Disney's Halloween Festival 2008
From 4 October - 2 November 2008
Please don't use this topic to ask trip planning questions.
Main Street, U.S.A.
- Halloween decorations
- Pumpkin Men meet 'n' greets
- Disney Villains' Halloween Showtime
- Halloween Pre-Parade
- Trick or Treat Stage showing Minnie and the Bat Boys & Goofy and the Magic Pot
- Piñata
- Meet 'n' greets with Jack Skellington and Sally at Boot Hill NEW
- Mobile face painters
Not returning this year
- Télé-Freak
- Pink Witches decorations & characters
- Free hair styling for children
See also:
- Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Parties (//http://www.photosmagiques.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=4393)
No more pink witches!?! But they were so fun last year.
I'm glad the pumpkin men are back again, they were awesome. Do you think the Disney villain's Halloween show time will be like last years show or do you think they will change it slightly? I really enjoyed that show last year and its probably one of my favorite shows that I've seen at the resort.
The pink witches are gone?
Do you think you can bring 'em here to the good ol' US of A?
Quote from: "peep"No more pink witches!?! But they were so fun last year.
I'm glad the pumpkin men are back again, they were awesome. Do you think the Disney villain's Halloween show time will be like last years show or do you think they will change it slightly? I really enjoyed that show last year and its probably one of my favorite shows that I've seen at the resort.
Well the show will slightly change as their will be no more pink witches in it. I also heard that 2 other villains might be added.
Quote from: "raptor1982"Well the show will slightly change as their will be no more pink witches in it. I also heard that 2 other villains might be added.
I'm going to have a wild stab in the dark and predict Queen Narissa from Enchanted!
Or Will there be some one more Classic? As I'm trying to think of the ones already in-place and am getting nowhere very fast!
Added to the list: Meet 'n' greets with Jack Skellington and Sally. :D :mrgreen:
Oh wow.... I REALLY want to go for Halloween now!! :D
Oh and Captain Pan, re. the new villains, I reckon you're right hehe! I can't think who the second one would be though, maybe Nathaniel??
Its a shame about the pink witches - loved their personality's!
I like the idea of bringing Jack and Sally to the parks, who knows in a few year's time we might be recieving the haunted mansion holiday
Quote from: "Dlrpfan"Its a shame about the pink witches - loved their personality's!
I like the idea of bringing Jack and Sally to the parks, who knows in a few year's time we might be recieving the haunted mansion holiday
shame about the witches never been during halloween but that will all change come next year :P hope it keeps getting better and that things work as planned so the should keep it samilar for next year (but maybe bring back the witches for one year only, lol) [-o<
Does anyone have pics from the Halloween party from previous years??
I'm trying to convince my husband to go this year, I'm sure if he saw some pics he'd be easier to convince... I seem to remember seeing pics of the BTM light up and all...
I really want to go....
Sounds like a promising line up now that the Pink Witches have been given the boot. Halloween should always be about the Disney characters, I'm just happy to see that Management is finally starting to wake up to this fact. While the pumpkin men remain I can only hope in future years some of the decorations involving these characters gets pushed back a bit.
By the way thanks raptor1982 for confirming what I have already been hearing.
And for WDS? Is there any thing planed around ToT or something for this year? It would be nice if they could do something there also.
Can't wait to go. :D/
DD daughter is hugh nightmare before xmas fan so she is so excited
Quote from: "never2old"Does anyone have pics from the Halloween party from previous years??
I'm trying to convince my husband to go this year, I'm sure if he saw some pics he'd be easier to convince... I seem to remember seeing pics of the BTM light up and all...
I really want to go....
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1386&start=90&st=0&sk=t&sd=a (https://forum.dlpguide.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1386&start=90&st=0&sk=t&sd=a%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
I posted a few pics here.
The Halloween party is great but the best time in DLP is Christmas
Quote from: "britincgn"viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1386&start=90&st=0&sk=t&sd=a (https://forum.dlpguide.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1386&start=90&st=0&sk=t&sd=a%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
I posted a few pics here.
The Halloween party is great but the best time in DLP is Christmas
Thanks for those!! Love the one with Skull Island...
I've been for Halloween, but never for the party of the 31st... And now seeing that Jack and Sally are going to be there, I really really really want to go!! Big fan of Nightmare before Christmas :jack:
Will they also have fireworks at the end?
WOW!Jack and Sally!Thats so cooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllll!I can't wait for the 5th of october to arrive for my SPOOKY holiday at DLRP TO COMENCE!MWAHAHAHAHAH! :twisted: LoL. :evil:
DLRP Halloween Video!
That's cool. 8)
Love those halloween pics! Does anyone else have some to post? I'd love to see more! I'm also trying to convince my boyfriend to go this year. He's close to a yes but not entirely there yet.
I'm now a little disappointed as my plans to go for my 21st may be put on hold as I've just been give a place on a differing university course at a University closer to home and as I'll be studing Primary Education (BA/Ed with QTS) I'm not wanting to risk missing lectures... Unless I can convince myself (and wendybird1 and her mum) its totally worth it...
I think I may start to cry... :cry: As I want to see the villains!! Seeing the Heroes is nice and traditional but villains are something extra special and for me Captain Hook doesn't cut it anymore!
Got an Idea for another Villain... Didn't think of it until now... I've suggested Queen Narrissa as Snow-White-Girl has commented on... But Maybe Considering the Toy Story Section of the Parade (Friendship) Maybe Emperor Zurg?
The new villains in the Disney Villains' Showtime will be Governor Ratcliffe (from Pocahontas) and Shan-Yu (from Mulan).
Quote from: "raptor1982"The new villains in the Disney Villains' Showtime will be Governor Ratcliffe (from Pocahontas) and Shan-Yu (from Mulan).
Well that's a kick in my fortune telling pants!
I did say it would have been someone more classic than Narrisa though!
Shan-Yu could be pretty creepy to look at... yet...Ratcliffe... I'm not to sure about!
Quote from: "Simba"Love those halloween pics! Does anyone else have some to post? I'd love to see more!
You can see a half-complete guide to last year's festival here (//http://dlrpmagic.com/guides/seasons/halloween/2007/) with quite a few pictures of how things were in 2007.
Things are really looking up this year. Dumping the Pink Witches and making the whole thing a lot more focused on Pumpkinmen and Disney VIPs is great. Also glad to see the lack of Stitch in all these plans for the second year running.
Quote from: "Baloo"Quote from: "Simba"Love those halloween pics! Does anyone else have some to post? I'd love to see more!
You can see a half-complete guide to last year's festival here with quite a few pictures of how things were in 2007.
Thx Baloo! It looks pretty amazing!
wow i cant wait to go now i've seen them pictures =D> . thanks for that.
Does anyone know if they are doing anything in the WDS.
Quote from: "raptor1982"The new villains in the Disney Villains' Showtime will be Governor Ratcliffe (from Pocahontas) and Shan-Yu (from Mulan).
Two very good ones.... and Shan-Yu terrifies me (though I guess that's what he's supposed to do at Halloween)!! :lol:
Nice..........................Governor Ratcliffe (from Pocahontas) and Shan-Yu (from Mulan).Now thats what I call SPOOKEY!MWAHAHAHAHHAH!LoL!I think im already getting to excited for My Holiday at DLRP during Halloween to comence!Hehe! :lol:
I think this Halloween Season is going to be the best EVER! :D/
Btw-there is also supposed to be 1 more halloween event which is 'Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party' I hope the tickets start to get on sale online ASAP!//http://www.photosmagiques.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=4393 :roll:
According to Disneytheque (//http://www.disneytheque.com/index.php?/archives/110-Halloween-2008-a-Disneyland-Paris.html) (or at least a rough Google translation of it :wink: ), Boot Hill will be the home of the new photo location for Jack and Sally, who will both be in the pre-parade with the Pumpkin Men. The Character Express will also be kitted out for the season too! :mrgreen:
Quote from: "The Butlin Boy"According to Disneytheque (//http://www.disneytheque.com/index.php?/archives/110-Halloween-2008-a-Disneyland-Paris.html) (or at least a rough Google translation of it :wink: ), Boot Hill will be the home of the new photo location for Jack and Sally, who will both be in the pre-parade with the Pumpkin Men. The Character Express will also be kitted out for the season too! :mrgreen:
Hey bulitin Boy!
I have 1 question..........where is Boot Hill located in Disneyland Please?HEHE, :roll:
Boot Hill is the hill behind Phantom Manor in Frontierland.
Yes, Jack & Sally at Boot Hill and their participation in the pre-parade are true.
Also, the Pink Witches are replaced in the Disney Villains' show by the Pumpkin Girls and Men. You'll also notice that Stitch no longer plays host to the season like last year... :wink:
Quote from: "BlueClouds"Boot Hill is the hill behind Phantom Manor in Frontierland.
Thanks so much 4 the info! =D> .........I OWE YOU!Hehe :P
I am really excited now!
Booked a 4 day trip as a surprth -ise for my wifes 30th, we are there from the 27th - 30th October!
Hope I get to meet Jack! :twisted:
Halloween seems to get better! Actually, I'm very glad they got rid of the Pink Witches (especially their horrible statue's in Frontierland which made the entire park to shame) and Stitch (to me he was just a way to sell the event and merchandising). With the addition of Jack Skellington and Sally, more Disney Villains and Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party things really start to look up. Hopefully EuroDisney will be able to build a true Halloween parade one day, similar to the one at Hong Kong Disneyland last year.
Are they planning to add new Halloween decorations too? I would really like to see a pumpkin Mickey like at Anaheim or Hong Kong. Or pumpkinmen statue's on Town Square dressed like habitants from Main Street like at Orlando. Even some Nightmare Before Christmas like touches at Boot Hill would be great.
Is there any news on a possible Halloween event at Walt Disney Studios? I mean, Tower of Terror just screams for its own entertainment! Its just too perfect; a Disney like Halloween event at Disneyland Park and a more adult oriented Halloween event at Walt Disney Studios.
Yes there will be new decorations. I heard they will be Disney-fied (like in Anaheim).
QuoteOr pumpkinmen statue's on Town Square dressed like habitants from Main Street like at Orlando.
The Pumpkin Citizens from the previous years will play a more prominent role this year in Main Street.
I know this may sound like a really stupid question but is it only scary characters that appear throughout the halloween season?
I am not big into scary or halloween things but I would like to experience it disney style!
Aveen xoxoxox
Could I ask when tkts go on sale for the Halloween night event for AP holders.. We will be at the park next week, for example can we buy them or do they go on sale at a specific time and place, its hard to keep track now they have stopped sending the newsletter out...
Quote from: "Maarten""Is there any news on a possible Halloween event at Walt Disney Studios? I mean, Tower of Terror just screams for its own entertainment! Its just too perfect; a Disney like Halloween event at Disneyland Park and a more adult oriented Halloween event at Walt Disney Studios."
I doubt there will be a adult-oriented even at WDSP. The only "adult" oriented event is the Halloween Soiree at DLP. There's been rumors of adult-oriented events in both California and Florida, but nothing so far, or at least until they build "Nightmare Before Christmas" attractions at DCA and DHS...
I didn't like the pink witches and the pinata thing. I hope they add even more new stuff for this halloween. x
Quote from: "AmericanMouse"Quote from: "Maarten""Is there any news on a possible Halloween event at Walt Disney Studios? I mean, Tower of Terror just screams for its own entertainment! Its just too perfect; a Disney like Halloween event at Disneyland Park and a more adult oriented Halloween event at Walt Disney Studios."
I doubt there will be a adult-oriented even at WDSP. The only "adult" oriented event is the Halloween Soiree at DLP. There's been rumors of adult-oriented events in both California and Florida, but nothing so far, or at least until they build "Nightmare Before Christmas" attractions at DCA and DHS...
Well, Nightmare Before Christmas isn't that adult-oriented in my books. I was actually thinking about streetmosphere around the Tower of Terror, just like in DCA. Or meeting several villains (from Darth Vader, Dracula and the White Witch to Cruella DeVil). They could even opt to introduce a similar exhibit to "Vilains: Movie Characters You Love to Hate" at the American Film Institute at Disney's Hollywood Studios at the moment.
You know, a Halloween event with just a slightly darker feel to it compared to the pumkinmen at Disneyland Park. :)
In "Disneyspeak", the "adult" codeword from what I know is "darker". And TNBC is considered "darker" in tone.
Quote from: "AmericanMouse"In "Disneyspeak", the "adult" codeword from what I know is "darker". And TNBC is considered "darker" in tone.
Like I explained in my previous post there are many ways to create a more adult/darker Halloween for Walt Disney Studios without even touching the Nightmare Before Christmas properties. Besides, compared to the Halloween offerings at the former Warner Bros. Movie World Germany, Walibi World or Universal Orlando, the Nightmare Before Christmas can't be called very dark in tone, can it? Its still a Disney film after all.
Like I said, I was thinking of streetmosphere around the Tower of Terror, an exhibit about movie villains through history, and meet n' greets with characters that fit WDS better then DLP (White Witch etc.). And maybe a few decorations throughout the park. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't think Nightmare Before Christmas is required to make a darker toned Halloween at WDS work.
I have to say i know already of you are glad to get rid of stitch for halloween but i am disappointed because I love stitch but I can understand why you are glad he's not headling this year.
Radcliffe isn't exactly a new add to the parks, he's been on the character express a few times and I met him at the start of july in cafe mickey..here's a pic..
I was hoping when you said they were new that they were completely new and not just new to the disney villians showtime.
I am sure halloween will still be fantastic though, as is everything disney!:)
I think stitch will be missed (even by me a little bit!) but now he has his own attraction now
stitch has gone up in the Disney world!
Quote from: "casschr05"I think stitch will be missed (even by me a little bit!) but now he has his own attraction now
stitch has gone up in the Disney world!
aw yay I am glad someone else will miss Stitch! I have only got to see Stitch Live once but it's great! I can't help but love him! I think I own nearly every piece of stitch merchandise sold in DLRP the last year or so lol!
:) Aveen xxx
Sorry that I repeat the others, but I think they should really focus on the Disney Characters !!!! I don´t like the Pumpkin Men in Main Street , but I like the big pumpkin which wasn´t there last year because of the 15th anniversary stage on Central Plaza. But the pink witches are surely better than the pumpkin man !
Just wanted to jump on the bandwagon and say I'm really glad the Pink Witches are gone. Really, really glad.
Wow - I love the logo
Looks very powerful!!!!!
I´m really excited now, about Nightmare before christmas and about the new decorations!!!!! I personally really like the pumpkin men... and mybe, we get some new Disney-like decorations like at HongKong or California :mrgreen:
I like the new Halloween Logos as well, and im very curious of the new decoration and so on.
but it´s still disappointing that, DLR, WDW, TDL and HKDL have its own Halloween parade just our park don´t have it. Remember the last Halloween Parade the floats was from the Princess Parade and now we just have a little pre parade and then the OUADP...
We need a special and own parade for Halloween, i think it will make the season more spectacular... :D
I'm actually "Imagineering" a Villains Halloween layover in the Sourcerer's Workshop even as I speak:
Quote from: "lil-shawn"I like the new Halloween Logos as well, and im very curious of the new decoration and so on.
but it´s still disappointing that, DLR, WDW, TDL and HKDL have its own Halloween parade just our park don´t have it. Remember the last Halloween Parade the floats was from the Princess Parade and now we just have a little pre parade and then the OUADP...
We need a special and own parade for Halloween, i think it will make the season more spectacular... :D
Just to let you know dlr does very little in concern to halloween, they don't even have a parade :wink: . I still believe even without a villains full blown parade this year Halloween will be the best we have seen in Paris in a while. :)
QuoteJust to let you know dlr does very little in concern to halloween, they don't even have a parade . I still believe even without a villains full blown parade this year Halloween will be the best we have seen in Paris in a while.
Oh really. i was thinking i saw for long time a video of an halloween parade in DLR, hmm strange okay so let out DLR but the other parks have one :P
Yeah i think this year would be the best halloween in DLRP, i never said it wouldn´t but
a special parade would make it even more better..
Don´t wanna see a new layover for the OUADP...
wen don´t need a big parade but i think they have enough old floats to change 3 or 4 of them just for a little nice halloween parade.
But after all, i can´t wait to see first photos, and videos and to read the trip reports :)
Quote from: "lil-shawn"I like the new Halloween Logos as well, and im very curious of the new decoration and so on.
but it´s still disappointing that, DLR, WDW, TDL and HKDL have its own Halloween parade just our park don´t have it. Remember the last Halloween Parade the floats was from the Princess Parade and now we just have a little pre parade and then the OUADP...
We need a special and own parade for Halloween, i think it will make the season more spectacular... :D
The Power float from OUADP would be good as a Halloween float.
Quote from: "TowMater""The Power float from OUADP would be good as a Halloween float."
And the scary part? Great minds are thinking alike! Also, DLR does not have a Halloween Parade as a stand-alone event. they have a seperate admission event called "Mickey's Trick-or-Treat Party" every October for selected dates, which has a cavalcade within. And because of the 25th Anniversary Jubilation Parade, TDL won't have a Halloween themed event this year.
The official Halloween 2008 website has just gone live!!
http://www.magichalloween.com/ (http://www.magichalloween.com/%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;) :D
ooo thats as good as last year, love the way many more characters than Stich are there.
Great. The websites focuses more on the "traditional" Disney Characters. Gives the whole thing a nice atmosphere. Well done!
It's confirmed, I will be going for Halloween!!
Going with my little brother (well, not so little.... he's 17 now) for a weekend in October :D/
He's a big Nightmare Before Christmas fan.... Couldn't miss out on the chance of meeting Jack and Sally!!
Well regarding the "new" props, it seems that they've cut off the heads of the pink witches statues and replaced them by Pumpkin Heads... :roll:
Quote from: "Kristof"Well regarding the "new" props, it seems that they've cut off the heads of the pink witches statues and replaced them by Pumpkin Heads... :roll:
:roll: have to say when I first read this I had to laugh!
I hope to be going this Halloween but waiting on a friend to sort out her passport
Aveen x
Quote from: "Kristof"Well regarding the "new" props, it seems that they've cut off the heads of the pink witches statues and replaced them by Pumpkin Heads... :roll:
Yeah - you mean these ones?
Here is an exclusive preview :mrgreen:
Aw man, that's on the cheap!
Update for the Halloween Pre Parade....
So far as we know, the pre parade will be lead by Jack Skellington and Sally in the little float used by Lilo last year. Following that are a group of 13 Pumpkin dancers. As you can see from the website, Disneyland Paris will be using the whole pumpkin 'family' for the season much like the Halloween Cavalcade 2006. So we have, Boy Pumpkin, Girl Pumpkin, Doctor Pumpkin, Suffragette Pumpkin and Mr Pumpkin. After that there will be the old Snow White float that was used last year for the pre parade this time, instead of having Daisy, Lilo and Clarice on it, it will feature Disney Villains from the show - Jafar, Cruella, Gaston, Shang Yu and Ratcliffe. No Captain Hook or Maleficent as they are both in DOUD. Finally another group of 13 Pumpkin dancers will make the tail end of the pre parade.
The music is a mix of the Halloween Cavalcade 2006, featuring just 'This Is Halloween' - from Nightmare Before Christmas and 'Grim Grinning Ghosts'.
There WILL be a show stop (yay) at Central Plaza I think. Music for that is a strange techno remix of classic Villain songs.
As for the show....hmmm, nothing new really besides Ratcliffe and Shang Yu, oh and no Stitch.
Quote from: "zanderstarz"Update for the Halloween Pre Parade....
So far as we know, the pre parade will be lead by Jack Skellington and Sally in the little float used by Lilo last year. Following that are a group of 13 Pumpkin dancers. As you can see from the website, Disneyland Paris will be using the whole pumpkin 'family' for the season much like the Halloween Cavalcade 2006. So we have, Boy Pumpkin, Girl Pumpkin, Doctor Pumpkin, Suffragette Pumpkin and Mr Pumpkin. After that there will be the old Snow White float that was used last year for the pre parade this time, instead of having Daisy, Lilo and Clarice on it, it will feature Disney Villains from the show - Jafar, Cruella, Gaston, Shang Yu and Ratcliffe. No Captain Hook or Maleficent as they are both in DOUD. Finally another group of 13 Pumpkin dancers will make the tail end of the pre parade.
The music is a mix of the Halloween Cavalcade 2006, featuring just 'This Is Halloween' - from Nightmare Before Christmas and 'Grim Grinning Ghosts'.
There WILL be a show stop (yay) at Central Plaza I think. Music for that is a strange techno remix of classic Villain songs.
As for the show....hmmm, nothing new really besides Ratcliffe and Shang Yu, oh and no Stitch.
Thanks for the update, this sounds pretty promising to me :)
I've never been to DLRP when theres been a pre-parade of any description.
If the pre-parade is supposed to be 20 minutes before the OUAD parade, does that mean theres a break between the pre-parade and the OUAD parade?
Thanks for any advice on this,
Quote from: "zanderstarz"Update for the Halloween Pre Parade....
So far as we know, the pre parade will be lead by Jack Skellington and Sally in the little float used by Lilo last year. Following that are a group of 13 Pumpkin dancers. As you can see from the website, Disneyland Paris will be using the whole pumpkin 'family' for the season much like the Halloween Cavalcade 2006. So we have, Boy Pumpkin, Girl Pumpkin, Doctor Pumpkin, Suffragette Pumpkin and Mr Pumpkin. After that there will be the old Snow White float that was used last year for the pre parade this time, instead of having Daisy, Lilo and Clarice on it, it will feature Disney Villains from the show - Jafar, Cruella, Gaston, Shang Yu and Ratcliffe. No Captain Hook or Maleficent as they are both in DOUD. Finally another group of 13 Pumpkin dancers will make the tail end of the pre parade.
The music is a mix of the Halloween Cavalcade 2006, featuring just 'This Is Halloween' - from Nightmare Before Christmas and 'Grim Grinning Ghosts'.
There WILL be a show stop (yay) at Central Plaza I think. Music for that is a strange techno remix of classic Villain songs.
As for the show....hmmm, nothing new really besides Ratcliffe and Shang Yu, oh and no Stitch.
WOW!Thats such good news!Now im really much moreeeeee deperate for the day to arrive!
Thanks 4 the update dude! :twisted:
Quote from: "Aveen2008"Quote from: "casschr05"I think stitch will be missed (even by me a little bit!) but now he has his own attraction now
stitch has gone up in the Disney world!
aw yay I am glad someone else will miss Stitch! I have only got to see Stitch Live once but it's great! I can't help but love him! I think I own nearly every piece of stitch merchandise sold in DLRP the last year or so lol!
:) Aveen xxx
I agree I will Miss Stitch a lot , i got an lot of Disney stuff and a Enromous fan of Disney and got lots of stuff even rare toys of Stitch , Buzz , Pumbaa and Roger Rabbit and Mickey Mouse. :cry: 8)
Quote from: "Aveen2008"Quote from: "casschr05"I think stitch will be missed (even by me a little bit!) but now he has his own attraction now
stitch has gone up in the Disney world!
aw yay I am glad someone else will miss Stitch! I have only got to see Stitch Live once but it's great! I can't help but love him! I think I own nearly every piece of stitch merchandise sold in DLRP the last year or so lol!
:) Aveen xxx
I am also glad that another Stitch fan missed stitch foe Halloween , I ' M Disabled and although i am 18 i look young for my age that when Stitch sees me he gave me Kisses and Cuddels me too , I have been picked 3 times in Stitch Live , I went to Halloween last year and that was so good it made me very happy i am very sad that he not at Halloween anymore but it good that he at the Studio park still : :stitch: :stitch_bounce: :stitch: :stitch_bounce: :ears: :D :cry: 8) :D :|
I'm going for Halloween this year and have booked the party in the evening. I'm so excited as it's my first time going for the Halloween season so it's all going to be new to me. I'm designing my outfit at the moment and although my partner had reservations about dressing up even he's excited now, although most of the costumes I've seen for men are way too much for Disney, don't think the kids would like Freddy Kruger, or Texas Chainsaw outfits!
Quote from: "jeakat24"I'm going for Halloween this year and have booked the party in the evening. I'm so excited as it's my first time going for the Halloween season so it's all going to be new to me.
There will be a meeting organized on the 31th of October. Maybe that's something you can take into consideration. :)
Thanks for letting me know Remco I thought that was just a meeting on the forum, and was a tad confused until I read the thread! My brain will catch up one day, although I'm not holding any hopes!
Hi all
Just out of interest, if guest with tickets for the 31st party can access the park from 5.30pm but the park is open to regular park guests until 8pm what is to stop people from just staying in the park and not paying the £20 for the Party ticket.
I heard something about wrist bands for accessing ride Q's but you could still hang around the park and watch the fireworks and entertainment????
I Know in Florida the MK typically closes at 6 to park guest and they more or less totally empty the park before the party.
Any one any ideas?
Any news on construction starting yet?
All major theme parks and the other Disney parks have started their Halloween construction but I haven't heard anything going down at DLRP yet?
The event starts in a few weeks.
Quote from: "Willow"Any news on construction starting yet?
All major theme parks and the other Disney parks have started their Halloween construction but I haven't heard anything going down at DLRP yet?
The event starts in a few weeks.
If there is any news on halloween decor it will be posted here,
Currently there is nothing as DLP usually put theirs up till a sensible week at the most before the event :wink: .
You can call me now a doooopey but I will miss the pink witches. And stitch. I like the witches cause it´s nearer to the european genesis of helloween (Big witch annual general meeting BW AGM together with vice-president "the devil" itself)
And I like the way stitch want candy.
For my part they could forget the pumpking men and let the pink ones reign.
Quote from: "Patrick"Quote from: "Willow"Any news on construction starting yet?
All major theme parks and the other Disney parks have started their Halloween construction but I haven't heard anything going down at DLRP yet?
The event starts in a few weeks.
If there is any news on halloween decor it will be posted here,
Currently there is nothing as DLP usually put theirs up till a sensible week at the most before the event :wink: .
More like the night before! Its amazing. Thats the real Disney Magic!
Quote from: "Riebi"You can call me now a doooopey but I will miss the pink witches. And stitch. I like the witches cause it´s nearer to the european genesis of helloween (Big witch annual general meeting BW AGM together with vice-president "the devil" itself)
And I like the way stitch want candy.
For my part they could forget the pumpking men and let the pink ones reign.
I agree they should done that although the Pumpkin people ar cool they are a bit 5 years out of date i would like more Pink witchs and Blue Wizards and Stitch would made Halloween suesscful in both the park and the studios , then Stitch , Gaston and Hook would be Disneyland Park and Walt Disney Studios park.
:D :stitch: :minnie: :hook: :stitch_bounce: :mickey2: :) :) :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :stitch: :stitch_bounce: :hook: :mickey2: :stitch: :minnie: :mickey1: :stitch: :stitch: :stitch: :lilo: :lilo: :lilo: :lilo: :lilo: :stitch_bounce: :stitch_bounce: :stitch: :stitch: :stitch:
I was at DLRP last year the week before the Halloween season started - it really was fun walking into the park each morning and spotting what had been added overnight :D/ . By the time we left the pumpkin men were all over Main St and Frontierland, pumpkins giant and not-so-giant abounded, and the Ghosts and Halloween banners were up on the train station.
I'm soooooooo looking forward to being there for Halloween season proper this year!
Quote from: "King Gaston":D :stitch: :minnie: :hook: :stitch_bounce: :mickey2: :) :) :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :stitch: :stitch_bounce: :hook: :mickey2: :stitch: :minnie: :mickey1: :stitch: :stitch: :stitch: :lilo: :lilo: :lilo: :lilo: :lilo: :stitch_bounce: :stitch_bounce: :stitch: :stitch: :stitch:
Quote from: "Anthony"Quote from: "King Gaston":D :stitch: :minnie: :hook: :stitch_bounce: :mickey2: :) :) :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :stitch: :stitch_bounce: :hook: :mickey2: :stitch: :minnie: :mickey1: :stitch: :stitch: :stitch: :lilo: :lilo: :lilo: :lilo: :lilo: :stitch_bounce: :stitch_bounce: :stitch: :stitch: :stitch:
No no! You have to be friendly, remember: :wink:
Quote from: "RnRCj"No no! You have to be friendly, remember: :wink:
was going to use the banging head against a wall smilie, so I'm being nice to King Gaston. :wink:
Let me bring the topic around: Have you seen the new promotional images?
Strange, but good!
looooooooooooooks good so excited now :D
I always knew something was going on between those two.
Quote from: "Elaine"I was at DLRP last year the week before the Halloween season started - it really was fun walking into the park each morning and spotting what had been added overnight :D/ . By the time we left the pumpkin men were all over Main St and Frontierland, pumpkins giant and not-so-giant abounded, and the Ghosts and Halloween banners were up on the train station.
I'm soooooooo looking forward to being there for Halloween season proper this year!
Lol, ditto! We went in September last year and they had only put a couple of things up overnight while we were there and that made us decide we were going for this Halloween. It was going to be our last trip for a few years, but then again we say that almost every time! :wink:
Some hallow decs are up in frontierland now! Woop! More to be added...well...LOADS MORE! But its begun, muwhahaha!
Even more exciting, guests of the Disneyland Hotel could take a sneak peek through their windows last night of the new PreParade as it was rehearsed for the first time in the park with all the cast.
Jack & Sally lead the parade on a horsedrawn cart followed by,
A unit of 13 pumpkins - with the ALL NEW 'Lady Pumpkin' character included, very pretty costume!
Next is the Villians float with Cruella, Gaston, Frollo, Ratcliffe and Shang Yu.
Another unit of 13 pumpkins and finally last years Lilo float which has been slightly revamped into a charriot for the new character 'The Pumpkin Queen'.
By the way the official story behind why the Pink Witches are gone is that, the Witches thought that the Pumpkin Men were lonely, so they transformed themselves into sexy Pumpkin Ladies for the Pumpkin men to play with :wink:
Thanks for the update
Quote from: "zanderstarz"By the way the official story behind why the Pink Witches are gone is that, the Witches thought that the Pumpkin Men were lonely, so they transformed themselves into sexy Pumpkin Ladies for the Pumpkin men to play with :wink:
Love it lol! :D
Photos from the first decorations are now up on Photos Magiques!
Thanks for the photos! :)
Looks like the Pumpkin Men have all been moved to Frontierland. And yet again they didn't bother to make any new decorations (so far). :roll:
What's happening on Main Street then?
I liked the original idea behind the pumpkinmen, but really is the best they can do get the pink witch decor and attach pumpkins to the heads :? . What's next the British Pumpkin :lol: , just hope they have some slightly more original ideas for Main Street.
I cant wait! :D/
Its our first ever trip to DLRP and I get to see Jack and Sally, brilliant!
Quote from: "Kristof"Photos from the first decorations are now up on Photos Magiques!
Wow!The pictures of the decorations are amazing! :D I cant wait to see the pictures of the decorations in main street USA!hehe,they will decorate in MAIN STREET USA right?
I really just cant wait for the 5th of october to arrive so i could get to see the halloween decorations for the 1st time ever! :twisted:
Two new faces have arrived in Marne la Vallée...! :mrgreen:
More: http://www.dlrpmagic.com/today/2008/09/ ... -in-paris/ (http://www.dlrpmagic.com/today/2008/09/23/jack-skellington-and-sally-arrive-in-paris/%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
Quote from: "Anthony"Two new faces have arrived in Marne la Vallée...! :mrgreen:
They look great! Thanks for the pics Anthony. Do you happen to know if they are going to decorate Boot Hill with some small Nightmare Before Christmas like touches? =D>
I'm glad they dropped the cheap looking gloves from the HKDL costume:
QuoteDo you happen to know if they are going to decorate Boot Hill with some small Nightmare Before Christmas like touches?
No extra decorations are currently planned.
Quote from: "Anthony"Two new faces have arrived in Marne la Vallée...! :mrgreen:
More: http://www.dlrpmagic.com/today/2008/09/ ... -in-paris/ (http://www.dlrpmagic.com/today/2008/09/23/jack-skellington-and-sally-arrive-in-paris/%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
They seem awesome - cannot wait to go on october 11th for my first Halloween ever! :D :jack: :pumpkin:
Quote from: "Kristof"I'm glad they dropped the cheap looking gloves from the HKDL costume:
How BAD do those gloves look?
They totally wreck the whole outfit. Looks like they where bought from a costume shop.
Great to see two new faces for Halloween, now i want to go to DLRP this Halloween even more :P
Are there any new decorations planned for this halloween at all? :pumpkin:
Thanks for putting these up guys. I am really excited to see Jack and Sally in our park finally! I am trying to find a way to get over to meet them.
Quote from: "Anthony"Two new faces have arrived in Marne la Vallée...! :mrgreen:
More: http://www.dlrpmagic.com/today/2008/09/ ... -in-paris/ (http://www.dlrpmagic.com/today/2008/09/23/jack-skellington-and-sally-arrive-in-paris/%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
Fantastic costumes, it's really great to see them at DLRP :) Although, Jack's face isn't perfect (it's meant to be a complete circle isn't it.), its meant to be able to allow him to talk though so it isn't all that bad. :wink:
At least he doesn't have the Hong Kong hands... :lol:
Just as we thought. All on the cheap. ](*,)
The worse is...
I wanted to make a joke, when I posted this pic a few days ago
Hmmm - Didn´t expect, they will really do it like this! :?
And even worse that that... I said it was on the cheap, too.
Our worst nightmares come true. Maybe we should start an petition to bring the Pink Witches back...
Quote from: "AmericanMouse"Our worst nightmares come true. Maybe we should start an petition to bring the Pink Witches back...
Well, it is Hallowe'en :mrgreen:
Quote from: "ford prefect"Quote from: "AmericanMouse"Our worst nightmares come true. Maybe we should start an petition to bring the Pink Witches back...
Well, it is Hallowe'en :mrgreen:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
MagicStar we get it now! Yoooou are the imagineer behind this halloweeen!
Quote from: "Riebi"Quote from: "ford prefect"Quote from: "AmericanMouse"Our worst nightmares come true. Maybe we should start an petition to bring the Pink Witches back...
Well, it is Hallowe'en :mrgreen:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
MagicStar we get it now! Yoooou are the imagineer behind this halloweeen!
Yeah - you caught me :twisted:
I´ll also be responsible for the re-design of Pirates into the new Little Mermaid Ride...
Hehe :twisted:
Quite frankly, Ariel's not realistic enough as an Audio Animatronic in that shot... :lol:
The entertainment guide for this week has been published in the DLRP website (until 10/10), they have the times of the Halloween shows and characters meet 'n' greets!
Other than the expected things (Minnie & the Batboys, Goofy & the Magic Pot, etc) they mention something called the Splatchmobile, happening in Thunder Mesa.
Does anyone know what that is?? Haven't seen it mentioned anywhere!!
Quote from: "never2old"Other than the expected things (Minnie & the Batboys, Goofy & the Magic Pot, etc) they mention something called the Splatchmobile, happening in Thunder Mesa.
Does anyone know what that is?? Haven't seen it mentioned anywhere!!
From the name, I'd guess some kind of mobile Pumpkin paint machine meet 'n' greet. It rolls into Thunder Mesa and you can meet the pumpkin men... perhaps. Just guessing. :)
omg, check out TDL sally! And madame leota
Hahaha! Madame Leota is brilliant! :lol:
Quote from: "Japper"omg, check out TDL sally! And madame leota[/img]
Awww cute, but sadly...not official. Probably the work of a fan or a guest.
On DLRP Today.com (//http://www.dlrptoday.com), a partner of magicforum, we're lucky enough to be able to present exclusive English versions of Jérémie Noyer's "Media Magic" interviews with the people who make the magic happen, behind the scenes at Disneyland Resort Paris.
Well, Disney's Halloween Festival began yesterday and right on-time, Jérémie shares his fascinating interview with
Emmanual Lenormand, the director of the season! Learn about how the festival is crafted months in advance - not to mention a whole load of secrets and brand new information about the Not-So-Scary and Halloween Night parties!
Here it is:
(//http://www.dlrpmagic.com/today/images/2008/10/col_mediamagic-14-front.jpg) (//http://www.dlrpmagic.com/today/2008/10/05/media-magic-interview-with-emmanuel-lenormand-director-of-disneys-halloween-festival-2008/)
A few highlights:
QuoteAbout the introduction of Jack & Sally] Did you think about the Haunted Mansion Holiday – which is very successful in the US- when imagining that event?
It was mentioned, but it's no priority at the moment. Our idea is first and foremost to celebrate Halloween with artists and new characters for everybody to meet, and I think there are better things we can do than locating everything around Phantom Manor
QuoteThe idea is to make a single parade out of the pre-parade and Disney's Once Upon a Dream Parade.
We noticed that, in the past, guests had to wait a certain amount of time between the pre-parade and the parade. So, we sped things up. It was a huge work to create the new music mix, just as if we added a new unit to Disney's Once Upon A Dream Parade – a pretty orange one! There will be 25+ Pumpkins: Men, Ladies, kids, policemen – the whole village! Then, we created a float that perfectly fits the concept of Jack & Sally, very rural and pulled by dark horses.
QuoteDisney Villains' Halloween Showtime comes back this year, but with new surprises, I guess...
Shan-Yu for me is such an amazing character when you see him live. He was brilliantly treated in Mulan, the animated feature, and he's physically scary for our guest! In the show, he's fighting Radcliffe on the music of Pocahontas' Savages. Just for fun, of course!
Quote...along with the Crypt Quintet, which I had created last year, that is specialized in the music of The Nightmare Before Christmas. They'll play that repertoire nearby Jack & Sally at Boot Hill, during their meet 'n' greet!
QuoteThe concept of Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Parties was created in America. How did you adapt it to Europe?
I decided that, during these parties, guests meet incredible and magical characters. In that vein, I created a brand-new show, Merlin and the Witch Academy, to be played at Castle Courtyard. There will also be a magic show at Fantasy Festival Stage, during which a magician will enter the Hundred-Acre Wood to do tricks. Winnie and his friends will all be there, along with the Queen of Hearts who will be strolling around Fantasyland with an armada of incredible, red, white and black toys and other fabulous characters like fire jugglers.
Even Le Château de la Belle au Bois Dormant will be re-decorated, with new signs and flags. The background music will be changed also, to bring a new feeling to Fantasyland. It'll be a "Happy, happy, happy, happy Halloween", with everybody clapping their hands!
Quote[About the 31st Party fireworks] It won't be just a fireworks display this year...
Actually, I call it "my 3D show" since there will be fireworks, performances and projections. Three kinds of show at the same time, and it will be called Mickey Presents: Halloween Magic in the Sky. And I'm especially proud to have Sorcerer Apprentice Mickey as our host that night! He'll get out his magic spellbook, from which all the spirits of Halloween will be raised.
Then begins a pyrotechnic medley with ghosts dancing on stage to that rhythm. Jack & Sally will be there, too! At the moment, we're working intensely on that! It's a "one-shot", you know! We only get once chance. I think it'll be a memorable night.
There's also a lot about the 'Terrorific Night' at the Studios, which sounds pretty special, and he mentions that they want to do even more after-hours parties in future!
Read the full interview... (//http://www.dlrpmagic.com/today/2008/10/05/media-magic-interview-with-emmanuel-lenormand-director-of-disneys-halloween-festival-2008/)
Any videos of the pre parade?
If you guys can get across, please do. In many respects I think this is the best Halloween ever. Jack and Sally were really in character, the shows were great, the music, the face painting, the merchandise, the rockers and goths - awesome!!!!! I don't want to go to work this morning!
Wow that sounds really great! :D/ I think I should go to the trip reports section and waiting for your trip report! Sounds like a great time! :mrgreen:
i've just got back and the parade is great!! but i left my video camera on the coach so i couldn't take a video of it!! ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
The pumkin men and women were all round the park causing havoc and were stopping for pictures and stuff!!
everything was great about it but charectors express wen i saw it didnt seem much different!!!
and the music in parks was very halloweeny with halloween lo ween around every corner it was in my head all the way home!! :D
Quote from: "benjy"and the music in parks was very halloweeny with halloween lo ween around every corner it was in my head all the way home!! :D
Funny, I've had the This is Halloween/Grim Grinning Ghost mix in my head!
Quote from: "TowMater"Any videos of the pre parade?
Hey guys!
I will post up Pictures ASAP and video of the Disney Pre-parade!At the moment im posting this comment from the new york hotel from my room!=p,and have till sunday here!Yeapeeeeeeeee!
I will try to post them tonight if possible!Btw-the pre parade is just AMAZING!:) :twisted:
Hey guys!
Finnaly here are some 'sweet' pictures of the Disney Halloween Pre-parade which I took on Monday 6th October 2008!
HOPE YOU LIKE! :twisted:
PS-Video Of Pre-Parade will be posted soon!Don't Worry! :P
(//http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/5643/06102008182mp4.jpg) (//http://imageshack.us)
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Hi again people!
Here are some pictures of The Disney Characters Express With This years Halloween Theme which I took on Monday 6th October 2008!
Hope you like! 8)
PS-Pictures Of Halloween 2008 Decorations soon to be posted! :twisted:
(//http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/2846/06102008224we4.jpg) (//http://imageshack.us)
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Can anyone confirm a show stop/location of the stop for the pre-parade?
I know that it was mentioned early in the topic about a central plaza stop.
Quote from: "Donald-Duck-Malta"Hi again people!
Here are some pictures of The Disney Characters Express With This years Halloween Theme which I took on Monday 6th October 2008!
Hope you like! 8)
PS-Pictures Of Halloween 2008 Decorations soon to be posted! :twisted:
(//http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/2846/06102008224we4.jpg) (//http://imageshack.us)
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I think it looks like DCE in christmas decorations and orange stuff and pumpkins, Has the music changed for Hallo-Leen-O-Ween etc. ?
Everything is looking great. It looks like this may be the best Halloween Season that the resort has ever had! :)
Here is another new addition for this year, Mickey and Minnie's new costumes:
:arrow: http://www.disneytheque.com/index.php?/ ... Paris.html (http://www.disneytheque.com/index.php?/archives/110-Halloween-2008-a-Disneyland-Paris.html%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
The Disney Villain Showtime is really great! The people who play cruella, gaston etc do it really outstanding!
A video of the whole show: http://www.dlrpfans.be/forum/index.php? ... rticle=192 (http://www.dlrpfans.be/forum/index.php?autocom=ineo&showarticle=192%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
I want a photo with Mickey in his outfit :(
Thanks for the great photos btw.
DLRP developed special make-over packages for kids from 4 - 12 years old:
- Halloween make-up: 12 EUR
- Halloween costume: 35 EUR
- Happy Halloween costume: 50 EUR
- Witch costume: 80 EUR
- Pirate costume: 80 EUR
The make-overs are done at the Thunder Mesa Boutique.
Quote from: "Kristof"DLRP develloped special make-over packages for kids from 4 - 12 years old:
- Halloween make-up: 12 EUR
- Halloween costume: 35 EUR
- Happy Halloween costume: 50 EUR
- Witch costume: 80 EUR
- Pirate costume: 80 EUR
The make-overs are done at the Thunder Mesa Boutique.
How cool!
Hey People!
Madam de Mesiur y vuli son fraw!(Hope i spelt it correctly) :P
Ladies and gentleman boys and girls......
I PERSENT TO YOU............
Recorded On The 6th Of Ocotber 2008 By Me!
Hope you like! :twisted:
Quote from: "Kristof"DLRP developed special make-over packages for kids from 4 - 12 years old:
- Halloween make-up: 12 EUR
- Halloween costume: 35 EUR
- Happy Halloween costume: 50 EUR
- Witch costume: 80 EUR
- Pirate costume: 80 EUR
The make-overs are done at the Thunder Mesa Boutique.
We were really disappointed by that because the makeup and hair used to be free.
However, over by Woody's Roundup, there are face painters who will do a small skull and cross bones or a spider and web for free (I will post photos this weekend)
Quote from: "davewasbaloo"However, over by Woody's Roundup, there are face painters who will do a small skull and cross bones or a spider and web for free (I will post photos this weekend)
Is that also for young kids, or can bigger kids :wink: get it done too?
They did my 5 and 3 yos, but did not offer for my wife and me.
Hmm thought so...
Judging from the video, Stitch IS back!
Lilo and Stitch are a part of the celebrations, but the focus is on Jack, Sally, The Pumpkinmen and the Villains in that order.
I will try to get photos and trip report up this weekend, but this is the best year yet!
Quote from: "Donald-Duck-Malta"[dailymotion:m6137skk]x6zyjk[/dailymotion:m6137skk]
Thanks for posting that video, it's great :)
I love this new pre-parade, I think it's fantastic. I especially love the music, it's stuck in my head :lol:
Quote from: "The Butlin Boy"Quote from: "Donald-Duck-Malta"[dailymotion:2c0mp0v3]x6zyjk[/dailymotion:2c0mp0v3]
Thanks for posting that video, it's great :)
I love this new pre-parade, I think it's fantastic. I especially love the music, it's stuck in my head :lol:
Hehe your welcome! :twisted:
Quote from: "Donald-Duck-Malta"Quote from: "The Butlin Boy"Quote from: "Donald-Duck-Malta"[dailymotion:2hzrfkwj]x6zyjk[/dailymotion:2hzrfkwj]
Thanks for posting that video, it's great :)
I love this new pre-parade, I think it's fantastic. I especially love the music, it's stuck in my head :lol:
Hehe your welcome! :twisted:
After watching your video, I simply cannot wait to go this saturday :D:D
OMG Donald-Duck-Malta !!!!!
We saw the pre-parade and main parade on Monday 6th from about 5 metres away from where you filmed it!!!!!! We were just a little bit closer to the bandstand end of Main St USA :lol:
Quote from: "Elaine"OMG Donald-Duck-Malta !!!!!
We saw the pre-parade and main parade on Monday 6th from about 5 metres away from where you filmed it!!!!!! We were just a little bit closer to the bandstand end of Main St USA :lol:
Haha REALLY!Wow! :shock: What a coinsidence :P
Then you must have seen someone with a tripod!Haha in which was me!:)
Quote from: "Willow"Can anyone confirm a show stop/location of the stop for the pre-parade?
I know that it was mentioned early in the topic about a central plaza stop.
Interaction is at between Central Plaza and Caseys Corner.
Quote from: "zanderstarz"Quote from: "Willow"Can anyone confirm a show stop/location of the stop for the pre-parade?
I know that it was mentioned early in the topic about a central plaza stop.
Interaction is at between Central Plaza and Caseys Corner.
Good to know!! So that's where I'll try to be this Saturday :D
Hey Guys!
Whilst I was watching the Halloween Cavalcade at Mickeys Not So Scary Halloween Party on friday 10th October,I noticed some familiar faces..... :lol:
Does anyone recognise them.... :P
(//http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/6297/dlrp2008day6139editau9.jpg) (//http://imageshack.us)
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Also,here is the special Halloween Guide which is given at the park entrance for Mickey's Not Scary Halloween Party! :D/
(//http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/8296/dlrp2008day6178ia9.jpg) (//http://imageshack.us)
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(//http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/2352/dlrp2008day6180cg3.jpg) (//http://imageshack.us)
(//http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/dlrp2008day6180cg3.jpg/1/w640.png) (//http://g.imageshack.us/img135/dlrp2008day6180cg3.jpg/1/)
Oh Yeah I almost forgot!Here are the hand tags which where given to us when entering the park for Mickey's Not Scary Halloween Party!
(//http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/3927/dlrp2008day6195ip9.jpg) (//http://imageshack.us)
(//http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/dlrp2008day6195ip9.jpg/1/w640.png) (//http://g.imageshack.us/img520/dlrp2008day6195ip9.jpg/1/)
Hope this update with information on Mickey's Not Scary Halloween Party helps! :D
Btw-The Party Was Amazing! =D> Well Done DLRP!
Hey ppl!
Heres a pic of me with Sally And Jack Skellington whilst I was on my holiday at Dlrp last week.
Here's a video of the Halloween pre-parade on DLRPvideos.com. I'm uploading a vid of the Disney Villains' Halloween Showtime later today!
» Halloween Pre-Parade video (//http://www.photosmagiques.com/videos/parades/halloween_pre-parade_08.php)
And here are a whole bunch of photos on Photos Magiques:
» Main Street, U.S.A. festivities and decorations (//http://www.photosmagiques.com/gallery/disneyland_park/entertainment/halloween_2008/main_street_usa.php)
» Frontierland festivities and decorations (//http://www.photosmagiques.com/gallery/disneyland_park/entertainment/halloween_2008/frontierland.php)
» Halloween pre-parade (//http://www.photosmagiques.com/gallery/disneyland_park/entertainment/halloween_2008/halloween_preparade.php)
» Disney Villains' Halloween Showtime (//http://www.photosmagiques.com/gallery/disneyland_park/entertainment/halloween_2008/villains_showtime.php)
Halloween looks like a spooktacular time year for Dlrp. I've missed my chance this year but with videos/pictures and puppy dog eyes maybe mother will consider it for a short break next October [-o<
The Halloween photos look great ! It really is my favourite time to visit DLRP :)
However I did notice that there were wasn't the Pumpkin men decorations over to the
thunder mountain island. I haven't been for a few years at this time. Did they not use that last year ? It used to look great all the way over the lake.
Hi, does anyone know where I can get this version of the song which is played at the beginning of this video please: http://www.dailymotion.com/degryse3/vid ... 008_travel (http://www.dailymotion.com/degryse3/video/x726il_halloween-2008_travel%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
Daniel, the music is from the "Happy Hallowishes" show at WDW's Magic Kingdom and is available in the Magic Kingdom Party Music CD available at the park.
For those who don't have a Halloween Soiree ticket yet: the event is completely sold out as of this week... (A first time ever).
Is anyone else freaked out by the Character Express Halloween music? with the freaky high pitched voice.
Do you know how many tickets were available or to put it another way how many other people are going to be crammed in the park with us!
Quote from: "Kristof"For those who don't have a Halloween Soiree ticket yet: the event is completely sold out as of this week... (A first time ever).
Is this official? We were going to buy tickets when we arrived on Thursday, and I imagine a lot of people wouldn't buy in advance (well, those who've never been on Halloween before, like myself). Is there no chance of extra tickets being made available?
Yes that is official. And no, there won't be new tickets since there's a limited capacity.
If we made the Halloween Soiree any Years before (2000 I mean), we book the tickets month ago before we drive to the Resort. All 3 Evenings was sold out, no tickets available in the Resort.
I wolud say, you must ALWAYS book this tickets before you go.
If I find time I will post my pictures from our Halloween Trip from 02.-05.10.08, it was so nice :D/
Quote from: "Kristof"For those who don't have a Halloween Soiree ticket yet: the event is completely sold out as of this week... (A first time ever).
Sounds great!!!!
DLRP does it better every year!