Few questions about meal timings

Started by happyatchristmas, August 02, 2014, 10:17:21 AM

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Hi we are going to disney 23-27 November 2014 - when will the programme for parade timings etc come out?

Does anyone know what time last year Dreams was on?  I know my husband is going to want to eat at Inventions for our evening meal each day - is it mega busy if we book to eat straight after Dreams?  Last time we went we used to eat at 6 as park was still open so pretty quiet. Thing is I really want to see Dreams but we can't eat too late as my 3 year old won't last.  We are there 4 nights so maybe we won't do Dreams every night and eat earlier those nights.

What have you guys done when going with younger children - have you found eating your Main meal at lunch better than evening? And if so what did you do for your evening meal?

I think I need to calm down, I'm so worried about making it an amazing trip for us that all these little details are playing on my mind. Previously we never planned trips but I see we missed lots when we went before because of this.  Feel free to tell me to CALM DOWN! Lol, I know November is still ages away!  :-[


First off


Disney Dreams is a grand finale to a day at Disney, as such, they always do it right at closing time for the park, as the park shuts down to put this show on. When exactly closing time is in November, I do not know, they haven't released the schedule for that yet. However, November last year the park generally closed at 19:00, except in the weekends, when it closed at 22:00. So, depending on when you're going to watch dreams, it may be a better idea to either eat before going to watch Dreams (in the weekends), or right after.

But I have no idea how busy it'll be at Inventions, if you watched the 19:00 show, it could be quite busy, as people head back to either the Village or the hotels as the park itself is closed at that point, and it's not exactly that late yet, so people may not have had dinner at that time.

As for eating your main meal at lunch time, and having a lighter meal at dinner time.
The parks will be closed after Dreams, so you'll need to rely on the hotel restaurants or those in Disney Village, which does limit your options somewhat.
This may mean that on days the park closes at 19:00 you're perhaps better off having "dinner" at lunch time in one of the park restaurants, as they'll be closing fairly early, what with Dreams starting at 19:00, and the park closing right after that.


Hi.we are heading the same dates as yourself but staying in sequoia lodge GF.i like yourself hav never planned it and since joining this and readin the trip reports I see there is so much that I'm actually missing out on..we booked back in April and I am looking on this forum for new info all d time.i can't wait for the times and ride closures to be put up so I know what I can look forward to..don't want to get overly excited incase some of my favourites are closed.


Ok firstly you've picked a fantastic time to go. I went the last week of November last year and it was truly the best time my family had ever had at Disney. The queues were non-existent and the rides that were closed (very few) didn't actually impact on our holiday at all as we wouldn't have gone on them anyway!

The Disneyland Park is usually open 10am to 7pm with EMH starting at 8am. The Studios Park was open 10am to 6pm. At the weekends the Disneyland Park stays open till 10pm and the Studios till 7pm.

Don't miss the Tree Lighting ceremony, there are 2 showings of this, the last being half an hour before Dreams! starts.

Usually my family would have a counter service meal at lunch and a table service or buffet meal in the evening, however last time we decided to try doing it the other way around and it seemed to work out much better! The restaurants were quieter at lunch so the meals were far more leisurely and just as nice. In the evenings we would eat at counter service restaurants or at Earl of Sandwich. We actually ended saving money as we filled up at lunch and just had a snack in the evening. This will be possible for you with Inventions as well as from the middle of November they will be adding characters to the lunch time buffet as well as the evening so it will possibly be a quieter better experience than the evening!

Hope this is useful, any other questions please feel free to ask  :D


Thank you all for your tips. Can't wait for the schedule to come out now. I will double check when booking inventions that the lunch buffets will have characters then this may be a much better option for us x