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Fantasia Gardens => Galerie Mickey => Topic started by: Columbiad on January 30, 2010, 10:37:41 PM

Title: Parc Disneyland - Fantasyland Expansion - The Little Mermaid
Post by: Columbiad on January 30, 2010, 10:37:41 PM
Hey all!

I know I lot of people have made maps and discussed about the rumoured Little Mermaid dark ride in Fantasyland, but I wanted to expand on this idea and draw a few pictures :P
I wanted to try and keep the formula DLP has for placing the Fantasyland attractions in country groups, and so I created an 'undersea' mini-land to surround the dark-ride. Heres the map...

(Black and white version: http://lh5.ggpht.com/_y64qgOvp0Hk/S2Si6 ... %20001.jpg (http://lh5.ggpht.com/_y64qgOvp0Hk/S2Si6teu4hI/AAAAAAAAAJc/Rtr4NcTcUeA/s640/Little%20Mermaid%20-%20Parc%20Disneyland%20Expansion%20001.jpg%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;))

The entrance to the Land makes use of the existing Fantasyland Festival Stage, becuase I love the whole victorian-conservatory look it has going on. The exterior would be altered to feature arches where guests would walk thorugh, with stained glass above them, depicting Ariel perched on her rock, looking mournfully across the sea to Erics Palace. The paths to the Train Station and the Station itself would remain the same, apart from some barnacle covered rocks scattered amonst the greenery and pathways.
Inside the tunnel, guests pass aquarium tanks/murals, depicting ocean life, while hidden projectors give everthing a bluw glow...your going under the sea....!

As you come out, Erics Palace, housing the dark-ride sits atop a cliff.
To your right, a huge bronze statue of Atlantica and a King Triton fountain sit among sea-like plants and greenery.
To your left is a childs play area, themed to Ariels grotto. (The colour schemes are differant on each picture - sorry!)

(Black and white version: http://lh6.ggpht.com/_y64qgOvp0Hk/S2Si4 ... %20001.jpg (http://lh6.ggpht.com/_y64qgOvp0Hk/S2Si4X-o7JI/AAAAAAAAAJY/5TF3wA4kVXE/s640/kenneth%2C%20disneyland%2C%20disney%2C%20001.jpg%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;))

In the play-park are two fish for riding on (traditional spring-type things) and a huge swing, designed to look like a jelly fish. But the centrepiece of the park is the rock area at the back.
- Two fish slides
-A cave, where children can meet Ariel
-The porthole at the back of the ship-wrecked boat, is a screen, where children can see Flounder and merfolk swim past.
-There are several heavy duty screen in the ground (under thick layers of glass) where children can look down and see fish, bubbles, ripples etc.
-There are alos many fountains laid into the ground.

Once you past the dark-ride, theres a feature called 'Sebastians Orchestra'. Its composed of a small pool, surrounded by fish and sea-creatures with instruments, and Sebastain perched atop a rock in the centre.
Laid into the wall where you stand, is a giant piano. Pressing a key makes a fish play its instrument, with a small action. Sebastian also spins round to point at the fish.
After a while, if no-one touched the keys, they automatically play exerpts from 'Under The Sea'.

Next, you come across a gigantic head of a leviathan. This is Ursulas Ruvue, a theatre/resteraunt, themed to Ursulas lair, and cabaret-style dinner shows. A small theatre plays villian cabaret or preferably Villians Tonight! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8233sYUDn8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8233sYUDn8%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;))
When a show isnt playing, a portion of the rocks swivel round to reveal a huge audio-animatronic Ursula, who interacts with the guests.

I plan to post more pictures of the things I havent, like the resteraunt and the Triton fountain - what do you think?

Come one - everyone can dream, cant they? :D
Title: Re: Parc Disneyland - Fantasyland Expansion - The Little Mermaid
Post by: Scissorsboi on January 31, 2010, 03:48:02 AM
This is a wonderful idea, it encapsulates the missing elements of interaction from the parks which haven't been seen in years, caters for all age groups, and brings a new sense of placemaking to the park!

I love the idea of having a new kids play area, I know we already have a couple, but the addition of water is an ever growing popularity in parks, and it'll fit beautifully with Little Mermaid! The teens I guess would like the Villains show, as I think they find it easier to relate to them (as opposed to Princesses and Princes which I think younger kids will be attracted to), plus again, it'll be a bit of added magic and charm to the area!

I really like the ideas, and can only wish that DLP comes up with something along these lines instead of just placing a cloned ride! Out of interest, would it just connect to the Storybookland area with a path, it looks like you've done a sandy fade in the picture?
Title: Re: Parc Disneyland - Fantasyland Expansion - The Little Mermaid
Post by: luke85 on January 31, 2010, 01:45:06 PM
Amazing ideas! I was blown away by your drawings, so great! I'm really hoping the Little Mermaid attraction gets built in DLP, and if it does I think your landscaping ideas would be the perfect theming to surround it!
Title: Re: Parc Disneyland - Fantasyland Expansion - The Little Mermaid
Post by: Columbiad on January 31, 2010, 02:02:37 PM
Quote from: "Scissorsboi"Out of interest, would it just connect to the Storybookland area with a path, it looks like you've done a sandy fade in the picture?

I think so, yes. I didnt really pay much attantion to the actual pasths I'm afraid, just the Park map - but I imagine it slowly fading into a sandy-coloured path, giving the impression your on the beach, thus the rocks.

Thanks the positive feedback guys!  :D :D
Title: Re: Parc Disneyland - Fantasyland Expansion - The Little Mermaid
Post by: dagobert on January 31, 2010, 04:41:28 PM
Your drawings are great and I love your ideas. Very well done.