Today's MiceAge update (// features a short paragraph about the planned preview centre for Disney's California Adventure:
QuoteNot to worry though, as the preview center concept is something very near and dear to John Lasseter's heart. He was the one who pushed for such a concept to be included in not just DCA's makeover, but at all the Disney properties around the world. DCA's Preview Center should be the first to debut, if it can still open sometime later this year.
Now, you can trust MiceAge in this matter or not... though it might be fun just thinking about a possible Preview Centre for Disneyland Resort Paris... Where would you guys put such a preview space for our dear resort?
I'm not sure actually, still going through the possibilities, but if they have to build one, why not on the original location for the Jules Verne restaurant, opposite Constellations?
Or if they have to use an existing building, I wouldn't mind see it go in Main Street Motors. But that would be very unlikely. :lol:
If we had to go on a budget, the final room of Art of Disney Animation has a lot of space, it'd be easy to separate some of it a little like they've done with the Snow White exhibition at DCA's animation building.
But more interesting would be a small new building as part of the Hollywood placemaking or yes - opposite Constellations would be perfect! Maybe the dead Star Tours postshow could be used, with extra signs on the outside to make it its own attraction?
They definitely need more than cheap signs on construction walls.
And if they don't have anything new to advertise just yet, it'd be a great place to show off concept art for current attractions and shows, costumes etc. Something to make people realise just how much work and talent goes into Disneyland.
I'd like to see it at Videopolis, where they currently have those horrible arcades... I remember when they used to have a showroom for Philipps in there, which was pretty cool. (Philipps tried to introduce a video game set at that time... so you had lots of folks trying out video games in there back then)
I think a preview space at Disneyland would give a better "return on investment", than installing one at the WDS...
Quote from: "experiment627"I'd like to see it at Videopolis, where they currently have those horrible arcades... I remember when they used to have a showroom for Philipps in there, which was pretty cool. (Philipps tried to introduce a video game set at that time... so you had lots of folks trying out video games in there back then)
Oh, good spot! One (or both) of those spaces would be perfect. In a very busy area of the park and quite big.
I agree with what you're saying about a DLP preview centre being better than one at WDS, where fewer people will see it. Particularly in Discoveryland, where there will always be people waiting outside Space Mountain and Star Tours looking for something to do.
Seriously... this needs to somehow be suggested to the mouse.
Quote from: "raptor1982"I wouldn't mind see it go in Main Street Motors.
I agree, it would go perfect there. Is it even actually used ?
It's a shop, selling clothes, for some reason. :?
Quote from: "Baloo"It's a shop, selling clothes, for some reason. :?
Oh sorry, i was thinking of Main Street Transportation Building for some reason. Believe me i dont no why ? :oops:
Ive never been in there, so baloo telling me it sells clothes really leaves me confused :? as we do have a dedicated clothes shop in main street.
It should definitely be the DLRP preview centre :D