Disney Village

Started by Gemma W, January 29, 2014, 11:21:36 PM

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Gemma W

Hi, I know there are shops and restaurants in the Disney Village but I have also heard people talk about a little train and rides in the area too. Its been a long time since I was last there so just wondered if anyone could fill me in a little about what there is to do and see in Disney Village. I also wondered about the balloon ride (cant remember the name sorry!) is it worth doing? xxx


The little train was still here when I was last there for Christmas 2012. It just drives around the lake stopping at the 3 hotels I think and at cafe Mickey, and I think it cost about €2 each

captain rocket

The only "ride" in the village was a pay for roundabout which is long gone! The Village is just a place for eating and spending money in the shops! The new Disney store, at the bottom of the village, is ok but the village is looking in need of a major makeover urgently. I would be surprised if you will find much difference since your last visit! The balloon ride is called Panoramagique and is well worth a go, but do it on a nice day!


I've not done the balloon as I'm not great with heights, but the pictures I've seen taken from it look good.  We never really factor in time to do things like that though as have pretty full days in the park.  I like walking through the village on way back to hotel, but really it's shopping and food/drink I use it for.  Think depends on the pace of your day and if you're after something to break it up, then the train/balloon would be good.  can't think of anything else other than perhaps skating at Hotel New York?  There is also a cinema and arcade. 
Santa 11/00
Newport Bay 10/03
Sequoia 3/09
Disneyland 2/11
Disneyland 5/12
New York 2/13
New York 2/14
Disneyland 2/16
Sequoia Lodge GF 8/17
New York ESC 2/18
Newport Bay CC 4/19
Disneyland 2/20


The train around Lake Disney was still there in October. It's a nice touch specially if you're staying in Sequoia Lodge and don't want to walk around the lake :)


the train is no longer there i'm afraid. they retired it last year. I know lots of kids loved it but for 2 euros to travel 400m it was pretty expensive :o

Gemma W

Oh no I was quite looking forward to the train around the lake!


I was gutted as well as I was expecting it to be there last year but when I went at the end of November it had gone  :'( . The little rides have also gone it appears to only be in the summer months that they have extras around the lake area. The Panoramagique is well worth the ride if you've never done it before but don't bother going up if the weather is bad or in any way cloudy or foggy etc. I'm not great with heights but I loved this whereas my partner who loves bungee jumping hates it and was too scared to do it again!


Wifey won't go on it either, she's really bad with heights. She's so bad that if we go into a shop in town and go upstairs, I have to walk down the stairs literally one step in front of her and she's shaking like a leaf. To her credit, she does now go on TOT albeit with her eyes closed and she screams the whole time where as I am at the "no hands" stage :P