DLP Guide Forum - The Disneyland Paris magicforum community

Disneyland Paris => Disneyland Paris Trip Reports => Topic started by: montaguewarner on April 16, 2010, 04:38:43 PM

Title: Summer Trip Report - 5th AUG to 9th AUG 2009
Post by: montaguewarner on April 16, 2010, 04:38:43 PM

Okay Okay, i know its horrendously late, but I did want to get this up here at some point! I only even signed up for magic forum a few weeks ago! But Better late than never  :D  So here it is, my trip report in full from 2009!

Flew into CDG at approximately 1600 and went to TGV station via CDGVAL! How easy it was! We were really expecting the airport to be a maze!
Only thing was, the machines to collect internet TGV tickets were all broken so the queue to get them from a customer service agent was huge! We were in plenty of time though so no need to worry :D/ !

We got into the park at dusk and decided rather than rush to do rides, we'd just chill and soak up the incredible atmosphere

I really do love going to the parks when they're busy, because that's when it feels so magical with everyone around you and the place is really going with a great buzz!

We just did POTC that evening! You can tell the park must have been REALLY busy because POTC had a wait of 40 minutes! But the queue was actually entertaining and beautifully themed so we didn't mind!!

Posters: These things are HUGE, i thought they were just regular sized lamp posts, but i sort of liked them to be honest.
Which one is better at night?

Beatifully crafted lighting rigs for Castle Stage (cough WDS)

We headed into the village to check out the new starbucks i'd been following construction of on DLRP Today.com (thanks for that by the way). After we just chilled out in the village for the evening!

Kind of liked these balloons further breaking up Gehry's failure of Festival Disney!  :lol:

Headed back to Val D'Europe for an early night ready to get up and raring to go on Day 2.
Hotel E'Lysee was perfect for us! Lovely room! we put the Air Con on like 15 becuase we came back so hot everyday!
It wasn't any view overlooking main street for sure! But we didn't care, we just slept there and off to the parks everyday all day! I assume thats the casting training centre?

Day 2
So after getting up early to enjoy our EMH (the reason we chose Hotel E'Lysee over the others in Val D'Europe was for the EMH) we headed to the RER station as we couldn't be bothered to wait around for the bus, if there was one thing not-so-magical about our wonderful stay, it was the atrocious organisation of the bus!  :evil:

Thanks to our friends at photomagiques.com I printed there tick-list of every attraction in the park! And we did every one in Disneyland Park and all but a few in WDS, we mainly missed out the shows (Which i really regret now after reading Reviews on Cinemagique and Animagique!)

The Disneyland Hotel looked spectacular when we got there at 7.45am

Had a few walks around Fantasia Gardens before the park opened!

The Horse drawn street cars were out early so we hopped on to take a ride down Main Street USA!  :-"

The Music blaring out across the nearly deserted park was pure magic! (i think we were the first quests of the day)

My Favourite pictures of the castle: Got to love Imageneering forced perspective WITH a few perspective photo shots! it makes the thing look way bigger!

Okay so the decorations on the castle were...well...disappointing!
But they didnt take away from how spectacular it looked!...well...only a little  :P

During EMH i didn't take any pictures because we were hurtling around the park doing all of the EMH attractions in 2 hours!  :D We Even did Peter Pan and SMM2 twice and three times each!

The detailing on even the lamps was just stunning (in a really geeky way)

We took a break at Plaza Gardens and by this time it was already reaching the mid 20's in temperature so it was nice to cool off a bit!

At the rope drop at 10am we RAN and RAN and RAN to BTM and managed to be the first ones of the day on!
Followed by a dash to the FP dispensers, we did BTM twice and practically lost our voices screaming!

After that we did a couple of walk throughs to calm down a bit!

Followed by a bakingly hot walk through Alice's Maze following its recent refurbishment! (it looked so amazing)

That day we mainly did the E and D Tickets of Disneyland Park and missed out on "Disney's Once Upon A Dream Parade" knowing we could get a few Space Mountains in while it was on!

Fantilusion and Enchanted fireworks were simply spectacular and after I annoyed my friend by spending about 20 mintues trying to get a good night time pic of the castle!


There we go :D :(//http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs048.snc3/13543_193642700805_558670805_3562083_6727525_n.jpg)

Another early start on Day 3 as we went for EMH in DLP and then the rest of the day in WDS!

The whether while we were there was simply beautiful! Midday every day was touching 30 degrees C! A bit unbearable, but the cold queue lines were a god sent!  [-o<

I took an abridged Effects checklist with me, (thanks to Magic Forum) and the steam was working!  :lol:

We left Disneyland Park at 9.20 to head over to WDS for opening at 10am!
I never thought i would see the sight of people desperate to get into the park...and by park i mean Walt Disney Studios  :shock: !
We went at 9.30 and thought we'd be the first to start lining up at the turnstiles!
But there were Hundreds and Hundreds of people there! Unbelievable! Great for Disneyland Paris, but a bit annoying for us! HAHA!

Gates opened at 9.45 after an amusing announcement that we could start queuing for Crush's Coaster but the ride wouldn't open till 10am!
I thought this was really funny that they knew everyone was waiting from so early for one reason, CRUSH!

In the Queue line that had already extended all the way back to Studio1 I took my time to see the sights of the beautiful Hollywood Boulevard Place making and listen to the Movie Area Loop (how did the get the rights to all those wonderful soundtracks :?: )

Beautifully detailed lighting and sound columns! Not something you see in WDS every day! (again, in a bit of a geeky way)  :P

We queued for Crush for 60 Minutes, which was pretty good considering every other time we walked past crush for the rest of the trip it was from 120-150 minutes!  :shock:

Next we did TOT... about 10 times in a row!!
Even though there was a queue, (WDS was REALLY busy) we still spent about 3 hours just getting off and then straight back on again! What can i say? Addicted!

I knew TOT would be good, but i had no idea that it was just the most amazing attraction in the world (Sorry SMM2 and POTC)

After we both had severe headaches from TOT  :lol:  We went for a sit down to see Motors Action Stunt Show!
And again I completly underestimated this show! The set was great! the stunts were great!
Everything! and When i heard it was 40 minutes i thought i would be bored out of my mind (i'm bored quite easily)

So i knew when it finished and I wanted more that it really passed the Monty test  :wink:

We Spent all day in the Studios and decided to head back to DLP for the evening!
Front Lot was looking particularly stunning on our trip!

Hopefully when I return this July a certain something won't be in the background  :wink:

Day 4
So the last day we spent Hurtling around park hopping all day! And i didn't have much time to take pictures i was having some of the best days of my life!

I've been to MK in WDW and DL in DLR! and i have to say their Fantasylands come no-where near DIsneyland Paris' Fantasyland!

The detailing in Paris is just stunning, and after seeing this FantasyLand i left realising that WDW's and DL's where a bit plasticy and asphaltly!!

I HATE the tent theme going through WDW's now i've seen what a real FantasyLand should be! WELL DONE DLP  :D/ !

Okay so Mad Hatters Tea Cups neaded a real scrubbing but hey, no-one's perfect eh EuroDisney SCA  :wink:
The whole attraction even in that beautiful weather was looking very tired!

Another surprise hit for me was IASW! I really thought I'd do it once and be a bit iffy about it! But i was stunning, and again much better than WDW's or DL's!

We did it...must have been 4 or 5 times during the trip! And the small wait times are always a good bonus!

We caught  Disney's Once Upon A Dream Parade that afternoon and after seeing Walt Disney's Parade Of Dreams at Disneyland Resort i thought nothing could compare...how wrong was i  :!:

From the beautiful soudntrack (which i bought on the 164th re-realease of "Les Parades en Musique") to the sulphur smell on the Villains float, the whole parade was STUNNING!
I went to bed that night with a big cheesy Disney smile on my face, humming Just like We Dreamed it.

That afternoon i dragged my friend around the Disney Hotels i really wanted to visit!
And interestingly we both loved the stroll around Lake Disney! a pleasant surprise, and the hotels were gorgeous!

I'm a big Hotel Geek and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Newport Bay Club Architecture it really is lovely!  =D>

and to a lesser extent to be honest at New York, but its still pretty darn nice!

But oh my god the Disneyland Hotel lobby was just magical! and That SMELL was to die for!  :D

Didn't even know these plaques existed!
Loved it (except Fantasyland):

Not so much  :? :

Really want to visit Tokyo DisneySea  [-o<  (but not TokyoDisneyland really, heard some awful things about it):



We had to get the TGV at Midday back to CDG! :( Even though for the past 3 days we'd been getting up at 7am and going to bed at about 1am we decided that we would get up at 7am again on this last day to make the most of it.
... Mega panic struck as first the alarm didn't go off, then i thought we'd missed the TGV (the last train before our flight! and the next available flight was 2 days later)
... We woke up at 11am  :roll:
... Panic over we checked out swiftly and chucked the bags in left luggage at the Disneyland Park Guest Relations

We literally walked up main street USA at 11.30, turned around, and walked straight back after watching Minnie's Party Train for a bit!

We stepped on the TGV seconds before it pulled out of the station, i'm not kidding!

It was the best holiday I've ever had and easily surpassed Disneyland Resort, perhaps now DCA is better i might like Disneyland Resort a bit more?
But Disneyland Park in Paris will always be streeks ahead! It makes me proud that my home Disney park is easily the best in the world!
And I'm sure our much longer stay this year with our Dream AP's (so excited for that) will be even better, than what was; the best ever!

If anyone would like the HD 1080p Versions of some of the pictures just post here and i'll do my best to get them to you!

Thanks for Reading, do drop me a line if you liked the report!
Title: Re: Summer Trip Report - 5th AUG to 9th AUG 2009
Post by: tubbsy on April 16, 2010, 05:19:53 PM
Great report :D and you have some stunning phtos of the castle :D xx
Title: Re: Summer Trip Report - 5th AUG to 9th AUG 2009
Post by: montaguewarner on April 16, 2010, 05:21:19 PM
Quote from: "tubbsy"Great report :D and you have some stunning phtos of the castle :D xx
Thanks! I had a wonderful trip! And i took FAR too many photos of the castle!  :lol: Its just too beautiful
Title: Re: Summer Trip Report - 5th AUG to 9th AUG 2009
Post by: toritinker on April 16, 2010, 05:42:24 PM
I really enjoyed reading your report!
I agree the photo of the castle at night is simply stunning!!! Sounds like you got so much done in so little time, you lucky thing!!! Glad you had a good trip, hope you enjoy your summer trip just as much, if not more!
Title: Re: Summer Trip Report - 5th AUG to 9th AUG 2009
Post by: montaguewarner on April 16, 2010, 08:41:29 PM
Quote from: "toritinker"I really enjoyed reading your report!
I agree the photo of the castle at night is simply stunning!!! Sounds like you got so much done in so little time, you lucky thing!!! Glad you had a good trip, hope you enjoy your summer trip just as much, if not more!

Thank you so much!
As i said before I've just finished the final edit since your post to include all the new pictures and details! Have another read if you like as i've added in quite a lot!
Title: Re: Summer Trip Report - 5th AUG to 9th AUG 2009
Post by: loladelorean on April 17, 2010, 12:11:13 AM
I really enjoyed reading your report, thanks so much for sharing it with us :) I always get very excited when I spot a new trip report in the forums.
Title: Re: Summer Trip Report - 5th AUG to 9th AUG 2009
Post by: tubbsy on April 17, 2010, 07:08:46 AM
Quote from: "loladelorean"I always get very excited when I spot a new trip report in the forums.
Me too!

And yes please for photos.  :D I feel so cheeky asking!
Title: Re: Summer Trip Report - 5th AUG to 9th AUG 2009
Post by: montaguewarner on April 17, 2010, 10:49:44 AM
Which ones would u like?

Don't worry! i always find it so annoying when people do a trip report and i desperately want a photo they took for my desktop background but its just too small an image that it pixelates like mad! So i thought i would help people out a little if they like any of the pictures enough u can actually get a decent quality version! :)

My background at the moment is the one of Disneyland Hotel straight on from the top of Fantasia Gardens! love that one !
Title: Re: Summer Trip Report - 5th AUG to 9th AUG 2009
Post by: toritinker on April 17, 2010, 10:58:12 AM
oooooooooooooo what a kind offer for the photos!!! I would love the photo of the castle at night, it's gorg.
Title: Re: Summer Trip Report - 5th AUG to 9th AUG 2009
Post by: montaguewarner on April 17, 2010, 11:03:53 AM
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_95gf-HCwWLk/S ... C01297.JPG (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_95gf-HCwWLk/S8l46tHkL-I/AAAAAAAAAFw/_xlWFX5XZ_8/s1600/DSC01297.JPG%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)

There we go!

The spotlights really do make that photo! Good investment DLP!  :D
Title: Re: Summer Trip Report - 5th AUG to 9th AUG 2009
Post by: toritinker on April 17, 2010, 12:03:46 PM
thanks montaguewarner :)
Got that picture as my background now as I count down to my holiday...131days and counting!!!

Thanks for sharing xx
Title: Re: Summer Trip Report - 5th AUG to 9th AUG 2009
Post by: montaguewarner on April 17, 2010, 12:14:35 PM
Quote from: "toritinker"thanks montaguewarner :)
Got that picture as my background now as I count down to my holiday...131days and counting!!!

Thanks for sharing xx

HAHA! No problem! Have a magical trip  :wink:
Title: Re: Summer Trip Report - 5th AUG to 9th AUG 2009
Post by: tubbsy on April 17, 2010, 02:31:04 PM
WOW! It looks fantastic. thank you so much! :D
Title: Re: Summer Trip Report - 5th AUG to 9th AUG 2009
Post by: Annet on April 19, 2010, 07:36:05 PM
Thanks for your report! Every tripreport makes me more eager to go back.
Title: Re: Summer Trip Report - 5th AUG to 9th AUG 2009
Post by: dagobert on April 19, 2010, 07:50:13 PM
Thanks for your trip report!
Title: Re: Summer Trip Report - 5th AUG to 9th AUG 2009
Post by: montaguewarner on April 19, 2010, 07:52:02 PM
Quote from: "Annet"Thanks for your report! Every tripreport makes me more eager to go back.

Quote from: "Dagobert"Thanks for your trip report!

No problem! It was nice to remember all the magic again making the trip report!
Title: Re: Summer Trip Report - 5th AUG to 9th AUG 2009
Post by: never2old on April 24, 2010, 07:11:57 PM
Great report, many thanks for posting it!! It was a really good read

And by the way, there's nothing geeky about admiring the beautiful lamps in Discoveryland  :wink: It's all those little details that make this the most beautiful and amazing place there is  :D

And you have some really beautiful pictures, I really like the way you frame them!

It sounds like you had a great time (and you didn't miss your train!), thank you very much for sharing it with us!
Title: Re: Summer Trip Report - 5th AUG to 9th AUG 2009
Post by: montaguewarner on May 11, 2010, 11:45:08 PM
Quote from: "never2old"Great report, many thanks for posting it!! It was a really good read

And by the way, there's nothing geeky about admiring the beautiful lamps in Discoveryland  :wink: It's all those little details that make this the most beautiful and amazing place there is  :D

And you have some really beautiful pictures, I really like the way you frame them!

It sounds like you had a great time (and you didn't miss your train!), thank you very much for sharing it with us!

HAHA! Thank your for your comment!
The Discoveryland Lamps are something else really I have to say - PS on the topic of Disocveryland, does anyone know where i can get hold of the Area Music? Its amazing!  :thumbs: