Who's getting excited about this?? I know I am! Haven't seen this movie since it came out at the cinemas. :oops:
Anyway, the trailer for the dvd is online:
http://disney.go.com/disneyvideos/anima ... lemermaid/ (http://disney.go.com/disneyvideos/animatedfilms/littlemermaid/)
I've been listening to some of the music quite a bit recently - it's probably got one of Disney's most beautiful soundtracks, and so many good songs. I haven't watched the film for ages though, maybe 2 or 3 years ago... Lol, I can't believe you haven't seen it since it was in cinemas!! :o
I haven't really looked forward to a Disney Platinum edition since Aladdin, but The Little Mermaid is one I really can't wait for. Disney have really overlooked it for many many years now (compared to constant rereleases of other films), so it'll be great to see it looking all flashy on DVD.
There's a lot they could put on the bonus features for this, I hope it doesn't disappoint...
Here's the Disney press release from earlier this year.
http://www.ultimatedisney.com/littlemer ... lease.html (http://www.ultimatedisney.com/littlemermaid-platinumedition-pressrelease.html)
I've been excited about this DVD coming out for years, I'm somewhat Little Mermaid mad :lol: , seem to know every line in the movie, plus the music's fantastic. About time they gave the renaissance mermaid an upgrade :D . I'm kinda liking the trailer though it doesnt do it justice too much, it could have so much more to it, though maybe at the moment they don't want to give too much away of what is going on the DVD (I Hope) :wink: .
Cover art!!
:arrow: http://www.ultimatedisney.com/coverart.html#oct (http://www.ultimatedisney.com/coverart.html#oct)
It looks amazing! :D
Quote from: "UltimateDisney.com"While Disney has yet to formally announce the contents of this October's Platinum Edition re-release of The Little Mermaid, they have passed on a few details to retailers, which naturally went public very quickly. Those details revealed that the two-disc set will include an all-new digital restoration, an all-new Disney Enhanced Home Theater Dolby 5.1 soundtrack, "FastPlay", deleted scenes, "The Story Behind the Story" on Hans Christian Andersen, "The Making of The Little Mermaid", the Imagineer-spawned Little Mermaid Virtual Ride, an all-new music video, a sneak peek at The Little Mermaid III, and "much, much more." That last part remains to be announced.
Well, that sounded good until it got to "The Little Mermaid III". What the hell???!!! :evil:
Yeah, Cinderella III is on it's way too :x
WOW, what wonderful cover art, usually they seem so bland sometimes and don't get pulled off too well, but this one just looks amazing :D . Oh god please tell me Melody isn't coming back, I mean really wasn't Return to the sea enough of a flop :( .
You're so lucky ;)
I'd love to get "Arielle", how the Little Mermaid is called in Germany. But there's a problem: When I was in primary school, Arielle, The Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin and The Lion King were my favourite films (1991--1994 I was in primary school). And the German translation was great, I could speak and sing the whole film.
But when the DVDs were new, the translation was made new, too: The voices were diefferent and many words and even songs were changed!! Now I'm afraid when this new voice version will be on the German DVD instead of the old one :(
Well just searched on Amazon and it's going to be released here on the 6th November, still cannot wait for it to be released, wonder what the special features will be like. :)
From dlp.info forum:
Quote"Little mermaid DVD with ride info"
Just wanted to share with you the fact that the Little mermaid "platinum edition" DVD will have to be a must have for all of us DLRP (EuroDisney should I say in this case) fans as in the extras there will be a concpet art gallery of the proposed little mermaid ride which was supposed to go in Fanatsyland.
Quote from: "The Butlin Boy"From dlp.info forum:
Quote"Little mermaid DVD with ride info"
Just wanted to share with you the fact that the Little mermaid "platinum edition" DVD will have to be a must have for all of us DLRP (EuroDisney should I say in this case) fans as in the extras there will be a concpet art gallery of the proposed little mermaid ride which was supposed to go in Fanatsyland.
I was just about to post that... I hope it's true! :o :o
"Under The Sea Adventure: A Virtual Ride" lasts 4:20 min., "Ride With Disney Imagineers" 5:15 min. and "Behind The Ride That Almost Was" another 5:55 min.
:arrow: http://lighthousenews.us/photos/tlm/b2.jpg (http://lighthousenews.us/photos/tlm/b2.jpg)
Source: UltimateDisney.com and DLP.info
This looks like it could be the best Disney DVD yet!! :D :D
What could have been.....
:arrow: http://www.ultimatedisney.com/forum/vie ... hp?t=16451 (http://www.ultimatedisney.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16451) (scroll down!)
Click here (//http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBUMRk-nkdA) for a video of "The ride that almost was!"
Although the order is a bit different and it seems a bit scary for younger children--this attraction could have been great! I love attractions of my favourite films, where you can see a lot! :)
Where would that attraction have been placed?
QuoteWhere would that attraction have been placed?
The hill near it's a small world, where the parade starts (or ends).
Look for this map in Plaza East/West Boutiques and Storybook Store and you'll see where the B&B ride and TLM ride were supposed to go: