I just watched a video of Fantillusion at dlrpmagic, which is great by the way. =D> But so some questions came into my mind.
1. From where does the parade come ? Is it from Fantasyland to Main Street or from Main Street to Fantasyland ?
2. Where are the stops of Mickey's and Jafar's float ?
and at last
3. Is it better to make photos with flash or without ?
Hi, Currently the parade comes from fantasyland towards Main Street. The showstop should be at the height of the entrancegate of Frontierland, a little bit more towards Main Street. And finally: always take your pictures without flash, use sportsmode! If you use flash the effect of the lights decreases and the vehicle underneath will be visible.
As we see Fantillusion in 2003 the Parade comes from Main Street USA to Fantasyland.
Not too sure about Sports mode .. That usually selects a high/fast shutter speed and closed aperture on many cameras which would be a little unsuitable for night time, the ISO may be nice and high but on most compact cameras thats gonna be a lot of noise if you go above 400. Although various brands of camera settings will be different try experimenting with them (you never know sport may work if it does automatically balance the ISO well and your in a floodlit area when you take the photo) before you get here or better still learn how to shoot manually. remember if the speed gets much below 1/80 most people are gonna need some form of support to stop blur (try your partners head as long as he/shes not shivering :wink: or better still a lampost or small tripod) and the dancers will be moving faster than that.
ps dont make the mistake we made the first time we so the show.. Absolutely hilarious, we managed to position ourselves in just a spot where the cloaks would be put on to hide the light effects. I couldn't stop laughing :shock:
Thank you. The last time I saw Fanti was in 2004, at this time it was running from MS to Fantasyland, but I read that it was no the other way round, so I was a bit confused. Thanks. I have a special firework programm on my camera, maybe I should try it out, but I do have a sport programm too. I will try it out, but now I'm sure not to use flash, thanks.