DLP Guide Forum - The Disneyland Paris magicforum community

Disneyland Paris => Disneyland Paris Trip Planning => Topic started by: jackieann on October 09, 2010, 01:14:49 PM

Title: people judging
Post by: jackieann on October 09, 2010, 01:14:49 PM
Hi all

Not sure where i should post this, but wonder if other people get the same things with their friends.

My family and i have been to DLP every year since 2006 and my friends think i am mad, they say oh i would rather sit on a beach for a week and i kinda feel they are judging me (which really annoys me) my thing is i dont like beach holidays i find them boring but i dont go on at them about going on their sort of holidays every year.  and then they moan about oh its expensive, but its not really when you cost up places like alton towers its just as bad, maybe a little cheaper but i know i would rather spend a little more and go DLP.

Does anyone else have this???
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: nicoledlrp on October 09, 2010, 02:55:51 PM
i know the feeling ! it really annoys me when people ask if we are going on holiday, enquire where to, then either say that they have been to the "real" disney or that their kids would love to go but they cant afford it because they are going back to tenerife for the twentieth time. and of course heaven help you if they find out that you are "return" guests. it is like you are some sort of crazed mass murderer!! "dont you get fed up ? - no i only get fed up when im not in disney. dont you think it is spoiling your children ?- no we actually go to disney for ourselves and have to bring the kids with us ! wouldnt you rather go to the algarve? - no, no offence to any other nation but i have tried the beach thing once and without the various bus trips i would have gone nuts. im not a great sunworshipper anyway and after june in disney this year i will be scoring that month off for future trips!! dont you fancy a real holiday to the afore mentioned "real" disney or cant you afford that ? -  this is a real holiday and every disney is real  and have you seen the latest prices! wouldnt you rather see some interesting places ? what ? you mean like another bar or someone elses overly tanned body hanging out of their undersized swim wear ? give me half a chance from your stupid questions and i could tell you about how we try when possible to make the most of our journeys and about paris and versailles , brugge , haarlem and delft and gouda , every war cemetery on the western front and the last post ceremony at the menin gate and all the lovely places we have found because we didnt follow the satnav.we tend to follow our hearts not the rest of the bleating sheep in the field ." i often wonder what we would be doing or how big the bank balance would be if we had never discovered disney. one neighbour with two young children sneers at people who dont do the "two weeks in benidorm every year" thing and another had a great time in turkey because she hardly saw her kids. i know that everyone is different but i would rather have a fantasic time with my family than enjoy a holiday because i didnt have to stay sober for long enough to notice if they were dead or alive for a fortnight. we have done other holidays over the years (canaries once, alton towers, europa parc, portaventura, asterix,efteling, centre parks,touring in britain and europe) but i always seem to spend time on the holiday planning the next trip home to disney ! in my opinion those who judge or are critical have either never experienced the magic or are unfortunate not to possess the "x gene" that make us disney family rather than theme park visitors !!
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: jackieann on October 09, 2010, 03:23:03 PM
thats the thing the people that seem to snear at me but yet they go to the same place and the same resort every year so i dont see the difference anyway, and like you say i would rather have MY children with ME after all they are MY children so i want to experience things with them and not them with strangers.  there is nothing better than seeing the faces they are almost 5 and 3 when we arrive at disney  (its me to not just the kids) my hubby moans but he loves it to i know he does lol!!  

i cant wait to book our next trip and i just feel people that haven't been don't know hat their missing!!
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: loladelorean on October 09, 2010, 03:27:58 PM
Good posts! As a 22 year old with no kids, I definitely get judged for my repeat trips to DLP - even by my own boyfriend who I live with and who just "doesn't get it"! He's stopped caring now though, and just tunes me out I think. He's even agreed to come next year for my graduation present - he may be persuaded yet!
I have to defend DLP against accusations that it's just for kids (usually to coworkers), that its nothing but a marketing ploy (usually to fellow students at uni, groan), that its not as good as Florida (to anyone whos either only been to Florida or never been to Disney at all).
I'm lucky that I have my mum and sister to enjoy planning and visiting DLP with, and a few friends who are jealous and who I might be able to go with in the future. And of course, internet forums full of like minded people!
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: jackieann on October 09, 2010, 03:35:37 PM
its so not just for kids!! I dont know what i will do when the turn to me and say they dont want to go anymore, i do hope they dont tho!  saying that i guess me and my hubby would have a great time just taking it all in on our own!!
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: RockNRoller on October 09, 2010, 03:38:09 PM
I know what you mean, at 43 and 35 my wife and I have no children and whenever we announce we are going again we get the same response "What again? Didnt you see enough of it last time", I cant stand beach holidays, if Ive paid to go somewhere new I want to see it not just lie around. Ive tried to convince my family by showing them photo's and video's but to no avail. What I dont get is after every holiday theyve had my sister and brother in law find something to complain about, my parents have even stopped going on holiday because of bad experiences but every year we come back from DLRP with huge grins having had another fantastic time with no complaints. Fortunately we have found some travelling companions who on the train back after their first visit last year said "Are you going again? Can we come?" and they are, much to the distress of of their family I have to add. Yep thats right to anyone out there who knows me we've corrupted the vicar.  :lol:
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: loladelorean on October 09, 2010, 03:42:50 PM
Quote from: "jackieann"its so not just for kids!! I dont know what i will do when the turn to me and say they dont want to go anymore, i do hope they dont tho!  saying that i guess me and my hubby would have a great time just taking it all in on our own!!

They probably never will! My mum first took us when we were aged 6 and 1, and it's still where we want to go this year aged 22 and 17 ha ha. She's glad that when it comes to Disney, we never grew up.
Conversely, I'm starting to look forward to having kids of my own to take to DLP - not for a while yet, mind!
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: davewasbaloo on October 09, 2010, 03:48:25 PM
Quote from: "jackieann"its so not just for kids!! I dont know what i will do when the turn to me and say they dont want to go anymore, i do hope they dont tho!  saying that i guess me and my hubby would have a great time just taking it all in on our own!!

This used to be easier to defend, but given the direction of travel over the last 5 years, it has been harder and harder to defend. But yep, we used to go far more before we had children, one year we made 10 trips from the UK. Though we used to go dancing and listening to all the live music in village, those days are long gone.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: davewasbaloo on October 09, 2010, 03:52:06 PM
Quote from: "loladelorean"
Quote from: "jackieann"its so not just for kids!! I dont know what i will do when the turn to me and say they dont want to go anymore, i do hope they dont tho!  saying that i guess me and my hubby would have a great time just taking it all in on our own!!

They probably never will! My mum first took us when we were aged 6 and 1, and it's still where we want to go this year aged 22 and 17 ha ha. She's glad that when it comes to Disney, we never grew up.
Conversely, I'm starting to look forward to having kids of my own to take to DLP - not for a while yet, mind!

I don't know. Mine are 5 and 7, and they are not as keen anymore. We had to convince my 5 year old to leave the villa to go to DLP on her birthday earlier this year. And they are asking if we can go other places instead. Maybe we have taken them too much. My five year old has been to:

DLP 12 times
WDW for 10 days
Disneyland in California for 6 days
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: loladelorean on October 09, 2010, 04:32:29 PM
Quote from: "davewasbaloo"
Quote from: "loladelorean"
Quote from: "jackieann"its so not just for kids!! I dont know what i will do when the turn to me and say they dont want to go anymore, i do hope they dont tho!  saying that i guess me and my hubby would have a great time just taking it all in on our own!!

They probably never will! My mum first took us when we were aged 6 and 1, and it's still where we want to go this year aged 22 and 17 ha ha. She's glad that when it comes to Disney, we never grew up.
Conversely, I'm starting to look forward to having kids of my own to take to DLP - not for a while yet, mind!

I don't know. Mine are 5 and 7, and they are not as keen anymore. We had to convince my 5 year old to leave the villa to go to DLP on her birthday earlier this year. And they are asking if we can go other places instead. Maybe we have taken them too much. My five year old has been to:

DLP 12 times
WDW for 10 days
Disneyland in California for 6 days

Well, everyone is different, your kids are very lucky :) I suppose for us, Disney trips have always been special, being saved up for and looked forward to for a long time (you can see my history of visits in my signature, very few compared to yourself)
So maybe that's why we still feel that way now.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: never2old on October 09, 2010, 05:15:15 PM
My friends no longer say anything, and my colleagues assume eveytime I have time off I'm going to Disneyland (which usually I am  ;) ). Sometimes people still ask me if I never get tired, but that's all... In fact, I find that everyone who's been to Disneyland before would quite like to go again, and many do seem to go regularly. Maybe because they know I'm a bit mad on Disney they find they can confess that they quite like it too... And everyone who's ever come to visit with me has come out in love with the place!

I had to work this morning, and while one guy was telling me he'd just book for 1 night in the New York in October, another one confessed he'd stop for lunch in Annette's last week, on his way back from Paris...

I don't care if people think I'm mad, I love Disney and I'm proud of it!!
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: lauramumof3 on October 09, 2010, 07:35:49 PM
dont think anyone has been very negative but they often comment on how much it costs.
But we all love it, i went in 2002 when i first started to see my husband and he couldnt understand why id want to go, then when we had children i persuaded him when the eldest was 3 and he absolutly loved it!
and ive been loads of times and i never ever get board and theres still things i havent seen!
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: SwipatronSparks on October 09, 2010, 08:09:02 PM
haha yeah i get judged all the time, but my responce is simple and to the point, i genreally get asked if why i dont go on a beach holiday the conversation generally goes like this...

'are you not bored of it yet' then i get weird looks when i say 'are you not bored of going to a hot boring beach for a week' it doesnt make sense to me anymore to go and turn myself into a beached whale for a week or so when i know i would have twice as much fun if not more by going to disneyland for 5 days...XD
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: lynny on October 10, 2010, 01:21:30 PM
I know the feeling people always when i announce i'm going to DLRP say....what again!
We go once a year as i like beach holidays to and also always like to go to london to see a show once a year.So its london around easter,beach holiday in summer and then DLRP either halloween or christmas :D

my oldest is 17 and loves it,my youngest is 9.......my family dont react now when i say i'm off to disney they just know its going to happen.This year my daughters B/F is coming he's 19 and never been b4 and he's more excited than us.lol :)
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Clara2141 on October 10, 2010, 02:41:37 PM
Our visit next month is the 3rd time we've been in 18 months and we are starting to get judged. However, we too have never been beach holiday people - unless that beach is deserted. I'm not a package holiday to Majorca kind of girl.

We go on two holidays a year - this year DLP twice. Next year New York and then Disney again most probably. I like doing things and feeling I got my monies worth and I do with DLP. I always go off peak - this year in Feb and November and stay at the Cheyenne or Santa Fe which normally costs us £150 or less each for 3 days/2nights and then £70 each for a Eurostar return. It would cost us more to go to Edinburgh. I like that DLP all my entertainment is there for me, yes food is costly but I factor that in and yes the weather is cold but that means a lot less getting hot and bothered!

I love my trips, I haven't got bored so far.  :)
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Clara2141 on October 10, 2010, 03:28:38 PM
In fact I may have just accidentally booked to go again in Feb. Whoops...well 40% off - who can say no to that?
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: SwipatronSparks on October 10, 2010, 04:31:40 PM
XD we are booke for feb as well... when are you going?
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: paul on October 10, 2010, 08:47:56 PM
Frankly, who cares what others think. We'll be back at DLP next month and will I'm sure love it :D
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Clara2141 on October 11, 2010, 03:03:15 PM
We're going on the 9th Feb for 2 nights. We're staying at the Santa Fe cost a whole £100 each. We went the same time last year. No queues and even waiting for Crush only took 40 mins.

However, out of fear of ridicule I haven't old me friends and family yet...my other half knows as she's coming with me but I can't be doing with the incessant questions just yet.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: jackieann on October 11, 2010, 08:03:29 PM
wow, good deal!  wish we could go then but cant take my Daughter out of school otherwise i think i would be working on the hubby now!! BOOOOOOOOO :(

oh well have to wait for a good deal for the school summer holidays if there is such a thing.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: CafeFantasia on October 11, 2010, 08:36:31 PM
The way I see it, there are two options:

1. The easy way is to keep it to yourself and not tell anyone where you go on holiday, to protect yourself from others ridiculing you.

2. The hard way is to be honest, be confident, and tell people proudly that you're going to Disneyland again. This is the "I am what I am" coming out approach :-)

I think the older you get, the more you realise that option 2 is the right option. None of us have much time left on this planet, so lets be proud of who we are and what we like, while we're still here.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Peaadina on October 12, 2010, 12:58:23 AM
I'm so glad to have found this post!I am constantly batting off eye rolling and "would you not try something different" "surely you have seen it all"
We are heading back this December for our 4th Disney xmas trip - we had our honeymoon there and loved it so much that we have gone back every year since!
I could not be more excited if it was our first trip! :)  :D
My parents colleagues and countless others, roll their eyes at us when we announce were heading off 'again.' I dont really care, I always defend it and I always will.  ;)
I am not asking the people who judge us to go, so why do they seem to feel the need to profess their opinion based usually on presumptions  :roll: ... I have however, through my enthusiasm inadvertently sold a trip to several other people! Who went and couldnt get over how good it was!
And why not? its good fun!
Cannot beat it as a holiday.... Ever!
Each to their own I say but alot of the naysayers I know could do with a Disney trip in my eyes ;) :-"  :stitch_bounce:
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Newbie on October 12, 2010, 01:48:22 PM
We get sneered at because i wax lyrical about wanting to go back but shock horror, we have never taken our kids ski-ing...
at least one of my friends tried it after listening to me for years!
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Clara2141 on October 12, 2010, 05:13:52 PM
What I find oddest is that no one comments that my Aunt and Uncle go to Florida a number of times a year (they own a villa there) and each time will visit WDW.

Yet we spend less, go less and yet we're judged by the family.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: jackieann on October 12, 2010, 07:27:54 PM

i know people that do that to, i love a caravan holiday with the kids to try and do both at least 3 nights at disney and 7 nights in caravan every year.  People i know go to the same park year after year but kinda laugh at me when i say we are off to disney again!!  i just think there jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: people judging
Post by: smurfy74 on October 12, 2010, 09:38:27 PM
everyone has got fed up of judging me and my partner and just accepts DLP is our second home, this year we have been 3 times ( 1 more quick trip to go ) last year we went 5 times, we have AP and its only an hour to the tunnel from home. We live in a seaside resort so the beach thing never gets thrown at us. We love our AP discounts and love the world of disney, we get the odd comment like ' but you dont have kids' - seeing as were both men - no surprise there. We work really hard and enjoy our short breaks, theyre our treats - and i think the look i give people when they go to judge us says it all and usually puts them in their place. Luckily half my family is from Madeira so if i want a dose of sun then i can go visit my family.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: jackieann on October 21, 2010, 08:06:49 PM
hi all

again a few days ago i was using a disney shopping bag i got on my last trip, bare in mind it had little pics of mickey sully mikey and others plus a few of the rides.My friend said oh where did u get that from and i said disney and she rolled her eyes and said oh yeah of  course. WHY ASK THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!   just annoys me.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: steppelemming on October 22, 2010, 12:54:06 AM
A lot of people don't understand the appeal.  I absolutly detest beach holidays and would much rather spend a few days in disney than 2 weeks getting drunk in spain.  I have been to WDW 4 times (last time 12 years ago) and as much as I would really love to go back I can't stand flying and I certainly don't think I could get hubby on a plane without some diazepam  :lol: .  When we go to DLRP in December it will be my 5th time there, it means I still get my disney fix without having to go far  :thumbs: .  My family think its a little weird keep going to the same place but they know I love disney so don't bother to comment on it anymore.  Hubby is even getting excited about our December trip and he has only been once before on our honeymoon 2 years ago.  
A trip in feb for £200 sounds sooooo tempting but money is a little tight right now (we have just moved) and I did promise hubby I would take him to Germany one day  :roll:
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: never2old on October 22, 2010, 10:17:55 AM
Quote from: "steppelemming"A trip in feb for £200 sounds sooooo tempting but money is a little tight right now (we have just moved) and I did promise hubby I would take him to Germany one day  :roll:

Would he settle for lunch at King Ludwig's?  ;)  :P
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Javey74 on October 23, 2010, 12:22:11 AM
My Personal view of people going on holiday for a week or fortnight to get totally drunk have IQ's of minus 5 with no hobbies, interests or aspirations in life. I know..... it seems such a waste of a life really..  :roll:

However on the other side people who like Disney simply have an imaginative streak and a creative train of thought and need to have this stimulated by going to Disneyland, which to me is really healthy on the mind both psychologically and physically..  ;)  :D

Quick analysis>>

Drinking Holiday:-

7 Days >>> 7 hours of Alcohol a Day>>> Brain Drain >>> Zombiefacation >>> Waste of Space = No memories, No Thoughts..  :evil:

Disneyland Holiday:-

7 Days >>> Real Imagination >>> Brain Stimulus >>> Learning >>> Satisfaction >>> Enthusiasm = Photos, Memories and Thoughts..   :D
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: disneyloverjessie on October 24, 2010, 07:45:40 PM
haha, this happens to me all the time.. it really annoys me!!
this is how my conversation gos:

Friend: are you going anywhere on holiday?
Me: yep, Disneyland, im soooo excited
Friend: What in America?
Me: no paris
Friend: oh, thats boring, you should go to America
Me: I've been, but i prefer Disneyland Paris anyway :)
Friend: Right.. so you've been to DLRP before
Me: Yes, 10 times!
Friend: why?
Me: because its sooo good
Friend: Right.... *gives weird look*

hahha. seriously, this is practically every time :/
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: jackieann on November 06, 2010, 02:59:33 PM
Hi all

Just wanted to post my latest, just happened and i am so wound up!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

after telling a friend of my hubby the latest prices for disney in july and oct next and seeing the reaction and judgement i am just so annoyed!!

He said if i have been somewhere once its o.k twice o.k but wouldnt want to do it a 3rd time!!! this coming from a person who goes to the same place on holiday every year, IT IS THE SAME thing.  

Why can people not just say oh thats expensive (which i have to say it is) and leave it at that.  

Title: Re: people judging
Post by: dagobert on November 06, 2010, 06:58:21 PM
At first we had to deal with the same reactions, but now our friends know that we like to go there and they son't say anything anymore.

We don't go to Disney that often, we try once a year. We go on holiday three times a year, one week skiing, one to two weeks we visit other countries and one week we go to Disney. So our friends can't say that we don'T want to see something esle.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: lauramumof3 on November 06, 2010, 08:40:40 PM
and its worth every single penny to see thier faces light up!
a woman i knew kept asking about it and how much it was and how she would love to take her boys but its so expensive blah blah but then took them ski ing every year and plenty of nights out for her and hubby. Now they are 20,  17 and 12 and too old to start going- it would have been far nicer to take the youngest when he was then only 6. I know that you are never to old to go but it would have more magical for them when they were younger. anyway i bet she will never go now and shell keep going back to the same places.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: strawjaw on February 26, 2011, 11:15:02 PM
I get judged about going to Disney too - but the people that know me really well, kind of understand it now.

It does annoy me however, when I'm told to start saving so I can go on a beach holiday with friends - if I have money to save, its being saved for a Disney Holiday with my family, not for a beach holiday with 'the girls', that I won't enjoy, and besides, I don't want to go on holiday without my little girl!! (These are obviously child-less friends - who don't quite understand why I wouldn't possibly grab the chance of a child free holiday)
To me, a holiday wouldn't be the same without my family - and I'm lucky that my husband shares my love of Disney, and that he doesn't want to holiday anywhere else either. =)
Our daughter doesn't stand a chance - she HAS to love Disney as much as her Mummy and Daddy.. ha ha (But it does help that she's a big fan too)
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: treble on February 27, 2011, 01:00:34 AM
there was me thinking it was just me with friends & family like this. i've had them all-it's too expencive (apparently a bottle of cola is at least £5! ;) ), it's not in america :roll: , it doesn't have a beach or happy hour bars, ect... a work college has been promising her youngster for years & still books the beach. the most critical was my sister. i think it ircked her that her younger, single mum, sister could do it & she hadn't. she came with us on our last vist & loved it. they want to go back again! i even had a relative of another work college trying to argue with that florida was bigger! after asking him if it really mattered i had to walk away. (the fact that he ran off with his wife's niece tells me a lot about his opinion). i just tell people don't knock it until you've tried it & don't believe everything. my daughter and i have been 4 times and enjoyed every minute and that's all that matters to me.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: simonrtaylor on February 27, 2011, 10:15:54 AM
I have been to Disney Florida for the last 5 years and loved every minute, but due to rising costs this year we are off to DLP for 4 nights, 5 days in 2 weeks time, and can not wait for my first taste of a different disney experience.

But once booked and people ask where I am going - the normal repsonse -Why you going there again??  Won't you ever grow up??  Disney is not for Kids, Disney is the ultimate holiday destination, and I cant wait for my Disney paris experience, infact I am already considering a repeat trip to see the xmas decorations in december 2011!!
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: tubbsy on February 27, 2011, 10:53:21 AM
We go every two to three years and its saved hard for.
I think we get the same reaction as everyone else "Why are you going there again??" Because we love being together as a family and cant lay around on a beach-same as everyone else here!
Someone said to me last year that they had spent the same amount of money on an all inclusive for her and her son and he had access to holiday clubs and she could go and do what she wanted-but theres four of us, all we had to pay for was a light snack for lunch and if we compare photos-we havent got a hungover or smashed out of our heads look on our faces.
Why work all year, not seeing your kids to then take them on holiday and stick them in a holiday club?
Rob still talks of last summer's holiday and I know what hes talking about because I was there with him every step of the way  :D
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: littlemermaid83 on February 27, 2011, 03:33:20 PM
People have given up asking me where I plan to go on holiday because they will know the answer is. Nowadays I get asked when are going Disney again.

I personally don't care what anyone thinks anymore, Disney is a part of mine and my Daughters lives.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Terkina on February 27, 2011, 04:17:58 PM
Someone asked me yesterday what are you going to do in Disneyland for 3 days?  What is there to do when you have your wheelchair with you?  I couldn't do anything else than answer that the rides I want to do is no problem riding even if I have my wheelchair with me in the park.  A lot of thoughts went through my head.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: alternativerock123 on February 27, 2011, 05:14:21 PM
People always comment on my love for Disney, which because of my age (18) people think I'm mental or that I have a problem or something, which is really offensive. All because I have a passion for all Disney.
Some of my friends just pass over it, so if I keep mentioning about my previous trip or the new trip coming they just smile and some talk to me about it.
Other people in my classes just don't understand - some do comment but I just let it pass over me.

I'm glad thought I have a few friends who also love Disney (not as much as me though  :P  ) so we can all talk about it.

Also, I hate it when "the other people" brag about how they've been to WDW and other Disney Parks, and they say "You should go there instead" but 1) I can't afford it and 2) Yeah, I will one day, but I love DLRP at the moment. =D
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: disneyloverjessie on February 28, 2011, 08:51:02 PM
most annoying thing ever today!
it was my first day back to school after our half term break in which i had been to DLRP. Im 14 and i went with my brother who is 17 and my mum and dad.
my friend asked me if id had a nice half term and what did i do, so i replied i went to disneyland. and our conversation went like this:
her: why?
me: its amazing
her: its for little kids
me: not really
and then someone else joined in
him: do you have any younger siblings
me: no i have a 17 year old brother
him: that is so sad
me: how is it
him: your meant to stop going to disney when your 5
me: where did you get that from, a vast majority of families are older
him: doubt it
her: exactly why would you ever want to go to disneyland at this age?
they then get about 5 other people involved in my class who all agreed its for little kids and is really sad that i went to disneyland.

and then the most annoying thing ever was that i found out none of them have actually ever been to disney!!
god i hate some people.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: treble on February 28, 2011, 09:58:52 PM
sounds like they were jealous. obviously they had nothing to write home about last week so decided to deflect their sad life. if it's true that u don't go after 5 then why does my daughter's school include a day there in their year 8 french trip. apparently it's so popular it's first come first served.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: strawjaw on February 28, 2011, 10:56:23 PM
Since when was anyone too old for thrilling rides, and great entertainment??
I agree with Treble - they're obviously jealous that they not only had a boring half term in comparison, but they've never experienced Disney for themselves.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: gldc on February 28, 2011, 11:54:40 PM
Quote from: "alternativerock123"People always comment on my love for Disney, which because of my age (18) people think I'm mental or that I have a problem or something, which is really offensive. All because I have a passion for all Disney.
Some of my friends just pass over it, so if I keep mentioning about my previous trip or the new trip coming they just smile and some talk to me about it.
Other people in my classes just don't understand - some do comment but I just let it pass over me.

I'm glad thought I have a few friends who also love Disney (not as much as me though  :P  ) so we can all talk about it.

Also, I hate it when "the other people" brag about how they've been to WDW and other Disney Parks, and they say "You should go there instead" but 1) I can't afford it and 2) Yeah, I will one day, but I love DLRP at the moment. =D
Exact same situation as me. But I'm a guy so people think I'm even more crazy. Latest convo went like this:

Me: So Im going to Disneyland Paris!
Girl: OK....you told me before but I thought it was a kid that told me and I'd forgotten it was you.
Me: *walks away*
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: MrsPirate on March 03, 2011, 10:13:01 PM
None of my friends understand my love for Disney and one of them called me a freak when I told them I had booked again for this summer.

What gets me even more, my friends took their 6 year old daughter for 3 days at Christmas and when I asked them if they would go again they said no because there is nothing to do for people over the age of 10???! I told them that was rubbish and asked what rides they went on - are you ready for this - they didn't go to the parks on their first day as they arrived too late at 1.30pm and wouldn't have been worth it. Their second day went on ISAW and Peter Pan, collected a few autographs but decided not to see the parade as it was too cold so went back to the hotel. On their 3rd and last day they decided to go straight home because it was cold. They told me they saved for 2 years for this trip. What a waste.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: strawjaw on March 04, 2011, 12:36:11 AM
Quote from: "MrsPirate"None of my friends understand my love for Disney and one of them called me a freak when I told them I had booked again for this summer.

What gets me even more, my friends took their 6 year old daughter for 3 days at Christmas and when I asked them if they would go again they said no because there is nothing to do for people over the age of 10???! I told them that was rubbish and asked what rides they went on - are you ready for this - they didn't go to the parks on their first day as they arrived too late at 1.30pm and wouldn't have been worth it. Their second day went on ISAW and Peter Pan, collected a few autographs but decided not to see the parade as it was too cold so went back to the hotel. On their 3rd and last day they decided to go straight home because it was cold. They told me they saved for 2 years for this trip. What a waste.

Oh WOW!!!!
I can't believe they didn't take the trouble to investigate the park further!!
Imagine spending all that money, and not experiencing all the magic!!
They don't deserve Disneyland then - you should just ignore them, you know how to enjoy everything they have to offer, sour pusses they are.  :)
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: jackieann on March 04, 2011, 01:24:55 PM

I cant believe anyone that says they saved for 2 years and then didnt make the most of every single second of their time there.  Just a complete waste!!!  What did they think the weather was going to be like in the winter for god sake.  

People have started asking me now "so when you off to disney this year" (they know we will be going)  and i cant help but kinda add fuel to the fire by going on about my plans i know they ask to take the P but just gives me an excuse to talk about it. ha ha!!

some people i know go centre parks every year but they seem to think going disney every year is sad!! don't see the difference myself!!

But why my kids react like the kids on the new disney advert we will go time and time and time again!!!
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Pete's Dragon on March 04, 2011, 01:56:18 PM
I like holidays with stuff to do. All of my vacations have either been long-city breaks or Disneyland. The idea of sitting on a beach for 2 weeks with the kids off at some play group would a) bore me to tears and b) make me miss my kids. With work and school I dont see them that much during the day. Whats the point of travelling to another country only to get rid of them again?

On the whole Disney isn't that expensive. I compared it to a 5 day break in Blackpool or Alton Towers and the travel costs, accomodation, tickets etc. and the difference was nominal. Admittedly the food is a bit overpriced, but you soon learn to bring a rucksack and fill it with croissants from breakfast (and apples and yogurts from dinner buffets).

I have always loved Disney. But what I love more is seeing how much my kids enjoy it, so I'll be damned if I am going to - or even feel the need to - justify why I am a repeat offender. So pack your towels and sun cream, send your kids off to the other side of the hotel complex and lie down for 2 weeks on yellow dirt if you want. I'd much rather see the look on my daughter's face when see spots Belle coming towards her ( rather than her telling me about it later), or see how my son reacts when I drag him onto RnRC (cause he'll be big enough when we go back).

I really want a holiday after all that. Curse my sister and her Scottish wedding. I'm sure the Newport Bay Convention centre was big enough :-(
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: DopeyDad on March 04, 2011, 02:18:11 PM
here here!  =D>
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: strawjaw on March 04, 2011, 04:32:47 PM
Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"I like holidays with stuff to do. All of my vacations have either been long-city breaks or Disneyland. The idea of sitting on a beach for 2 weeks with the kids off at some play group would a) bore me to tears and b) make me miss my kids. With work and school I dont see them that much during the day. Whats the point of travelling to another country only to get rid of them again?

On the whole Disney isn't that expensive. I compared it to a 5 day break in Blackpool or Alton Towers and the travel costs, accomodation, tickets etc. and the difference was nominal. Admittedly the food is a bit overpriced, but you soon learn to bring a rucksack and fill it with croissants from breakfast (and apples and yogurts from dinner buffets).

I have always loved Disney. But what I love more is seeing how much my kids enjoy it, so I'll be damned if I am going to - or even feel the need to - justify why I am a repeat offender. So pack your towels and sun cream, send your kids off to the other side of the hotel complex and lie down for 2 weeks on yellow dirt if you want. I'd much rather see the look on my daughter's face when see spots Belle coming towards her ( rather than her telling me about it later), or see how my son reacts when I drag him onto RnRC (cause he'll be big enough when we go back).

I really want a holiday after all that. Curse my sister and her Scottish wedding. I'm sure the Newport Bay Convention centre was big enough :-(

Couldn't have put it any better than that myself. Bravo...  =D>

I don't know why some people have kids if all they want to do is palm them off as soon as they arrive.
I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself if I didn't have my little girl with us.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: jackieann on August 15, 2011, 06:58:04 PM
Hi all!!

Well, we have booked our next trip for October.  Altho i am going to keep it to myslef as i cant be dealing with the scarastic comments.

Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Pete's Dragon on August 16, 2011, 12:30:09 PM
Quote from: "jackieann"Hi all!!

Well, we have booked our next trip for October.  Altho i am going to keep it to myslef as i cant be dealing with the scarastic comments.


Solution: Be Proud . Tell everyone. If/when they make a comment simply say 'Don't care' and walk off while whistling It's a Small World  :thumbs:
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Snow_White_Girl on August 16, 2011, 07:13:08 PM
I'm 26, no kids and going in November - haven't told anyone at work cos I don't want the aggravation and the weird looks. All they know is I've got 3 days off, they don't know what I'm doing with them!! I get so sick of being called "childish" just because I love Disney - what they don't understand is that it's actually nostalgia for what I grew up with. No matter what anyone says Disney is for everyone and everyone, young or old, has the right to enjoy it in whatever way they choose to! :)
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: AusMouse on August 17, 2011, 04:22:49 AM
There certainly is a view that Disney = children though I have always found that statement to be naïve. I've loved Disney since childhood, yes, but I never appreciated Disney animation until adulthood.  I love the 'hand painted' nature of Disney animation pre-1991 and the amount of work that went into it. For example, Eyvind Earle's work on the painted backgrounds of Sleeping Beauty is beautiful artwork. That's what Disney animation is, moving paintings. I also love that the scenery for Sleeping Beauty was based on medieval artworks. You can find amazing inspiration in the form of architecture in Beauty and the Beast, the Beast's transformation inspired by Michelangelo's unfinished Slaves, and Ariel's hair movement, almost as ballet, underwater in The Little Mermaid. Would all this be important if solely for children? Surely not. Serious artists gather together to make a timeless feature and in the process travel the world to gather artistic inspiration. As a health professional I deal with some pretty upsetting things at work and Disney is a source of beauty that I rejoice in. Do criticisms about liking Disney really matter? Not in the slightest. It's my interest and I enjoy learning about the animation history and design elements. Some people like cars... they bore me to death. If it interests you, be confident in that because it's not up to you to explain anything. If someone makes a criticism about it, I think that's actually them displaying a lack of manners and being quite rude. I usually call them on it. Also remember that original Disney animation art has a serious art market and can fetch some pretty astounding prices. Not for children at all. There's a part of Disney that is exclusively adult.

As for Disneylands around the world, I see them mostly as an attached subsidiary and not really capturing the soul or essence of the animated features. It's a place to enjoy the Disney iconography though and I think that's great fun. It took me a while to realise I was expecting far too much from a Disney park as the animation can never truly be captured within themed rides and having to contend with some disrespectful patrons spoils it a bit. Sometimes I think if Belle were real, she'd be offended at the way she's marketed.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: MissDisneyisMagical on August 21, 2011, 08:48:37 PM
not many people i know understand my love for disney while i was at school i just didnt mention it because of the people i went to school with but when i finished college and found friends who admitted they liked britney and other stuff i was like its ok to be me and at least i can guarentee a trip to disney will be nothing less than amazing!
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: jackieann on August 21, 2011, 08:54:55 PM
I have always liked Disney but it wasnt untill i had my kids and went that i really began to love it.  The whole Disney thing just makes me happy.  I love being there with my family seeing the kids faces wish i had have gone when i was younger tho, just the whole atmosphere, you can't really put in words what it feels like. But i think all of us on here know the feeling.

Just glad we are on count down till our next visit altho the kids dont know yet.  :-"  
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: number6 on August 21, 2011, 10:19:07 PM
My family has visited Disneyland Paris a number of times over the last few years, and frankly, if I am thinking of booking a holiday, at the moment, it is the first place that we consider.  However, I have never been much of a Disney 'Fan', I can take or leave most of the films, and most of the characters.  So why do I want to go back?  Hard to say in a few words, but the resort is superb, pure and simple.  Our first visit was pretty much to tick the box to say we had been, and we owed our son a foreign holiday.  Upon arrival, I soon realised there is so much more to Disneyland Paris than a few rides and some characters.  The attention to detail gets me every time, I spot things that I have never seen before, and between visits I trawl websites and books for more details to look for.  Even with big crowds, I find the parks hugely relaxing, and with no need to drive at any point, it just gets even more relaxing. The rides are so cleverly themed and executed, and again, you pretty much see something different each time you ride.  The hotels are good, the food is good, the shops are great, what else can you say? Other than, don't worry what other people think, if they haven't bought into the Disneyland Paris dream, then they are the losers, not you.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: kiki_304 on August 22, 2011, 01:14:35 AM
I guess I am pretty lucky after reading some of the idiots you lot have had to deal with!

My friends or family don't give any sarcasm or question why we enjoy Disney and return every year.  I think they know me too well and say nothing as I am the worlds biggest kids (especially at xmas) and know that it is something I obviously enjoy.
I am not a sun seeker and a drinking holiday on a beach is my idea of a nightmare.  I want to spend time and enjoy my kids not like other I know who palm their kids off all the time so they can get drunk.  

I remember the 1st time we went to Disney (Hubby finally caved), my kids loved it as did we and that is what we choose to do for us.  We don't really go abroad as hubby hates flying (last trip was Utah and road trip to Canada, which was better than a beach).  We rather culture and family feel, and even before we had kids it was the same.

People who judge you are jealous or ignorant in my opinion!!!
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: MissMinnieMouse on August 27, 2011, 03:36:36 PM
Quote from: "Snow_White_Girl"I'm 26, no kids and going in November - haven't told anyone at work cos I don't want the aggravation and the weird looks. All they know is I've got 3 days off, they don't know what I'm doing with them!! I get so sick of being called "childish" just because I love Disney - what they don't understand is that it's actually nostalgia for what I grew up with. No matter what anyone says Disney is for everyone and everyone, young or old, has the right to enjoy it in whatever way they choose to! :)

I am exactly the same, 25 with no kids, going again tomorrow. Like you my work colleagues know I have 2 days off, but not where I'm going. It's really quite sad that we feel we have to keep the fact that we're going to Disney to ourselves, but unfortunately people do judge and I find, like you, it's not worth having to explain yourself over and over.

I started going to Disney regularly (Florida and Cali) from when I was 3yrs and DLRP from when I was 7yrs - I grew up there. I was also born at the right time for all the Disney renaissance films (Little Mermaid, Aladdin, B&TB, Lion King etc.) as well as being introduced to all the old ones by my mum. My parents started going to WDW and DL in the 80s before I was born, and fell in love with it. For us, going to Disney as a family is all about the fun and the nostalgia. Plus we just love the way Disney does things, the little attention to details, the amazing theming. Outside of Disney, I'm not particularly Disney-mad, and to be honest I don't often think about Disney stuff when I haven't got a trip planned, but I love going and will continue to go because I need a little bit of regular Disney-styled magic in my life - if that makes me "mad" then bring on the men in white coats!
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: MissDisneyisMagical on August 27, 2011, 09:26:04 PM
Quote from: "MissMinnieMouse"
Quote from: "Snow_White_Girl"I'm 26, no kids and going in November - haven't told anyone at work cos I don't want the aggravation and the weird looks. All they know is I've got 3 days off, they don't know what I'm doing with them!! I get so sick of being called "childish" just because I love Disney - what they don't understand is that it's actually nostalgia for what I grew up with. No matter what anyone says Disney is for everyone and everyone, young or old, has the right to enjoy it in whatever way they choose to! :)

I am exactly the same, 25 with no kids, going again tomorrow. Like you my work colleagues know I have 2 days off, but not where I'm going. It's really quite sad that we feel we have to keep the fact that we're going to Disney to ourselves, but unfortunately people do judge and I find, like you, it's not worth having to explain yourself over and over.

I started going to Disney regularly (Florida and Cali) from when I was 3yrs and DLRP from when I was 7yrs - I grew up there. I was also born at the right time for all the Disney renaissance films (Little Mermaid, Aladdin, B&TB, Lion King etc.) as well as being introduced to all the old ones by my mum. My parents started going to WDW and DL in the 80s before I was born, and fell in love with it. For us, going to Disney as a family is all about the fun and the nostalgia. Plus we just love the way Disney does things, the little attention to details, the amazing theming. Outside of Disney, I'm not particularly Disney-mad, and to be honest I don't often think about Disney stuff when I haven't got a trip planned, but I love going and will continue to go because I need a little bit of regular Disney-styled magic in my life - if that makes me "mad" then bring on the men in white coats!

i'm so glad to hear someone the same age as me with no kids enjoys it as much i do! my bf thinks its really unusual to love disney at my age although after taking him twice to dlrp he admits it is good at least now and he did find tangled and TS3 funny at the cinema. he still hasnt agreed to go to florida yet though :(
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: big disney kid on August 28, 2011, 01:30:47 PM
this seems to be a very common thing when you say your going to disneyland but i dont care what people say anymore in most cases people who judge would love to go some people just love to complain or run down other peoples holiday and yes a lot of disney if for kids but there is plenty to do for big kids as well i dont care if people judge me for running after scully or chasing woody to get a pic when i go to disneyland i feel like a kid again disneyland paris was not built when i was young so i allways promised my eldest daughter i would take her and the day i did it was the best move i ever did to see the look on her face and the 2 younger ones was worth every hard earned euro .the 200000000 photos we have prove it was worth it now we go every year  so i dont give a toss who says what anymore all i know is i will enjoy myself my kids will have memorys for the rest of there days ,,,,,,,
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: ed-uk on August 28, 2011, 01:49:42 PM
Only Disneyland and the world of Disney (films etc) could bring out such strong feelings of loyalty and emotion in people. I don't think any other theme park or company could do it for so many people. The strength of Disney is that we all grow up with the films and characters, and the story telling stays with many of us forever. We can find that story telling in the parks, the films, the theatre and no doubt the cruise line.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Tinkswishes28 on September 15, 2011, 11:03:38 AM
My partners family used to be the same - non disney people, and i have pursuaded them to give it a go! We are going next year. I really hope we have a wonderful time, or they will never forgive me !
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: samuelvictor on September 15, 2011, 12:09:11 PM
It doesn't surprise our family & friends that we want to go again - after all I'm a traditional animator & very much into the history of Disney & animation as a whole.

To be honest, in the area where we live, the vast majority of people (ourselves included) don't GO on holiday as they simply can't afford it. However, we live on the coast and regularly enjoy taking the kids to walk or play on the nearby beaches, so perhaps we have the best of both worlds.

We decided to go to DLPR last year as the kids were getting older and we wanted them to experience it whilst they were young. We saved and saved and saved. Several other local families booked at the same time as us, but we were the only ones who actually managed to pay off the full amount. (That said, the other families drink and smoke, and spent a fortune on Christmas presents etc. We didn't, it's that simple.)

We have had some criticism for the fact that we've booked to go again, many people saying a holiday to Disney is a "once in a lifetime experience" - I simply don't believe that. We enjoyed it, we want to do it again, with the benefit of knowing what extra things we'd like to try this time, and being able to plan which rides, shows etc we want to see more efficiently. The kids can even save their pocket money, birthday and Christmas money etc knowing what they'd like to buy when they get to the parks. We've become shareholders for discounts, and I'm sure we'll continue to go til the kids feel they are too old for it. Personally I hope it never happens, as I still thoroughly enjoyed it!

I must admit, before we went, we did feel that we were going to Paris rather than Florida simply as it was cheaper. There does seem to be some stigma that Paris isn't a "real" Disney, compared to California and Florida. Once we were there, that all went away.

My wife spent the first twelve years of her life spending a month in Florida, and visiting all the parks. (she wasn't rich, but her family worked in travel agents and airports!) She had also visited California several times.

When comparing DLPR to the main Florida and California parks, she decided in many ways the Paris resort is better for us, and not an inferior "third choice" as we initially imagined. I can't really comment as I'd only been to Florida and California in the past on business and not explored much, and had been into Disney Village and eaten at Annettes when staying in Paris on business, so had no real experience of the Disney Parks themselves, but what I DO know is that for a family who can't afford to drive, the DLPR encompassing the hotels, 2 parks and Disney Village is an amazingly compact holiday - it still blows my mind that we got on a Train in London & got off literally at the entrance to the Parks. It's a wonderfully designed resort, and with the planned expansions in the future I can only see it growing :)

Of course, when we have more money in the future, we'll of course visit Florida and California as well, mainly to visit the other parks not in Paris (I'm particularly interested in Universal Studios for example. Of course I know this isn't Disney, but it's nearby) But I suspect that these holidays will be more spaced out and occasional, whereas I hope we'll return to Paris frequently.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: disneyisthebest on December 13, 2011, 07:39:46 PM
Funny topic name
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: ilovedisneylandparis on December 14, 2011, 09:16:27 PM
I think sites like this are great, to read and realise that other people love DLP as much as we do :) I hate when people say mean things or make comments about Disney holidays too, if I mention it then it's not unusual for friends or family to say "Again?!...but you went last year?". To me it's not just a 'holiday' that you'd get bored of if you went back too often; it feels like a home to me, somewhere I can be safe :( It's a perfect world, and who wouldn't want that?! :) I would get bored going back to the same apartment in Spain year after year but I'd never get bored of DLP and I think all the people on here saying the same is proof of how magical a place it is! :D
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: torillien on December 16, 2011, 03:18:33 PM
hear hear ...

all of my non-disney loving friends are the same, they think I am crazy. I love everything Disney and esp DLP.

My other half was also the same, until he came with us in June and saw how much our 4 year old loved it - she says DLP is her most favourite place in the world. We have 2 DLP holidays pencilled in for next year :)

I don't give a hoot what other people say and if they judge me .. I love Disney and DLP (even more so than WDW) and I would go more if I had the time and could afford it.

I see something new everytime I go - Great thread :D
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Sugaroo_ on December 29, 2011, 07:35:15 PM
Thank goodness my fiance loves everything Disney just as much as I do, so he doesn't think I'm cuckoo every time I ask him to go. :D I get the most "judgement" from people who have never been there, but they really don't count now do they?!? I think there's a misconception that "it's for kids" or it would make more sense to them if we had kids. Bottom line is we really enjoy ourselves at DLRP and nothing anyone says affects us.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: MissDisneyisMagical on December 31, 2011, 04:30:54 PM
while i was at disney paris middle of december i encountered a family ( a mum dad and small child) while queuing up to meet Rapunzal, when Flynn came down the queue to entertain us the dad said to the mum have a photo with him and she said its just for kids adults shouldnt get involved, this then set my bf off as he felt a bit silly standing in a queue to meet a princess and i was like well there isnt really anything i can say to that is there?! ( bf is a bit grumpy at the best of times)! it did sort of deflate me a bit as it then made me feel a bit strange, think ill consider going with my friends next time!
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Othersider36 on January 05, 2012, 09:34:36 PM
I hate it when this happens!
I recently went in october and all my friends at school and EVERY one of them who hadn't been before said " disneys for little kids." I had to explain to them that even with the characters and fantasyland, it's still for all ages and they should just look up space mountain 2 or tower of terror. But the worst one came today when my friend Chloe said to me "Disneyland paris is boring" :evil:. she said that it was tiny compared to florida so I had to explain to her that size is nothing compared to the character that france has over america.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: jj554 on January 16, 2012, 08:07:03 PM
What an interesting topic to see how narrow minded some people can be. Luckily when my colleagues spot me pricing up a trip (using the PC at work, I have a boring job) they just laugh at me and say "you're not going back AGAIN are you?" - but in a jokey way. They just think I'm a bit mad - I am 22 and very much childless (2 guys). I've only recently got into DLP, as you can see from my signature below I've only been twice. We had such a fab time in April last year, then I got an offer through from my travel agent for the fireworks etc, I literally couldn't say no. When it comes to this year I am planning again for Nov. I mentioned this to my other half and he looked at me like I was crazy, and said "don't you think weve done it enough for a while?" - I think he thinks I've given up on the idea but I'm going to book without telling him haha. I was telling him how excited I am by the prospect of the Ratatouille ride (obviously a lot lol) and he was moderately interested but nowhere near the scale of me. LOOK AT THE LOVELY PARISIAN CONCEPT ART you fool! I wouldn't miss the 20th celebrations for anything. In my defence I pay for our holidays (he is a student, whereas i work and am very bossy lol so if I pay I get my way) so I'm sure he can't put up too much of a fight. I'd love to do Florida but him getting two weeks off isn't feasible until he graduates. So that gives me time to save up. In the meantime I am more than happy to go back to DLP because I love it there.

I still get the same excitement even though it's not the first time, in some ways I'm more excited because I've still got some bits I haven't managed to cover on our previous trips, the 20th celebrations to look forward to, different hotels to stay in and other restaurants still to try. I know how much of a good time I had last year and it's so good to have something to look forward to all year!

Sorry for branching off topic and babbling, I've just got a bit over excited about everything haha.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Newbie on January 17, 2012, 11:52:46 AM
I was worried about people's attitudes, but when we said we had booked for our last trip 2 families we know then booked and another couple told me they had been when their kids were little and did I think they should go again! :lol:
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Catalina on January 17, 2012, 03:28:15 PM
This Topic is great, I am really glad I am not the only one who has this ... "problem".

I've recently booked my Trip for myself and my Boyfriend. Most of the People I tell actually think it's cool we're going and they support it. However, I did get asked "do you ever do "normal" Holidays", which I found very funny. What on Earth are "normal" Holidays?

What really surprised me though was the comment from my best friend whom I've previoulsy gone to Disneyland with twice. She thinks that Disneyland is "no Place to go with your Partner". She then went on how she can not understand why one would like to take a Partner to Disneyland. Eventhough I am the anti-romantic - I don't do "long walks on the beach" (and not just 'cause I live in Switzerland)  ;) - , I don't understand her at all. This is by far the silliest reaction I've ever had on that subject ever.
What do you think? Why not go to Disneyland with your Partner? - Even if you don't have kids!
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: jackieann on February 06, 2012, 04:30:41 PM
hi Catalina

It most certainly is a place for couples.  I would love to go with my hubby just the 2 of us but i could not leave the kids behind.  We went in Oct and my mum came along so one of the evenings she had the kids in the hotel and we went for a walk around the park just the 2 of us, it was lovely.  Its a beautiful place and can be very romantic.  Maybe she is jealous and wants to go in his place.  

Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Princess Alexa on February 06, 2012, 07:34:55 PM
i went to disneyland for my 16th birthday and when my mum asked for birthday themed things (cake, balloons etc.) the cast members were apparently shocked!

all my friends say "don't you get fed up with going all the time" and i actually get quite defensive because it really annoys me when people think i'm too old for disney! I WILL NEVER BE TOO OLD FOR DISNEY
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: jackieann on February 06, 2012, 09:30:18 PM
i now feel its their loss, most have never been so dont know what their missing.  I also enjoy watching the disney films mainly newer ones, with the kids.  i just like escaping from he real world into a disney one.  Hand on my heart i think it makes me a happier person.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Asma on July 02, 2013, 08:52:56 PM
Quote from: "jackieann"i now feel its their loss, most have never been so don't know what their missing.  I also enjoy watching the disney films mainly newer ones, with the kids.  i just like escaping from he real world into a Disney one.  Hand on my heart i think it makes me a happier person.

That's exactly how I feel ,And it does make me happier . People will judge but  I just love Disney  so much!
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: littlebitofpixiedust on July 02, 2013, 10:03:52 PM
Let them judge and laugh. Who cares? I don't! Disneyland Paris is a happy place and I say we all could do with going to that "happy place" sometimes! As Walt Disney said himself "adults are only kids grown up anyway"
 So I maybe 26 in 2 days but my love for Disney won't ever change. I went before I had my son and now even more!
Unless they close DLP I'll always be a regular visitor :) that is all....
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: julesk on July 03, 2013, 12:07:34 PM
We didnt really tell anyone we where going this year as like all of you, we get the same responce 'Really, your going again!!'. Yet I agree, Disneyland might not change that much year to year but the feeling of being there,  in the middle of the magic, its something all those people will never understand. Both my daughter and I suffer from various health issues, making day to day hell at times. Yet trip planning, reading the forum, even saving towards our next adventure keeps me going and when we are at Disney, I forget everything. I love how once you are inside the park, everyone is equal. Young & Old, rich & poor. We all do the rides, hunt out charactors and secretly shed a little tear when we watch the shows. I love seeing my daughters face light up, when we watched dreams in May. I couldnt stop watching her reactions, it was amazing.

I am determined to still be visiting the magic when I have Great Grandchildren to show around. Who needs a boring beach holiday when you can share so much joy with such lovely CMs and visitors. We have booked next year, making it visit number 6  :D
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Alexz on July 24, 2013, 08:56:56 AM
I'm 27 and all my friends think it's cool that me and my girlfriend is going to Disneyland. But if I were to go there alone I could imagine that they would think that was weird though.
Title: Re: people judging
Post by: Francydress on July 24, 2013, 10:57:31 PM
I'm going in celebration of my 21st birthday  :D/
Never too old. Even my boyfriend who is 23 is excited.
It's not my first and it won't be the last.