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World of Disney => Disney & Co. => Topic started by: Aveen2008 on December 06, 2009, 06:54:05 PM

Title: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: Aveen2008 on December 06, 2009, 06:54:05 PM
Hi guys

I think there are so many emotionally powerful moments in Disney movies! But which ones brought tears to your eyes or did you actually cry at? If you can even name 3 each that would be interesting to see. Mine would be

1. Mufasa's death- Lion King
2. When Stitch almost dies- in Lilo and Stitch 2
3. When Todds owner leaves him in the forest to be in the wild/ When copper saves todd from being shot - fox and the hound!

wow I could cry thinking about those scenes hehe they are brilliant!! =D> Theres more I cry at too hehe!
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: loladelorean on December 06, 2009, 07:09:44 PM
1. The very beginning of Oliver and Company when he's the last kitten in the box
2. The bit where Carl is looking at the photo album in Up
3. Quasimodo getting pelted with tomatoes in Hunchback of Notre Dame

I know these are all a bit random, but I think they are the most heart wrenching Disney moments!
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: Aveen2008 on December 06, 2009, 07:59:02 PM
Quote from: "loladelorean"1. The very beginning of Oliver and Company when he's the last kitten in the box
2. The bit where Carl is looking at the photo album in Up
3. Quasimodo getting pelted with tomatoes in Hunchback of Notre Dame

I know these are all a bit random, but I think they are the most heart wrenching Disney moments!

awww the one with oliver is a heart breaking scene I agree the other two were brilliant too! =D>
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: loladelorean on December 06, 2009, 08:42:35 PM
Quote from: "Aveen2008"awww the one with oliver is a heart breaking scene I agree the other two were brilliant too! =D>

I couldn't watch Oliver when I was wee because this bit upset me so much! I didn't see the whole film until a couple of years ago lol, I'm finally strong enough to handle it but it still brings a tear to the eye.
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: bensmum on December 06, 2009, 10:27:51 PM
saw UP twice and cried on both occaisions at the same point - the photo album, and when she died and at the very end. maybe I just cry a lot :lol:  :oops:
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: davewasbaloo on December 06, 2009, 11:14:54 PM
These are great. I would add in no particular order:

Snow White, when the 7 dwarfs are all crying over Snow White laying lifeless

Bambi, when his mother is shot and he realises he won't be seeing her.

The Baby Mine sequence in Dumbo

When the beast is laying dead in Belle's arms and she proclaims her love for him.

Mufasa's death is a definate, every time.

The opening of Tarzan, when his parents are killed

In Brother Bear when all the spirits are united

In Finding Nemo, when MArlin's family is obliterated

And oh so many more....
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: Masamune on December 07, 2009, 12:35:58 AM
1. The Baby Mine sequence in Dumbo
2. Mufasa's death in The Lion King
3. The death of Bambi's mother and Bambi's reaction in Bambi

Those are my top 3. The Baby Mine bit upsets me so much that even if I just think about it for too long I start to cry. :cry: It's just so sad.
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: Anthony on December 07, 2009, 01:11:10 AM
Death scenes don't tend to make me cry, not sure why.

But don't think I'm some emotionless robot, it's the happy scenes that really get me. Or moments when the music, animation, everything just comes together and it's all too perfect.

Most recently that's the moment in Up where Carl is looking through the book of adventures, "Stuff we're going to do", sighs because they didn't get chance, then sees that it's all been filled in... *sniff*

In Ratatouille, the scene where Remy is told to "go up and look around" and then he emerges on the rooftop with that stunning view - he'd been right under Paris all the time. Amazing.
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: Aveen2008 on December 07, 2009, 07:39:15 PM
Some very powerful emotional scenes

I agree with baby mine and bambi's mothers death ...tearful moments

Anthony... sometimes happy moments can be really emotional too I agree....

like when simba walks to the top of pride rock and roars to signal his place as king- brilliant moment!! Makes you feel pride or something I think!

Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: luke85 on December 08, 2009, 02:15:40 PM
1) The moment Belle and the Beast start to dance in the ballroom, I think it's the music more than anything that gets to me! Also when he's dying at the end :(

2) When Snow White is in her glass coffin, and Grumpy is sobbing, I find it sad even thinking about it!

3) When King Triton comes out of the water says goodbye to Ariel at her wedding, showing that he finally wishes her well.

There are loads more I could think of, but I just got quite upset thinking about these moments, and I don't want to turn into a crying mess!
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: Aveen2008 on December 08, 2009, 08:14:41 PM
Quote from: "luke85"1) The moment Belle and the Beast start to dance in the ballroom, I think it's the music more than anything that gets to me! Also when he's dying at the end :(

2) When Snow White is in her glass coffin, and Grumpy is sobbing, I find it sad even thinking about it!

3) When King Triton comes out of the water says goodbye to Ariel at her wedding, showing that he finally wishes her well.

There are loads more I could think of, but I just got quite upset thinking about these moments, and I don't want to turn into a crying mess!

Aw that King Triton moment is very touching I think too!
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: Masamune on December 09, 2009, 06:29:41 PM
 :( I was horrified by what happened to Ariel's mum. That was a big tear-jerker for me, despite the fact that I only watched it on YouTube! Haven't even seen the full film!
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: luke85 on December 09, 2009, 07:03:23 PM
Quote from: "Masamune" :( I was horrified by what happened to Ariel's mum. That was a big tear-jerker for me, despite the fact that I only watched it on YouTube! Haven't even seen the full film!

What happens to Ariel's Mum? She's not mentioned once in the film...
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: loladelorean on December 09, 2009, 08:36:44 PM
Quote from: "Masamune" :( I was horrified by what happened to Ariel's mum. That was a big tear-jerker for me, despite the fact that I only watched it on YouTube! Haven't even seen the full film!
I'm intrigued by this as well...? Is it in one of the sequels? :S think i've only seen the original and little mermaid 2
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: Aveen2008 on December 09, 2009, 09:28:13 PM
Quote from: "Masamune" :( I was horrified by what happened to Ariel's mum. That was a big tear-jerker for me, despite the fact that I only watched it on YouTube! Haven't even seen the full film!

It must be in the "in the begining" film is it? I haven't seen that yet lol.

I think it's tearful in monsters inc when sulley has to say goodbye to boo and even at the end when he goes to see her again and he opens the door and you hear her go "kitty!"  *sniffles*
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: Imagineer Scott on December 10, 2009, 06:12:36 AM
1. The point in Finding Nemo when Marlin attempts to abandon Dory and you realize just how much Dory needs Marlin
2. 'Married Life' in Up
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: Masamune on December 13, 2009, 12:39:34 AM

[spoiler:vah67j9u]Here's the vid of what happens.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reWHqjboaJ8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reWHqjboaJ8)

;o; She was so bloody beautiful as well.[/spoiler:vah67j9u]
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: dagobert on December 14, 2009, 02:16:33 PM
The beginning of UP, when Carl and Ellie realize that they can't get a child and the scene in which Ellie dies.
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: Stitch2814 on December 15, 2009, 05:58:46 PM
The only ones that make cry are -

1. Todd being left if the forest in fox and the hound, never fails
2. When stitch appears to die in Lilo and stitch 2

Those are the only ones that make me cry, I never get why people cry at Bambi lol
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: QTXAdsy on December 16, 2009, 11:12:37 PM
The strange thing is that when i was little, i didn't cry at disney movies, i was always scared to death by them. (Mufasa's death being the big one of course)

But Lilo and Stitch has so far been the only disney movie to ever tug on my heart strings.

I remember watching it at the cinema when it came out. The scene though was of course when Stitch leaves the house carrying the ugly duckling book with him, then he says his first word when he looks dejected. :cry:

I remember I started crying at that point. I always thought i was quite heartless till i watched that film. :|

In fact it has been the only film to make me cry even to this day!
Title: Re: Scenes that brought tears to our eyes
Post by: Nicholas-c on December 18, 2009, 12:33:35 AM
Quote from: "loladelorean"2. The bit where Carl is looking at the photo album in Up

Yes. Yes. Yes. Pretty much the entirety of Up had me in tears.

Lilo and stitch when Gantoo (spelling?) takes lilo away and Nani is upset. Very emotional.