DLP Guide Forum - The Disneyland Paris magicforum community

Disneyland Paris => Disneyland Paris News & Rumours => Topic started by: Aveen2008 on June 27, 2008, 07:51:42 PM

Title: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Aveen2008 on June 27, 2008, 07:51:42 PM

I am not sure if this is the right place to post a topic like this and I am sorry if it's not.

To all the people on this forum who visit Disneyland Paris without having or taking children I would like to ask you:

Do you ever feel other people with children tend to think that their children have more right to enjoy the Disney experience than you? Have you ever had parents push their children infront of you, even though you have been either waiting for a parade or trying to meet a character and where there first? :roll:

It interests me because I have found this many times. I don't begrudge children the right to have fun, Disney is for everyone but many parents seem to forget this.

Does anyone else find this true? :?

love Aveen xxx
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Clarebelle on June 27, 2008, 08:32:12 PM
Yes, sometimes it upsets me, coz I've paid a lot of money to be there too, I never complain when parents push their children infront of me at parades (it attracts the caracters :P ) but some people are just rude, Im only just out of my teans so I don't think I'm too old to be there without kid, but some people will just shove in front of you and stand infront of you, dispite the fact you've been saving your spot for an hour
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Snow_White_Girl on June 27, 2008, 08:51:37 PM
I've had that too, usually I let the littler kids go in front of me though cos even though I've paid a lot of money to be there, I don't like them to be disappointed (the looks you see on some of their faces if they miss their favourite character can be heartbreaking)... However I did have one particularly bad experience while waiting for a photo with Eeyore. There was a huge crowd round him cos obviously he's a very popular character, and I thought I was doing a pretty good job of sneaking up to the front :wink:.... But suddenly these two family groups (made up of two mothers and four kids who would have been aged between about 11 and 13) pushed RIGHT in front of me, practically knocked me over, and didn't even say sorry!  :x It's like they think that if they're with someone who's under 18, they have more right to a photo!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Aveen2008 on June 27, 2008, 08:57:57 PM
I am glad I am not the only one who finds this annoying!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: MinnieMouse on June 27, 2008, 09:31:37 PM
We had such a bad experience with a family with their kids in 1999 at christmas season. We wait there for about two hours to see the Electrical LIght Parade, because the parc was overcrowded, so we must stay there for 2 hours to get a good place  for filming and photos taking.

5 Minutes before the parade started a family with their kids came and take themselves and their children right in front of us. Ween we say hey you we are wait here for 2 hours, if you wish your childs have a good place to see the parade, you have to wait two hours too, like us. They started loughing and means that´s your problem wehn you wait so long.

So we go to a Castmember and told him sthe story, he has see this scene too. He takes the people back in the last row and say to them. You´re not doing right, you habe to wait like the other people too :-)

Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: paul on June 27, 2008, 09:42:45 PM
Once or twice on our trip last year, some rude families tried pushing in front by 'encouraging' their kids to get in front of us for rides etc and then pushing through to join them. Luckily I can cross the language barrier when it comes to getting my way  :wink:

I'm sure the time will come when I feel I'm too old for DLRP, but at 26 I'm going again (4th time) this summer.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: MizzRabbit on June 27, 2008, 10:34:36 PM
I've also had this problem. When I go to DLRP it's for at chance to have fun and be a little playful. I'm 24 and I've been going to DLRP since I was a kid and I feel that I have just as much right to see the parade, to get a seat at a restaurant, to meet characters and get on attractions as kids and their parents. Last christmas I was looking for a table at Bella Notte. The place was crowded so I had to stand and wait for people to leave. Then finally a table cleared and I put down my tray of food. In just one second the table was stolen from me by a family with their kids. They had just entered the place and hadn't been waiting at all. The just took all the chairs, looked at me and said "Sorry!" with a little evil smile. I got so angry but I couldn't do anything but wait for another table. I learned my lesson and for the rest of our trip I was a cutthroat table snatcher. Stuff like that also happend at parades and rides etc. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who's a little annoyed by it.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Aveen2008 on June 27, 2008, 10:39:46 PM
Quote from: "Simba"I've also had this problem. When I go to DLRP it's for at chance to have fun and be a little playful. I'm 24 and I've been going to DLRP since I was a kid and I feel that I have just as much right to see the parade, to get a seat at a restaurant, to meet characters and get on attractions as kids and their parents. Last christmas I was looking for a table at Bella Notte. The place was crowded so I had to stand and wait for people to leave. Then finally a table cleared and I put down my tray of food. In just one second the table was stolen from me by a family with their kids. They had just entered the place and hadn't been waiting at all. The just took all the chairs, looked at me and said "Sorry!" with a little evil smile. I got so angry but I couldn't do anything but wait for another table. I learned my lesson and for the rest of our trip I was a cutthroat table snatcher. Stuff like that also happend at parades and rides etc. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who's a little annoyed by it.

Hi Simba,

that is so rude, I am also really glad to hear i am not the only one who gets maddened by this. I thought perhaps I was being a little unfair as there is children involved. I am 21 and have always been a huge Disney Fan and just as you say, I feel i should have as much right to see parades, get on rides and meet characters as children...infact sometimes I think I have more right because of the fact i have paid to be there and they may not have if they are under 7!I don't want to make out that every family with children is like this but it's something that really annoys me too. Thanks everyone for answering this question.

Luv Aveen xxx
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: MizzRabbit on June 27, 2008, 11:06:33 PM
You're definitely not the only one. I also tend to be a little careful how I react 'cause children are children, but they can be sneaky little bastards as well. For instance when we were going on Space Mountain three young boys sneeked all the way to the fastpass entrance and skipped the entire line and we had been waiting for an hour and were only halfway. And some parents seem to think that they own the park and the characters becauce of their kids. I also remember when I was there with my family when I was about 12. I had to stand and hold my baby cousin's stroller while he and his mom got to meet all the characters. And this is my own flesh and blood! She thought I was too old to meet them so I could just stand at the curb with all our bags and stuff while they got to meet everyone and get autographs (and she was actually the one who wanted to meet that characters the most, not my cousin). I was so sad so my mom got angry and made my aunt hold the stroller herself! HA! :D
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Aveen2008 on June 27, 2008, 11:11:54 PM
Quote from: "Simba"You're definitely not the only one. I also tend to be a little careful how I react 'cause children are children, but they can be sneaky little bastards as well. For instance when we were going on Space Mountain three young boys sneeked all the way to the fastpass entrance and skipped the entire line and we had been waiting for an hour and were only halfway. And some parents seem to think that they own the park and the characters becauce of their kids. I also remember when I was there with my family when I was about 12. I had to stand and hold my baby cousin's stroller while he and his mom got to meet all the characters. And this is my own flesh and blood! She thought I was too old to meet them so I could just stand at the curb with all our bags and stuff while they got to meet everyone and get autographs (and she was actually the one who wanted to meet that characters the most, not my cousin). I was so sad so my mom got angry and made my aunt hold the stroller herself! HA! :D

aw that was really unfair but I'm glad your mum put her right!! I hate the pushing and shoving there is about meeting characters. I'm going next week and the thought of that alone is making me feel really tense!! Silly I know. I have no shame in saying I love meeting the characters, I just hate how you have to struggle to do it...it's like survival of the fittest of something! HA  :P

Aveen x
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: MizzRabbit on June 27, 2008, 11:16:16 PM
Quoteaw that was really unfair but I'm glad your mum put her right!! I hate the pushing and shoving there is about meeting characters. I'm going next week and the thought of that alone is making me feel really tense!! Silly I know. I have no shame in saying I love meeting the characters, I just hate how you have to struggle to do it...it's like survival of the fittest of something! HA  :P

Aveen x

You're right about that. I just realised that on my last two trips I haven't met any characters at all 'cause I just couldn't deal with the stress of having to deal with kids and their parents. Besides, don't characters usually take pics with kids first? I mean, would they really start posing for a picture with me if there was a little girl or boy waiting?
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Aveen2008 on June 27, 2008, 11:40:52 PM

I find some of the characters seem to definately favour children first and hardly look at the adult who is also standing waiting for a photo. Chip and Dale totally ignored me and I stood for ages! :x However some characters look really pleased to see an adult wanting a photo and are really good about it. I find myself having to shove myself in to get a photo because if you stand back and be polite which i used to do, people just push you back and you never get anything. It's a horrible way to be and i would nearly cue for an hour than fight sometimes!!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Nicholas-c on June 27, 2008, 11:52:33 PM
it annoys me too but im very laid back, i tend to stand still but most of time i volenter my place or whatever if they dont look pushy :D, i remember last year during the OUADP i was using my camera and was after a good posisiton so i said too the british lady next too me with 2 children "Do you want to stand this side of me so i dont get in your childrens way or anything ?".

This is the sort of thing that should be happening not "my child is more important"
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Clarebelle on June 27, 2008, 11:55:38 PM
try a character meal!!! they will come to every table, and always spend a decent amount of time with each group! we were really surprised when me and my bf had a character meal at the lucky nugget on our last day, we got autographs, videos and photos, we even got Mickey AND Minnie!!!!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Aveen2008 on June 28, 2008, 12:23:46 AM
Quote from: "Nicholas-c"This is the sort of thing that should be happening not "my child is more important"

I totally agree with you on that!! =D>  =D>

Aveen x
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: ford prefect on June 28, 2008, 05:18:44 AM
As some one who has sat on both sides of this argument I find that a lot of people at Disney are ill mannered.

In May, my wife, 2 children aged 3 and 18months and I sat down to watch the parade outside City Hall.  We arrived in plenty of time and found a space.

We parked our pushchairs out of the way and occupied as little space as possible.

2 minutes before the parade started a family of adults came and stood directly in front of us, saying that (talking in French) since we were English we wouldn't mind and that we wouldn't be able to complain because we couldn't speak french. Generallly they were being very rude about other nationalities.

Unfortunately for them I speak fluent French, complained to them, and complained to a cast member who escorted them out of the area.

As others have said I will always give priority to children (mine and others) since they are usually just seeing a world of legs.

However a bit of give and take is required.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Clarebelle on June 28, 2008, 11:10:14 AM
I love that fact that they didnt expect you to speak french lol
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: MAVERICK on June 28, 2008, 12:54:53 PM
we have been quite lucky with the parades i have had parents ask if i mind if there children can sit in front of me and they stood next to me and my partner and we all enjoyed the parade  :D
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Clarebelle on June 28, 2008, 01:00:47 PM
Quote from: "MAVERICK"we have been quite lucky with the parades i have had parents ask if i mind if there children can sit in front of me and they stood next to me and my partner and we all enjoyed the parade  :D

I like it when that happens
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Aveen2008 on June 28, 2008, 01:46:43 PM
Quote from: "Clarebelle"
Quote from: "MAVERICK"we have been quite lucky with the parades i have had parents ask if i mind if there children can sit in front of me and they stood next to me and my partner and we all enjoyed the parade  :D

I like it when that happens

I agree i think a bit of give and take and manners is all it takes!!

To Ford perfect - I am glad you where able to speak french and stick up for yourself, I have found some people very rude too but I guess you have to just find the best way to handle it and I think you did the right thing!:)
Aveen xoxox :)
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Snow_White_Girl on June 28, 2008, 02:06:34 PM
Quote from: "ford prefect"In May, my wife, 2 children aged 3 and 18months and I sat down to watch the parade outside City Hall.  We arrived in plenty of time and found a space.

We parked our pushchairs out of the way and occupied as little space as possible.

2 minutes before the parade started a family of adults came and stood directly in front of us, saying that (talking in French) since we were English we wouldn't mind and that we wouldn't be able to complain because we couldn't speak french. Generallly they were being very rude about other nationalities.

Unfortunately for them I speak fluent French, complained to them, and complained to a cast member who escorted them out of the area.
That's shocking. Thank goodness you were able to stand up for yourselves! Myself, I would NEVER stand in front of a small child waiting for a parade, I usually get there very early to stake out my spot to take my photos, but if a family with children turns up behind me I always ask if the kids want to go in front of me so they can see. Give and take is exactly what's required, and since I always go to DLP for more than a day anyway, I always go by the philosophy that I can see the parade the next day etc., possibly unlike some of the families who may only be there for a day trip.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Epcot_Boy on June 28, 2008, 04:13:20 PM
Quote from: "Nicholas-c"it annoys me too but im very laid back, i tend to stand still but most of time i volenter my place or whatever if they dont look pushy :D

Me too :)

I tend to be so involved with what's going on that people pushing and shoving around me rarely gets my attention :)
I often stand aside and let the youngsters have a good view because I remember well the sheer pleasure I got from parades and shows when younger.
So I normally just suck in the atmosphere and let the nastiness, if any, just glide over my head :lol:

Epcot_Boy :ears:
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Aveen2008 on June 28, 2008, 05:59:55 PM
Quote from: "Epcot_Boy"I often stand aside and let the youngsters have a good view because I remember well the sheer pleasure I got from parades and shows when younger.
So I normally just suck in the atmosphere and let the nastiness, if any, just glide over my head :lol

I have let children stand infront of me for parades and stuff before, because they dont do any harm and I think they deserve the fun as much as anyone.

Maybe i feel more annoyed when i don't get to meet characters and stuff because i never got to go as a young child, it was always my dream to go to disneyland but until i was about 18 and able to afford it myself, i hadn't been and i think for me i feel like a child who is seen as an adult and pushed aside by some parents with children, if that makes sense?

Aveen xxx
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Epcot_Boy on June 28, 2008, 06:11:24 PM
Quote from: "Aveen2008"
Quote from: "Epcot_Boy"I often stand aside and let the youngsters have a good view because I remember well the sheer pleasure I got from parades and shows when younger.
So I normally just suck in the atmosphere and let the nastiness, if any, just glide over my head :lol

I have let children stand infront of me for parades and stuff before, because they dont do any harm and I think they deserve the fun as much as anyone.

Maybe i feel more annoyed when i don't get to meet characters and stuff because i never got to go as a young child, it was always my dream to go to disneyland but until i was about 18 and able to afford it myself, i hadn't been and i think for me i feel like a child who is seen as an adult and pushed aside by some parents with children, if that makes sense?

Aveen xxx

Yep :D  :wink:

Epcot_Boy :ears:
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: MizzRabbit on June 28, 2008, 06:34:05 PM
QuoteMaybe i feel more annoyed when i don't get to meet characters and stuff because i never got to go as a young child, it was always my dream to go to disneyland but until i was about 18 and able to afford it myself, i hadn't been and i think for me i feel like a child who is seen as an adult and pushed aside by some parents with children, if that makes sense?

Aveen xxx[/color]

It makes perfect sense. That's the Disney-effect! It makes you feel like a kid again and you want to do all the same stuff as they get to. I just read that the halloween makeovers are for kids only and that really annoys me! I want big mad colored hair as well! I get your point!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Aveen2008 on June 28, 2008, 06:39:01 PM
Quote from: "Simba"
QuoteIt makes perfect sense. That's the Disney-effect! It makes you feel like a kid again and you want to do all the same stuff as they get to. I just read that the halloween makeovers are for kids only and that really annoys me! I want big mad colored hair as well! I get your point!

Aww that's not fair. Disney says that it's a place for all ages so they shouldn't disciminate really...adults and children a like all want to have fun!!:)
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: toonarmylass on June 28, 2008, 07:02:57 PM
i thought it said its free for under 12's not that adults couldnt have it done
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: MizzRabbit on June 28, 2008, 07:04:33 PM
I read that it free for kids but they didn't list any options or prices for adults and I think they would if it was a possibility?
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: toonarmylass on June 28, 2008, 08:42:22 PM
but surly if it say free for under 12's then anyone over 12 can be done too, arnt adults allowed to get dressed up on halloween only?
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: MizzRabbit on June 28, 2008, 08:52:28 PM
Well, I guess we'll find out in october. I hope I can save up enough money to go.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: toonarmylass on June 29, 2008, 03:34:52 PM
i have a different problem, with matthew being in a wheelchair when we go everyone thinks its ok to jump infront of him when we are queueing, mind you there a few number of people (majoritorily english) will say to others move out the way these have been waiting. luckily now though i can just ask the CM and they get the character to come to him.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Suzy on June 29, 2008, 04:08:37 PM
I think it mostly boils down to good manners as has been said before on this thread.  I've been taking my kids since they were 4 and that first time my son -  who was 4 at the time - was knocked down by a scrum to get at Mickey (in our hotel)!!!  He was crying on the floor and as a good parent I was right at the back out of the way so couldn't get to him.  God bless Mickey who noticed, picked him up, sent the ill mannered brats to the back and wiped away my son's tears.  I will always remember the sheer delight on my boy's face as Mickey "saved" him!!!

Things like that really spoil the magic for everyone.  If only people would abide by the unwritten rules ie don't push in front of people and queue nicely and wait your turn....
Politeness and a smile cost nothing and make everyone feel good.

For me, it's the biggest thing that spoils my time at Disney and in my experience cast members don't always care.  I've seen them shrug their shoulders as people barged in front of us.

At least in Cafe Mickey when the kids get up and disturb a character who's visiting another table, they usually get sent away to wait their turn.  

I honestly feel Disney should do more to avoid these situations for everyone.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Aveen2008 on June 29, 2008, 04:24:36 PM
Quote from: "Suzy"I honestly feel Disney should do more to avoid these situations for everyone.

I agree something should be done about it, Cast members should try to control the que situation a bit more as so many people all experience the same thing and as Disney go so far to make their guests welcome and pay attention to detail, perhaps this is something they should try to resolve or at least cut down on. I would rather que any day than fight to get near characters etc

Thanks for your comment suzy
Aveen xoxox
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: RockNRoller on June 30, 2008, 09:35:11 AM
I dont think you can really say its kids, its adults, its large families because I've experienced this with all groups. There are just people in all walks of life who consider themselves more important and will always push which is why I tend to keep myself to myself. My spot for the parade, I was prepared to get there early enough why should anyone push in front of me. The ones that annoy the most are those that run up as the parade arrives and start to subtley move to the front, amazing how mush space me and my elbows can take up :lol:
Strangely though with all these people I now have a bloopers tape from Disney, mostly me with a lovely shot on the camera then a comment as someone gets in the way, makes me laugh every time.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: toonarmylass on June 30, 2008, 01:33:59 PM
wouldnt min seeing that tape lol
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Snow_White_Girl on June 30, 2008, 05:40:54 PM
Quote from: "Aveen2008"
Quote from: "Suzy"I honestly feel Disney should do more to avoid these situations for everyone.

I agree something should be done about it, Cast members should try to control the que situation a bit more as so many people all experience the same thing and as Disney go so far to make their guests welcome and pay attention to detail, perhaps this is something they should try to resolve or at least cut down on. I would rather que any day than fight to get near characters etc
In the American parks (or at least in WDW) the CMs that are out with the characters make the guests form a queue and if you try and push into that queue god help you! It does avoid the "rugby scrum" mentality that seems to prevail at DLP, the only problem I found with WDW's way is the CMs can get a bit nasty if there are people constantly trying to push in, which kind of tarnishes the Disney experience a bit!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Aveen2008 on June 30, 2008, 08:24:03 PM
Quote from: "Snow_White_Girl"
Quote from: "Aveen2008"
Quote from: "Suzy"I honestly feel Disney should do more to avoid these situations for everyone.

I agree something should be done about it, Cast members should try to control the que situation a bit more as so many people all experience the same thing and as Disney go so far to make their guests welcome and pay attention to detail, perhaps this is something they should try to resolve or at least cut down on. I would rather que any day than fight to get near characters etc
In the American parks (or at least in WDW) the CMs that are out with the characters make the guests form a queue and if you try and push into that queue god help you! It does avoid the "rugby scrum" mentality that seems to prevail at DLP, the only problem I found with WDW's way is the CMs can get a bit nasty if there are people constantly trying to push in, which kind of tarnishes the Disney experience a bit!

There must be some way that DLRP can make this part of the experience abit more stress free! If I waited in a queue and didn't get a photograph with a character because they left before i got to see them then thats fine but if i don't get a photo because people who came after me, pushed infront then that maddens me a lot and i know i am going to experience it this week and i am dreading it!:( it's unavoidable if your a teenager or adult who wants to meet the  characters too!

Aveen xxx
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Suzy on June 30, 2008, 09:13:27 PM
Quote from: "Aveen2008"There must be some way that DLRP can make this part of the experience abit more stress free! If I waited in a queue and didn't get a photograph with a character because they left before i got to see them then thats fine but if i don't get a photo because people who came after me, pushed infront then that maddens me a lot and i know i am going to experience it this week and i am dreading it!:( it's unavoidable if your a teenager or adult who wants to meet the  characters too!

Aveen xxx

I agree that some people do seem assume that Disney is just for kids.  Ridiculous, in our family we all love the characters, we all have our favourites and sometimes even the adults would like a picture too.  After all, we've all paid the same haven't we and therefore are just as entitled to interact with the characters.  The first time I saw Sulley I nearly died of excitement.   :lol:

Paris just seems to be more relaxed about queuing in general but it makes me cross too when I've waited and waited and people push in.  (Sometimes they even laugh).  I must admit we've got much more ruthless in queues and have learnt how to keep people behind us.  The character scrums are the worst thing and there SHOULD be a queue!  [-o<
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Snow_White_Girl on June 30, 2008, 09:27:12 PM
I'm dreading the character scrums when I go in August cos I know it's gonna be mad!... I may keep the characters to a minimum just to keep stress to a minimum lol! Only the classics (Mickey and Minnie are always a must!) and ones I haven't met! :)

There should be some form of queuing system I agree, everything works fine over at the Fantasy Festival Stage where there's a system in place, even if the queue is ridiculously long!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: MinniesBestPal on June 30, 2008, 09:42:01 PM
I know, I am still classed as a child, even though I'm 13, but it still annoys me when you've been standing waiting for the parade for half an hour, with a cup of hot chocolate, and a packet of sweets, and you're all prepared, with your bags placed carefully next to you so you can wave, and you have the camer all set up, and then 5 minutes before the parade, some parents push their kids right to the front! They run in front of you and take your spot, they pull on the rope so it digs into your knees (and believe me, that hurts!) I got into an argument with a french boy who kept doing that! I didnt understand most of what he was saying, and I think he probably didnt understand me, but all the same, he knew exactly what I meant, and stopped, then started again half way through the parade!

Anyway, I had a bag of treats, and some lady shoved her child into my back going "GO ON DARLING! JUST GO TO THE FRONT!" and I got pushed foward, only causing me to drop half my sweets all over the floor! (luckily they were in wrappers, but most got stood on anyway!) and the kid pushed in front. I managed to save my hot chocolate (only just!) and this kid knocked over my bags, so my stuff went everywhere, and she wouldnt stand still! All the way through I was about to take a photo when she bangs into my and my camera gets knocked!

Thankfully my dad got some good photos though!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Aveen2008 on June 30, 2008, 11:28:14 PM
Quote from: "Suzy"
Quote from: "Aveen2008"There must be some way that DLRP can make this part of the experience abit more stress free! If I waited in a queue and didn't get a photograph with a character because they left before i got to see them then thats fine but if i don't get a photo because people who came after me, pushed infront then that maddens me a lot and i know i am going to experience it this week and i am dreading it!:( it's unavoidable if your a teenager or adult who wants to meet the  characters too!

Aveen xxx

I agree that some people do seem assume that Disney is just for kids.  Ridiculous, in our family we all love the characters, we all have our favourites and sometimes even the adults would like a picture too.  After all, we've all paid the same haven't we and therefore are just as entitled to interact with the characters.  The first time I saw Sulley I nearly died of excitement.   :lol:

Paris just seems to be more relaxed about queuing in general but it makes me cross too when I've waited and waited and people push in.  (Sometimes they even laugh).  I must admit we've got much more ruthless in queues and have learnt how to keep people behind us.  The character scrums are the worst thing and there SHOULD be a queue!  [-o<

I totally agree when you say we have all paid the same and therefore have as much right to interact with the characters. i am 21 and meeting the characters really makes me happy, im a mad disney fan and always have been. I think unfortunately you have to be ruthless because of how others act!:(

Snow_white_girl: i know what you mean, i am going in a few days time and i am dreading the character scrum too but meeting the characters really makes the holiday for me so i guess i am going to have to just be stressed out.

Minniesbestpal: that sounds like a bad experience, i know what it's like, parents have no considerationa dn they dont even have the courtesy to ask and if you even look at them wrongly they say something nasty, even though they are in the wrong!! i think so many people have experienced this and it should be made as a petition and sent to disney!

Aveen xxx

Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Clarebelle on July 01, 2008, 01:15:33 AM
QuoteAll the way through I was about to take a photo when she bangs into my and my camera gets knocked!

OMG that doesnt sound like fun at all Minniesbestpal! if anyone knocked my camera there would be a full scale fight lol

I mean pretty much everyone here has stated at one time or another that they would let childrem stand in front of them at parades so whats the deal,why do parents have to push?????
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Timbo on July 02, 2008, 02:20:48 AM
I have let kids stand in front of me for the parades also,but I usually get there early for a good spot and it is annoying to go from having a clear view to having a line of children stood in front of me 5 mins before the parade passes by ! If I can stand there for 40 mins waiting then why cant these families do the same ? !
Another annoying thing is to have a great view of the castle for a show or fireworks and someone comes along with either a child on their shoulders in front of you or a helium balloon which completely blocks your view !!!! Guess some folks just think of themselves and not those around them !!!!!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Snow_White_Girl on July 02, 2008, 03:43:19 AM
Quote from: "Timbo"Another annoying thing is to have a great view of the castle for a show or fireworks and someone comes along with either a child on their shoulders in front of you or a helium balloon which completely blocks your view !!!! Guess some folks just think of themselves and not those around them !!!!!
I actually find that more annoying than being shoved around in the queue for a character or being pushed in front of at the parades... I'm fairly small anyway (5ft3) so most of the time it's hard for me to get a decent view even without people pushing in front of me!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: MizzRabbit on July 02, 2008, 10:14:18 AM
I must admit, I'm not as kind as you guys. I don't let kids stand in front of me. I've had too many bad experiences with parade queues. I always show up early, get a nice spot with my boyfriend, and maybe a crepe or a softdrink. And then people start forming around me, and when (not if) parents start trying to take over my spot or push their kids in front, I give them an evil glare and if necessary I push them away from me. Last year a kid kept hitting me with her lollipop so I got it all over my clothes. I then looked at her mother, pointed at the lollypop and said, STOP! Even though the kid kept swinging it throughout the parade, it didn't hit me anymore. So, well, I'm ruthless. I'm there to see the parade and not to be nice to annoying little kids. Sure, the nice and sweet kids that ask politely to get in front can, but not the other ones.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Kuzco on July 02, 2008, 10:35:05 AM
Sounds all very familiar!  :lol:

I sometimes check an other site, on which the Disney Resort restaurants can be reviewed. One remark there still sticks in my head. There was someone who ate with their kids in the Californian Grill at the Disneyland Hotel. That's maybe one of the best, (if not thé best) restaurant at the Resort. I've never eaten there myself, but planned to my next visit this month. But the point was: this person was angry, an felt it was a waist of money eating there, as there were no characters, no (real) kids menu and there was nothing else for kids to do there, and the food was quite expensive, and the kids did not eat it all....Well duh. It's a chique restaurant. I can imagine that if you have kids, this restaurant is maybe not the best choice. But you should have thought of that before you decided to eat there. In my opinion, such restaurants give people who visit the Resort without children the oppurtunity to dine in peace and quiet and have a nice meal and conversation without children running around your table. If people with children however do decide to eat in such a place ( fast food every day isn't all that ;) ),  I however expect that they keep their kids at the table...if not: Buzz Lightyear Pizza Planet is thé place to be!  :lol:  :wink:
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: toonarmylass on July 03, 2008, 11:17:36 PM
its difficult in the disabled areas for the parades as well. matthew is stting in his wheelchair, and parent shove their kids in font of him to sit on the kerb, he just kicks em in the back all the time they soon move, mind you last time a parent demanded i tell my unruly child to have some manners and behave. i soon told her about manners and unruly kids lol
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: RockNRoller on July 06, 2008, 04:49:04 PM
Quote from: "toonarmylass"i soon told her about manners and unruly kids lol
Good for you, People shoving in front of adults is one thing but pushing in front of children thats not on.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: littlemermaid83 on July 07, 2008, 11:27:51 PM
Disney is for everyone regardless of age, race or culture, and it upsets me too see some parents roam round the park with there children thinking they own it and that they can basically do what the hell they want and try and ruin the magic for others.  I would NEVER behave like that just because i have a child.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: dlrp-mad on July 08, 2008, 12:28:01 AM
Gosh, I know this situation.

My little cousin is only 6 years old. We took her for christmas last year, a big family event.  She was with me and my girlfriend waiting for the parade to start when some guy came and shoved himself infront of her. She fell down and nearly hit her head on the main street curve. I was so angry it was unreal! I shouted down a castmember while my uncle was talking to this guy, and they took him off some place! I don't know where. We didn't see the parade that day, I felt really sorry for Lilly (my cousin), so me and my girlfriend booked a character breakfast for her next day. No pushing adults there.

I have no problem with enthusiastic adults at Disney - I'm almost an adult and I love it, but at the end of the day for things like Parades the kids should always come first. For many adult enthusiasts, the disney magic is about how the magician makes the magic and just marvelling in the wonder of this man-made fantasy, but for kids - it is their fantasy!

We had no other problems on our Christmas trip, but it was an experience I'd rather forget!

dlrp-mad :mickey2:
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: never2old on July 08, 2008, 10:43:38 AM
Quote from: "dlrp-mad"Gosh, I know this situation.

My little cousin is only 6 years old. We took her for christmas last year, a big family event.  She was with me and my girlfriend waiting for the parade to start when some guy came and shoved himself infront of her. She fell down and nearly hit her head on the main street curve. I was so angry it was unreal! I shouted down a castmember while my uncle was talking to this guy, and they took him off some place! I don't know where. We didn't see the parade that day, I felt really sorry for Lilly (my cousin), so me and my girlfriend booked a character breakfast for her next day. No pushing adults there.

I have no problem with enthusiastic adults at Disney - I'm almost an adult and I love it, but at the end of the day for things like Parades the kids should always come first. For many adult enthusiasts, the disney magic is about how the magician makes the magic and just marvelling in the wonder of this man-made fantasy, but for kids - it is their fantasy!

We had no other problems on our Christmas trip, but it was an experience I'd rather forget!

dlrp-mad :mickey2:

That sounds awful. Really sorry about your cousin!

For the parade, I love to have a good view, so I go early and try to get a place in the first line. But I always ask the parents behind me if their kids want to stand in front of me (if they don't ask me themselves)... I think it's only fair, really. But I would never think of pushing my way in front of kids!! Or even adults, for that matter... That's just rude, and stressful, and annoying for everyone. There's enough magic for all of us... No need to be pushy!!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Clarebelle on July 08, 2008, 11:52:45 AM
QuoteI have no problem with enthusiastic adults at Disney - I'm almost an adult and I love it, but at the end of the day for things like Parades the kids should always come first. For many adult enthusiasts, the disney magic is about how the magician makes the magic and just marvelling in the wonder of this man-made fantasy, but for kids - it is their fantasy!

I'm sorry but I disagree with that! maybe I'm just a big kid (I'm only 20 is that old? :oops:) at heart but I love the parades! for me its what makes disney ... well DISNEY!!! and I've paid just as much to be there! I've got no problem with children standing in front of me at parades and I cant wait to have my own to take, but if i hold a place, set up my camera and camcorder, I don't expect someone to come and stand in front of me and put their kid on their shoulders so I cant see anyting, and yes on our last two trips I have been very!!! upset by this!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Aurora on July 08, 2008, 03:02:04 PM
We had a very unpleasent incudent last year in july. We wanted to watch the fantillution parade and we were a little late. Couldn`t find a place near the street(of course) and settled in second or third row. We decided to wait and when it started my husband would take our daughter on his shoulders. So the parade was about to begin,( our daugther on the shoulders)when this really unfriendly men tried to shove his girlfriend or wife in front of us, blocking not only us but the men next to us as well. We told him in a friendly manner to stand behind, when he would not listen, he didn`t even lok at us, a little unfriendlier. He just ignored us. So I told him in french(until then we tried in german and english) to step behind us or did he believe my husband is carrying our girl( she is 7)on his shoulder just for fun?? Then finally he reacted and they left.
With the carecters on the streets it is just a shame. Everyone thinks he can be first. I always told my daugther to hold her autgraphbook in front of her. When it was somebody eleses turn, that she stands a side a little, so they can have their picture taken.It worked pretty good.We collected quite a few autographs.
Aurora :D/
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: never2old on July 08, 2008, 03:37:18 PM
I wish more people were like you, Aurora... I've almost given up on trying to get a picture with a character. I sometimes feel like an idiot, standing in line, when everyone else keeps pushing their children in front of me. And the worst is that it is the parents pushing the kids - I guess they assume no one understands them but I hear them, telling the kids to go ahead, in front of whomever was there before them!! Once there was a spanish woman, who assumed of course that I wouldnt understand her, telling her two kids to push their way in front of me & not to worry about me!! Her face when I turned around and asked her (in Spanish) if that was the sort of education she was giving her children...

I dont go to DLRP to get annoyed with people nor to be in a bad mood, so, unless there are not too many people, I just don't bother anymore... I go for meals with characters or queue in the meet and greet points instead.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Aveen2008 on July 10, 2008, 08:56:36 PM
Quote from: "dlrp-mad"I have no problem with enthusiastic adults at Disney - I'm almost an adult and I love it, but at the end of the day for things like Parades the kids should always come first. For many adult enthusiasts, the disney magic is about how the magician makes the magic and just marvelling in the wonder of this man-made fantasy, but for kids - it is their fantasy!

Hi, I have to say just like someone else on this board that I disagree with this comment very much so. I am a big child myself (21 years old) and when I fork out a LOT of money to be there, I expect to have as much right as any child to enjoy what the parks offer!
I would never shove a child out of the way and usually stand back in character meet and greets if i know someone (adult or child) was there before me! I don't agree with what the man did to your little cousin and I feel for her, experiences like this can really ruin a trip.
I don't think kids should come first or be more important than adults who want to have the disney experience, why does age matter? The whole point of Disneyland is for people of all ages. If Disneyland was only for kids I doubt it would be as popular as it is...remember it's not the kids paying for a start!
For me when I am there is it my fantasy too, I believe in the characters as though they were real and I enjoy the experience, albeit in a childlike way but I don't think children have anymore right than adults to enjoy it - parades, characters or anything to be honest.
A lot of Adults who are disney fans grew up with the movies that by this stage have been re-released on videos and dvds, which many children today probably haven't even seen! Only for adults Disneyland Parks would not exist as children cannot pay for themselves. If you look at the parks the ratio of adults to children is immense with far more adults and young teens than children.
I am not saying that children don't have a right to enjoy it, they do, definately and I would gladly let a child stand infront of me to see a parade etc as it wouldn't block my view and i love to see children enjoy themselves and share the experience that I never got to as a child, even though I loved Disney so much!

I think it's for everyone, adults and children a like and it really is first come first served in disneyland, I don't believe in shoving infront of children or children being shoved infront of adults.

sorry I don't mean to sound cruel but I felt angry at your statement.

Aveen xoxox
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Clarebelle on July 11, 2008, 11:21:55 AM
Quote from: "Aveen2008"
Quote from: "dlrp-mad"I have no problem with enthusiastic adults at Disney - I'm almost an adult and I love it, but at the end of the day for things like Parades the kids should always come first. For many adult enthusiasts, the disney magic is about how the magician makes the magic and just marvelling in the wonder of this man-made fantasy, but for kids - it is their fantasy!

Hi, I have to say just like someone else on this board that I disagree with this comment very much so. I am a big child myself (21 years old) and when I fork out a LOT of money to be there, I expect to have as much right as any child to enjoy what the parks offer!
I would never shove a child out of the way and usually stand back in character meet and greets if i know someone (adult or child) was there before me! I don't agree with what the man did to your little cousin and I feel for her, experiences like this can really ruin a trip.
I don't think kids should come first or be more important than adults who want to have the disney experience, why does age matter? The whole point of Disneyland is for people of all ages. If Disneyland was only for kids I doubt it would be as popular as it is...remember it's not the kids paying for a start!
For me when I am there is it my fantasy too, I believe in the characters as though they were real and I enjoy the experience, albeit in a childlike way but I don't think children have anymore right than adults to enjoy it - parades, characters or anything to be honest.
A lot of Adults who are disney fans grew up with the movies that by this stage have been re-released on videos and dvds, which many children today probably haven't even seen! Only for adults Disneyland Parks would not exist as children cannot pay for themselves. If you look at the parks the ratio of adults to children is immense with far more adults and young teens than children.
I am not saying that children don't have a right to enjoy it, they do, definately and I would gladly let a child stand infront of me to see a parade etc as it wouldn't block my view and i love to see children enjoy themselves and share the experience that I never got to as a child, even though I loved Disney so much!

I think it's for everyone, adults and children a like and it really is first come first served in disneyland, I don't believe in shoving infront of children or children being shoved infront of adults.

sorry I don't mean to sound cruel but I felt angry at your statement.

Aveen xoxox

You put it better than me!  =D> If you've paid, you que and are polite you have as much right as anyone to be there, wether its a ride, meet and greet or the parade! I'm not excusing rudeness  [-X but why people can't get along and be curtious I will never know!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: paul on July 11, 2008, 11:28:22 AM
I'm with those comments... although obviously for height reasons etc, it's fair for adults to let children to the front of viewable things like the parades, generally speaking it's first-come first-served and a queue applies the same way for any age group.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Pete's Dragon on July 11, 2008, 05:38:43 PM
I have to admit, the first time I visited DLRP was on my honeymoon, so we left our 2 year old son with his grandmother ( before you say anything, we've been back twice since with him, and are going again this September with our daughter as well ).
On our first full day in the park, my wife asked me in the middle of Alice in Wonderland's Maze " Do you feel weird being here without any kids ?" I looked around. There was a young Chinese couple without kids and an elderly couple too. So my answer was " No, I am a big kid, and I love Disney !"
During the whole time we were there, I never experienced any problems with parents pushing their kids in front of me. In fact, during the 3 times I've been there the only problem I encountered was that Autopia was closed during the first 2 visits (thankfully it was third time lucky !!!)
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: dlrp-mad on July 11, 2008, 06:03:57 PM
I think many of you may have mis-read my words in my previous post.

a) Many adult enthusiasts doesn't mean them all! I appreciate there are many people who just love Disneyland for Disneyland. I speak merely from the point of view of an enthusiast who knows others who are enthusiastic about the way the magic is made.

b) Children and adults alike are always equal in a Disneyland Park, I am fully aware of that! In the opening speech for Disneyland, Walt Disney made that very clear. I just don't believe in blocking the view for children or pushing them over just to get to see a parade - that's very unfair, surely!  

I just believe that everyone deserves to enjoy the magic, I don't like people who come to Disneyland and manage to spoil the experience - which is exactly how my experience felt!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: sara82 on June 05, 2009, 01:37:04 PM
I stood inline with my daughter for the princess photos 45 mins before it was due to start, we were 3rd in the line. The line quickly got bigger and about 10 mins before princesses came out a young girl about 5 years old came and stood right at the front with no parents in sight they had basically told her to go to the front while they stay hidden.
This was really annoying and was unfair on the 50 or so kids and adults who had been waiting there turn.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: davewasbaloo on June 05, 2009, 01:56:50 PM
Bottom line is there are a number of pigs out there, and when different cultures and languages mix, it can either be awesome magic or a horrid nightmare.

Now, we will only see characters if we are on our own, at a character meal, or it is a proper queue that is very short (e.g. less than 2 or 3 families).

For parades and fireworks, I do stick the kids on my shoulders because they are not tall enough to see over the masses (but we try to find a spot where we are not in the way (normally the back of the hub or crowd if a show). and if anyone does behave rude, I try to chastise them in their language.

DLP is the most beautiful park, has some of the greatest attractions, gardens and restaurants. But the cast and guests are what mar the experience (and the weather at times) compared to California (people in the Mk in florida can be just as bad if not worse than Paris).
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Kellogs on June 07, 2009, 12:07:25 AM
I had a lot of problems with pushy parents, and ignorant, rude children on my last visit.

All I wanted to do was meet Goofy. It was my first visit to DLP and it was my one 'wish' you could say. Over my two day visit I saw Goofy loads, but he was being constantly 'mobbed' by children and their parents jumping over one another and pushing to get their photo/autograph.

My visit there was drawing to a close and I was sad that I hadn't been able to get one photo with a character, let alone Goofy! Then as we were leaving studios, I saw a tiny, and I mean tiny in comparison to normal, gathering around none other by Goofy himself! I walked over to see him, expecting the same attitude as before, so I stood patiently at the back. Then out of nowhere Goofy had spotted me and pulled me in for a hug and a photo! I was so happy! But that wasn't the end of it, after I walked away in a happy bliss, I got tapped on the shoulder, Goofy wanted another hug and a kiss on the cheek! Ofcourse I obliged and walked away with a big smile on my face, it made my holiday.

Now its things like that, that make Disney unique, magical. However, it gets dampened for the adult visitors who get shunned aside. Regardless of age this was my first ever visit to a disney park, and I still could still remember all those childhood dreams of coming to this magical place and meeting my favourite characters, this doesn't go away just because you grow up! I was 17 back then and still got shunned!

The main issue I find is that Paris does not demonstrate the same 'queue for a character' policy other disney parks do. This often leads to a frenzy of over-excited kids and pushy parents, characters being mobbed (I've seen characters being pushed into the railings so much there's no doubt in my mind that must hurt!), and people being left out and leaving feeling disheartened. I feel that if you had to queue for more characters, yes this may lead to big queues, but I feel that way everyone gets an oppertunity regardless of age, everyone can get a photograph/autograph, and noone gets pushed around!

Just a little bit of order could make somebodys day, afterall Disney is for children and adults alike to enjoy.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: kurgly_bird on June 07, 2009, 03:03:15 PM
Something like this happened with me last trip too, there were a lot of characters over by the fantasy festival stage, one of these was abu who i'd never managed to meet. I waited patiently behind all the kids who were just mobbing him and after about 5 minutes i gave up and met some other characters. Then my bf and i walked back past abu to go to the teacups and abu dragged me in and made a big fuss of me. I guess waiting patiently does pay off sometimes.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: kitty on June 07, 2009, 07:11:17 PM
Oh my god i so know what you guys mean, in fact i have just joined to have a little moan of my own.  I am visiting the park in just over 2 weeks (so excited).  its just me and my fiance, im 23 hes 26, it will be my 5th visit.  I went in june last year with my cousin who is 22 and it was aweful, i mean we had a great time but the pushing was insane.  It was her first time (she was visiting from australia and it was a dream for her to go), she gets motion sickness so cant go on any of the big rides so our main objective was meeting characters and go to the shows.  

People would just push there kids in front of you, sometimes even if we were the first ones there we would be ignored.  a couple of times we just stood back and waited, like when we saw mary poppins and bert, many of the kids were asking there parents who they were, we knew who they were and were so excited to see them, we stood back and just watched the madness, eventually burt and mary pushed the kids back and had a photo with us and appologise for the childrens rudeness which was a bit bizzare.

when we saw tweedle dee and tweedle dum we once again waited patiently but people just kept coming and then they were going to leave, i then pleaded with the cast member, showing her my cheshire cat tattoo and she got both of them to stand together for a picture (previously they had been taking pictures individually).

by the second day we were pretty much just pushing the kids out of the way, which i know is rude but we would wait our turn but if we were pushed we would push back.  I found with the disney character express it just meant that people would attack the characters on mass, a bit scary.  im a bit worried about it being the minnie party train as i was hoping to get a a pic with minnie (ive made myself a red and white polka dot top to wear, i know im sad) and was hoping to avoid the madness this year and go for more of a ride focused visit.  

what really annoyed me was that on the train home the people in from of us where moaning about adults trying to get pictures when its meant for children and that those adults were a bit pathetic and how dare they get in the way of the children, we then started discussing very loudly how much we had paid to be there and how the kids go free and what a nussance all the kids had been.  that shut them up.
wow this is a long post.  sorry, just had to get it off my chest.

Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: kiki_304 on June 07, 2009, 07:12:18 PM
I have 2 yougn sons 5 & 3 who are very shy and polite and I have to say it just annoys me also when ppl see the little ones there also waiting and think they have the right to put their kids in front of mine just because my sons is waiting patiently.

Ok, so I would also like to thank all you kind ppl who offers a space to my 2 little boys in front of them when they are waiting nicely. lol    There was a lovely young (I think German) couple who was offering my boys a space next to them to watch the parade.  SO a huge thanks to whoever you are.  But then 4 spanish kids (sorry to those of you polite spanish people on here) who were around 10 years and up who pushed my kids and another little spanish girl from their spots. My kids didn't want to watch the parade anymore because of this and they didn't get to enjoy the end. We avoided the shows as it just wasn't a nice experience.

So even as a parent, I know how cross you must get with rude parents and children and I truely hope my boys don't behave in this manner when they grow up.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: dagobert on June 08, 2009, 08:53:24 AM
During our last visit in September 2008, we only had once a problem with a dad and his kid trying to skip half of the Crush's Coaster queue, and as you know this queue can be very long!
But he was not very successful, because we and other persons didn't let him into the queue and so he ended up somewhere in the back.

Most of the families we had encountered were nice and they told their little ones to behave.

At the Walt Disney Studios in Front Lot there were always characters around, but it wasn't easy to get a photo with them, because people and not only parents were pushing around. I don't blame the people, but I blame DLRP management, that there were no CMs with the characters. That's what I loved at WDW, there was always a CM with the characters and they formed a queue. So there was no pushing.

I want to point out that it is not only a European thing, that people and families behave rude. We had some problems (queue jumping and pushing) with families and other people at WDW too.

In my opinion the worst guests during all our visits were teenager without any adults and not families!!!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: kurgly_bird on June 08, 2009, 02:06:10 PM
Quote from: "dagobert"In my opinion the worst guests during all our visits were teenager without any adults and not families!!!

I find this quite rude as a teenager myself, the amount of dirty looks my bf and i got off adults was beyond belief and actually really upsetting
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: dagobert on June 08, 2009, 03:13:51 PM
Quote from: "kurgly_bird"
Quote from: "dagobert"In my opinion the worst guests during all our visits were teenager without any adults and not families!!!

I find this quite rude as a teenager myself, the amount of dirty looks my bf and i got off adults was beyond belief and actually really upsetting

I'm sorry, I didn't want to offend anybody, but not only families behave rude.
Sure most of the teenagers know how to behave. I was talking about teenagers in groups of four and more who weren't behaving, for example throwing fries around the Hyperion Cafe or queue jumping at SM and RnRC.

At least it is just a small amount of people who are behaving rude.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: ford prefect on June 08, 2009, 04:17:42 PM
Edit: Post deleted because I forgot that I had already posted on this subject!!!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: kurgly_bird on June 08, 2009, 11:39:52 PM
It's ok dagobert, i know you didn't mean to offend anyone. It's just like i said that I (I'm 19) who waits patiently often receive dirty looks just for wanting to meet the characters which upsets me. I'm sorry i got upset, i'm in the middle of exams so i guess i'm just stressed.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Aveen2008 on June 09, 2009, 12:30:42 AM
wow this subjects popped up again quickly. It's sad to see so many people experiencing these things. It has always been something I dislike about the Disneyland experience but I guess unless cast members/the company try to change things - like they did with the Toon Train in the studios where a queue is formed for meeting characters- then it's not going to improve greatly.

Rude people come in all forms - famlilies, single people, children, teens, older people etc and believe me I had a woman of about 50 once pushing everyone out of the road to get near characters and i thought she was very rude and I gave her husband who was encouraging it a very evil stare! :twisted:  lol

I don't stand back anymore for character meet and greets unless someone has been standing infront of me and been there first then I try to encourage them to go. I know for a fact if I stand back that pushy parents will shove their kids infront of me or even other people in general will, then the character will be pulled off by a cast member and that's it. I would not purposefully knock anyone out of the way but I don't stand back for children anymore because to be honest you get no thanks for it and I pay to be there as much as the next person!

The last time I was there I actually felt abit down on one of the days and I was standing waiting to meet stitch, i didn't want to be forcefull as I wasn't in the mood and so many children where shoved infront of me. At one stage Stitch was going to have a picture with me when a mother shoved another child infront of him. He did the autograoh for the wee boy and then pushed them all aside and pulled me into the picture which I thought was lovely and it lifted my spirits definately!

Being an adult and wanting to meet characters isn't nice really because you do get awful looks from some people, mainly parents who just see you as being rude for even wanting a photo or anything and I hate that. also some of the characters don't even pay attention to adults or teens0 i stood once beside chip and dale and there was hardly anyone around them and I gently tapped them and asked for a photo but they ignored me and kept encouraging children to come over to them, in the end I didn't geta photo.

However on the opposite side of things many characters are pleased when they see adults wanting photos and make you feel really special for wanting the photo with them.  I have had some fablous moments with different characters which have been so amazing and I think these times make all the bad or annoying times very well worth it!! :D  :D  :D
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: dagobert on June 09, 2009, 09:10:02 AM
Quote from: "kurgly_bird"It's ok dagobert, i know you didn't mean to offend anyone. It's just like i said that I (I'm 19) who waits patiently often receive dirty looks just for wanting to meet the characters which upsets me. I'm sorry i got upset, i'm in the middle of exams so i guess i'm just stressed.

I would consider you as an adult, because you are over 18. For me teenagers are 13 to 17 years old.

Good luck for your exams!!!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: mommy2ash on June 09, 2009, 04:26:59 PM
i have actually seen both sides of this. i have a two year old and we have been twice and the amount of adults who have cut in front of her is unreal. im talking about standing in front of her for the parade yes in front of a two year old. and i am barely five foot so even me lifting her wouldnt help. running under the ropes for a queued meet in greet as i am running through the maze lol like i was told to, and then inviting 8 more adults in front of me. and people smoking right next to my buggy all those things drive me mental.

although i dont think that disney is just for kids. i enjoy it every bit as much as ash and i believe if someone pays to get in then they have the same right to enjoy it as kids do.

so i think in general the problem in dlp is just rudeness of guests overall be they kids, parents or adults on their own i have seen it from different groups.

i feel bad for those of you who wait for a long time for the parade to only have your space taken over. i would never do that if i hadnt got there in time then my tough luck
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Nala_84 on June 10, 2009, 01:36:25 PM
That's an interesting question as my boyfriend and I don't have children right now.

As I really love children and I'm still a child at heart, I would say it's okay if children go to a character although it would be my turn. I had those situations quite often throughout the last years at DLP. Of course it's not fair, but I must say that I am pretty patient in this case when one child by another walks to a character although I'm waiting longer (that's why I really prefer the organized meet'n'greets with a waiting queue!!!). I think we as adults can organize our day at Disney as we like it, while children have to do what their parents planned for them. So if they desparately wish to meet their favourite Disney character which would be the highlight of the day for them, I think it's okay if they go first, as long as I still have the possiblity too meet the character some minutes later ;)!

I somehow think that children aren't children very long and so they should enjoy their childhood as long and good as possible. It's not the children's fault when they want to go to the character in front of them while there's much chaos around themselves, and some parents can behave. I just don't like it when parents get rude and really push their children strongly or so.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Waddi on June 11, 2009, 01:13:11 AM
Just got back from DLRP and I am an unpushy parent who doesnt try to barge and shove my kids to the front, I have a 2 year old who is unable to walk so is confined to her buggy, We would be waiting our turn in the crowd, finding it hard to get the buggy through to the character, untill some rude pushy parent pushes their child infront of the buggy and towards the character and gives a rude smile to us, so I just smile back, got the attention of the Characters minder and show them my childs Disability pass, then its a different ball game, everyone was moved out of the way and my daugther is allowed through to the front, or the character came out of the crowd to see her.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Simbasgirl on June 11, 2009, 12:41:43 PM
When we went in January I noticed a bit of difference in the CMs shouting at people to line up right...

we were waitng to see stitch on the trailer thing in the Studios and the CM was standing right next to us holding the 10 mins left card in the air and looked at us and said 'you will see stitch'...then about 5 people came over and pushed in front and he shouted at them and they went to the back...stitch was taking ages with one boy, I'm not kidding I swear I near shouted at the wee blue crazy guy to get a move on!!! :wink: by this time the 5 mins card had been waved in the air and it was past 5 mins then the CM looked at us and said don't worry and held the 5 minute card up again!!! =D> ...I swear I near kissed the guy cause my little fella is obssesed with Stitch and he was actually near in tears and he was on my husbands shoulders shouting I love you stitch!!!lol...

ps He's not as obsessed as Aveen though, he wants to go to her house and check out her collection!!! :lol:

But yeah I can't stand the pushers, I've taught my kids to be polite and wait til your turn...it happened alot during our holiday but its good if you catch the eye of a CM cause they seem to stick up for you...its like they have had a telling off it was that different in January compared to previous years!!

Oh I remember one year some guy SPAT on another guys face because the guy dared to tell him to get to the back of the line (he was trying to snake his way to the front).....pathetic!!! It was while lining up for BTM. They were swearing and shouting at each other, thank god my kids weren't there to witness that!!!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Luigi on June 12, 2009, 06:38:02 AM
never had problems with parents and their kids, i guess also because we normally go to disneyland when it's more offseason, so no long lines for waiting and the atmosphere is really relaxed. Of course sometimes small kids cry when they have second thoughts going on a ride, but that's happens and is understandable. no problem for me.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: littlemermaid83 on June 16, 2009, 03:34:58 PM
I just don't get why DLP can't introduce a system like they do in the other parks, is it really that hard to get a CM to ask everyone to wait in a polite orderly queue? That way everyone would be happy.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: mommy2ash on June 16, 2009, 03:41:03 PM
Quote from: "littlemermaid83"I just don't get why DLP can't introduce a system like they do in the other parks, is it really that hard to get a CM to ask everyone to wait in a polite orderly queue? That way everyone would be happy.

it would be great if they did but the rudeness of some guest surpasses anything they could do. last time ash was waiting to take a pic with tigger and there were other families and we had organised our kids in a queue and over marches this woman and shoves her kid in front of everyone and then makes us all move back so nobody would be in her shot. all i could do was laugh at how rediculous she was the cm just looked perplexed.

i think that if people kept complaining about the meet and greets they could just end up doing the scheduled ones and that would be a shame.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: ejm80 on June 17, 2009, 08:43:00 PM
Quote from: "Aveen2008"Hi,

I am not sure if this is the right place to post a topic like this and I am sorry if it's not.

To all the people on this forum who visit Disneyland Paris without having or taking children I would like to ask you:

Do you ever feel other people with children tend to think that their children have more right to enjoy the Disney experience than you? Have you ever had parents push their children infront of you, even though you have been either waiting for a parade or trying to meet a character and where there first? :roll:

It interests me because I have found this many times. I don't begrudge children the right to have fun, Disney is for everyone but many parents seem to forget this.

Does anyone else find this true? :?

love Aveen xxx

I agree with what you are saying but it doesn't just happen to adults or teenagers without children.  I am a mother of three and it has happened to us alot. The first time I went to DLP was with my oldest son who was 2 at the time.  I was very shocked at how un-organised some of the meet and greets with characters are compared to WDW.  My two year old was knocked over on a few occassions.

We as a family would never push in and we always wait for our turn and as for parades we always find a place to sit or stand at least half an hour before because I would never push my children infront of others who have waited longer than we had.  We have been 5 times now, our latest trip was in June this year with our three children.  The only time we met characters was the ones with organised lines and at character meals.  The children were often disappointed they could not meet a character if they seen them in the park but I refused to put our selfs though it.  The kids would be upset and we would get mad in the middle of a scrum.  I refuse to visit DLP, pay all that money and have experiences like this make us mad and upset. I wish all characters had an organised lines.  DLP is supposed to be a happy place so we have found if we just stick to the character meals etc a good time is had by all . We love this place and so do the kids just booked another trip for December and cant wait.  :D/  

Oh aswell when we were there in June we noticed children sneaking through the exit gate on Dumbo to ride instead of queing, luckily a CM noticed and told them go to away but I cant believe the check on some people.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: TR_Wolf on June 22, 2009, 02:31:55 PM
Definitely. People need to realise that it's not JUST for children. They need to realise that it's beyond just a funfair or theme park, it's a DISNEY park, meaning it's for everybody!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Ineffability on June 22, 2009, 05:32:27 PM
Thing is, as much as we all want to be up the front and that Disneyland is for everyone .. It is fundamentally about the children. For someone who might of had to skrimp and save to take little ones to disney and to have some 6ft man not budge so a 5 year old can get a glimpse of a princess of Mickey is unforgivable.

Children believe the magic .. You MUST let them stand in front of you at the parade, or sit in front of you at a show. For queue rides yes, we all wait in line thats the name of the game .. But when it comes down to a question of manners and compassion .. Let these little ones see their heroes .. You don't know what that family have been through to get there and may never get the chance to go again

Have a heart when you are standing down main street and you look down at a sad little 5 year old face cos you want to be up the front
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Ineffability on June 22, 2009, 05:36:08 PM
One more thing

I can understand the novelty if it's your first time, but, adults who on subsequent visits queue up without children to have their picture taken with a member of staff in a mickey mouse outfit .. bizzare!!!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Epcot_Boy on June 22, 2009, 06:14:45 PM
Quote from: "Ineffability"Thing is, as much as we all want to be up the front and that Disneyland is for everyone .. It is fundamentally about the children. For someone who might of had to skrimp and save to take little ones to disney and to have some 6ft man not budge so a 5 year old can get a glimpse of a princess of Mickey is unforgivable.

Children believe the magic .. You MUST let them stand in front of you at the parade, or sit in front of you at a show. For queue rides yes, we all wait in line thats the name of the game .. But when it comes down to a question of manners and compassion .. Let these little ones see their heroes .. You don't know what that family have been through to get there and may never get the chance to go again

Have a heart when you are standing down main street and you look down at a sad little 5 year old face cos you want to be up the front

At the risk of upsetting the wonderful members here :)  I have to agree =D>  I love Disney parks especially DL(R)P and I visit without children often, but I would never ever allow myself to prevent a child from getting enjoyment out of what the parks have to offer. So where ever possible if I feel that I'm seriously obstructing a childs view of say, the parade, I will always move aside to allow them a better view......often moving aside to let them stand infront of me.

Sure everyone can enjoy DL(R)P and I certainly do, believe me, but I always make sure where possible that the youngsters come first :)

Epcot_Boy :ears:
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: TR_Wolf on June 22, 2009, 09:04:03 PM
Quote from: "Ineffability"...adults who on subsequent visits queue up without children to have their picture taken with a member of staff in a mickey mouse outfit .. bizzare!!!

Not that nice a thing to say. You don't seem to 'get' Disney by the sounds of it. It's about EVERYONE being able to feel young, do their thing, have a laugh, without being judged by people like you calling them 'bizzare' for having a photo with a character, or doing something else that they enjoy.  :(
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: kurgly_bird on June 23, 2009, 01:13:06 AM
Quote from: "Ineffability"Thing is, as much as we all want to be up the front and that Disneyland is for everyone .. It is fundamentally about the children. For someone who might of had to skrimp and save to take little ones to disney and to have some 6ft man not budge so a 5 year old can get a glimpse of a princess of Mickey is unforgivable.

Children believe the magic .. You MUST let them stand in front of you at the parade, or sit in front of you at a show. For queue rides yes, we all wait in line thats the name of the game .. But when it comes down to a question of manners and compassion .. Let these little ones see their heroes .. You don't know what that family have been through to get there and may never get the chance to go again

Have a heart when you are standing down main street and you look down at a sad little 5 year old face cos you want to be up the front

Thing is, actually people without children, such as students like myself have to save up just as much. I don't think it's right to presume that children should stand at the front for the parade, I think it's the parent's right to ask or else get there earlier to avoid disappointment. I'm sorry but I am in place at least 30 mins before any parade and i don't think anyone has the right to tell me to move just because they couldn't be bothered to wait, teach your kids some manners, ask politely and there shouldn't be an issue.

I also heartily agree with the above post, it's people like you who ruin trips for adults.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: luke85 on June 23, 2009, 12:30:42 PM
Quote from: "kurgly_bird"Thing is, actually people without children, such as students like myself have to save up just as much. I don't think it's right to presume that children should stand at the front for the parade, I think it's the parent's right to ask or else get there earlier to avoid disappointment. I'm sorry but I am in place at least 30 mins before any parade and i don't think anyone has the right to tell me to move just because they couldn't be bothered to wait, teach your kids some manners, ask politely and there shouldn't be an issue.

I agree, if parents are prepared to wait 30 mins before the parade, then they should of course have the best view possible, same as a child-less guest having the same right.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Handy Andy on June 23, 2009, 01:23:10 PM
Quote from: "luke85"
Quote from: "kurgly_bird"Thing is, actually people without children, such as students like myself have to save up just as much. I don't think it's right to presume that children should stand at the front for the parade, I think it's the parent's right to ask or else get there earlier to avoid disappointment. I'm sorry but I am in place at least 30 mins before any parade and i don't think anyone has the right to tell me to move just because they couldn't be bothered to wait, teach your kids some manners, ask politely and there shouldn't be an issue.

I agree, if parents are prepared to wait 30 mins before the parade, then they should of course have the best view possible, same as a child-less guest having the same right.

We always make sure we get in place early for parades but quite often find people without kids pushing in front of us. Ignorant people come in all ages, colour, nationalities and gender ( and not always with kids).

I have no problem with letting someone smaller than myself in front of me, it's not as they are going to restrict my view.

Character meet and greets are different and we avoid them if there are too many people about, they tend to bring the worst in people. We tend to get photos and autographs at Cafe Mickey, it's a lot more civilised.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: peep on June 23, 2009, 04:18:47 PM
I always let kids in front of me when waiting for a parade, it's not like they are going to ruin my view of the parade like I would do to them if I didn't let them in front. What really grinds my gears though is when the parents of the children feel the need to stand in front of me too, I just don't get it.

People who have enough patience to wait ages for the parade should have priority over where they stand/sit, it's so rude to think that if you have a kid you have the right to have priority over everyone else.

I tend to avoid character meet 'n' greets as it just gets ugly if there are crowds.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: TR_Wolf on June 23, 2009, 04:56:41 PM
I've no problem with kids stood in front of me, it's when they're sat on their dads' shoulders I object!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: kurgly_bird on June 23, 2009, 11:23:16 PM
I do let children stand in fron of me as they don't block the view but i still think the parents have a duty to ask otherwise it's still pushing in, and as has been said they can't then themselves push through.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Hilary on June 24, 2009, 12:20:21 PM
I appreciate that parents might not want to wait for half an hour (or more!) before a parade with young children as they're bound to get restless but they should still appreciate that other people have made the effort to get there early to secure a good spot.  Time and again you see people arrive at the very last minute and expect to get an excellent view (not just at Disney parks of course - I went to New York last Thanksgiving to see the parade and could not believe the number of people turning up when the Parade was due to start who then figured they could shove their way to the front).

Of course, as people have said, it's no problem to let small children sit or stand in front of you (mind you, I'm quite short myself!) but again, as commented above, it's the parents.  I was videoing the Once Upon a Dream Parade and had to cut a fair chunk out because a heated argument developed between a woman and her young grandson (who had been waiting a while beforehand) and another woman who pushed her way through with her children, not caring about the child who was already there.  

As for being in the Park generally, as an adult without children, I've done it a couple of times now and haven't felt uncomfortable - what can I say, I'm a total Disney nut and love visiting the Parks!  I have stopped trying to get my photo taken with characters - am happy getting good clear shots of them to put on my website - although of course that may just be because I'm older and, well, bigger now than when I first started going... :P
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: DisneyMichelle on June 26, 2009, 12:02:20 PM
Quote from: "kurgly_bird"
Quote from: "Ineffability"Thing is, as much as we all want to be up the front and that Disneyland is for everyone .. It is fundamentally about the children. For someone who might of had to skrimp and save to take little ones to disney and to have some 6ft man not budge so a 5 year old can get a glimpse of a princess of Mickey is unforgivable.

Children believe the magic .. You MUST let them stand in front of you at the parade, or sit in front of you at a show. For queue rides yes, we all wait in line thats the name of the game .. But when it comes down to a question of manners and compassion .. Let these little ones see their heroes .. You don't know what that family have been through to get there and may never get the chance to go again

Have a heart when you are standing down main street and you look down at a sad little 5 year old face cos you want to be up the front

Thing is, actually people without children, such as students like myself have to save up just as much. I don't think it's right to presume that children should stand at the front for the parade, I think it's the parent's right to ask or else get there earlier to avoid disappointment. I'm sorry but I am in place at least 30 mins before any parade and i don't think anyone has the right to tell me to move just because they couldn't be bothered to wait, teach your kids some manners, ask politely and there shouldn't be an issue.

I also heartily agree with the above post, it's people like you who ruin trips for adults.

I totally agree here. Im 24 and at this very moment I am working very hard to pay for a wonderful New Years Eve trip to Disney with all the trimmings, dinners, buffalo bill, etc etc.
So if i decide to get to a parade with plenty of time to get a good view then i dont see why i should let these rude people push infront, if im asked nicely for their children to sit infront or stand then thats fine,  Please & Thank you's go along way. But as for those who feel they have a god given right to swan along 2 mins before a parade starts and push me out the way....well its just not going to happen!

and as for these cute innocent children....seriously some of them are horrific, they are as bad as the parents.

Everyone will have their own opinion on this matter, but for those that call us ''bizzare' because we dont have children and want a picture with a ''man in a micky costume'' i totally agree with TR Wolf - u dont seem to 'get' Disney.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: phantom247 on June 26, 2009, 02:23:19 PM
I never mind children going in front of me after waiting for a parade but take offense when i've been quietly waiting and their parents/relatives push in also obstructing my view.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: kiki_304 on June 26, 2009, 05:41:50 PM
Quote from: "fray101"Time and again you see people arrive at the very last minute and expect to get an excellent view (not just at Disney parks of course - I went to New York last Thanksgiving to see the parade and could not believe the number of people turning up when the Parade was due to start who then figured they could shove their way to the front).

Ok, now I am soooo jealous of you!  I was supposed to be in New York last year to watch the thanksgiving parade (without my kids) and after all the planning, finding great flight prices, the perfect hotel, looking at best parade spots my friend pulled out. :(
It has been something I have wanted to do for so long and never had anyone to go with (hubby doesn't like flying).  But I will take my boys I guess when they are much older and leave hubby at home.

Back to DLP....  I really don't like rude ppl who walk in front of your kids and put their kids on their shoulders!!!

Like I said before, I just avoid the parades because my kids are timid and will not stand their ground and end up getting pushed out by the older kids (mine are 3 & 5).  But I fully agree that ppl take liberties assuming that kids have priority without manners.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Catalina on July 02, 2009, 11:41:41 AM
Hi There!
I actually joined the Forum just now to comment on this very issue, because it bothers me too.

I went to DLRP last year for the first time in many years and I was absolutly shocked to see how rude some children were even to the Characters themselves!
They were so demanding, I couldn't believe it.

There was incident in particular, where we were at Café Micky and Minnie was there. She came out and for some reason headed straight for my Sister (who's 24).
There were a lot of Children following her and a little girl started screaming and pulling on Minnie's Skirt, non stop. I was horrofied! Minnie tried to push her away gently but that didn't work, the little brat (pardon) just wouldn't give up until Minnie went with her to her Table. I still wonder where her parents were at that time.
Some children just have no manners. No "please" and "thank you", just "gimme" and "i wanna"!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Gareth on July 02, 2009, 10:26:46 PM
just before i post on this i just want to say that i dont mean to hurt or affend anyone so sorry if it does

but basicly when my family go to disney my neice who is 8 and my brother who is 11 love to meet characters but alway get pushed out of the way coz they dont want to fight so i figure that if they are being pushed then it is fine to help them meet the character by pushing coz they have just as much a right as others do, and im going in decmebr for the first time without my parents or brother and neice just me and a friend and i will be cival and everything but i feel that you either wait or dont get good seats so i think everything over there should be first come basis coz if we dont have seats for a parade we dont rudly push and as for children the parents that are with them are sometime worst defo if your at the tea parties fo meals coz they are so worried that they wont get their moneyies worth that they just tunr rude and start pushing to so overall i think you gotta stand your ground no matter what your doing and im only just 18 nt old lol heheh but i do think that my lil bro and neice will come before me and anyone coz they get more joy out of it but i wont let people push over them just my 2 cents o and i dont push for them if we were nto there first so its kind wait and push if rude people come

Gareth =D
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Clarebelle on July 03, 2009, 10:25:46 AM
Quote from: "Ineffability"Thing is, as much as we all want to be up the front and that Disneyland is for everyone .. It is fundamentally about the children. For someone who might of had to skrimp and save to take little ones to disney and to have some 6ft man not budge so a 5 year old can get a glimpse of a princess of Mickey is unforgivable.

Children believe the magic .. You MUST let them stand in front of you at the parade, or sit in front of you at a show. For queue rides yes, we all wait in line thats the name of the game .. But when it comes down to a question of manners and compassion .. Let these little ones see their heroes .. You don't know what that family have been through to get there and may never get the chance to go again

Have a heart when you are standing down main street and you look down at a sad little 5 year old face cos you want to be up the front

Disneyland was built as a place FOR YOUNG AND OLD, for children of all ages, as a place to have fun.

I dont think that anyone on the forum would ever have a problem in letting a small child infront of them at a parade, if you have read the topic from start to finish then you would see that most people have already stated it.

As for parents having to save up, what do you think we all do?? me and my boyfriend  pay for all our trips, we just dont get money given to us! we work very hard for it and as we are already saving for a house we really have to scrimp to afford to go on holiday and to do everything we want while we are away, so what gives ANYONE the right to push infront of people? we never do it so is it too much to ask that it doesnt happen to us?

Would you deny an elderly couple, on their first and probably their only holiday to disneyland, a photo with Mickey mouse or a good spot for the parade? even if they had been waiting in line just bacause your children wanted their photo first? would you push them out of the way?
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Captain Pan on July 03, 2009, 11:31:34 AM
Appears like some words of Wisdom and memory is required from the Man that Started it all
Quote"Your dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
-Walt Disney

Just cause we're the big "freaks" we are moveable...
I remember my first parade...
I worked out a spot (With Wendybird1) she complained of a back problem and decided to sit on the curb and was joined by about 5 children, I spotted a little boy just behind the freakishly tall girl and offered him a place alongside the girl on the curb, and ensured that the parents had an ideal view at some instances "compromising" my enjoyment... which failed to materialise as with the knowledge that I had a selfless act, and made my time more enjoyable!

Magic isn't hemmed to just the children, and as a Student Teacher I have the unique view of seeing that day in day out in a classroom!
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: never2old on July 03, 2009, 11:50:16 AM
As Clarebelle says, no one here has any problems in letting a child in front of them to watch the parade, and definitely no problems in understanding that kids want to meet the characters.

The issue we have is with the lack of manners of some of the parents (I don't want to offend anyone, but for me if a child has bad manners, I blame the parents). What we don't like is parents pushing their kids in front of adults (or even other children, as Gareth mentions), instead of waiting for their turn. I don't know how many times I've tried to meet a character, trying to find some sort of line or seeing who was there before me, only to have someone show up last minute and push their kids ahead of me. Sometimes the characters notice and they come to me, but it's not always the case. In an ideal world we would all meet all our favourite characters and spend plenty of time with them, but in Disneyland they have a limited time to be there, and lots of people wanting to meet them. If someone has been waiting they should have the priority over someone who hasn't done any waiting. Regardless of the age.

And it's the same with parades. Often I get asked to let some children in front of me during a parade, and if they don't ask me I will offer to have them in front of me. I'm tall, I can see just fine, and I know that kids will see it better and enjoy it more at the front.
What I really don't like is when parents just shove them in front of me without asking. Even then I let the kids in front of me (it's not their fault if their parents have no manners), but I don't see how so many parents (because I see it every single time) expect to show up at the very last minute and still be able to their way to the front, when the people there have been waiting for a long time to be there.

And I think that, even if some people will push their kids ahead of other kids, it's those of us who go without any children to the parks that have to endure this the most.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: littlemermaid83 on July 03, 2009, 12:52:24 PM
Why is everyone just assuming its the pushy parents fault.

I have been at DLRP and experienced rudness from adults without children, so i think its unfair to put all the blame on parents with children.

End of the day we are all there to get some magic, its just unfortunate that some people go to extreme lengths for it child bearing or not.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: never2old on July 03, 2009, 01:31:21 PM
You're totally right littlemermaid83. It's not only people with kids that can be pushy and rude, I too have seen often adults being like that without the excuse of their children.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: kurgly_bird on July 03, 2009, 04:04:26 PM
I agree, rude people come in all sorts of varieties, my remarks were only in defence to a person who told me that because i don't go with kids i'm odd...
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Epcot_Boy on July 06, 2009, 06:21:13 PM
Quote from: "kurgly_bird"I agree, rude people come in all sorts of varieties, my remarks were only in defence to a person who told me that because i don't go with kids i'm odd...

Then kurgly_bird I must also admit to being :roll:  odd as well :)  As must some of my friends and the many people I meet at DL(R)P who are also odd :?
DL(R)P is just full of us odd'ns :P

Epcot_Boy :ears:
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: kurgly_bird on July 06, 2009, 06:36:35 PM
Quote from: "Epcot_Boy"
Quote from: "kurgly_bird"I agree, rude people come in all sorts of varieties, my remarks were only in defence to a person who told me that because i don't go with kids i'm odd...

Then kurgly_bird I must also admit to being :roll:  odd as well :)  As must some of my friends and the many people I meet at DL(R)P who are also odd :?
DL(R)P is just full of us odd'ns :P

Epcot_Boy :ears:

indeed epcot boy, i think that's point proven lol
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: loulou123 on July 17, 2009, 09:51:37 AM
Last summer i waited for 45 minutes to get  good view of the parade (my 1st and properly only time of seeing fantillusion) in a all adult group. I have no problem with letting kids stand or sit in front of me, but on this particular day i stepped back slightly to allow some children through to sit on the curb and couldnt believe it when 2 adults pushed through the gap id left for the kids and stood right in front of me, and then wouldnt let the children through to the front, so they couldnt see anything.

I have to admit that i pushed back in front of the adults, who had just done the same to me, but the poor kids were nowhere near the front, i just dont understand how anyone can think its ok to arrive just as the parade is beginning and push people out of the way.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: ed-uk on July 17, 2009, 12:42:03 PM
If we want to get a good view of the parade from the front, we always make sure we get there early depending on how busy the park is. So we're prepared to stand around and wait for it. We don't go with children, and I would let a small child squeeze in front so they could see. But I would try and stand my ground and not get pushed out of the way. It's like queue jumping. It's not ok to arrive just as the parade is beginning and push people out of the way, even if children are involved. It should be up to the person infront. Sometimes I do feel sorry for kids who are stuck at the back and can't see, but I wouldn't let them all through. And if we don't feel like waiting for the parade, we just come along late and watch it from the back, we don't push our way to the front.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Annet on July 20, 2009, 02:53:57 PM
I don't mind letting little children stand in front of me, but if the parents start pushing me away so they can also stand in front of me I get slightly annoyed. I always make sure I'm there in time to have a good spot, they should do the same if they want to stand in the front.

But I've also experienced adults without children who are pushing everybody (including children!) aside to have their picture taken with a character. I just think no one should be rude to eachother, doesn't matter if you're there with or without kids.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: bigrossco on July 20, 2009, 08:27:13 PM
when i went to DLP one day me and my friend were in the que for SM:M2 and a group of 4 teenagers were in the que pushing and shoving us and other people.

They decided to close the left hand track just when we were waiting for the next ride so moved to the right track and the youth's did not notice so we got to the front (YEY)

When they did notice they ran over went to the seat's behind us and then shoved us to get infront of the other mates, lucky a CM noticed them do this and told them off so we after all got to the front YEY  :D/

When we got to the photo point we saw them pointing at our photo saying something in french (more or less sounded like a swear word)

some people should just learn how they should behave! was so annoyed by this and was the first and only time we had a problem with anyone in the  park at any of the rides
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Walts heir on July 23, 2009, 10:50:14 PM
yes i often have felt like people though  DLP was for kids only but like walt said your dead if you only aim for kids
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Ineffability on July 24, 2009, 12:56:25 AM
I really hope the majority of you aren't planning a trip at the same time as us  :?
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Aveen2008 on July 24, 2009, 03:02:42 PM
Quote from: "Ineffability"I really hope the majority of you aren't planning a trip at the same time as us  :?

haha I totally had to laugh at this comment..sorry ineffability. I hope you have a great trip! :D
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Epcot_Boy on July 24, 2009, 05:08:35 PM
Quote from: "Ineffability"I really hope the majority of you aren't planning a trip at the same time as us  :?
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  =D>  :wink:
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Walts heir on July 24, 2009, 08:52:53 PM
Why not
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Annet on July 26, 2009, 11:26:24 AM
My next trip will be with my brother and his family, so 2 little kids.
But, just as last time, we'll make sure we're waiting in time to have a good view at the parades.
Title: Re: People who visit Disneyland without Children
Post by: Walts heir on July 26, 2009, 12:13:05 PM
Try and stand close to a trahscan so that if it is busy no one can push you and take your spot
I also recomend getting there half an hour at least before