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Disneyland Paris => Disneyland Paris News & Rumours => Topic started by: Kristof on February 02, 2006, 01:55:04 PM

Title: General Studios Enhancements
Post by: Kristof on February 02, 2006, 01:55:04 PM
Walt Disney Studios Enhancements

This topic is now for news of general enhancements and improvements to the park, which don't necessarily fit into either the Production Courtyard or Animation Courtyard placemaking (rethemeing/improvement) projects.


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Source: Grandmath / Disney Central Plaza

Animation Courtyard will get a rehab to blend in with Toon Studios.  Later the same thing will happen it Production Courtyard for Tower of Terror.

WDS will also get more and new photo locations, adjustments and/or enhancements to the facades and ofcourse the additional Oasis at the Flying carpets.  :D  :D  :D
Post by: Anthony on February 02, 2006, 05:38:09 PM
Woohhooo!!  Time to celebrate!

Now, if they would only build a few street sets after 2008 then we'll have one awesome park.  :D
Post by: Patrick on February 02, 2006, 06:02:18 PM
YAY, I so much hope those paintbrushes appear in the area, they looked like they would have fit in so well also flying carpets improvements, sounds exciting, finally WDS may come and be that park that is as themed as the park next to it :wink: .
Post by: Dlrpfan on February 02, 2006, 06:52:18 PM
ASnimation Coartyard soooooooo needs a rehab! :D
Post by: Kristof on February 02, 2006, 09:16:51 PM
"La Rouquine" who told this news to Grandmath, is clearing up some stuff:

The Studio 1 wall across the Animagique exit will get some drawings painted on.  Next to it, a Monsters Inc. photolocation and a small playarea for the kids.

On the other Studio 1 wall, on Cinémagique's side, will a few posters be put in place.  These will probably be up tomorrow morning.

And the Tower of Terror billboard will finally go up this weekend, after a 2 months delay.
Post by: Anthony on February 02, 2006, 09:26:42 PM
Ahhh - so these things are happening quite soon then?  I guess they won't be quite as major as we hoped, but then the fact that they *are* doing them gives great hope for 2007 and beyond.

Quote from: "raptor1982"The Studio 1 wall across the Animagique exit will get some drawings painted on.  Next to it, a Monsters Inc. photolocation and a small playarea for the kids.
Wooo!  Monsters Inc!

I was a bit unsure about whether they should do things to the sides of Studio 1, but if the drawings are like the ones on the Art of Disney Animation wall, then that'll be great! :D

Quote from: "raptor1982"On the other Studio 1 wall, on Cinémagique's side, will a few posters be put in place.  These will probably be up tomorrow morning.

And the Tower of Terror billboard will go up this weekend, with a 2 months delay.
Tomorrow morning for the Studio 1 posters?!  Cool!  I hope they're for classic films though, and not for new Disney ones like the DCA and MGM ones...

I'm not quite sure what you mean about the ToT billboard - will it go up in two months from this weekend, or will it be put up this weekend but then only be unveiled in two months time?  :?
Post by: Kristof on February 02, 2006, 09:35:03 PM
Sorry, it was supposed to go up 2 months ago.
Post by: Maarten on February 02, 2006, 09:55:35 PM
This news is so exciting. The aspect I love the most of the Disney parks is Imagineering and I can't count how many times I have redesigned the areas of Walt Disney Studios anymore!  :D

The weakest part of the park is definately Production Courtyard. Animation Courtyard has its animation theme, Frontlot is supposed to be the entrance to the park and Backlot is the center where the movies and stunts are being shot.

But Production Courtyard doesn't have one clear theme. Do they choose for the behind the scene's look (Studio Tram Tour, Television Production Tour) like at Backlot, or will they choose for a Hollywood from the 30's look (Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, Cinemagique, Rendez-vous de Stars). I hope they will choose for the last option. Another time I will tell you all about some of my ideas (if you guys wanna hear it ofcourse...  :wink: ). This news really gives hope for the future indeed. I'm excited!
Post by: Anthony on February 02, 2006, 10:00:53 PM
Quote from: "Maarten"But Production Courtyard doesn't have one clear theme. Do they choose for the behind the scene's look (Studio Tram Tour, Television Production Tour) like at Backlot, or will they choose for a Hollywood from the 30's look (Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, Cinemagique, Rendez-vous de Stars). I hope they will choose for the last option. Another time I will tell you all about some of my ideas (if you guys wanna hear it ofcourse...  :wink: ). This news really gives hope for the future indeed. I'm excited!
I'd love to hear your ideas!  And I definately agree that a clearly defined 1930s theme would be the best way to go with Production Courtyard.  They should theme it to a classic 1930s studio production lot, since this would then fit nicely with the long-rumoured Sunset Boulevard street set through the centre of the park...  :) It also wouldn't really take much work, since the buildings they have are already very nicely stylled with art-deco influences, so they'd just need to work on the bits inbetween them.

I guess any of our own ideas for the Studios should really go in the Imagineering forum though...  :wink:
Post by: Kristof on February 03, 2006, 09:03:56 AM
The first posters have been put on the walls!  :D

(//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/wds/affichesstudio1/020206/affichesstudio1petit.jpg) (//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/wds/affichesstudio1/020206/affichesstudio1.jpg)

(//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/wds/affichesstudio1/020206/affichesstudio2petit.jpg) (//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/wds/affichesstudio1/020206/affichesstudio2.jpg)

http://www.dlrp.fr (http://www.dlrp.fr)
Post by: Anthony on February 03, 2006, 02:53:24 PM
Wow, so quick!  :o  :D

Pinocchio, Dumbo, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Monsters Inc... perfect!!!  =D>

They look sooo pretty with the Studio 1 colours!  And they look much more professional and well-placed than I had expected.

If you look at that first photo Raptor posted, you can almost imagine how the Monsters Inc photolocation/play area will fit in! (very clever of them to place that poster there too - they're thinking ahead!)  :D

I wonder what has sparked off this new line of improvements?  The WDS has stayed very similar for almost 3 years, so it's weird that they're all happening now.  I wouldn't be surprised if it was Karl Holz's arrival...  Or perhaps the fact that they didn't spend as much on Halloween, Christmas and Kids Carnival this year compared to previous years?
Post by: Maarten on February 03, 2006, 09:54:27 PM
Actually, I have to get used to it because I haven't seen Studio 1 decorated before (except for Chicken Little ofcourse). But that doesn't mean I don't like it. The large Monsters Inc. poster looks really impressive, and I do love the beautiful Lion King poster too! Another nice thing is that they choose to cover some older films like Pinnochio aswell. Nice to see that they don't only think about the Pixar films nowadays.

I only have one critical note; hopefully the Walt Disney Studios won't change into one large poster-land if you know what I mean. They have to look out it that I won't become an overkill of posters, although I love the idea. Posters are not the same as adding details if you ask me. But that will not spoil the fun for me...  :)
Post by: Anthony on February 04, 2006, 01:51:39 PM
The posters on the CinéMagique side are now up:



More great choices - Pirates of the Caribbean, Mary Poppins, Narnia, Roger Rabbit and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!  The Roger Rabbit one in particular looks brilliant, and I think this is the first time Disney has actually done *anything* to do with the rabbit for years and years.  Mary Poppins is just perfect for the "Walt Disney Studios" too - it's always the film I think of when I hear those words.

Maarten has a really good point though:

Quote from: "Maarten"I only have one critical note; hopefully the Walt Disney Studios won't change into one large poster-land if you know what I mean. They have to look out it that I won't become an overkill of posters, although I love the idea. Posters are not the same as adding details if you ask me. But that will not spoil the fun for me...
Yeah, with 3 posters on every lighting rig thing and posters on both sides of Studio 1... they're definately heading into poster overkill!  Some people might also see it like they're just trying to advertise all their films (especially the posters for newer films like The Pacifier and Disney Channel shows, which really aren't worthy of a place there).  Luckily I don't think they'll add any more now, and they're a cheap, temporary way to Disney-up the studios and add a *lot* more colour.  For some reason the way they've put them on Studio 1 makes it all seem like more of a "real" studio too... to me at least!  :lol:

I guess we should be glad that the rumours of other improvements to Production Courtyard and that Monsters Inc corner for Animation Courtyard show that these posters are just the start of a bigger project.
Post by: Dlrpfan on February 04, 2006, 02:20:52 PM
The posters look way cool!
Post by: Anthony on February 05, 2006, 08:40:53 PM
It looks like they stole the idea of the posters from Universal Studios Hollywood:


Which is no bad thing - the more ideas they take from that place the better!  In terms of the Studio Tour, anyway: http://www.theatrecrafts.com/studiotour/index.html (http://www.theatrecrafts.com/studiotour/index.html)
Post by: Kristof on February 05, 2006, 08:55:29 PM
The Earthquake scene from that Tram Tour is also featured at Universal Orlando.  It's basicaly Catastrophe Canyon, but better!  You're in the subway when an earthquake hits the station.  Then some gaspipes explode and a whole bunch of water floods the station.
Post by: Anthony on February 05, 2006, 09:02:16 PM
The Earthquake set/attraction does look amazing, and it's not even very modern at all!  What I really like about the Hollywood tram tour is the amount of different things there are to see, and all the different sets you drive through.  It's so much more of a real, lengthy backlot tour rather than just a drive through a couple of slightly boring props.

They're quite lucky in Hollywood that they have a really nice landscape to wind the tram tour around, but I'd still like to see DLRP take some of the ideas of their tour and bring them to Paris.  The Studio Tram Tour should be the biggest, most expansive attraction in the park - the key feature, the one thing you *have* to ride.  But once 2008 rolls around, it'll be perhaps the 4th or even 5th must-ride attraction in the park, after ToT, RNRC, Turtle Twister and CinéMagique.

What I hate the most about our tram tour is how little it changes.  In the park itself, we've had things like new props added, new meet 'n' greets, etc. etc., but the tour has stayed almost exactly the same since 2002.  They've only changed the costumes bit in all that time!  It's not hard to add a few movie props to the boneyards, is it?  I don't think any of us expects a miracle here, but we still need *something* to add a bit of interest back into that ride...

[rant over]  :D
Post by: flor on February 05, 2006, 09:06:41 PM
the castle of the snowwitch of narnia should be a nice addition to ride through :d
Post by: Kristof on February 05, 2006, 09:07:00 PM
Yes Baloo, you're right.  And it doesn't have to be that expensive to add or replace stuff?  The just keep on taking stuff away which gets destroyed due to the weather (cars, dinosaurs and a few of the statues have already been taken away).  

There's also something else that bothers me.  Why don't they display props from movies which people have actually seen?  Dinotopia, Reign of Fire and 102 Dalmations weren't really boxoffice breaking movies...

At Disney-MGM studios, there was a different problem.  They hardly had props.  There was Walt's plane, Demolition Herbie and a few props from smaller movies.  But in the queue line, there were a lot of props from Pearl Harbor, POTC, ...
Post by: Kristof on February 05, 2006, 09:08:02 PM
Quotethe castle of the snowwitch of narnia should be a nice addition to ride through :d

Yes!  Although I love Dinotopia, they could easily rebuild that temple into something Narnia!   :D
Post by: flor on February 05, 2006, 09:09:13 PM
and that's a movie a lot of people should have seen :d
Post by: flor on February 05, 2006, 09:10:48 PM
Or perhaps to promote the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean 2 movie, they could use some props out of this!
Some aztec gold, treasures,...
Post by: Maarten on February 05, 2006, 09:11:23 PM
Maybe the abandoned Journey to the Center of the Earth idea for the Backlot Tram Tour at the Disney-MGM Studios would be nice. There are just 2 problems... 1. EuroDisney S.C.A. doesn't have enough money... 2. The film was a flop in the mid 90s... :wink:
Post by: Kristof on February 05, 2006, 09:15:13 PM
Quote from: "Maarten"2. The film was a flop in the mid 90s... :wink:

I wonder why...  :lol:  :lol:

Synopsis: Jules Verne's landmark novel gains a fantastic new life in a tropical Hawaiian setting when a young, strong-willed English nanny accidentally joins two vacationing brothers exploring a cave on a deserted stretch of beach. Shortly after they enter, a volcanic eruption rocks the cave, opening a crack which turns out to be an ancient path downward. Short of water, food and daylight, the explorers use their sense of humor to keep their spirits up as they uncover an array of incredible and often dangerous discoveries. But nothing can prepare them for the ultimate discovery - the real city of Atlantis. Often idealized as paradise, the mythic civilization turns out to be anything but.


PS. it was 1989
Post by: Anthony on February 05, 2006, 09:17:12 PM
Quote from: "raptor1982"Yes Baloo, you're right. And it doesn't have to be that expensive to add or replace stuff? The just keep on taking stuff away which gets destroyed due to the weather (cars, dinosaurs and a few of the statues have already been taken away).

There's also something else that bothers me. Why don't they display props from movies which people have actually seen? Dinotopia, Reign of Fire and 102 Dalmations weren't really boxoffice breaking movies...

Yeah, the movies they chose to feature back in 2002 really weren't very smart choices.  Luckily, i personally think the Reign of Fire set is a success just because it's so well crafted and the fire effect is fun, but the Dinotopia set *has* to go soon.  It's surely the world's dullest movie set!  It's just a wall, and a door!

They should have a good, long look through the back-catalogue of Buena Vista films and pick out some that will still be classics in 10/20 years time.  They should also build some fairly generic street sets, which will not only make the tour interesting, but might just make the studios into a real studio, if companies use the sets for filming...

Unfortunately, I bet we won't actually see any kind of investment in the Tram Tour until build those long-rumoured street sets.  This is just a prediction, but I'd guess that when they build the sets they'll build some for the tram to drive through, and change the route around completely when they're forced to move the station.  So that means 2008 or later...

Post by: Kristof on February 05, 2006, 09:35:34 PM
They should have gone for the original concept for the Tram Tour.

Here's a piece of concept art from http://www.disneytheque.com (http://www.disneytheque.com).  I hope I'll find a higher resolution photo of it someday...


So here's my guess what we were supposed to get.  I'm also interested in what other people think!

1. Loading station
2. Costume department
3. Catastrophe Canyon ?
4. Jungle themed set (George of the Jungle?)
5. More jungle, looks like some kind of a temple?
6. Vehicles?
7 Gardens
8. Stunt show tie-in
9. Streetsets
Post by: Anthony on February 06, 2006, 02:03:28 PM
The final attraction actually is quite a lot like that concept, except that instead of the Jungle we got Dinotopia, and instead of the Temple thing we got.. err.. Pearl Harbor planes?

Those two scenes they didn't use, however, would have really made the tram tour a million times better.  It would have been nice to have film sets based around a lush jungle or an abandoned temple, instead of a few props or the boring Dinotopia set.

I'd love them to extend the tram tour to partly use the road that runs along the back of the forest.  It could leave the normal route at Catastrophe Canyon - instead of doubling back on itself, you just continue along the edge of the forest, and join back up with the tour over by the station or Reign of Fire...

I think i'm/we're getting into Imagineering again now!  Maybe a Dream STT topic is needed?  :wink:
Post by: Kristof on February 13, 2006, 09:09:45 PM
OK, here I go (sorry for any typo's, I'm too excited  :lol: )

I know these are just rumours, but imagine if they were true  :o  :o  :o

Source: Disneytheque / DCP: Grandmath

What happens after Toon Studios and ToT?
There's some evidence that a huge improvement and expansion of the WDS park is coming our way.

Appearently there's a map (god knows where they found that) showing the expansion of the WDS park, proposed during the restructuring of Eurodisney's debts.  The map shows Soarin', a new hub, a larger Tram Tour, but also Tower of Terror at the end of a boulevard.  Now we already know that the boulevard did not happened, but does this mean that the complete plan has been dropped?

About those proposed extensions:
WDS would get "Soarin' over the world" which is being filmed right now to replace the California version at Epcot within 2 years.

The Studio Tram Tour would get a new station and will receive more scenes and decorations.  For example a complete section devoted to Pearl Harbor.

And last, Backlot European Street Sets would be added too.

Another proof that something major is happening is the launch of a special cel within EDLI, completely devoted to Walt Disney Studios.

And one more interesting thing.  A project is being studied for a month now by EDLI called "Placemaking" (anyone?)
2006/2007 will be devoted to Animation Courtyard
2007/2008 in Production Courtyard
2008/2009 new and the redesign of Studio Tram Tour.

Disneytheque concludes that WDS has a beautiful future awaiting and in the end it wil turn out far better than Disney-MGM Studios.  8)
Post by: Anthony on February 13, 2006, 09:15:43 PM
... ... ...  :o Wow.

As much as WDS doesn't need any show/cinema style attractions, Soarin' would be a very cool addition, and it's not exactly the most expensive either, which is good.  The building is HUGE though... maybe too huge?  Oh well, it's a rumour, and I quite like it!  They could add some theme elements in relating to Miramax's "The Aviator"!

A "placemaking" project like the one at DCA would be brilliant too, but I'm not sure about "European" street sets though... people might prefer to see American ones.  I guess they're just trying to make it different to the American parks, which is good.  I hope "Pearl Harbor" sets are replaced by a more recent and more popular film too... Narnia?  I can see it happening, I really can!

And I have to agree with those rumours - our WDS will, one day, be far better than MGM!  We just... err.. need a bit of money!  :lol:  The WDS basis and theme has much more room for expansion though.  It's a much more exciting, more wide-ranging theme, that actually allows them to incorperate anything from MGM along with a host of other crazy things like Toon Studios, that would never work over there...
Post by: flor on February 14, 2006, 01:33:34 PM
if it comes: they should fit it in a 'chinese theatre' style building like on the first concept art of MGM europe
Post by: Kristof on February 14, 2006, 02:09:54 PM
Yeah, the Chinese Theatre building looked nice indeed.  But I'm not so sure about the actual movie ride.  Maybe the Villains ride that was supposed to replace the Great Movie Ride a few years ago.
Post by: Anthony on February 14, 2006, 07:41:57 PM
They probably won't be able to afford such an impressive showbuilding as the Chinese Theatre right away, so if Walt Disney Studios does get a central boulevard... what do you think they'll really put at the end?  They might need something temporary until the centrepiece attraction is built... could we possibly see an improved version of the DCA Hollywood Pictures backdrop?  It's just a thought that popped into my head before...  :?

Another option would be some kind of different street set element, [sarcasm] or maybe even a Sorcerer's hat!!! [/sarcasm]  :lol:

Or I suppose a new Tram Tour station could be built there... hmmm
Post by: Maarten on February 14, 2006, 10:22:35 PM
Quote from: "Baloo"could we possibly see an improved version of the DCA Hollywood Pictures backdrop?

Iew. No, thanks. That thing looks awful if you ask me.  :roll:

QuoteOr I suppose a new Tram Tour station could be built there... hmmm

I would love to see the same entrance for our Studio Tram Tour as the one in the Disney-MGM Studios (or at least something similar). Below I have added a picture of that particular entrance. Hopefully they will rename Studio Tram Tour to Backlot Tram Tour one day. I have always felt it made more sense in Backlot theme wise. Even if they wouldn't make a streetset, they can at least build an entrance at the beginning of the Reign of Fire Set/exit Moteurs.. Action!/Cafe des Cascadeurs.  :)


Source: http://www.westcoaster.net (http://www.westcoaster.net)
Post by: Kristof on February 15, 2006, 01:46:19 PM
Quotecould we possibly see an improved version of the DCA Hollywood Pictures backdrop

That sounds good to me!!!  I've only seen photos of it, but it looks a lot better than the aged stuff at Disney-MGM.  (Although the new San Francisco backdrop looks great).

But I was wondering this: what do you prefer?  A Hollywood Boulevard-style street, or Streetsets?
Post by: Anthony on February 15, 2006, 05:51:10 PM
Quote from: "Maarten"Iew. No, thanks. That thing looks awful if you ask me.  :roll:
I know it's not the best piece of Imagineering ever, but i'm trying to think realistically.  I guess the unfortunate thing is that however exciting they are, these rumoured WDS improvements probably won't be very lavish, they probably won't be *that* expensive, so I think some kind of backdrop like this might be a good temporary solution (quick fix) to the problem of what to put at the end of the boulevard (because I highly doubt they'd put the Tram Tour station there).

And like I said - it could be an "improved" version.  I don't know how they could improve it, but maybe by simply having it as part of a larger area of street sets, that'd improve it on its own?  I also think a daytime backdrop like this would be cool against the night-time backdrop at the top end of Disney Studio 1 - it just seems to make sense.

In fact, I could almost imagine the whole layout of DCA's backlot being used, but with the two paths on the left leading to a tram tour station and the one on the right leading to more street sets...

Here's a DCA map: //http://www.intercotwest.com/common/imgs/resortGuide/dcaMapLarge.jpg, for the layout of the backlot.  Just imagine Sunshine Plaza being the new WDS "hub", with ToT about where Soarin' is, the Stunt Show to the left of the DCA entrance and Studio 1 where the pools of the Grand Californian hotel are.  The new tram tour entrance could be where Monsters Inc is... :?

Quote from: "raptor1982"But I was wondering this: what do you prefer?  A Hollywood Boulevard-style street, or Streetsets?
Well, a real Hollywood Boulevard would cost a lot to construct... but a street set could feel quite cheap.  How about a mixture of both?  A bit like that photo of the MGM tram tour station Maarten posted - the facades are all fake movie sets, but then some could have real, functional buildings behind them.  Like shops, cafés or maybe attractions/exhibitions...  Some of the facades could have nothing behind them too, making them a bit cheaper!  Of course, I suppose this would mean that if they ever did need something there - they could simply add on a real building behind it.. maybe.  (i'm no construction expert! lol)

So I'd have to say a bit of both.  It would be nice to make it clear that the sets are indeed sets too - like how you can see the steel supports of the MGM tram tour facade.
Post by: Maarten on February 15, 2006, 07:44:06 PM
Quote from: "Baloo"
Quote from: "Maarten"Iew. No, thanks. That thing looks awful if you ask me.  :roll:
I know it's not the best piece of Imagineering ever, but i'm trying to think realistically.  I guess the unfortunate thing is that however exciting they are, these rumoured WDS improvements probably won't be very lavish, they probably won't be *that* expensive, so I think some kind of backdrop like this might be a good temporary solution (quick fix) to the problem of what to put at the end of the boulevard (because I highly doubt they'd put the Tram Tour station there).

And like I said - it could be an "improved" version.  I don't know how they could improve it, but maybe by simply having it as part of a larger area of street sets, that'd improve it on its own?  I also think a daytime backdrop like this would be cool against the night-time backdrop at the top end of Disney Studio 1 - it just seems to make sense.

Remember that the backdrop in DCA is a painted wall of the huge Hyperion Theater overthere. Unless we will get a building behind it, I dont think we will see it in our Studios. Imagine a huge wall with a tiny little building (or perhaps even nothing) behind it. Now that would be really stupid in real life I think...  :D

The reason why I don't like it is because the Hollywood Pictures Backlot backdrop remembers me of the on-the-cheap menatality from the creators behind the park. Just like the pictures of Paradise Pier (Maliboomer, Mullholland Madness etc.), it just screams "cheap" to me. I just don't want our Studios to get that image too. The park already suffers from that very same image. Another reason I dont like it is because it looks to static in my opinion. WDS already lacks movement. On the other hand, would a streetset not be static too?  :wink:
Post by: Nikkibelle18 on February 17, 2006, 10:41:37 AM
It's all looking great! :D
Post by: Anthony on February 17, 2006, 05:12:04 PM
Quote from: "Maarten"Remember that the backdrop in DCA is a painted wall of the huge Hyperion Theater overthere. Unless we will get a building behind it, I dont think we will see it in our Studios. Imagine a huge wall with a tiny little building (or perhaps even nothing) behind it. Now that would be really stupid in real life I think...  :D
But if they designed it well, then you wouldn't be able to tell that there's nothing behind it.  A massive flat backdrop is a perfect prop for a "real, working movie studio" like WDS.  It's very honest and slightly unmagical... which would work well for the park.  MGM have street sets with big backgrounds at the end, and they look pretty good.  Remember, they have practically zero budget.  I'm confident that if we did happen to get something like the DCA backdrop, then they'd work it into the park well and make it more impressive and less cheap.

Quote from: "Maarten"Another reason I dont like it is because it looks to static in my opinion. WDS already lacks movement. On the other hand, would a streetset not be static too?  :wink:
Not if they used trees, props, characters, music, etc.  Main Street is, in reality, just a street set, and it's full of life!  They can add details, lights, loads of things.  In fact, a street set would have more life than say a Chinese Theatre or Sleeping Beauty Castle!  And with the backdrop, I guess they could animate that in some way too.  In the DCA one, they have a light shining up from behind the hill at night (so it looks like sunset), and in the Studio 1 backdrop they have the searchlights.

I know the idea of a big backdrop in the middle of WDS isn't really a very fun one, but it just seems like it could be a very possible solution to the "park centrepiece" problem they'll have in a few years.  :?
Post by: Anthony on February 25, 2006, 04:44:02 AM
http://www.dlrp.fr/actularge.php?id=441 (http://www.dlrp.fr/actularge.php?id=441)

Need I say more?  :D
Post by: Kristof on February 28, 2006, 05:11:56 PM
Grandmath reports on DCP that a huge fountain will be put in place where the current Studio Tram Tour station is.   :D
Post by: flor on February 28, 2006, 05:28:03 PM
I'm wondering what would be the theme of it? Already known?
And during winter it will be without water like Fantasia Fountain. And a special costume? ;-)
Post by: Anthony on February 28, 2006, 07:27:19 PM
Quote from: "raptor1982"Grandmath reports on DCP that a huge fountain will be put in place where the current Studio Tram Tour station is.   :D
It's funny how all those rumours from 2002 keep coming back...  I suppose some concepts don't change afterall.

I hope the fountain is designed like the Fantasia Fountain, with little details around it to create more of an "area".  Oh, and having plants around it to stop people climbing in is a good idea too...
Post by: Maarten on March 17, 2006, 11:41:06 PM
I found some news about the new Monsters Inc. photolocation in the Animation Courtyard. In my opinion the concept looks quite good so far, now I am getting curious how it will end up in real life.  :wink:

"Some fresh news, hot from the DLRP Imagineering labs! I've got the lowdown on the new Monsters Inc. photolocation that's being built in the Animation Courtyard at the moment. The centrepiece will be Boo's door, which will sit in the middle of a section of the factory floor. This will be surrounded by the cannisters containing the screams that power Monstropolis. The good news is, these will be interactive! Guests will be able to scream into them, and see the gauges rise and fall. The door will also be surrounded by static "props" of the Child Detection Agency agents, and Rosie, the secretary. No word yet as to whether these will be 2D or 3D props. Of course, "live" characters will put in regular appearances as well."

Source: "Soundtracker" at //http://www.micechat.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21334
Post by: Anthony on March 18, 2006, 07:36:28 PM
Thanks for the info!  :D

I like the sound of this being "interactive".  The problem with the current photo locations is that they're not very good when the characters aren't there.  The Finding Nemo one in particular, since it never has any live characters, is a bit dull.

I'm not too sure if I like the idea of kids screaming their lungs out at the entrance to Animation Courtyard though... is that what Walt would have wanted??!  :lol:

Latest photo:


Did you spot anything going on behind there, raptor/flor?  :)
Post by: Kristof on March 18, 2006, 07:38:33 PM
There were some plastic pipes with wires coming out of the ground, but that's it.  :)
Post by: Maarten on March 24, 2006, 11:04:07 PM
Sorry for quoting someone from another forum again, but I found something intresting I wanted to share with you. Although we've all heard the rumours before, it seems that everything is more serious then I thought.

"The latest word from my friend in DLRP Imagineering is that Soarin' Over The World has been given the green light. It won't open until 2009 though, so what do we have to look forward to in the meantime?
How about a brand new (almost) Studio Tram Tour? The route is going to be completely changed and lengthened, with the addition of several new scenes. One of these will probably be a Pearl Harbour attack set piece, set around an effects tank. The park will also gain a central plaza, where the current Tram Tour station is located. This plaza will feature a large circular fountain, which promises to be quite impressive.There are also some changes coming to the Animation and Production Courtyards, with both areas due to be given a makeover.It's all go at the Studios!"

Source: "Soundtracker" at http://www.micechat.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22529 (http://www.micechat.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22529)

So, what do you think of all these changes? If this guy over at MiceChat tells us the truth, we may see a whole different Studios park in 2009, compared to 2002-2006.  8)
Post by: Anthony on March 24, 2006, 11:11:52 PM
Thanks for the info, Maarten!  Don't worry about quoting again, this is intriguing stuff.

It does all sound good, but to be honest I'm not sure how much I trust that person.  I could have guessed most of that myself, the only really new part is the fact that Soarin' has been given the green light.  To be honest I think it's really early for Imagineering to have been given this, surely they want to at least see what effect Buzz has on attendance before starting on a 4th major new attraction?  I can't think where the money's coming from, either.  I think Soarin' is way more expensive than it looks...

Maybe Imagineering have been given the green light to *design* the placement of a Soarin' attraction in the park?  I think that seems more likely...

I guess we'll have to wait and see whether "Soundtracker"'s info about the Monsters Inc photo location was correct.  And until then, rumours are always fun.  :D  :wink:
Post by: Maarten on March 28, 2006, 02:53:33 PM
I was just looking at the trailer of The Wild. So I thought, isn't it about time to remove some Chicken Little filmposters at the lightpoles in Animation Courtyard? Besides posters of The Wild, they could also start to add some posters of Cars too. It's the perfect opportunity to get rid of the outdated Chicken Little promotion, and to grab everybody's attention towards The Wild and Cars?  :)
Post by: Kinou on March 28, 2006, 03:09:19 PM
Let's just forget about the Wild: it's a crappy movie that disney should be ashamed of distribute adn put their brand on it. Just as dumb as Valiant last year...
Post by: Maarten on March 28, 2006, 05:17:30 PM
Quote from: "Kinou"Let's just forget about the Wild: it's a crappy movie that disney should be ashamed of distribute adn put their brand on it. Just as dumb as Valiant last year...

Disney should be ashamed of Chicken Little if you ask me, but guess what, the Walt Disney Studios became Chicken Little Studios with all the advertising. So, bringing in some posters (=adds) to the Studios hasn't got anything to do with the quality of a movie as you can see. From a business point of view it might be rather intresting to get people to know your movie. They should use this opportunity.
Post by: Kinou on March 28, 2006, 08:41:05 PM
As lame as Chicken was, it was a Disney movie. The Wild is not from Diseny but CORE Studios, just like Valiant last year. Disney only distribute the movie. Did you see advertisements for Valiant last year?
Post by: Kristof on March 29, 2006, 12:06:43 PM
Valiant didn't even get released here in Belgium by Disney, but by Belga Films in the movie theatres and on dvd by Universal (as well as 80 Days around the World).
Post by: Anthony on March 29, 2006, 12:55:31 PM
Quote from: "raptor1982"Valiant didn't even get released here in Belgium by Disney, but by Belga Films in the movie theatres and on dvd by Universal (as well as 80 Days around the World).
Yeah, Disney only picked up Valiant for its US distribution, thankfully.  I've forgotten who released it here, but even though it's a british film it did pretty rubbish.

And Valiant was made entirely by Vanguard Animation in the UK (no involvement from Disney), not by CORE.

Anyway, to get this back on topic - I wouldn't like to see a "The Wild" billboard either.  Not only because the film looks a bit rubbish (to say the least), but because zoo animals don't fit very well across Studio 1.  With Chicken Little, they had the whole "they're making a movie about my life!" thing, and with Cars... well, I guess it's American and it's set along Route 66.

I think they should ditch the billboard and turn the Last Chance Gas/Gossip Column part of Studio 1 into a temporary Cars merchandise store.  I know they want the billboard to tempt people over to the Studios instead of Disneyland Park (because they think there's something going on), but I doubt it actually works that well.
Post by: Maarten on March 29, 2006, 04:10:20 PM
Quote from: "Baloo"Anyway, to get this back on topic - I wouldn't like to see a "The Wild" billboard either.  Not only because the film looks a bit rubbish (to say the least), but because zoo animals don't fit very well across Studio 1.

I didn't ment the awful billboard in front of Studio 1, I just ment some filmposters at the lightpoles over at Animation Courtyard. And thematically Tarzan doens't fit either in Frontierland, nor does Aerosmith in a movie studio style park or that awful Space Ranger in Discoveryland.
Post by: Kristof on March 29, 2006, 04:40:06 PM
I little blue bird told me that the new "hub" that will replace the tram tour station, will be surrounded by lots of trees and flowers, since EDLI wants to make the Studios greener.
Post by: Anthony on March 29, 2006, 05:40:18 PM
Quote from: "Maarten"I didn't ment the awful billboard in front of Studio 1, I just ment some filmposters at the lightpoles over at Animation Courtyard.
Aah, ok, sorry!  :oops:

In that case, I actually agree.  I haven't been since they put the posters up, but I can remember seeing at least 3 Chicken Little ones, and personally I really don't think that film deserves it.  They should perhaps put at least 1 poster from The Wild up, and maybe a few for some lesser-known Disney films like "Saludos Amigos", or even some very early Walt Disney cartoons?

I'm not a fan of having posters up for Disney Channel shows or films like "The Pacifier" either...
Post by: Maarten on April 01, 2006, 12:12:42 AM
Quote from: "Baloo"Aah, ok, sorry!  :oops:

Sorry, did I sound rude? I didn't mean it that way!  :(

QuoteI'm not a fan of having posters up for Disney Channel shows or films like "The Pacifier" either...

I agree. But I guess Disney hasn't produced that many blockbuster movies on its own. I mean, they made a deal with MGM in the 80s, so they could use their films at the Disney-MGM Studios. Disney didn't make live-action films at that time. But now we're 20 years later, and in the meantime Touchstone and Miramax made well known, high quality life-action films. But apparently not that many so they could spice up some lightpoles in our Studios. :wink:

That takes me to my next question. Would it be nice (if Disney has got the right to use them ofcourse) to replace some filmposters like the one of The Pacifer, with a poster of Star Wars or Indiana Jones? These two films are already represented at the Disneyland Park and Star Wars is used at Cinemagique, so do you think they are allowed to place two filmposters of these two films? These two movies are so well known and respected, that I would rather have a poster of these two films or even the Muppets.

I especially like this one:

Well, that was my last suggestion about the filmposters at the lightpoles. From now on I will promise you guys I will talk about something different insteed.  :D
Post by: Anthony on April 01, 2006, 12:38:41 AM
I love that idea Maarten!  I think the main reason why those posters are a bit overpowing is because they're all Disney films.  It's not like the entire history of moviemaking has been Disney, Disney Disney...  :wink:

The Monsters Inc photo location is coming along very well!  They're putting the main section of it together backstage by the TV Studios and have painted some really cool new markings on the ground...

(//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/wds/monster/310306/monster4petit.jpg) (//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/wds/monster/310306/monster4.jpg)

(//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/wds/monster/310306/monster3petit.jpg) (//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/wds/monster/310306/monster3.jpg)   (//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/wds/monster/310306/monster1petit.jpg) (//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/wds/monster/310306/monster1.jpg)

(//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/wds/monster/310306/monster7petit.jpg) (//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/wds/monster/310306/monster7.jpg)

From looking at the backdrop under preparation there, I'd hazard a guess that it'll be the Scare Floor, with Boo's door in the background.  Maybe the door at the side leads to a small "backstage" section, and then Sulley can step out through a recreated Boo's door?  Just a guess.  :wink:

Here's an example:

Post by: Maarten on April 01, 2006, 12:46:54 AM
Quote from: "Baloo"It's not like the entire history of moviemaking has been Disney, Disney Disney...  :wink:

No, I see, but somehow I just want them to use the wow-effect, so people will be impressed; "Look, they made this blockbuster too! Disney is more then just some animated movies!"  :)

I don't care Lucas made the films by the way, people won't even notice. Especially if they have seen Star Tours and Indian Jones and the Temple of Peril. They will probably think its part of Disney.
Post by: Nala_84 on April 01, 2006, 10:48:35 PM
Where exactly will the Monsters, Inc. photolocation be situated? I LOVE Monsters Inc.!

...and I've already a photo together with Sulley, but it's not a digital one :(
Post by: Anthony on April 01, 2006, 11:14:25 PM
Quote from: "Nala_84"Where exactly will the Monsters, Inc. photolocation be situated? I LOVE Monsters Inc.!
Me too!!  It's a very overlooked Pixar film, for some reason.

The photolocation is in the corner between Disney Studio 1 and Animagique.  There used to be overflow seating there from the restaurant inside Studio 1, but now it'll all be for the photo location.  Check back through the topic for some of the photos showing the wider area, that might help you place it in the park. :wink:
Post by: Anthony on April 03, 2006, 07:10:00 PM
It seems the photo location will now be open from either April 7th or 8th...
Post by: Patrick on April 03, 2006, 10:04:12 PM
Sounds exciting I can't wait now to see all these wonderful photo locations they all look and sound so exciting :D .  Plus Monsters Inc is a fantastic movie and deserved one :) .
Post by: luke on April 04, 2006, 08:33:11 PM
Quote from: "Baloo"It seems the photo location will now be open from either April 7th or 8th...

Oh good, i'll be there from the 10th  :D
Post by: Anthony on April 05, 2006, 12:24:15 AM
Looks like the main part of the photo location is in place:

Post by: Patrick on April 06, 2006, 05:24:20 PM
This is what's happend so far with it looks like a door :wink: , looks really quite nice again for a photolocation.


Photo from Raptor1982
Post by: Anthony on April 06, 2006, 06:13:18 PM
It looks great!  Much better than I expected, I'm glad to see they've spent a decent amount of money on it since its permanent.

If you look at dlrp.fr's photos it looks too wide to be a door though...
Post by: Poppy The Monkey on April 06, 2006, 07:09:56 PM
It does look great.

However I can see it causing some confusion, expecially at the moment, that a new Monsters Inc ride is about to open, and thats the entrance!
Post by: Anthony on April 06, 2006, 08:20:37 PM
Quote from: "Poppy The Monkey"However I can see it causing some confusion, expecially at the moment, that a new Monsters Inc ride is about to open, and thats the entrance!
Haha, good point!  It actually looks better than the entrance to "Mike & Sulley to the Rescue" in DCA, don't you think?  :)

Hopefully when the fences are down it'll be obvious that it's just a photo location.

I just noticed something on dlrp.fr's photos:

(//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/wds/monster/050406/metcie04petit.jpg) (//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/wds/monster/050406/metcie04.jpg)

What's that thing on the wall?  Looks like it might be a back-lit sign or something...
Post by: Poppy The Monkey on April 08, 2006, 01:59:38 AM
This Photo-Location is impressing me more and more everyday.


I think it will really help to bring more life into Animation Courtyard, it looks so well thought-out, designed and built.


It will open tomorrow.  :lol:
Post by: Daniel on April 08, 2006, 09:41:15 AM
Sorry that i keep on asking questions, but what is this attraction about and what is going to happen in there?
Post by: Poppy The Monkey on April 08, 2006, 12:57:47 PM
(See what I mean - about confusion!!  :lol: )

This is just going to be a small photo location, so really what you see there at the moment is pretty much what you will get. "Sully" a character from the movie will stand in that fake blue doorway for photos with guests.

It has been designed to look like the entrance to the Monsters Inc scream factory, but really it is just a blue entrance with a "faked" building behind it.

So just a photo-location not a genuine attraction.
Post by: DarthRichi on April 09, 2006, 04:28:14 PM

http://www.dlrp.fr/actularge.php?id=554 (http://www.dlrp.fr/actularge.php?id=554)

:maleficent_bounce:  :maleficent_bounce:  :maleficent_bounce:  :maleficent_bounce:  :maleficent_bounce:  :maleficent_bounce:  :maleficent_bounce:  :maleficent_bounce:  :maleficent_bounce:  :maleficent_bounce:  :maleficent_bounce:  :maleficent_bounce:

Post by: Kristof on April 09, 2006, 05:15:45 PM
Small caps please!  8)
Post by: Kristof on April 09, 2006, 06:38:24 PM

Post by: Maarten on April 10, 2006, 11:37:29 PM
Look, this is the way I want to see it! A quality photolocation if you ask me. They may tear down the Finding Nemo, The Incredibles and Chicken Litlle ones right away, and replace them with some more high quality/interactive photolocations like this one. Its so well integrated into this corner of Animation Courtyard... seems like its designed together with the rest of the park in the late 90s.  :)

By the way; is Sulley the only character at this photolocation? I remember reading somwhere that Mike would be a statue? I think they should use some other "actors" form the movie too. The costumes are already designed and used at Block Party Bash in DCA. So what are they waiting for?  :wink:
Post by: Kristof on April 10, 2006, 11:48:12 PM
Costumes are very expensive to purchase.  I hope they won't add that Mike statue, it will make the set look a lot cheaper.
Post by: Anthony on April 11, 2006, 02:23:15 AM
Quote from: "raptor1982"I hope they won't add that Mike statue, it will make the set look a lot cheaper.
Yeah, it was rumoured but this weekend it seemed to be popular enough without needing a "character" there all the time.  They've had to get rid of the fish at the Nemo location because they were just getting too battered all the time, and I think the same would happen to Mike.

They should do something with the "Scream Monitors" though - I'm not sure if they're really meant to do anything, but they don't at the moment.

The whole thing looks a million times better than the entrance to DCA's Monsters attraction though.  I was truly very very impressed with how much effort had gone into the area, with all the details and signs around the place.  :D
Post by: Anthony on April 16, 2006, 06:14:51 PM

Did it say "F5" there last weekend?  I'm sure it was just a blank corrugated steel wall...

Edit (after bothering to check the last page of the forum): No it didn't.  It's good that they added that in - the only single criticism I've read about the photo location is that the wall behind the door was a bit bare.  :)
Post by: Kristof on April 16, 2006, 06:15:47 PM
Yeah, you're right!  Here's a photo from last week:

Post by: Kristof on May 22, 2006, 12:13:34 AM
The Scream Monitors are now finally working!!!!  You can see the volume going up when kids are screaming. 8)

Post by: Dlrpfan on May 22, 2006, 08:55:24 AM
LOL that looks sooo cool!
Post by: The Butlin Boy on June 11, 2006, 06:16:25 PM
The CDA have arrived at the Monsters INC photolocation!
http://www.disneytheque.com/index.php?/ ... udios.html (http://www.disneytheque.com/index.php?/archives/62-Lactu-des-Walt-Disney-Studios.html)
Post by: Anthony on June 11, 2006, 06:22:04 PM
WOW! This photo location just keeps getting better and better!!  It's all so detailed (compared to the rest of the park), I can't wait to see what they do with the rest of the land.

Now they need to add that Mike figure that was rumoured...
Post by: Fantillusion on June 11, 2006, 09:32:04 PM
i think the mike figure would ruin it. Is the finding nemo photolocation still there?

Post by: Anthony on June 11, 2006, 09:34:58 PM
Quote from: "Fantillusion"i think the mike figure would ruin it. Is the finding nemo photolocation still there?
Welcome to the forum, Fantillusion!  :D Feel free into introduce yourself here (//http://www.photosmagiques.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=15).  :wink:

The Finding Nemo location is still there, yes.  I'd forgotten about it, actually - will it be removed or replaced once the new attraction opens, I wonder?

Why do you think a Mike figure would ruin it?  :)
Post by: Fantillusion on June 11, 2006, 09:43:10 PM
The mike figure would make it look stagnant and cheap. If they done it well it could look good
Post by: Maarten on June 12, 2006, 02:57:42 PM
Quote from: "Fantillusion"The mike figure would make it look stagnant and cheap.

I completely agree. The only way I would like to see Mike, is as an actual character. It would be strange to see a "living" Sulley, next to a "statue" Mike.  :wink:
Post by: Dlrpfan on June 12, 2006, 05:14:54 PM
me too it will reuin the whole feel
Post by: Fantillusion on June 12, 2006, 05:37:59 PM
So far it is cool and modern! I would love to see lots of colour in flowers and plants.It still looks a little bare! :!:
Post by: Anthony on June 13, 2006, 12:00:05 AM
Quote from: "Maarten"I completely agree. The only way I would like to see Mike, is as an actual character. It would be strange to see a "living" Sulley, next to a "statue" Mike.  :wink:
They could put a statue of Mike next to the Scream Monitors, pointing upwards at them.  I think his colour and style would bring the area to life a bit more, rather than making it look "stagnant and cheap".  Those CDA figures look surprisingly good, and having a statue of a character there would mean that guests can use it as a proper character photo location all day long, since Sulley is only there at certain times.

On the other hand, adding a statue of Mike would mean that there'd never be any chance we could see a real-life Mike appearing there in the future.  So perhaps it's best to leave that opportunity open, even if it's unlikely DLRP will take it.
Post by: Anthony on June 13, 2006, 12:48:46 AM

Is this a new sign?  It looks very posh, I like it a lot.  :D
Post by: Kris on June 13, 2006, 02:28:37 AM
Superb design. On wheels so it can be used for anything and the Moteurs logo and info slots are all temporary so it can be used as a noticeboard anywhere in the park. Now that's being creative with little money. More like this please!
Post by: Anthony on July 03, 2006, 09:43:07 PM
Mike has arrived in 3D statue form!!


And there's some extra monster details on the wall aswell: //http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/8218/imgp11619dp.jpg

Photos from: http://www.disneymagicinteractive.com/f ... php?t=1759 (http://www.disneymagicinteractive.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1759)

What do you think? :)
Post by: The Butlin Boy on July 03, 2006, 10:52:08 PM
I think it looks good! :D
Post by: Kristof on July 31, 2006, 12:48:44 AM
A new sign has popped up:

Post by: Anthony on July 31, 2006, 12:50:31 AM
MORE Monsters Inc stuff? Wow!  Looks cool.

I see the construction fences in the background there seem to have changed as well...
Post by: Kristof on July 31, 2006, 12:51:46 AM
QuoteI see the construction fences in the background there seem to have changed as well.

Yes, they are all blue now, and all of the same height (there's a better photo in the Toon Studio album).
Post by: Maarten on July 31, 2006, 12:57:55 AM
Wow, this really looks like the things we need. I am convinced now that the Toon Studio Placemaking project may turn out very well. Details, details, details... please, let them bring in more. Non Monsters Inc. stuff too by the way.  :wink:
Post by: Anthony on July 31, 2006, 01:40:12 AM
This kinda deserves a mention - looks like they finally realised how faded and nasty those Armageddon posters were looking:

