Been reading a few threads where people rave about DLRP CM's either on ride or just helping out. These guys mostly go out of their way to add to the magic so I thought why not recognise that fact. Share you favourite CM stories.
On our last visit to DLRP as we boarded one of PM's lifts a friend who has never been before said to me "he's got a boring job" pointing at the CM loading us in. The CM must have heard the comment because he immediately took off his top hat, crossed himself, looked directly at my friend and said "Good luck" just as the lift door closed. Awesome, I laughed my head off but my friend looked a little worried.
There have been so many... Though I think my fav is regarding a character more than a 'cast member'. When we were leaving on our last trip we stopped by the DLH to pick up our luggage and to see the special show they were putting on in the lobby. Afterwards we took my nephew to see the characters before we headed off to the train. At the end I picked him up and said to him that we had to say goodbye to Mickey now because we were going home. Mickey had a massive queue... but he heard me explain to my nephew that we had to say goodbye and so asked the other children to be patient whilst he came over to us and said goodbye... Seriously I was almost in tears it was so sweet!
I love cast members who play their roles, in particular theres one that works on Pirates who is always in character and we had a good laugh back in September when I was waiting for my family to finish on the ride (I was pregnant). Saw him a few times that trip and he always posed for our photos :D
2 stories -
First one, I had just arrived in the park, I was on my own with 2 small kids and needed to call home and let my husband know we were ok. My mobile was not working as it did not have roaming activated. I couldn't find a payphone and decided to go into City Hall and ask where there was one. The CM in there took us into a private room and let me use their phone for free. It was an international call. He was so sweet. His name is Bruno, I remember.
Second, we were getting off IASW and my daughter dropped her Minnie mouse soft toy into the water. We pranced for a second or 2, I was trying to decide could I reach her or not, then Minnie took off floating down the river.. :lol: My daughter began to have conniptions at this point. The CM ran over and asked "what's happened? What's happened?". It took a further 5 seconds before he understood what had happened, then he took off at a sprint down the side of the river. All the people in the boats had to sit and wait. After a minute or so he came back and had Minnie held aloft. Everyone in the boats cheered and clapped for him and my daughter was somewhat appeased but a bit dismayed. "My Minnie wet!!". (She's 3)
Oh and a bonus one. We were getting off Peter Pan and I asked the CM if we could stay on and ride again. He said no, to get off. So we all got off, then he beckoned to us and told us to wait at the little wheelchair accessible gate and when they had 2 adults to board alone, they let us on with them. Also asked the adults would they mind sitting in the back row so that my kids could see. My kids danced on the spot when they realised we were going on again.
... And another - we came out of Woody's Roundup after meeting the characters and my son realised he had lost his Peter Pan dagger. We thought he had left it in Minnie's kitchen, so we went back in the exit gate and told the CM. He went into Minnie and we could see in the windows Minnie and him were searching high and low for the dagger. Minnie looked out the windows and shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, to indicate that she couldn't find it. It later turned out that the dagger was in the buggy. :?
They are the ones that immediately spring to mind, but overall I found CM's great. Characters also.
hm.... storys of good CM's well heres my story,
from ToT, there was a CM working there called Frank, he was ao funny, and by the time we left the park he knew our names! there was me my sister and cousin going around the parks on our own since our mam aunt and other family members where going around in their little group, anyhoo, it was very confusing when he gave us happy hellos like a big 'hey... back again, hows it going' when we came up to the ride with the rest of our family, it took some explaining that we knew him well from our multiple rides on ToT, they all found it pretty funny and on the last day we got the onride photo of us on the ToT, when we showed them to Frank , he kindly signed them without us having to ask or anything! that was the cherry on the cake for us, he wrote the classic 'Do enjoy your stay' on the back of the photographs, he then signed and dated them (11-03-2008) and because we only had 2 photos (me for me and my sister and one for my cousin) he got one of the junior guest cards they they must give out to guests who are too small to ride the ToT, and simply wrote 'Tower Of Terror Disneyland Paris 11/03/2008 then signed his name, so my sister wouldnt be the only one without his 'autograph' after 5 days of many rides on the ToT this just made us feel really good, especially since as we were leaving he thanked us for making his week an interesting one and thanked us for rideing so many times!
for me that was one of the best experiences i have had with a CM of course the other CM's on the ToT where really cool as well, but Frank was the one we remember most, though the CM called Bastien deserves a mention as well, he was a good laugh =]
and just because i have one, heres a picture of me with Frank, maybe you will have seen him on your visits to DLRP or will see him on a future visit, im hopeing i will be able to see him when i go back in Janurary =]
I think the CMs on the TOT are always such a laugh.. especially when I went round the park with my friends (all about 16/17) they really know they can banter with the older kids and they always tried to scare us..
on PM I was walking in through the door to the ride.. and my other 2 friends had seen the CM at the door but i didnt as i was just chatting away to them, as i turned round he'd hid behind the door then jumped out and went "BOOO!", I dont think i've ever screamed so much in DLP loll ! That was so much fun <3
In POTC we met a CM called Lucien.. (//
And although looking rather bemused in this picture he was lots of fun :)
On big thunder mountain my friend was reaaally scared as we were about to set off.. it was about 9 at night and we hadn't been on the ride yet so it was kinda creepy (especially as it was the halloween period :lol:) and i dont know the CMs name but he was bantering with us, looking into the ride track and going "ohh no!! oh my gaaaawwdd its so scarry ohh its such a shame!" and lots of things like this which we found so hilarious it was nice of him to show us some attention.
One more last one i promise! :P in the Disney Village sports bar there is a worker called Harman whos from Poland or Sweeden somewhere like that im awful with remembering :lol: and my friend and her mum were chatting to him for a while as he was clearing our table, we told him we were taking part in the European festival of dance and performing arts (EFDPA) in the Disney Village dome and he started discussing his love for musicals.. somehow it ended with him and my friend Patti.Moon singing West side story together and tap dancing !! (ill try and get the video up)
you hear people say that the jobs of general CMs are boring..but when they put as much life into it as some of the CMs do.. they become a character in their own right and it's that that makes everyones Disney experience just that little bit more special. :)
thank you CMs !! xx
Oh my goshh i almost forgot my favourite CM of all time :lol:
At woodys roundup in 2008 me and my 2 friends were walking up to get a picture with Woody, this CM came and stood right infront of us with his arms folded and an angry/scary look on his face.. so we were rather scared (with humour) and everytime we tried to get round him like dodge one way they run the other he'd stand infront of us and refuse to let us pass. We were giggling like mad and so decided to speak to him, i said "are you french!" he went "no I am english" (with a french accent, still acting angry) and i said "but your name is mathieu.. thats a french name!" and he said "how do you know that is my name..? My name is James! James is an english name isnt it?" then when we finally got past to have a picture with woody.. he stood behind that platform and nipped my ankles hahah i jumped so bad :lol: and Woody must have known that he was messing with us so he started too aswell.. he took my friends Minnie ears off her and put them on me, then turned the opposite way when they were taking the photo. We had soooo much fun it was definitely the highlight of our holiday :D
Then when we returned almost exactly a year later.. we looked everywhere in the park to try and find him.. then a CM during a meet and greet with the cinderella mice caught our eye and we realised it was Mathieu ! :D obviously we were so excited haha that he was still working here but no one dared to shout him.. i think he saw us looking and laughing and starting talking to his friend thinking we were checking him out or something :P then as he was walking away i shouted MATHIEU.. MATHIEU !!.. JAMES!! and for some reason he turned round to james.. but anyway we showed him the picture and said look its from a year ago and he showed his friend CM and they both went "No way !! Amazing" Shame we dint get a picture with him again but still it was fun to find him again :D:D
Sorry for rambling. story over <3 Hahaha xx
On my first long trip to Disney back in 2008 we bought so many photos, it was the trip that I first met Smurfy, madameleota and disneydonutter (the forging of a great friendship). On I think it was the second day we came off of ToT (second time in a row) and were buying the photo and laughing really loud because the girl behind us screamed to stop the ride and was pulling such a funny face! Suddenly the other cast member next to the one serving us said 'Am I not good enough for you to buy off?' and we looked at him really confused and he grinned and was like 'Oh you dont even remember me!' and was faking being upset. It turns out he had sold me my Space Mountain photo the day before! We had a chat and then proceeded to ride ToT again... and was greeted again by the same cast member. We saw him every time we rode on ToT for the rest of the trip and said hi :) he was really sweet and made us laugh every time we spoke to him and we spent a lot of time pin trading.
When we went back in Feb smurfy tipped me off that said cast member (Marius) was back at Space Mountain... I remember saying to my husband that I doubt he would even remember me! Though the moment I stepped out of Space Mountain his face lit up and said 'It's you!!!' It was so great talking to him again and he ran around and got all of his fellow cast members lanyards and we had a huge pin trading session :D
Sadly Marius left to work in WDW jst before I could return last September... However we are still in contact and I am hoping that when he returns to Europe at the end of this year that he will return to DLP. He really was a cast member that made me smile every time :)
Petitesirene what a lovely story !! :D its so nice when cast members actually remember you because it makes you feel special rather than just one of the crowd :D
in october me and my friends wore pirate hats for the whole trip..and that helped the CMs remember us loads cuz they just saw the pirate hats and knew!! <3
I know! You cant believe my excitement when he remembered me! I really do hope he returns to DLP, his contract in WDW has been extended to October and hes said he is unsure if he will go back... However when I mentioned we never got a photo together he said 'next time' so there is hope! :lol:
We went to DLP in January 2009, and were staying in the Sequoia Lodge. When we were checking in the CM dealing with us suddenly exclaimed, "Your name is Angel?!!" I said, "Yes" and he said his name was too! He then proceeded to upgrade our room from a standard room in one of the lodges to a lakeside montana room free of charge! We were like, oh wow, thank you so much! It really made our holiday & we had an awesome view of the lake & the ToT from our room! It was beautiful all lit up purple at night!!
Aw that's lovely ! And your name is beautiful :) I hope when I next go there is a CM called natalie hehe :P x
Wow thats a lovely story Angel! :D Its reminded me of my Feb trip with Smurfy. We arrived at the hotel (sequioa) and went to the desk to sort out our booking. The girl was so lovely and we chatted about the weather (it was the day of the blizzards) and about how so many people were cancelling their trip because they couldnt reach there. We said how we had been up since 2am to make sure we made it over. She was really nice and told us to return after 4pm
We returned at 4 and saw the same lady! She asked if we had a good time in the parks and we said we had, and she started checking us in. We asked if it was possible to be in the main building instead of the lodge because of the snow and she said she would see what she could do. She checked and said it was fine and as she gave us the room key she said 'Have a great trip and I hope you enjoy your suprise!' As we headed to the lift we thought maybe shes upgraded us to a lake view... But it was better! When I opened the door I couldnt help but scream as we ran into our lakeview suite! :o will never forget that trip, it was amazing.
Oh wow!! That's amazing!! I would love for them to do something like that on our next trip as we're staying in the DLH. A suite in there would be out of this world!! :)
Wow! Thats such a goosebump moment :D
We have had quite a few moments with cast members but here are the funniest for us.
It was quite a few years back during the summer and we were spending all of our time on Pirates. We noticed that there was a statue of a pirate near the photo screens as we were walking through. Then we looked closer.
A boy went up to the pirate and touched him. He started to fall forwards so the boy tried to catch him. Then the pirate grabbed him. The screaming from not just the boy but the surrounding people were hilarious.
Then we were heading for Phantom Manor and it was quite late and getting dark. Most people were heading for main street for the parade so we anticipated getting a couple've goes in.
There was a woman in front of us with her family but they'd run ahead leaving her alone. Simon noticed him first. The Grim Reaper was leaning against the wall and she must have thought he was just a statue. That was until she passed him and he suddenly reached out to grab her.
She screamed really loud and ran towards the queueing area. Big mistake because he followed. We laughed so much as he chased her round the whole queue until she caught up with her family :lol:
And this February we met a lovely cast member who had a thing for Grumpy. We saw her three days in a row and my brother in law Andy was wearing a Grumpy fleece. Each time she saw us she'd call 'Hey Grumpy!' and she'd chat about the weather, it was a bit wet. She was mostly on the double decker bus which goes up and down main street and when we went on the bus she kept pointing things out for Grumpy to see.
TTFN Wendy
I have two just really small things that make you smile we were walking down mainstreet with a hot dog from casseys i think we were in a rush to get somewhere and my boyfriend took a huge bite from the hotdog as a cast mate walked past and he just said " bon appetit " it was just really funny.
on our last day we went really early to try and go on crushes coaster as it had been broken the whole time we'd been there only to find after queuing for 15mins it was broken again we didnt have any time to do anything else so started to leave the park feeling a bit gutted but then we saw donald who is may favourite i never normally queue up to see the characters as i'm too old and i just want to leave it for the kids but i thought we had nothing else to do so we queued up but there was a lot of queue jumping and i thought i wasnt going to get to see him but then the cm announced i would be the last one and donald outstreched his arms and gave me a huge hug it just helps you feel a bit less awkward when your a bit older.
i also think the jack sparrow is really fun
We have just had the most amazing visit with fantastic CMs all over the place but I'm thinking Nicholas the CM in Stitch Live sticks out most in my mind.
We visited Stitch Live and were thoroughly enjoying the show when Lilo phoned Stitch and we all had to be monkeys and lions. When Sttich hung up he asked Nicholas who the best moneky was and Nicholas came straight to Rob :D
The net day Rob asked to go back and we explained that he wouldnt get chosen again. Nicholas was there but wasnt having such a succesful show as the children at the front were either shy or had minimal English.
When it came to choosing his monkey, Nicholas spied Rob and came straight over saying "My friend from yesterday" :D
"Nicholas" and Rob
Oh my I have got some many great memories with CMs.
One I can remember was back in 2008, My Brother had his Gf went to ride Indiana Jones and we was going to baby swap as DD was obv to little to ride it, while waiting the CM at the ride entrance made friends with DD and gave her a one of them Indiana Jones certificates and on the back wrote that we could ride POTC by going via the exit anytime during that whole day, it was so lovely of him.
Another was the CM who assisted me and DD on our first trip when we was chosen as Family of the Day, It was raining so hard but he did so much for us while getting soaked in the process, I saw him walk across Main Street on our last trip and I wanted to approach him to say thankyou again (2 years later) but chickened out as I thought he may of thought I was a crazy guest and not remember us lol.
The CM we had serving us in Inventions back in Jan 2009 was another great CM, he really made our evening more memorable and made such a fuss of DD in her snow white dress, and he also gave me 3 free drinks...bonus :lol:
I have more Cms I could thank for taking time out to make our trips special but I would be here all night.
Back in 2007, there was a POTC cast member called Austin who was working crowd control during the parade. He was playing the pirate part well, being very sarcastic with guests and he stopped by my family and started chatting to us. There was plenty of in-character banter, and he was generally being very funny! Obviously he had to patrol and keep the crowds in line, but he would always make his way back to us and continue the conversation, or even throw us 'menacing' pirate glances from across Main Street.
A couple of days later, we were queuing for PotC when an announcement came over the speakers and we recognised the voice instantly. It was Austin! He had a very distinguishable English accent ;) He was working above the docking area, and as our boat set off into the Caribbean, he stood up and waved at me and my sisters. When we arrived back, he had come down and was waiting at the end of ride to say hello. He even addressed us all by name. As soon as we left, he went back to his earlier position - it seemed he had come down for the sole purpose of saying hello to us!
He remained in character the whole time and so my youngest sister told all her friends when she got back that she'd made friends with a real pirate. Definitely a special CM :)
Aw thats lovely !! goodness theres just something about the pirates at DLRP isnt there !! <3 we always have the most fun there :D:D:D xx
That's the way all CM's should enjoy and "play" their roles :thumbs:
Wow thats great that is the way WDW works, great to see that it also (can) happen(s) in DLRP. In my opinion it should be done wya more often!
On my birthday this year we were trying to get a good photo of the two of us on PotC. I was desperate to go on the front as as we were at the front of the queue and would have been put at the rear of the boat I thought I'd cheekily ask the CM if we could sit at the front.
He laughed when I asked and before he could answer I butted in to tell him it was my birthday.
Needless to say he let us on the front (it was during a parade and the boat wasn't full anyway - I love visiting in the winter) and then announced over the tannoy in French and English that it was my birthday, and sang Happy Birthday to me. It was a nice touch - and we got a brilliant photo.