Why don't DLRP built a Submarine Voyage in Discoveryland? You could make it into a 20,000 league under the sea version. Afterall Jules Verne was from France.
We've already got one, it's called Les Mystères du Nautilus ;) :P
Unless you mean a simulation like Star Tours? If so good idea, would be cool to travel through the sea and then to space by only travelling a few yards :P
Quote from: "-breeno-"We've already got one, it's called Les Mystères du Nautilus ;) :P
I never go to that ride :D lol
I mean the sort of ride WDW had ages ago. Practically submarine voyage but with subs like Les Mysteres du Nautilus.
I LOVE the idea, looking at yesterland and other photos DLR and WDW attractions were amazing ! . To bad WDW ditched it for a little mermaid groto photo location or something :? ? But DLR finally opened there attraction again in 2007 with a new layover FINDING NEMO ! :D So which ever attraction it would be, i would love both !
My bet goes on the Finding Nemo attraction though :idea:
Thing is we already have Crush's Coaster, a really good finding nemo ride.
If we did base it around Jules Verne we could add the huge squid, which would be class :D
'Unless you mean a simulation like Star Tours? If so good idea, would be cool to travel through the sea and then to space by only travelling a few yards :P'
nice idea breeno. it could be a nice addition to the nautilus in future- you could have guests enter a copy of the cockpit you can see from the outside of the ride (but in the show building) and have a screen on the other side of the glass which could make it work as a simulator- you could descend into the discoveryland lagoon and travel through the sea- complete with an encounter with the giant squid, only to return to the surface afterwards.
it could be pretty easy to do as well (there could be multiple simulators similar in size to the ones they had for cyberspace mountain)
i just read this http://jimhillmedia.com/blogs/jim_hill/ ... 0/583.aspx (http://jimhillmedia.com/blogs/jim_hill/archive/2005/04/20/583.aspx) article on jim hill media about a nautilus based flight simulator they had designed in the 1970s- sounds pretty immense! (and similar to my idea)
I remember reading that the DL submarine ride was very expensive to run,as the water has to be filtered many times to be crystal clear,to provide a good view,and it was very slow loading and so had huge queques all day ! But a next generation ride would be great,and wonderful to have it themed to Nautilus in keeping with the original theme of Discoveryland,which seems to be a bit lost nowadays !!