Belle Rose Cake

Started by bwlmog, October 27, 2013, 08:04:59 PM

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Hopefully someone on here can help.  I've booked to take my kids to DP in 8 days time for the first time and as you can no doubt imagine they are already getting excited. 

My daughter has been studying the apps and internet for things to do and has become obsessed with the picture of a cake with the rose from Beauty and the Beast on it.  The problem is I have no idea where the photo was taken to get one whilst I'm there.  It is in the winter brochure so assume it must be sold somewhere.

If anyone can help you'll make my daughter and me extremely happy.

Thanks in advance


That's in the California Grill, the restaurant in the Disneyland Hotel. It's the "Beauty and the Beast flavoured with Provins' rose"


Thank you for the reply and link €22 for a cake seems a bit steep though.  Looks like I may need to manage her expectations a bit better or remortgage :D


Do you have a photo? Sounds awesome!