I posted this to WDSfans earlier today:
QuoteWe reported (//http://www.photosmagiques.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=6518) last month on the magicforum about large white boxes located behind the Studio Tram Tour station. This weekend we were able to catch a glimpse of those boxes through a fence on the Studio Tram Tour road.
One of the boxes clearly shows the Walt Disney Imagineering logo with "PROJECT RNRC JOHNNY" written on it.
Could this be an indication of upcoming changes at Rock 'n' Roller Coaster avec Aerosmith?
(//http://www.photosmagiques.com/wdsfans/news/upload/wdi_johnny-thumb.jpg) (//http://www.photosmagiques.com/wdsfans/news/upload/wdi_johnny.jpg)
Source (//http://www.photosmagiques.com/wdsfans/news/news.php#newsitemEkFlVpyFVFvZMkneeN)
I know the 10 year contract with Aerosmith was coming to an end soon for the DHS Rock 'n' Roller Coaster... would this have anything to do with that? I'd hate to lose the Aerosmith theme. No one will be able to scream "3... 2... 1...!" better than Steven Tyler!
But there are positive things it could be, eg - new smoke machines! :mrgreen:
Or it could be new lights. Or perhaps a few more props and details for the exterior of the attraction?
I just hope we don't see any down-grades to the attraction. [-o<
Hmmm... sounds very interesting indeed :-k I wonder what it could be.
Perhaps the Aerosmith contract has run out, but that'd be a huge shame, it suits it so well - it really wouldn't be the same without them :?
I kind of hope it'll be a fix up the effects and the exterior of the building job like RnRCj said, that'd be great; but then again would it get a whole Imagineering trailer/project name for just that?
Any other ideas? :)
I hope it doesn't mean the end for Aerosmith in WDS :(
I'm excited about what they could be doing to RnRC though, hopefully new smoke machines and other effects!
For me, taking Aerosmith out would be ripping the soul out of the attraction - just like they did with Space Mountain. I can only hope Aerosmith renewed the contract. [-o<
Another bad thing they could do is change it to be like the Florida version, which would really, REALLY annoy me. :lol:
If I was being optimistic, I would hope this is a big refurb of the exterior and of the effects inside. There could be a completely new courtyard design, like the Florida RnRC, but with a more 'Backlot' theme.
Of course, this could be the start of one of Kristof's April Fools' jokes. :wink:
Quote from: "RnRCj"Of course, this could be the start of one of Kristof's April Fools' jokes. :wink:
If it is, you're in big trouble Kristof :P
Isn't it a bit early for April fools?
Maybe they're changing from Aerosmith to Johnny Hallyday, the biggest French rock start (even though he's actually Belgian...) - that's the biggest Johnny I can think of!
Quote from: "never2old"Isn't it a bit early for April fools?
A good April fools joke is usually started a little early to make it more convincing. :wink:
My first thought was an April fools joke, anyone with photoshop could add text and a logo on a box.
My second thought was the end of the Aerosmith contract, which wouldn't be the end of the world.
The ride isn't on the closed ride list for the next few months so I'm straying towards option one.
:lol: I feel this is an April fools. If not, I hope this is some updates for RNRC. :D
I have a feeling this is an April Fools joke but i hope it's not for Kristof's sake because it hasn't worked very well has it ;) :lol:
Rock 'n' Roller Coaster starring Johnny Hallyday would probably go down well in France. He'd be more familiar and relevant to a French audience than Aerosmith.
But, yeah, it does have a certain Aprils Fools air about it.
This sure does sound like an April's Fool and the picture does seem a little rough around the text and logo, doesn't it? :lol:
If not it will be exciting to see what this will bring - a french rockstar? A great thing for the french guests, but it could hurt the attraction in the eyes of international guests.
Quote from: "RnRCj"For me, taking Aerosmith out would be ripping the soul out of the attraction - just like they did with Space Mountain. I can only hope Aerosmith renewed the contract. [-o<
Another bad thing they could do is change it to be like the Florida version, which would really, REALLY annoy me. :lol:
i have to agree with you on the aerosmith part, everything up the the part where you are sitting down would work (to a degree) but it wouldn't be the same without aerosmith and then "Goooinnngggg Down!" at the later part of the ride :P always gets me pumped lol
I imagine it might be upgrading lights etc as it is 10 years old and some lighting rigs might be hard to get too overnight along side normal matience etc
Maybe they're finally putting in a pre-show that actually makes sense. The current "storyline" is completely random and illogical. The story works far better over at Disney's Hollywood Studios.
Quote from: "Alan"Maybe they're finally putting in a pre-show that actually makes sense. The current "storyline" is completely random and illogical. The story works far better over at Disney's Hollywood Studios.
Its just a shame that at Hollywood Studios the actual ride with the cardboard cutouts isn't as good as the Paris light show. (When it works)
I'd sacrifice a poorer story just for the lights and smoke.
Press release, concept art and Travel Channel video now posted to WDSfans!!
http://www.photosmagiques.com/wdsfans/n ... pFFINNNLrb (http://www.photosmagiques.com/wdsfans/news/news.php#newsitemEkFlVupkpFFINNNLrb)
And the Disney & More blog:
http://disneyandmore.blogspot.com/2009/ ... d-bye.html (http://disneyandmore.blogspot.com/2009/03/wds-rock-and-roller-coaster-good-bye.html)
APRIL FOOL :^o :^o :^o :^o me thinks
Quote from: "smurfy74"APRIL FOOL :^o :^o :^o :^o me thinks
Hahahahhaha indeed :P
The planned special effects upgrade seem very impresive with Water Mist screens, New lazer effects, Fire etc. But to a lot of people in the UK who is Johnny Holiday couldn't they find another artist who is well known in all their Key markets?
Agreed that this is likely a joke. However, it does make me wonder who this Johnny Character is and if he is any good?
Judge 4 yourself Dave :P
This HAS to be an April Fool! If it isn't it's a sad outlook for RnRC!! Using Johnny Hallyday is just laughable in my humble opinion, I can't imagine his music working in a rollercoaster setting at all!
I'm 99.9% convinced that we're being April fooled here! :wink:
Quote from: "Snow_White_Girl"This HAS to be an April Fool! If it isn't it's a sad outlook for RnRC!! Using Johnny Hallyday is just laughable in my humble opinion, I can't imagine his music working in a rollercoaster setting at all!
I'm 99.9% convinced that we're being April fooled here! :wink:
I ruddy hope it is a April Fool... If not I might die a little inside!
Listening to the Video... I fell asleep!
No Where Near RNRC Quality... or Tempo
Definitely an April Fool. I somehow doubt Disney would release concept art that looked like a few Photoshops! :P
Funny how LOADS of info has suddenly popped out on April Fools' day!
I couldn't help but laugh at some of the "concept" art. :lol:
Greatest...April... Fools... Joke... EVER! :lol:
Great work guys, a fantastic collaboration from all of the site involved in it. You can tell it's a joke; one, concept art doesn't just appear like that; two, the Travel Channel, seriously :roll: ; thirdly, the credits on the video; and finally, they could never build that exterior, the giant Johnny and the track are a bit too... well... you know... inappropriate :oops:
In other news however, there was actually a fire in RnRC last night; and this one isn't an april fools :(
http://www.newsdlrp.com/dlrp-289-incend ... oller.html (http://www.newsdlrp.com/dlrp-289-incendie-rock-n-roller.html)
What's with all this RnRC news suddenly appearing?! :lol:
Quote from: "The Butlin Boy"In other news however, there was actually a fire in RnRC last night; and this one isn't an april fools :(
http://www.newsdlrp.com/dlrp-289-incend ... oller.html (http://www.newsdlrp.com/dlrp-289-incendie-rock-n-roller.html)
Not convinced about that either - but it's a hell of a lot more realistic than the Johnny stuff! :roll:
If the fire is real, I hope there was no serious damage. On the bright side though, it may have made them realise that smoke in the ride can actually add a lot to it!
The fire is 100% true - the Backlot has been closed all day (from the metal gates which are normally never used).
Quote from: "Poppy The Monkey"The fire is 100% true - the Backlot has been closed all day (from the metal gates which are normally never used).
Damn. See, this is why I don't like April Fools' day. A joke is made about RnRC, but then when something serious happens to it, it's hard to believe. :roll: It's like the boy who cried wolf.
Anyway, I think the fire was on the roof (?), so hopefully not a load of damage was done to the inside. Apparently it'll open by the end of the week too. :)
BTW the easiest thing to see it was fake we're the concept arts, but if you pay attention in the fake Travel Channel you could see from the start it was fake by a few points:
1. The english voice over is definitly someone from DLRP itself, since it's not the voice that is used in they're programs and the one in the video sounds too french.
2. Subtitle errors, in the first part the voice over speaks english, then you see someone talking in French with English subtitles, but later on you see French with English Subtitles, and the voice over doesn't have any subtitles at all.
3. Bad camera work, Travel Channel always uses high quality cameras for they're documentaries and the video obviously was made with a small cam corder.
4. Recycled video material, they sometimes use recycled material from previous documentaries but never as much as in this video.
Just wanted to point that out, i often do that with videos, i'm good at that kind of stuff :P
Even though it's fake, i'd hate the idea of replacing Aerosmith in the ride, they just kinda fit with the whole ride, not because of the theming but the music and feel just fits awesomely with the ride :D
PLUS there would be an official announcement from disney :)
Apparently, Imagineers never ever take of their hard hats, even when they are not on a construction site and are in the queue for RnRC :wink: :lol:
Well yes, I can confirm this was just an April Fools Joke! All credit goes to Mouetto and friends over at Disney Central Plaza who asked me to join in to make it seem more credible. :wink:
very very well done that must of taken them so much time to plan and do
Nice video editing from whoever edited the video, think this is probably one of the best fools jokes yet, along with the Miley Cyrus cinemagique take-over and the strange one a few years ago that space mountain was reversed to backwards :lol: .
Thanks everyone for your comments, indeed it took some time to plan and make all of this but it was so much fun!
The idea was not to try to make it real, the whole idea is too crazy. We took the approach of "what if...?" and just added fun around that to push it to the limits. But some people believed in it anyway.... cool.
BTW thanks Kristof for your support and the teaser, a WDSFans exclusive! ;)
Does anyone happen to know when the Aerosmith contract will really end? I heard it was July for the Florida RnRC. Would it be the same for the Paris one?
Hopefully Aerosmith will or already have renewed it.