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Disneyland Paris => Disneyland Paris News & Rumours => Topic started by: Remco K. on January 25, 2008, 01:33:19 PM

Title: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Remco K. on January 25, 2008, 01:33:19 PM
It was already mentioned on some other forums, yet to be discussed here; Disneyland Resort Paris to go smoke-free as of April 2008.

What are your opinions on this rule?

Personally I carry this rule on hands. We're the last Disney resort on this globe to follow this trend and it's about time. Even smoking is already prohibited in all queue lines, still it's disgusting to be surrounded by smoking people when watching a parade.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: madame_leota on January 25, 2008, 01:37:58 PM
thats absolutly brill!  about time too! i smoke occasionaly but i still think its great, mum on the other hard might not be quite so pleased, but oh well she will just have to cope!
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Alpop on January 25, 2008, 01:50:04 PM
Just to get up to speed on this.
NO Smoking in Disneyland Resort Paris?

Is this just the Hotels?
and or the parks?
and or the entire plot of land?

Personally I embrace the idea as I'm a non smoker, but how far can it be enforced?
Sorry for al lthe questions.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Remco K. on January 25, 2008, 02:01:46 PM
The idea is to ban smoking in the parks. Just like the other Disney resorts there will be smoking spots set up throughout the parks. Those smoking spots will most likely be marked on the park maps.

The Disney hotels and restaurants on are smoke-free already.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Alpop on January 25, 2008, 02:16:04 PM
It'll be interesting to see how well it works with the UK visitors.
We banned Smoking in pubs last summer and it's un believeable the out of smokers that stand just inside the building, when they should be outside.

So trying to explain that you can smoke there, not here will be an interesting one to follow.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: miss disney fan on January 25, 2008, 04:29:17 PM
Quote from: "Remco K."The Disney hotels and restaurants on are smoke-free already.

when we went in november last year we stayed in the disneyland hotel and when i asked about smoking in the hotel i was told no, but as i was leaving the CM she told me i could smoke in the hotel bedroom as its not class as a public area (stood outside they on the balcony to smoke thourgh)

i can agree with others about people smoking when your que'ing and eating, you dont want the smoke, i only even now at home smoke outside away from others as my son has asthma and nobody else wants to breath my smoke, fairs out to be fair for everyone

please dont shout at me  [-o<
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: miss disney fan on January 25, 2008, 04:29:34 PM
Quote from: "Remco K."The Disney hotels and restaurants on are smoke-free already.

when we went in november last year we stayed in the disneyland hotel and when i asked about smoking in the hotel i was told no, but as i was leaving the CM she told me i could smoke in the hotel bedroom as its not class as a public area (stood outside they on the balcony to smoke thourgh)

i can agree with others about people smoking when your que'ing and eating, you dont want the smoke, i only even now at home smoke outside away from others as my son has asthma and nobody else wants to breath my smoke, fairs out to be fair for everyone

please dont shout at me  [-o<
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: miss disney fan on January 25, 2008, 04:29:59 PM
Quote from: "Remco K."The Disney hotels and restaurants on are smoke-free already.

when we went in november last year we stayed in the disneyland hotel and when i asked about smoking in the hotel i was told no, but as i was leaving the CM she told me i could smoke in the hotel bedroom as its not class as a public area (stood outside they on the balcony to smoke thourgh)

i can agree with others about people smoking when your que'ing and eating, you dont want the smoke, i only even now at home smoke outside away from others as my son has asthma and nobody else wants to breath my smoke, fairs out to be fair for everyone

please dont shout at me  [-o<
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Disney_Princess on January 25, 2008, 09:13:24 PM
This is a positive step forward for Disney.

The amount of children that run about the place it's only fair they should be able to so it in a clean, safe, smoke free environment.

I'm all for it, if parents want to take their children to the smoking areas then its their choice, but smoking should not be brought to children.

I'd like to know what the penalty is for not smoking in a designated area is though.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Anthony on January 26, 2008, 01:25:40 AM
If true, this will be incredibly positive for the resort. Hopefully it will also be strongly enforced by CMs when you're waiting for parades to begin for example, this is the only time it's really annoyed me.

So... let's Imagineer some smoking areas! :lol:
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Owain on January 26, 2008, 10:39:58 PM
Quote from: "Baloo"If true, this will be incredibly positive for the resort. Hopefully it will also be strongly enforced by CMs when you're waiting for parades to begin for example, this is the only time it's really annoyed me.

So... let's Imagineer some smoking areas! :lol:

I was looking ay disney geek's Disneyland Resort photo updates before around the time it happened to the california resort. One place to smoke was by the exit to tomorowlands train station.

I think maybe somewhere in frontierland ?
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Anthony on January 26, 2008, 11:45:24 PM
I'm guessing each land will need at least one area. Luckily DLRP has lots of hidden areas. Here's where I'd condemn...

Maybe somewhere in Main Street near Casey's Corner, Frontierland the toilets by Phantom Manor and the weird unused area between Big Thunder and the Keelboats, Adventureland perhaps between the Bazaar and Au Chalet de la Marionnette and near the toilets on the road to Indy, Fantasyland... not sure, near the Old Mill?, Discoveryland the old Star Tours queue/LOTLK ticket area, maybe near the Autopia exit/toilets.

Walt Disney Studios will be harder... Front Lot corner near Studio Services, Toon Studio maybe behind the Sorcerer Mickey planter, Hollywood/Production between Studio 1 and CinéMagique, Backlot part of the Moteurs queue they never use any more, opposite Cafe des Cascadeurs.

Hopefully they won't pick anywhere that means you're walking through a smoke cloud to reach something, or any nice areas that used to be good for relaxing.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: a.newton on February 24, 2008, 04:06:00 PM
This is brilliant news, for a family of non-smokers anyway! It's quite a bold move by Disney, one that is bound to cause some grumbling by smokers, especially if you consider how many people smoke and where they shouldn't, in the covered queues mainly.

I will surely be easier to control smoking if the whole park (bar the designated areas) is a smoke free zone, but I hope castmembers will enforce it.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: toonarmylass on February 24, 2008, 04:18:58 PM
for me personally this is a great thing, im a non smoker and with haveing a seriously ill child in the park i personly dont want him to take in any of the smoke which in effect could make him worse. i am not the only person to go with ill children. im also not one to preach, smokeing is a persons own desicion but they should not decide to let me or my son breath it in. designated areas are a brilliant idea. my problem with this being enforced by the CM's would be if they cant control people queueing for rides or characters for example how are they going to enforce the no smoking rule? are they going to hand out on the spot fines? i think this could be the only way to shock people into thinking that they can still smoke and get away with it. im sorry if my veiws upset they are not meant to i am an ex smoker and know what its like to need a cigerette.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: 131184 on February 24, 2008, 04:39:17 PM
I'm not sure what the national French policy on smoking is however I have noted in many recent pictures that a lot of rather ugly and un-themed no smoking signs have been put up. I know in the UK the signs have to have a specific 'look' but some national trust building and churches can change the design to fit the style of the building.

Does French law make them use the ugly red and white signs? Or is it just a fast cheap fix rather than producing lots of different signs to fit in with the specific location theme.

Thats what makes disney different little touches like themed signs for each location.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Nala_84 on February 24, 2008, 07:51:25 PM
This step is MORE than necessary!! There's nothing worse than smoking in a family park...

But I'm lucky, I never had to stand in a queue line or so where people smoked!
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: BlackWolf on February 24, 2008, 08:35:17 PM
No smoking in public (and indeed the Disney Parks) is a major step forward. Being an asthma sufferer myself, I'm easily set off when someone's smoking.

However, I do think if people want to smoke, they should be able to. Hence why I think dedicated smoking areas (a little out of the way) are a good idea. Those who want to smoke, can do so without affecting those who don't want it around.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: toonarmylass on February 24, 2008, 08:47:28 PM
i agree, im asthmatic and so is matthew, setting aside the other problem we are dealing with. smoking is a right a person has, but not smoking is also a persons right, passive smoking is just as bad as the actual act. so yes to the designated areas, yes to a non smoking park but also yes to letting people make their own choices.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Riebi on February 25, 2008, 09:17:39 AM
In Anaheim they had smoking cabins. Was a bit silly to watch but a smoking-solution
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: thekirtley on March 02, 2008, 12:34:27 PM
I would love this because i go on the 13th of April until the 18th and i have asthma, so i won't have go past a smoker and cough. :D!
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Its Just Like I DreamedIt on March 02, 2008, 03:09:30 PM
Think it's bad standing waiting for a parade when someones smoking, when we went to DLRP last summer someone in the next buggy to ours was smoking through PM. I was quite scared actually because what if something was to go on fire, and when we went on later you could still get the smoke smell!
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: toonarmylass on March 02, 2008, 03:18:04 PM
how rude for someone to be smoking whist on a ride. its just not the thing that should be done. not only is that anti-social its possible of doing damace to a ride, imagine if a ciggie was to get into the puppets in IASW that would be horrific!!!!
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: littlemermaid83 on March 04, 2008, 05:58:26 PM
Quote from: "Its Just Like I DreamedIt"Think it's bad standing waiting for a parade when someones smoking, when we went to DLRP last summer someone in the next buggy to ours was smoking through PM. I was quite scared actually because what if something was to go on fire, and when we went on later you could still get the smoke smell!

Smoking on a ride :shock:  :shock:
Now that is shocking.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Soap on March 05, 2008, 10:09:11 AM
Not only shocking, but also just disgusting and so selfish!
Such people just don't have any manners and should be kicked out of the parc!
Yuk!  [-X
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Riebi on March 05, 2008, 11:36:20 AM
That really a shame! Doesn´t one simple CM saw this?
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Reiana on March 06, 2008, 10:18:46 AM
I think it's almost impossible for the CM to figure out were the smoker is, if it is happening during the ride. I'm sure, there are secutitycameras installed, but they would have to check every single monitor and this would probably take more time than anything else.
And imagine, if caught somking, they guy could easily throw the ciggy out of the doombuggie, maybe in the brides room with all the curtains and then catastrophy is going to happen. [-X  :shock:
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Remco K. on March 14, 2008, 07:07:57 PM
QuoteJust thought I'd post a little update on the smoking situation at DLP, since I haven't seen this in English anywhere just yet. So here it is, the list of designated smoking areas that will be enforced as of April 1 2008.

Disneyland Park:

- Entrance (to the left, behind turnstiles)
- Arboretum (next to City Hall)
- Central Plaza (near Discoveryland)
- Near the restrooms of Fort Comstock
- Area in front of Pocahontas Indian Village
- Area facing Restaurant Hakuna Matata
- Adventureland exit of Au Chalet de la Marionette
- In the former queue of Les Pirouettes du Vieux Moulin
- Near the restrooms of Autopia
- Entrance Pizza Planet

(This is quite a number, compared to the three designated areas at Disneyland. But then again, even with all the new rules, this still isn't California...)

Walt Disney Studios:

- Place des Freres Lumiere (entrance plaza) (left, past stroller parking)
- Between Art of Disney Animation and Cars
- Between Stitch and Cinémagique
- Between Rock 'n' Roller Coaster and the Stunt Show

Now let's just hope they theme the signs properly... And, on a more cynical note, that people will actually obey the rules.
Source: pussnboots on the MiceChat.com forums (//http://micechat.com/forums/showthread.php/dlp_and_wds_smoke_free-92249.html)
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Javey74 on March 14, 2008, 10:52:52 PM
Seems ironic, that people currently smoking in the parks are addicted to do so, and as we all know smoking can cause heart disease and cancer, of which cancer is what killed Walt Disney as in the form of lung cancer through chain smoking.  If it wasn't for this addictive habit, Walt would have been around for years and died of old age instead.

This was one area that Walt would not have been a good role model for in his own parks.  Only now something is being done about it, so the whole family can enjoy a clean environment.  But really it would require a 100% ban in the resort to be effective.

Get rid quickly !!  =D>
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Anthony on March 14, 2008, 11:49:21 PM
We got very very close with our guesses a few weeks ago! A few of them are actually spot on. Nice places they've chosen, and actually fewer than expected. I'm very happy Fantasyland only has 1 spot.

The WDS ones aren't as good because it doesn't have the hidden corners. I'm not sure groups of smokers will help the atmosphere of that spot in Backlot or the dead corner of Production Courtyard, or be very pleasant in that nice spot between AODA and Cars.

Oh well, NO SMOKING!! HURRAH!!!! What a triumph, we've wanted this for years. :D/  :D/
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Nicholas-c on March 15, 2008, 02:50:57 AM
I don't agree with some of the ones in the main park :( like...

The pocahontas Indian Village... lots of children walking past a group of smokers... mis-logic?

Don't really mind the rest, How will they enforce this ?

I don't imagine our wonderful park would kick people out ? i don't really imagine them fining people
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Anthony on March 15, 2008, 03:12:09 AM
Quote from: "Nicholas-c"The pocahontas Indian Village... lots of children walking past a group of smokers... mis-logic?
I thought the same, but I bet they'll use the little inlet to the right of the entrance where the old Pueblo Trading Post is. Plonk the brats in the playground and have a fag. :lol:

Here are a couple of maps of the expected places btw, since I know not everyone will know them:



The one by HISTA will be in the way too. And I suppose this rules out any reopening of the Old Mill or Pueblo Trading Post for a while...

Quote from: "Nicholas-c"I don't imagine our wonderful park would kick people out ? i don't really imagine them fining people
Yeah this is going to be interesting to see how they enforce it. Will they get stricter over time, start of quite relaxed? They can never really do any more than direct people to the nearest area though. I think the majority will get it... hopefully.. what do we think?
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Javey74 on March 15, 2008, 03:24:31 AM
Let's face it to police the new smoking policies they'd have marked security staff so guests know they are being watched in general. Then cameras and plain clothed security probably hanging around the non smoking areas watching people who don't know they are being watched. They could always confiscate the cigarettes if they have already been warned for smoking in a non smoking area.  :shock:

It's still not easy I agree to watch everyone for smoking in the wrong places.  when a total outright ban comes in, which it will eventually, people could be searched on the way through the main gates, (baggage, pockets etc), similar to the way they do the baggage checks now.  Or maybe use a sophisticated scanner you walk through which would pick up cigarette boxes or individual cigarettes, lighters/matches.  I think this would be a quicker method if possible, so that the entrance queues don't go through to slowly.  :roll:

Time will tell how the enforcement works, or doesn't work. If it doesn't, then new ideas will need to be sought.  :wink:
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Nicholas-c on March 15, 2008, 04:38:30 AM
Quote from: "Baloo"Yeah this is going to be interesting to see how they enforce it. Will they get stricter over time, start of quite relaxed? They can never really do any more than direct people to the nearest area though. I think the majority will get it... hopefully.. what do we think?

I imagine they will possibly start off relaxed until the summer and then step it up for the peak season. The thing with this is that most people wont want to cause trouble, however alot of people will try and get away with it, i guess its going to be 50/50, unless they get a policy/punishment in place (if there isn't one already)

I think 1 or 2 rule breakers around is better than every other person smoking :)
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: The Butlin Boy on March 15, 2008, 03:28:06 PM
Quote from: "Baloo"(//http://www.dlrpmagic.com/today/images/2008/03/14-smokingareas-02.jpg)

I can't really imagine the one between AODA and Cars :-k We'll just have to wait and find out how they all turn out.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Disneyland Paris Treasures on March 15, 2008, 05:35:17 PM
Quote from: "javey74"... when a total outright ban comes in, which it will eventually ...

Will not happen.

Quote from: "javey74"... people could be searched on the way through the main gates, (baggage, pockets etc), similar to the way they do the baggage checks now.  Or maybe use a sophisticated scanner you walk through which would pick up cigarette boxes or individual cigarettes, lighters/matches.

Will not happen either.

Quote from: "Nicholas-c"... however alot of people will try and get away with it, i guess its going to be 50/50, unless they get a policy/punishment in place (if there isn't one already) ...

I strongly doubt that 50/50 ratio! If people know that it is not allowed to smoke most will likely honor it. Of course there are the few that don't care, but surely not 50/50.

Smokers are no bad persons (and no, I do not smoke). They have children too and they are there for the magic and the fun too. The few bad examples that have been noted here are really exceptions. I have never seen someone smoke in a queue line and for sure not in a ride (I would have dragged him to the next CM myself).

I think it is great that the park will be smoke free this way and that most people will honor it.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Javey74 on March 15, 2008, 05:54:05 PM
Well Mobi, all I'll say it that we will have to all wait and see.  

But change is change and everyone conforms to it in some way, rather like a job and your code of conduct policy. Rules are rules.  :wink:

None of us really know what will happen with the new enforcement until it happens, then it will take a few month to see the effect of the change, it's then our ideas will be proved right or wrong for the measures that will or won't need putting in place.  :|

Pause for thought  :shock:
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: toonarmylass on March 16, 2008, 09:28:10 AM
this cant happen soon enough for me. whilst we were there with matthew in his wheelchair three times he nearly had a cigarette in his face at one point one was only an inch from his eye, i soon shouted at the frenchwoman who just didnt seem to care and carried on as she had been. i had to moved in a different direction from them so he didnt get burnt!!!!
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: miss disney fan on March 16, 2008, 12:34:44 PM
i went to alton towers yesterday for the 1st day of opening, they have now put smoking areas in the grounds around about 15 i was told, and yes i smoke, so i went to find these areas that were on the park map so i could have a smoke and to be honest they were not clearly signposted just i small smoke sign with a arrow pointing that way, out of all the areas i went to find i only manage to find 3 and they are so out the way that at the most there was only me and about 3-4 people there and no end of folk walking around the rest of the park smoking, so as you say it has got to be police really well and the areas have got to be well maked out (not like the towers) but the ironic thing was when i brought a newspaper as we were leaving the still sell fags in the shops, from what i saw yesterday it will not work there and if disney go about the same in paris it will not work there either
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Its Just Like I DreamedIt on March 16, 2008, 11:20:52 PM
Yeeeessssss eventually, but I wonder if the CM will be really severe in keeping the rule
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Bamperoony on March 18, 2008, 01:59:50 PM
:( I would really hate to be a C/M right now! Think of the difficult line they will have to walk until everyone gets used to the new rules and regulations. I Know that the bottom line is that rules are rules and everyone should conform but, at the same time they are running a theme park and thier primary duty is to keep guests happy. I think they are likely to try a "softly softly" approach at first, just having a quiet word with offending visitors and maybe only escalating things if the guest continues to offend. By the way, I am a non-smoker who has just been diagnosed with chest problems thought to be caused by "second hand smoke" so I probably have a greater reason than most to want to see a full ban. Its just that I forsee many problems enforcing this politely and sympathetically.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Anthony on April 01, 2008, 03:08:25 PM
Smoking areas now mentioned on the official website's 'What's New?' page!

http://news.disneylandparis.co.uk/index.xhtml (http://news.disneylandparis.co.uk/index.xhtml)

Hopefully we'll see some reports from the park today soon...
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: kirstenoel on April 01, 2008, 05:27:10 PM
Sounds brilliant. It's not like smokers can't smoke - there will be smoking areas. It works in America! Last time I went to Disneyland Paris (was about 4 years ago because I've been going to WDW instead), there was a guy smoking in the queue for BTM (just at the end of the queue line, right before you go down the slope onto the ride) and everyone was complaining and only one person actually told him to put it out and it wasn't a cast member!

I think that's shocking - who would start smoking in such an enclosed space surrounded by so many people and kids?!
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Parkfisch on April 03, 2008, 05:28:39 PM
Any pictures?
How does it work?
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Remco K. on April 03, 2008, 08:13:07 PM
Quote from: "Baloo"Hopefully we'll see some reports from the park today soon...
User pussnboots, who's also a member of this forum :), submitted the following to the MiceChat.com forums (//http://www.micechat.com):

Quote from: "pussnboots"Apparently day 1 of the smoking ban wasn't a huge success. Most of the trash cans around the parks still have their built-in ashtrays and smoking signs (the kind without the big red line striking through the cigarette) on them, suggesting of course that one can smoke around such a trash can. Moreover, according to the latest map, one of Adventureland's smoking areas is located on the Pont Suspendu (suspension bridge).

Can't really blame the guests this time...
It seems DLRP was not totally prepared for the 'smoke-restriction'...
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Riebi on April 03, 2008, 09:05:05 PM
Cool! Than pussnboots was at DLRP this day and could tell us mooore about the start and next saturday raptor can tell us how it´s after some days of running!!!
 We are pampered :mrgreen:

Hope they will get a bit more strict with their smoking rules. But must be a hard thing to tell someone who has the opinion that smoking is an amusement.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: pussinboots on April 05, 2008, 01:54:15 AM
I wasn't there; I wish. I was just transliterating from Disney Central Plaza, haha.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Riebi on April 05, 2008, 10:39:23 AM
OMG! Now I´m feeling less pampered :lol:
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: DestinationMagic on April 11, 2008, 10:26:59 AM
I'm just back from a 5 day trip and I can only report that nobody was smoking in the queues, shows, shops and restaurants. But people are smoking in every other area in the park, especially when we wait for the parade, there was much (too much for me) smoking...  :(
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Soap on April 11, 2008, 11:32:01 AM
Quote from: "DestinationMagic"I'm just back from a 5 day trip and I can only report that nobody was smoking in the queues, shows, shops and restaurants. But people are smoking in every other area in the park, especially when we wait for the parade, there was much (too much for me) smoking...  :(

I had the same experience last week.
I missed some sort of clear signal. I think they should put up some sort of sign at the entrance of the parc?  :?:
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: pussinboots on April 11, 2008, 01:54:09 PM
They have clearly done very little to make sure people understand this new policy.

What they've done:
-Added smoking areas to park maps;
-Added tiny "smoke here" signs to the trash cans in the smoking areas;
-Instructed Cast Members to direct smokers to the smoking areas in a friendly manner.

All of this is obviously very, very easily missed, especially considering most of Europe still does not think twice about lighting up outdoors.

What they haven't done:
-Created themed "Smoking Area" signs as in Disneyland in California;
-Removed or obscured ashtrays and "smoke here" signs that are still on trash cans everywhere(!);
-Created some large, unavoidable, possibly tentative manner of reminding people of the new policy. Indeed a sign near the entrance or even a few Cast Members with the specific task of directing people to the areas just seems necessary.

It just seems rather pointless to even have smoking areas when nobody's using them.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: MinniesBestPal on April 11, 2008, 01:55:41 PM
And so it should be!

When I went there was a shopkeeper telling a guy off for smoking in Adventureland!

(YAY! My 100th post!)
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: The Butlin Boy on April 11, 2008, 02:03:04 PM
Sounds like they really need to clearly sign post the smoking areas, and signs like pussinboots has posted would be brilliant. I really hope that they have plans to add these signs very soon [-o<
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Nicholas-c on April 11, 2008, 07:41:20 PM
as long as its not in the queues, it doesn't really bother me, would be nice for people to go to smoking areas, but some people have the "it will only be 1 quick smoke" attitude im guessing.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Soap on April 11, 2008, 09:07:38 PM
Quote from: "Nicholas-c"as long as its not in the queues, it doesn't really bother me, would be nice for people to go to smoking areas, but some people have the "it will only be 1 quick smoke" attitude im guessing.

And that's just the attitude that they should let go! They bother other people with their habit and addiction!
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: kirstenoel on April 16, 2008, 11:13:23 PM
Quote from: "Soap"
Quote from: "DestinationMagic"I'm just back from a 5 day trip and I can only report that nobody was smoking in the queues, shows, shops and restaurants. But people are smoking in every other area in the park, especially when we wait for the parade, there was much (too much for me) smoking...  :(

I had the same experience last week.
I missed some sort of clear signal. I think they should put up some sort of sign at the entrance of the parc?  :?:

I was there last week and saw quite a few people smoking in the Qs, on TOT, phantom manor, indiana jones and even crush to name just a few. And there was certainly A LOT of smoking going on around the rest of the park. I also saw a lot of cast members ignoring the fact that people were smoking in Qs and outside shops.

And I agree, there definitely needs to be some more non-smoking signs. I saw on one of the signs that fines can be issued... but obviously they never are!! - I'm not having a big dig at smokers - I used to smoke - but rules are rules and they're there for a reason.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Remco K. on April 17, 2008, 07:44:32 PM
Quote from: "The Butlin Boy"Sounds like they really need to clearly sign post the smoking areas, and signs like pussinboots has posted would be brilliant. I really hope that they have plans to add these signs very soon [-o<
Signs are one thing, but people are probably still watching over it pretty quickly. The best way to introduce this new rule (which should've been introduced clearly already) is to find, like pussnboots said, a way for CMs to make guests more aware of this new rule.

So placing signs can be effective, but removing "Smoke here" sings from places where you're not allowed to smoke is probably helping more... :P
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Anthony on April 17, 2008, 08:31:03 PM
What really needs to be done, if they're actually serious about this:

a) Put a much larger warning on the park maps, I'm really surprised the current one is so tiny.

b) Place signs (lots of them, spread out) at the entrance to each park, same as the "filming today" signs, saying "No smoking is permitted in the park except in designated areas" and refer people to the park maps available just a few feet away under MS station.

I'm usually the first to say smokers are a bit ignorant, but not in this case. You'd have no clue about this rule if you're not a fan or don't religiously read everything on the park map.

Actually, I'd say (or hope) that DLRP probably are serious about this but are just bringing it in very very gradually. Maybe in a few months or more we'll get more signs, then later the CMs will be told to enforce it, etc. This kind of rule will come as a shock for lots of Europeans...
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: The Butlin Boy on April 19, 2008, 01:23:54 PM
I've just returned myself, and people were smoking outside of the smoking areas quite frequently. But as Baloo has already said, you really cannot blame them because there is no message of these areas in the resort at all, apart from a tiny message on the park maps, which I couldn't even see at first. DLRP really needs to get their act together on this issue in the next few months, or the whole idea is just pointless.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Riebi on April 19, 2008, 02:21:52 PM
Maybe it´s a step-by-step-solution cause of the european freeminded/freedomloving visitors. First small signs at the park map, then bigger one at the map and in the park and later a cast member training where they will learn things to say like "Excuse me sir, would you be a friendly disney fan and go to the smoking area in this direction"
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: kurgly_bird on April 20, 2008, 03:30:51 PM
last week, there was smoke everywhere. I can hardly remember queueing without it involving smoke being blown all over me. I didn't even notice the signs on the park map, that's how poor they are. Hopefully it will be tackled better soon.

x x x
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: pussinboots on April 20, 2008, 10:48:41 PM
Quote from: "kurgly_bird"last week, there was smoke everywhere. I can hardly remember queuing without it involving smoke being blown all over me. I didn't even notice the signs on the park map, that's how poor they are. Hopefully it will be tackled better soon.

This is awful, really. Some smoking ban.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: 131184 on April 21, 2008, 12:57:15 PM
Sad to say this looks like another example of a  good concept that has worked well in other Disney parks around the world but has yet again been let down by DLRP inability to implement things correctly and with the right level of investment/organisation/training - and this a simple thing.  :(
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: peep on April 21, 2008, 02:30:52 PM
Like Baloo said, its probably a thing that DLRP are introducing slowly, they don't want to come across as being too mean etc. Then again they should really get the CMs more involved, but if you were a CM would you continually nag other people to stop smoking?
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: pussinboots on April 21, 2008, 10:13:13 PM
Quote from: "peep"Like Baloo said, its probably a thing that DLRP are introducing slowly, they don't want to come across as being too mean etc. Then again they should really get the CMs more involved, but if you were a CM would you continually nag other people to stop smoking?

If it was a part of my job description, yes, I would, because that's what jobs are, unfortunately. And it doesn't have to be mean; a smile and a simple "excuse me sir" go a long way. They're not truancy police after all.

I think the idea is that people simply need to be made aware of the new policy, not threatened or bullied. That would be the phase II. (kidding)
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: scottishthistle on April 22, 2008, 12:24:40 PM
Quote from: "peep"Like Baloo said, its probably a thing that DLRP are introducing slowly, they don't want to come across as being too mean etc. Then again they should really get the CMs more involved, but if you were a CM would you continually nag other people to stop smoking?

Having just recently got back from DLRP, I have to say that even if they were introducing it slowly, you'd at least expect to see no smoking signs but we saw none.

We don't smoke but I'd have thought that being a new rule, people should have been advised on checking into their hotels, on entering the park etc but there was nothing. People were smoking everywhere we went which was disgusting. Thankfully the queues weren't an issue for us as my son had an Easy Access Pass so we didn't have to wait amongst the masses.

I was extremely disappointed though, whilst watching the parade on our last night. We were in the disabled viewing area, my son in his wheelchair and 2 carers accompanying someone else were standing beside us smoking continously, all over my son. We were all crammed in pretty tightly so had nowhere to move to. They didn't appear to speak English so I had a word with a Cast Member to ask him to have them stop smoking but he just said there was nothing he could do and shrugged his shoulders at us  :roll:

My son is desperate to go back but if they aren't going to stop someone smoking over a child then I'm really reluctant to visit again.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Tinkerbelle on April 28, 2008, 12:29:28 PM
oh it's so dissapointing to read all this!!!
I wish they did nag everyone about the no-smoking policy!
we were happy that our summer vacations were finally going to be smoke-free but i guess that positive experience will have to wait... (forever maybe?)

why do you all think all of this happens? we don't see any park guests at US parks smoking under the no-smoking sign!....and if one guest starts smoking there's always a CM that corrects it kindly. but in general, you go to a disney park and no matter where you're from, you always try to behave correctly, as the disney athmosphere demands

to know that there aren't smoking signs around DLRP freaks me out!
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Fubar on April 28, 2008, 11:51:19 PM
I've just returned from my first trip to DLP although I've been to WDW a few times. Now, I smoke a pipe (being of advanced years!) and didn't even know there was a smoking ban until I read this forum... I saw no signs, and missed if any, signs on the park maps or any signs within the park to designated smoking areas. I was with my wife (a non-smoker) and my grand-daughter and would never smoke close to them wherever I was anyway. I tend to adopt this policy generally with other people around when I'm out. I therefore obviously didn't smoke in any queues or crowded areas. Neither at any time was I approached by anyone and told not to smoke. This was also applicable to Disney Studios. On my next visit in August, I will observe the no-smoking areas and light up only where permissible. What does disappoint me however, is the sanctimonious rants of some of the anti-smoking Tali-ban that have contributed to this topic. I respect other peoples right not to smoke, and try not to impinge my pro-smoking views upon them. I would expect the same courtesy in return. Fat chance...
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: anthonysprincess on April 30, 2008, 07:44:03 PM
WOW That's tiggeriffic. This will be my first trip to DRP and I am used to being in WDW so I am not used to people smoking around me in the parks. Here's to hoping the cast members are doing a good job enforcing it and not having TOO many problems... See when I was working in the parks, especially Magic Kingdom I had quite a few troubles with nasty smokers and their attitudes. Some people are simply horrible about it and have made even personal insults to me when I asked them to put out their cigrarette and directed them to the nearest smoking area. Even threatened me...
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: anthonysprincess on April 30, 2008, 07:47:49 PM
Quote from: "Fubar"I respect other peoples right not to smoke, and try not to impinge my pro-smoking views upon them. I would expect the same courtesy in return. Fat chance...
OK I am actually not against smoking people in general in fact I have many friends who are smokers and I have been in the situation where we have to hunt around for the nearest smoking section and sometimes go out of our way to go to it in WDW and it's a pain in the butt sometimes. So I understand frustration...

So yes just wanted to say please don't put me in that category... probably most of these people don't hate smokers it's just that we hate having smoke blown in our faces when we're trying to have fun or when people smoke in an area full of children and older people who might not be able to handle the smoke... (or in my case I hate people with nasty tempers who scream at me or refuse to put their butts out..)

"peep wrote:
Like Baloo said, its probably a thing that DLRP are introducing slowly, they don't want to come across as being too mean etc. Then again they should really get the CMs more involved, but if you were a CM would you continually nag other people to stop smoking?"
Well It's their job so hopefully yes.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Anthony on May 01, 2008, 12:36:17 AM
Quote from: "anthonysprincess"See when I was working in the parks, especially Magic Kingdom I had quite a few troubles with nasty smokers and their attitudes. Some people are simply horrible about it and have made even personal insults to me when I asked them to put out their cigrarette and directed them to the nearest smoking area. Even threatened me...
That's no good. For the two or three days of the year that people spend at DLRP, it's not much to ask for a little respect and to step aside to a quiet corner. It's not like they've completely banned smoking from the parks.  I'm sure this is what CMs at DLRP would be worried about though (that's assuming they've all actually been told of the new rule?)

(Btw anthonysprincess, if you're commenting on more than one post at a time, please don't double post, put everything in one single post!)
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Tinkerbelle on May 02, 2008, 10:06:03 AM
in my case i do consider myself a "tali-ban-like smoking hater" person, though i respect smokers just as much i respect a non-smoking person  :) ... I hate having to breath air that's polluted from cigarrettes, having smoke blown to my face  :? , and having to disturb hotel CM's because the last guests who were in my room left it full of cigarrette smell and now i am needing a new non-smoking room (ok it's their job but is it really necessary to leave a room THAT stinky?).
i was also born with many health-general and breathing problems (not to mention asthma) thanks to my parents' smoking so yes, i do hate smoking. I'm glad they're trying to get the park smoke-free but it's a shame that they have to be forced to run a policy because people don't respect each other.
people like me wouldn't have to be radical about smoking if it wasn't needed
so sad  :(

now I think I want a "no queue-skipping" policy ...yay!  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Parkfisch on May 02, 2008, 12:21:03 PM
I'm glad that Indoor areas of restaurants are smoke free in more and more European countries. We still have to inhale other people's smoke in nearly every Restaurant here in Austria.  :|
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Remco K. on May 03, 2008, 08:59:20 PM
Quote from: "Parkfisch"I'm glad that Indoor areas of restaurants are smoke free in more and more European countries. We still have to inhale other people's smoke in nearly every Restaurant here in Austria.  :|
It seems like ages ago that smoking was allowed in an office. At least in The Netherlands, years ago employees didn't have to get to a smoking area or outside to smoke, but we're allowed to do so at their desks.

I think we've progressed very well from that point and no more smoking in themeparks is the topping on all that.

I understand smokers will have a hard time living with all those rules, but personally I'm pretty satisfied not having to inhale other people's smoke all the time. Especially not at work.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Parkfisch on May 03, 2008, 09:04:40 PM
Quote from: "Remco K."At least in The Netherlands

...smoking is going to be banned in restaurants from July 1, 2008.  :D/
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: me23xx on May 05, 2008, 08:42:40 PM
im a smoker!!! i know i know........ but i AM a conciderate smoker, i dont smoke in my house, because there's other people there, just as i dont agree with smoking in a theme park.... i encourage a ban, however do think for the sanity of some smokers there should be a small area in the park to smoke, or even a smokers area outside the complex that you can come and go to...... i would walk for a cigarette if i really needed one. NO child should have to breathe in smoke.... and if there is no ban then i would go away from children anyway..... some smokers do think about others, and some will welcome the ban too!
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Captain Pan on May 21, 2008, 12:14:53 AM
One small question, I on my visit to the park found very few people without a map to the parks. Do the Maps have the notification that the park has implemented a Smoking Policy?

It may sound like a simple idea... or even the most simplistic question in the world.

Now I've seen the effects of what smoking does, losing my grandfather to problems associated with smoking, and in particular a pipe, although throughout my life leading to his death (I was 18) I never once saw or smelt my grandfather light up.To my knowledge he never did.

I've worked in a pub before the Ban on Smoking in the UK, and have been subject to the abuse from customers, that refuse to move to locations that are designated as Smoking Areas, including having Ash poured over me (both hot and cold).

A smoking ban is in my eyes logical in an Area where market demographic of Children. And in my experience it may take some harsh maneuvers by the Company themselves to correct and enforce this policy (lets just say those responsible for my Ash Shower were banned from the pub, and I obtained a lovely apology from them albeit at the pressure of the bouncers). The Smiling faces of CMs may have to become 'members of an Evil Corporation' [The Simpsons Movie] to get this ball moving positively.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: stitch22 on May 22, 2008, 09:58:53 AM
Personally speaking I support the smoke free DLRP. On the park map there are special smoking areas mentioned but my experience from my visit three weeks ago was, that people were smoking also on other places. Generally, there were a lot less smokers than years ago.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: pussinboots on June 13, 2008, 02:38:25 AM
I was wondering if there's been any sign of these things being removed or obscured?

Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: experiment627 on June 13, 2008, 07:29:50 AM
Quote from: "pussinboots"I was wondering if there's been any sign of these things being removed or obscured?

Not before next year, I've been told... because: there's NO smoking ban active at DLRP's parks... (except for indoors)
The smoking areas have been installed for the comfort of guests who enjoy a cigarette and CMs are supposed to ask these visitors politely if they know about those special sections. But CMs cannot forbid anyone from smoking.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: never2old on June 13, 2008, 08:32:12 AM
Does that mean that people are still allowed to smoke in queues?
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Clarebelle on June 13, 2008, 08:34:28 AM
Quote from: "experiment627"
Quote from: "pussinboots"I was wondering if there's been any sign of these things being removed or obscured?

Not before next year, I've been told... because: there's NO smoking ban active at DLRP's parks... (except for indoors)
The smoking areas have been installed for the comfort of guests who enjoy a cigarette and CMs are supposed to ask these visitors politely if they know about those special sections. But CMs cannot forbid anyone from smoking.

I hope not!
Thats a shame, as a non smoker I was looking forward to the idea of no smoking in the parks :-( although I respect that it is the persons OWN decicion I do not agree with it if their smoke is in MY face. As Disney is typically a place for CHILDREN for whom it is ILLEGAL to smoke I think smoking should be banned throughout Disneyland Resort, I would not be happy if my children were forced to inhale second hand smoke, and I wouldn't expect anyone elses child to be subject to it, so even if I did smoke I wouldnt do it around children. Can people really not go 5 days for the sake of their children?
Please don't be offended by this, its just my views and I'm sorry if anyone has taken it the wrong way.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: never2old on June 13, 2008, 08:54:33 AM
I agree with you, I've seen many careless smokers that don't realise they're putting their cigarettes right next to a child's face, particulary in queues!! And once I was burnt (again in a queue) in the arm, but someone who I guess didn't understand the concept of queuing and didn't think there could be someone standing next to them  :evil: ...

I used to smoke, so I know how nice it feels to light up, but I think it should really be restricted to some zones, and banned throughout the rest of the park. It's just not nice, to be walking in the parc, inmersed in the magic, and then walk past someone's cloud of smoke...  :(
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: experiment627 on June 13, 2008, 08:44:25 PM
Quote from: "never2old"Does that mean that people are still allowed to smoke in queues?

Well... they were never allowed to smoke in queues to begin with... :roll:
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: never2old on June 14, 2008, 09:06:10 AM
But they do!! If the queue is outside, they do!! Peter Pan, POTC, PM... They're everywhere!!
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: experiment627 on June 14, 2008, 09:46:11 AM
Quote from: "never2old"But they do!! If the queue is outside, they do!! Peter Pan, POTC, PM... They're everywhere!!

It still doesn't mean that it is allowed...
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: never2old on June 14, 2008, 10:28:21 AM
Quote from: "experiment627"
Quote from: "never2old"But they do!! If the queue is outside, they do!! Peter Pan, POTC, PM... They're everywhere!!

It still doesn't mean that it is allowed...


They should put bigger signs... I'm sure some of them don't even realise they're not allowed to smoke!
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: toonarmylass on June 14, 2008, 11:38:55 AM
hi there. i wrote in this topic earlier that whilst we were there in march, matthew in his wheelchair he was nearlly burnt in the face as the inconsiderate smoker was just flinging his hands around. im an ex smoker and it is not easy to go without a ciggie for 5 days, but as there is designated areas it shouldnt cause a problem for the smokers.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Clarebelle on June 14, 2008, 03:30:26 PM
Quote from: "toonarmylass"hi there. i wrote in this topic earlier that whilst we were there in march, matthew in his wheelchair he was nearlly burnt in the face as the inconsiderate smoker was just flinging his hands around. im an ex smoker and it is not easy to go without a ciggie for 5 days, but as there is designated areas it shouldnt cause a problem for the smokers.

I understand there are two side to this, like you have said it is hard but is it really right that children, or anyone for that matter (smoker, non smoker or ex smoker) should have to put up with having it shoved in the face? I can't see why designated smoking areas outside of the parks werent always implimented, surely theres enough excitment going on in the parks to take peoples minds off of smoking, sometimes I'm so excited I can go all day without thinking of getting something to eat!
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: never2old on June 14, 2008, 07:55:48 PM
Well, my best friend is a smoker, so I know that if she had to go the whole day in the park without one cigarette, she would go mad (and probably kill those around her...) - but I think that the same way smokers around Europe are getting used to not smoking in restaurants and stuff (at least now in France & Luxembourg I know it's not allowed anymore) and simply stepping outside every now and then, they could get used to limiting their ciggy breaks to some designated areas...

Smokers are entitled as much as anyone to enjoy their time in the park - but they shouldn't impose their smoke on everyone else, particularly kids!! If the smoking areas are easily available, I don't see why it should be a problem for them

Sorry, I'm not sure I'm being very clear, [spoiler:2a6fbzv0]Spain just scored and won the match, yeah!!![/spoiler:2a6fbzv0], I'm jumping with joy!!
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: ForeverDreaming on June 18, 2008, 08:22:08 PM
I think it's a good thing Disney has gone smoke free. Non smokers don't want to have to breathe in other people's fumes and as there are so many young children there I think it's definitely a positive for the resort.

Although I can also understand how hard it would be for smokers to last a whole day without a cigarette so having a few smoking areas I think would be ok as long as the locations were chosen sensibly.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Pete's Dragon on July 18, 2008, 04:02:31 PM
To everyone (esp. the smokers)who has visited since April, how is the non-smoking in the parks working  ? Do the CM ask you to smoke in the proper places ? Do smokers listen or care ?

Sadly, I am a smoker desperatley trying to quit before we go in Sept.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: BlueClouds on July 18, 2008, 04:36:51 PM
From what I saw on my trip last week, there isn't much of a difference. The smoking areas are marked on the map but I'm not sure if many people notice them or actually care. There were still people smoking around the park and the cast members weren't doing much against it although to be wholly fair to them, I don't think it's top of their priority list and they do a great job.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Epcot_Boy on July 18, 2008, 08:21:47 PM
Quote from: "BlueClouds"From what I saw on my trip last week, there isn't much of a difference. The smoking areas are marked on the map but I'm not sure if many people notice them or actually care.

 :( Well they better get it sorted out when I go shortly, otherwise I can see myself getting in trouble :x  :roll:  :oops:

When people smoke where they shouldn't I can get quite stroppy :-"  :oops:  :wink:

Epcot_Boy :ears:
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: experiment627 on July 19, 2008, 10:04:26 AM
Quote from: "Epcot_Boy":( Well they better get it sorted out when I go shortly, otherwise I can see myself getting in trouble :x  :roll:  :oops:

When people smoke where they shouldn't I can get quite stroppy :-"  :oops:  :wink:

Epcot_Boy :ears:

I am going to repeat myself: there is NO smoking ban at Disneyland Resort Paris.

The parks offer smoking zones, but that doesn't mean that smokers are only allowed to smoke in those designated areas. Smoking is allowed in all outdoor areas of the parks.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Anthony on July 19, 2008, 03:27:26 PM
Quote from: "experiment627"The parks offer smoking zones, but that doesn't mean that smokers are only allowed to smoke in those designated areas. Smoking is allowed in all outdoor areas of the parks.
I guess it depends how you read it. The park maps say:

"For everyone's comfort and convenience, special areas have been set up for those who wish to smoke. Please smoke only in these designated areas."

That sounds to me like you shouldn't smoke just anywhere.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: experiment627 on July 19, 2008, 04:08:03 PM
Quote from: "Baloo"
Quote from: "experiment627"I guess it depends how you read it. The park maps say:

"For everyone's comfort and convenience, special areas have been set up for those who wish to smoke. Please smoke only in these designated areas."

That sounds to me like you shouldn't smoke just anywhere.

You shouldn't - but you are allowed to. Had a chat with a friend from Guest Relations about this topic a few weeks ago: Cast Members are supposed to offer guests who smoke the "service" of pointing out the nearest smoking area. But guests may smoke anywhere they like.
(Apparently, Disney wants to introduce a smoking ban gradually... that's also the reason why the ash trays all over the park have not been removed yet.)

So, if you want to smoke right there on Main Street U.S.A. in the middle of the day - go ahead!
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Epcot_Boy on July 21, 2008, 07:22:09 PM
Quote from: "experiment627"
Quote from: "Epcot_Boy":( Well they better get it sorted out when I go shortly, otherwise I can see myself getting in trouble :x  :roll:  :oops:

When people smoke where they shouldn't I can get quite stroppy :-"  :oops:  :wink:

Epcot_Boy :ears:

I am going to repeat myself: there is NO smoking ban at Disneyland Resort Paris.

The parks offer smoking zones, but that doesn't mean that smokers are only allowed to smoke in those designated areas. Smoking is allowed in all outdoor areas of the parks.

Now that told me.  :-#  #-o  :wink:

Epcot_Boy :ears:
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: jeakat24 on September 08, 2008, 06:14:52 PM
I smoke 20 a day, and I think it's a good idea. Although I do have a couple of issues.

One: Is that I think that they should have published this in their brochures. Non Smoking was brought in April 08 but my brochure went from December 07 to Nov 08, and my trip is booked for October/November 08.  I don't think that it's fair that I've booked my holiday unaware of this major change. I think they could have decided the move and published it in the next brochure with a date of when it was going to be implemented.

Two: This has happened mainly on other sites, but a lot of people have been quite nasty about smokers when viewing their opinions on the ban. I don't mind people criticizing smoking, that very understandable! But people have been saying that smokers are disgusting etc. Well I'm not disgusting, smoking is, please don't confuse the two!
One man who commented on the DLRPmagic.com article really angered me, saying "don't worry smoke where you want and while you're at it blow smoke in my childs face and put the light end in it's buggy". How dare someone say that a smoker would deliberately blow smoke in a childs face, the majority of smokers are very considerate, even we don't like smoke blown directly into our faces, never mind other people, especially children. He too said that smokers were disgusting, well I find it disgusting to suggest that someone would put a light cigarette end into someone buggy.

Sorry about the rant lol! but I made a comment back to him on DLRPmagic but they haven't put it up, so I need to get it off my chest!

Also everone moans about people smoking in queues (which is unacceptable, I agree) but I never seen anyone do it on any of my trips to Disneyland. At the end of the day, if you knew you could'nt last an hour in a queue without a cigarette why on earth go to a theme park for you holiday?!  :?  :D

It will take a bit of getting used to, I'm really worried that I might accidentally light up without thinking about it, and I just wish that Disney had published it earlier. I know they have a small section in the FAQ's but it took me ages to find!
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Epcot_Boy on September 08, 2008, 06:54:41 PM
I wouldn't worry to much jeakat. I was there in early August and no one seemed to bother one way or the other regarding smoking. The cms didn't enforce anything regarding smoking. In fact on one occasion while I was queuing to go into the Lion King someone actually lit up by the side of me :evil:  and although there where a few 'Tuts' the individual didn't take a bit of notice :shock:
Actually on many accasions, the designated smoking areas where empty while smokers just walked by them happily puffing away :x

So the 'Smoking Ban' in the parks is..........well...........a Joke  :evil:

Epcot_Boy :ears:
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: jeakat24 on September 09, 2008, 01:23:19 AM
Thanks so much for being nice Epcotboy, as I've said, I have had some pretty nasty comments in the past, but I will try my hardest to stick to the areas, I'm buying nicotine patches so hopefully that'll help! (Although they cost a fortune, which is fine when you're quitting because you just replace the cost of cigarettes with the patches lol)

I absolutely detest people smoking in queues/ waiting for the parades, it gives smokers a really bad name (as if we didn't understandably have one already!) If I'm waiting for the parade I will walk to a quieter area to have a cigarette while my partner saves my place. In fact most people around you will save your space if you tell them why you're leaving it, they appreciate that you're not smoking around them
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Epcot_Boy on September 09, 2008, 08:08:27 PM
Quote from: "jeakat24"If I'm waiting for the parade I will walk to a quieter area to have a cigarette while my partner saves my place. In fact most people around you will save your space if you tell them why you're leaving it, they appreciate that you're not smoking around them

Absolutely..........that's the way to do it. I would happily hold a place for someone who wanted to pop out for a quick puff. I was a smoker once myself..........and often asked people to hold my place when I desperately needed a puff :oops:
People certainly appreciated it..........after all.......it's the cigarette that's the problem.....not the smoker :wink:

Epcot_Boy :ears:
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: DanielCraig on September 09, 2008, 09:05:50 PM
Im a smoker and upon arriving when i took the first look at the new map and then saw the designated smoking areas i thought that we couldnt smoke anywhere else and the first few times we did go to these areas, BUT they were empty, always! And for the rest of the vacation (5 days in the parks) we sometimes went to those areas but we never saw a single person using those areas for smoking besides us. As for smoking outside these areas, we just tried to find a quieter spot besides trash bin somewhere to have a smoke.
 Despite being a smoker  myself I loathe when people smoke carelessly everywhere, there were less carefree smoker this yea tho but still ,smoking in the queues, smoking next to babies, smoking in toilets (!) - thats just disgusting.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: jeakat24 on September 10, 2008, 12:54:59 AM
Can you still smoke in the village? I have seen nothing on any smoking areas there.
I do like the placement of most of the smoking areas, apart from the one near the main gates and the one next to city hall, they don't need two that close!  :?  I like that fantasyland only has one, makes sense.

One thing that did annoy me though was DLRPmagic.com's article, at the end they say "The areas chosen — or perhaps "condemned" — in Paris — soon to become "no-go areas" for non-smokers"
Please don't moan that it's a no-go area for non-smokers, you're already happy with the ban, don't moan about something else!  :)
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: DanielCraig on September 10, 2008, 02:08:22 AM
Quote from: "jeakat24"Can you still smoke in the village? I have seen nothing on any smoking areas there.
I do like the placement of most of the smoking areas, apart from the one near the main gates and the one next to city hall, they don't need two that close!  :?  I like that fantasyland only has one, makes sense.

One thing that did annoy me though was DLRPmagic.com's article, at the end they say "The areas chosen — or perhaps "condemned" — in Paris — soon to become "no-go areas" for non-smokers"
Please don't moan that it's a no-go area for non-smokers, you're already happy with the ban, don't moan about something else!  :)

it seems you can smoke everywhere for now its just not advisable.
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: Anthony on September 19, 2008, 09:22:44 PM
Quote from: "jeakat24"One thing that did annoy me though was DLRPmagic.com's article, at the end they say "The areas chosen — or perhaps "condemned" — in Paris — soon to become "no-go areas" for non-smokers"
Please don't moan that it's a no-go area for non-smokers, you're already happy with the ban, don't moan about something else!  :)
As it turns out, those areas are probably where you're least likely to see someone smoking anyway... :wink:
Title: Re: Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008
Post by: pussinboots on September 19, 2008, 10:13:21 PM
Quote from: "Anthony"
Quote from: "jeakat24"One thing that did annoy me though was DLRPmagic.com's article, at the end they say "The areas chosen — or perhaps "condemned" — in Paris — soon to become "no-go areas" for non-smokers"
Please don't moan that it's a no-go area for non-smokers, you're already happy with the ban, don't moan about something else!  :)
As it turns out, those areas are probably where you're least likely to see someone smoking anyway... :wink:

So true. I took pictures of the empty smoking areas on my last visit and thought of doing a post on it until I realized it was a stupid and boring idea — but yes, it seems they're only used for smoking incidentally, when all the other benches are occupied or similar.