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World of Disney => Disney & Co. => Topic started by: -breeno- on December 10, 2009, 10:14:05 PM

Title: Fallen
Post by: -breeno- on December 10, 2009, 10:14:05 PM
Before we start, no, this is not a sequel to UP :P :lol:

Empire and BSC report than Disney have snapped up the rights to Fallen, a four-parter novel which will from the sound of things will be used to rival the popular Twilight movies;

QuoteDisney Books Up Fallen
Supernatural romantic triangle alert!
Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Picture the scene: an alienated girl finds herself drawn to - and torn between - two charismatic young men. Sound like something you've read/watched before? If you screamed "Twilight" with all the gusto of a toddler at a birthday party, then take a prize! But it's actually the plot of Fallen, Lauren Kate's young-adult novel, and Disney's latest literary acquisition.

Spotting a chance to tap into some of that sweet Twi-dough, the Mouse House has bought the rights to Kate's four-tome series, which feature the twist that the two male beaus aren't vampires or werewolves, but fallen angels (hence the title).

It's too early for a director, writer or any cast to be attached yet, but you just know Disney has already kicked off the search for a pair of unknown hunks to play the angelic suitors....

Empire (//http://www.empireonline.com/news/story.asp?NID=26480)
QuoteMedora was kind enough to point me in the direction of this news item and it was a tough call between BSCkids and this site, but in the end I felt it belonged here.  Disney has optioned the rights to Lauren Kat's young adult novel Fallen that heavily features angels.  Some believe that vampires and werewolves are taking a back seat to the next trend which will be a slew of angel related books and movies.  Disney looks to believe the same thing with this move.

Mark Ciardi and Gordon Gray will produce the film and the book which was released by Delacorte Books is part of a four part series.  Disney made sure to get all of them included in this deal, so that way if it takes off they are already wrapped up.  The story is about a girl that is torn between two men, she is not aware of the fact that they have battled over her for many lifetimes and are fallen angles.

I do not know, when you start talking about angels you bring religion to the table, so you heard it here first, I do not think this next fad will be as big as vampires and werewolves.

Source: THR.com

BSC (//http://www.bscreview.com/2009/12/disney-options-rights-to-fallen-novel/)
Title: Re: Fallen
Post by: mehdi5 on December 12, 2009, 12:29:22 AM
Hope they can pull it off, and please let this be better than Twilight [-o<
Title: Re: Fallen
Post by: QTXAdsy on December 16, 2009, 11:15:10 PM
Please get rid of Twilight's fame!!

Might have high hopes for this.
Title: Re: Fallen
Post by: Pete's Dragon on December 17, 2009, 01:46:55 AM
Quote from: "-breeno-"Before we start, no, this is not a sequel to UP :P :lol:

Oi !! I'm the one who makes the smart comments around here.
Honestly, " I'm out of it for a little while and everyone gets delusions of grandeur" (Han Solo)  :wink: