DLP Guide Forum - The Disneyland Paris magicforum community

Fantasia Gardens => Videopolis => Topic started by: flor on March 24, 2004, 07:28:23 AM

Title: Resortpictures.net announcement
Post by: flor on March 24, 2004, 07:28:23 AM
Dear Resortpictures.net forum member

Due to problems with our past host Xelux (Belgium) and Digipoint (Belgium), were we obligated to register a new domainname. E-mails send to any resortpictures.net account, will not be received. Please, use our new e-mail adresses:
davy@photosmagiques.com (mailto:davy@photosmagiques.com)

The new site and layout will come online within a few days!
In the mean time, you can already visit our upgrated forum: http://www.photosmagiques.com/forum (http://www.photosmagiques.com/forum)

There's no need to register again, we have installed a back-up from the old host!


The Photos Magiques team