Restaurants Christmas 2017

Started by Caroline02, March 07, 2017, 07:11:08 PM

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I'm new to this site so apologies if there's something similar on here and I've missed it.
Been to dlp a few times but usually in the summer.
This year going 22-26th December 2017 staying in sequoia lodge, and already trying to figure out restaurants. Thought walts on Christmas Eve and if possible the HNY Christmas lunch. Can we book HNY if not staying there on Christmas Day? Wondered if anyone has been for Christmas and has done them before and if they're good. Also, any suggestions on other places to go. We did think for the other days chez remy, and blue lagoon.
All suggestions and tips much appreciated.


we have stayed over Christmas a few years ago. Christmas Eve is celebrated more in France than Christmas Day, This usually means very very inflated prices in the Restaurants. For X-Mas dinner I would really recommend the Christmas day meal in the New York Hotel. see below

Christmas Dinner by grovesie.i, on Flickr

Christmas Dinner by grovesie.i, on Flickr

Christmas Dinner by grovesie.i, on Flickr

Christmas Dinner by grovesie.i, on Flickr

Christmas Dinner by grovesie.i, on Flickr


Thank you for the info, and the pictures look great. Think I will look into booking hotel New York for Christmas.