the animation hating critics, so just like many before it, Treasure planet, Dinosaur and even Chicken Little this movie will probably not become a Disney classic sadly.  It's rather sad considering this was Disney's first leap into an original idea in years :( .  

PS: Hope you in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands enjoy this in October :wink: .


Must admit, the dinosaur was brilliant. And we had a Mickey mouse cartoon before it started.

I'm afraid it depends on the age of the child. Believe me, there were three four year olds that didnt get the storyline, but the action kept them amused.

I just didnt have a spring in my step coming out of the cinema. Maybe I need to see it without the four year olds needing the loo, dropping the pop corn and annoying my twelve year old! :shock:  :lol:

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Quote from: "tubbsy"Must admit, the dinosaur was brilliant. And we had a Mickey mouse cartoon before it started.

I loved that cartoon!
I also really enjoyed the film, although I found the villain terrifying and am now scared of bowler hats.
I thought it was a bit predictable in its layout - sad start, wacky middle where kid finds what he's looking for (ish) and the traditional happy ending. Ah well. I loved it anyway.

That dinosaur was fantastic, as were the frogs.
Great Poets Do Not Die



These models are displayed in Disneylands Animation Building.



Just got Meet the Robinsons yesterday. I'm surprised, it's actually a very nice film. So-so animation (the people move a bit like a computer game sometimes), but the story is fantastic. I loved the ending with Walt Disney's quote "keep moving forward" and of course the Bowler Hat Guy.

Shame the DVD has that horrible POTC-style trailer for DLRP on it, rather than a new 15th anniversary ad. :roll:

The extras on the DVD aren't too bad, but unfortunately the "making of" doesn't really tell you much - nothing about how John Lasseter came in to fix the story halfway through.


Seen it in peace and quiet after Rob n steph nagged me to get it.  :roll:  :lol: Actually, its a lot better than I remember.  :D

Keep Moving Forward-gives me goose bumps!

October 2001-Santa Fe
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October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


For the Belgian people on this board: Meet the Robinsons will be released next week and for the first time we'll be able to watch any Disney movie in Disney Digital 3-D at the Utopolis cinemas.   8)


I watched the other week on DVD and it was really boring.