Since some years there seems to be a movement away from promotions, advertising, advert, commercials etc. in germany. Many of the people who aren´t interested in Disney like us even don´t know something about the 15. birthday and much of them even about a second park at DLRP or "Euro Disneyland" (that´s what the press write if they wan´t to say something about Disneyland Resort Paris).
From my work at a television and radio station I also know that DLRP don´t seem to have any efforts to launch some reports in radio or television since some years.
The avertising and promtion in german television seems also to be a bit unscheduled. Examples: The "Disney Filmparade" on pro 7 has wonderful reports about the resort. But the broadcast isn´t really steady. Some sundays you can see it at 12 a clock, some at 13, 14, 15. And some day theres nothing at all. On holiday you can watch sometimes a "Disney Filmparde" broadcast and sometimes you see something other.
The Disney cartoon series can be found on diffrent broadcast stations. Kabel 1 is intrinsically a station for the older people with much classic films from the 50th, 60th but on saturday they have a Disney Time with cartoon series and a disney reporter who is and was never at DLRP.
Super RTL has also some disney cartoons an serval times. And of course the german Disney Chanel (encoded... 8) ).
This all seems to me very unstructured and confused. I remember the 90th. There was a Disney Club at the first german televison ARD (something like BBC) with the Disney series and wonderful reports about the construction of DLRP and DLRP itsself. How the built Alices Labirinth and how the built the castle and other interesting things after the opening of the resort. At RTL was the Disney Filmparade changeless at the same timeslot. Also with wonderful reports about DLRP. At the space mountain launch there where great commercials at every channel etc.
Back in 2007 you must be fortunate to see the Disney Filmparade without changings and cancels, the Disney series are very scattered and you don´t see any Televion commercials or print reports. (Except they wanne say how much "Euro Disneyland" is in the depts :lol: ).
The german people are a theme-park-cracks. They go to very much themeparks like Europapark, Phantasialand, Tripsdrill, Holiday Park, Movie Park Germany or else. But it seems to me like DLRP doesn´t see this group longer. That´s a shame. :cry:
How a friend of me said yesterday "The have a birthday?? How old? 15.?? Never heard about it. AND there are really two parks???? Never know." :?
So what do you think? Does DLRP abandon the german guests? :wink:
P.S.: Sorry for the bad english;-) I haven´t "the flow" today!
Hey Riebi,
I totally and absolutely agree with you!! Good that you mention this problem :)!
It's really a shame how Disney(land) abandon us Germans. I remember the "Disney Club" very well and also tv promotions for "Euro Disneyland" in the 90s. But I can't remember having seen any DLRP commercial during the last years :(! And you're right that many people still say "Euro Disney" or don't even know that there's a second park!
I think it's not only DLRP that abandon us Germans. It's Disney in general, I think. Why don't we have Disney Store anymore?! We'va had loads in the past! Why does Buena Vista treat us so bad by its Disney DVD-publishing - why don't we get all of the (american/original) extras, why didn't we get a Pocahontas Special Edition (I love that film!!) with great extras, why didn't we get back our "good, old" voice of Ariel?!
I think it's a shame how Disney treats us. Maybe you're right and many Germans just aren't much interested in Disney. But for us fans it's just an unfair punishment :cry:
But I have to say that I'm glad we even still have the Disney Filmparade. I don't like it either that it's a bit unstructured with the times, but it's great to see and hear something of DLRP in German anyways ;)! And we should be glad that there's the internet - without our "heros" like Baloo, raptor1982 and all the other people here in the forum we surely wouldn't even know that there's a new Toon Studio or that the ToT will open soon etc. :shock:
But you're right ;) If I had a wish, I'd like Germany to be more friendly to us German fans - with more promotion for DLRP, the reopening of Disney Stores and a better advertisement and publishing from Buena Vista according to the DVDs (or Blue Ray Discs in the future?!)
[-o< :ears:
It has nothing at all to do with DLRP (Euro Disney SCA). It's the Disney Parks & Resorts office (owned by the Walt Disney Co.) in Germany that's letting down.
Also, I thank you are very lucky to have Disney Film Parade, there is nothing like that in the UK.
I watched the recent Film Parade (ToT) and realised how poor my German is now (even though I learn't French and German to O level)
Its a shame that DLRP doesn't get advertised in all countries really, even the UK is let down really, most peeps still think its Euro Disneyland with only one park. This year the UK got a bit more advertisment due to the 15th anniversary but the marketing office just plow us with adverts for Walt Disney World which makes everyone forget about DLRP.
Quote from: "peep"Its a shame that DLRP doesn't get advertised in all countries really, even the UK is let down really, most peeps still think its Euro Disneyland with only one park. This year the UK got a bit more advertisment due to the 15th anniversary but the marketing office just plow us with adverts for Walt Disney World which makes everyone forget about DLRP.
The UK Disney Parks & Resorts focusses more on Walt Disney World than on DLRP.
I know that Austria is not a very big market for DLRP, but we have the same situation than Germany. Almost nobody knows that there are two parks or that DLRP is celebrating the 15th birthday. So there are no commercials on german TV stations, there are also no commercials in Austria, because we have all the German TV stations like pro7. Everybody thinks that Disneyland is just for kids and I'm getting tired to explain everytime what DLRP really is.
I hope that this will change in the future and that more Germans and Austrians will recognize what DLRP is and that they will travel there.
PS: I'm going to Walt Disney World in January. I'm sure that nobody in Austria will know that there are more than one themeparks.
Quote from: "raptor1982"The UK Disney Parks & Resorts focusses more on Walt Disney World than on DLRP.
Why's that??
Quote from: "benjy"Quote from: "raptor1982"The UK Disney Parks & Resorts focusses more on Walt Disney World than on DLRP.
Why's that??
Aparently the market for WDW is bigger in the UK than the market for DLRP. Tbh, its mainly because they don't give the UK a choice, I mean I didn't even know about TDL until becoming a theme park enthuisast (sp?) and HKDL was reported on the news when it opened and that was the last I heard anything about it. Its all rather silly if you ask me.
Quote from: "dagobert"Hi,
I know that Austria is not a very big market for DLRP, but we have the same situation than Germany. Almost nobody knows that there are two parks or that DLRP is celebrating the 15th birthday. So there are no commercials on german TV stations, there are also no commercials in Austria, because we have all the German TV stations like pro7. Everybody thinks that Disneyland is just for kids and I'm getting tired to explain everytime what DLRP really is.
I hope that this will change in the future and that more Germans and Austrians will recognize what DLRP is and that they will travel there.
PS: I'm going to Walt Disney World in January. I'm sure that nobody in Austria will know that there are more than one themeparks.
I believe the Austrian market is also the responsibility of the German market.
Quote from: "dagobert"there are also no commercials in Austria, because we have all the German TV stations like pro7.
And even if there was commercial on Pro 7 people in Austria couldn't see it, because although it's the same channel, there is only Austrian commercial at the German TV Channels ( when you watch it in Austria ).
Sometimes there's an own Austrian program during the "Disney Fimparade", so that only people in Germany can see it.
Quote from: "raptor1982"It has nothing at all to do with DLRP (Euro Disney SCA). It's the Disney Parks & Resorts office (owned by the Walt Disney Co.) in Germany that's letting down.
Surely they get a certain amount of funding from EDSCA and/or the Walt Disney Company though? I'd imagine they wouldn't get as much as the UK or Spain, for example, and so wouldn't be able to do as much.
The UK office do an ok job. I've seen the 15th launch and 15th Christmas ads on TV more than any campaign before, and a lot of online advertising too. It's pretty criminal they favour WDW really. I hope when the new Eurostar line opens this Wednesday and is undoubtedly a huge success they look again at things. I've seen NOTHING about the fact it'll now only be 2hrs30mins London>DLRP. That's INCREDIBLE. But they don't care.
I've heard this complaint about Germany a lot before... what confuses me - what the hell happened in Spain? It seemed like overnight they convinced the whole country into visiting DLRP. Did their office suddenly get more money, a new manager or something?
I think we've had a lot more of a push in recent years for DLRP in the UK, but then that might be because I've become a visitor again in the last couple of years, so you tend to notice it more.
I really don't have much interest at all in visiting the US parks, and DLRP does get advertising on all the Disney DVD releases in the UK, and in Disney Stores too. So it probably does get a bigger push overall than the US Parks.
Quote from: "Dark_Prince"I really don't have much interest at all in visiting the US parks
Really :shock: as much as I love DLP, Epcot and Animal Kingdom are awesome, and the original DL in California is the best of the lot!!! But DLP is still pretty special.
I never mind that the Euro Disney S.C.A. has so little influence in the promotion things on germany. And maybeee they have change the german disney park chief or something. But for me that doesn´t matter.
The point is: It was much much much much much much much much better just a few years ago. I remember great campains in germany. DLRP resounded throughout the lands. Something like the big "Kennen Sie jemand der nicht davon träumt?"-Campain (Something like "Do you know somebody who doesn´t dream of it?") And everyone couldn´t really say "no!". Maybe "it´s a bit expensive for me but it´s a dream".
Also today much people know this slogan and connect it to DLRP. And that 10 years after the campain!!
Now they have a wonderful "product" with the 15. birthday, the new attractions TOWER OF TERROR IN JANUARY!!!! Kids under 7 free!!!!! aaaaand: Nothing.
It´s simple sad that now there´s nothing. Other parks make big campains for every simple thing. I know, that Movie Park Germany has a new "Nickelodeon Land" with Spongbob Squarpants and the whole gang, I know even that Heidepark Soltau (I never heard something before) has a new hotel etc. And the thing is: I´m not interested in this parks at all :lol:
After seeing one german park comercial after one other I ask myself where is DLRP? [-o<
The 15. spot must be in the next break....
but....nothing happend....I´m alone with heidepark soltau and spongbob squarepants. :cry:
Where is the creative german disney head :wink:
....I will do it :lol: give me a CM sign!
Someone, hire Riebi!! :wink:
Hopefully they'll do something for Tower of Terror? I'm not sure why, but it seems like something which would go down really well in Germany - a big thrill, great themeing. Seems like exactly the kind of thing which would give the local parks a challenge.
hey riebi and other fans,
i argee with you but in one thing i have to say thet on the begining of the
15th i saw a comercial in germany on super rtl, i was zapping around and my phone was ringing so i stoped there and 2 minutes later there was the comercial, i was happy and told the person on the phone she have to watch it, because shes a very big disney fanatic too and sche don´t know anything whats new i have to told her everything and it makes me sick...
i want that everything come back we had years ago, the disney stores, the comercial and more information from the park. I thingk to bring the disney store back to germany is no problem, because a friend who works on the bank told me that when u wanna make a company in germany like mc donalds or starbucks u have to macke a deal with the owners and u get the stuff to cell, the name and other thinks and ur the boss of the shop. I don´t know if he told me the truth but when it is true i make one in nuernberg :-)
Nala i argee with u too, the dvd publishing in germany sucks, when i look at the internet i see the us get a dumbo special edition, the fox and the hound special edition, aristocats special edition and more, why they don´t bring it here too, i like the platinum special editon but these are just 14 titels and that sucks. i don´t like the special collectin tere are awfull, why we don´t get uncle remus wonderland, tower of terror movie, roger rabbit as a dvd? i dont under stand it i think the disney brand in europe are not so important! :cry:
I was thinking to write an nice mail to buena vista and ask them but i dont know what to write!!!
Quote from: "lil-shawn"hey riebi and other fans,
i argee with you but in one thing i have to say thet on the begining of the
15th i saw a comercial in germany on super rtl, i was zapping around and my phone was ringing so i stoped there and 2 minutes later there was the comercial, i was happy and told the person on the phone she have to watch it, because shes a very big disney fanatic too and sche don´t know anything whats new i have to told her everything and it makes me sick...
Yes I heard about a short spot thing :) Must be a three days campain or something :lol:
Wish so much that they bring back the old Info and Campain times.
Aaaaaand I´m praying for your disney store! I will be your first guest and buy another big cup or something else :mrgreen:
And the letter-writing thing: Let´s do it all together!
Quote from: "Baloo"Someone, hire Riebi!!
Yeeeest pleaaaaaaaase! Stitch....ehm...Riebi want job at disney! I promise to no showing of my Seee foooood and to make a cake on my and walts birthday. Watch up Disney: Heeeeres your man! :D/
Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Quote from: "Dark_Prince"I really don't have much interest at all in visiting the US parks
Really :shock: as much as I love DLP, Epcot and Animal Kingdom are awesome, and the original DL in California is the best of the lot!!! But DLP is still pretty special.
I'd like to see Animal Kingdom - I do enjoy zoo's and safari park's a lot. But I'm not that bothered about Epcot.
Most of what I want is contained within DLRP, and I like the convenience of being able to drive there myself, not have to worry about carting masses of luggage around, and what I can or cannot take or bring back.
No Disney Store in Germany. I couldn't imagine that! :?
I'd probably be a lot wealthier though. :lol:
That's all so sad and true. Disney is really leting Germany down. I remember years ago. We had a lol of Disney TV Programm. There were shows and Cartoons. With the opening of DLP there were a lot of advertising spots on TV. Every year we saw a couple of new spots. Even no commercial break was without one. The opening was shown on TV. At this time Thomas Gottschalk was doing the Disney Filmparade. Every year there was a special on TV for Christmas. The movies of the 90's were so well campaigned. With Making of's and trailers. We had Disney Stores and Toy Shops were full of Disneystuff. The magazines were full with DLP and every travel agent had a poster of DLP in their window.
But these times are loooooooooong gone. But why ?! What happened ?! :shock: Is it really the german people, who are not that interested in Disney ?! I don't know. The Disney Stores are no longer anywhere in Germany, cause they made not enough profit. :cry: And we don't see anything of DLP or Disney on TV. Except of some Cartoons. But where are the specials ? We had an one hour special about SM, but I don't expect that we will get one of TOT. And hello, DLP is 15 now, but where are the TV spots ? We don't see one here. the posters at travel agents are now only a small leaflet, which you see in the very last second when you pass by. And even the trailer for Ratatouille was only rare shown.
Don't know, why the WDC isn't interested in the German market, but if they go on like that, it will be no wonder that the german visitors for DLP will get less and less. :cry:
it seems a bad situation, here we have had loads of adverts for the 15th anniversary and WDW, all the travel agencies have had stuff in them, at least it can only get better
That´s the question I ask any months ago to the german DLRP Office. I ask why we have not Vacation Planning Kits, TV Spots or any other things like the Disney Parcs in the United States have. They told me, that the Europeans would not be interested in those things :-(
That would be not interesting for Europe, especially for germany. I can´t understand this :cry:
In some way it's true. The Germans really are not that much into Disney. A lot of them find DLP too expensive. Why travel some 100 km away for a Themepark, when we have a lot of other parks much nearer and much cheaper ?! That's the question Germans always ask me when I'm telling about DLP. Next the Disney store was the biggest example for the uninterest of most of the Germans. They made no profit. :cry: And at least, Germany was seperated into East and West for a long time. At this time the East didn't know about Disney as the West and they're still not familar with it. Sad but true, the Germans are some difficult people in some ways and they very often complain about things. What does not mean, that they're not nice and friendly people, please don't understand me wrong ! :lol:
But do you have any theme parks in Germany on the scale of Disneyland.
We have lots of parks over here in the UK, but none of them are as impressive as Disney, and they're all missing that Disney magic.
And none of them have Belle! :wink: :belle:
If there would be more advertisement and TV commercials, I think that the Germans would be more interested in Disney.
Maybe another problem is that the Walt Disney Company Germany is responsible for the advertisement and DLRP is not wholly owned by the WDC.
I think a good idea to advertise DLRP is before a Disney-movie, instead of so many trailers for other films.
Don't you get adverts for it on the front of Disney DVD's in Germany?
There always is on the UK Disney DVD's.
Although they haven't started advertising it on Blu Ray's yet! :?
Yes, there are advertisements on the dvds, but I think most of the people skip it.
I was thinking about commercials before disney movies in cinemas.
They should also use the German Mickey Mouse Magazine to advertise DLRP.
Oh there were a lot of advertisement in the early years of DLP. But sadly only 10% of the visitors were from Germany. Compared to 40% french and 20% British. Now there are only 5% from Germany. So sad but true, Germans really aren't that much into Disney. But neverthless, Disney should really start to advertise more in Germany. They do have great offers like 3=2 and Kids Free, they should advertise them more in Germany. I think that could bring more Germans to DLP. :D
And yes we do have a lot of Theme Parks here in Germany, but none of them is like Disney. In most of them you see a lot of Disney copies. But sadly a lot of the german people don't recgonise this. :cry:
I think this is a important factor: There are a lot of high quality theme parks in germany, but no one like Disney. But the have learned the last 15 years a lot from DLRP. I remember before DLRP the quality was lower, the staff wasn´t such friendly and a lot of german "DO NOT TRESPASS THE GRASS / ZONE / WATERAREA" were everywhere. :lol: Now 15 years later service isn´t a foreign word for german park staff. But they´ve learned even much. Most of the theme parks which usual close the gate during the winter have now special "Christimas Weeks". Every park make a helloween festival They aren´t just theme parks now they are holiday resorts with high themed hotels. Some examples:
Europapark: (
Hotel El Andaluz – a spanish resort castle,
Hotel Castillo Alcazar – a mediaeval resort
Hotel Colosseo – a roman resort
Hotel Santa Isabel – a portuguese cloisterlike resort
Hotel LING BAO – an asian resort
Hotel MATAMBA (new 2008) – an african resort
The hotels have a very high standard and needn't hide themselves.
On the other hand you can find a very expanded spectrum of different theme parks. There is a movie park (formerly Warner Bros.), theme parks with special themes like europapark, familiy parks and all very near.
In fact, DLRP has the better quality and more theming in the parks. But nobody knows this. Every parks has his tv commercials. You see always some for europapark, movie park germany, phantasialand (now for there Christmas season called "Wintertraum"). But you don´t notice some Disney spots. And it isn´t really cheaper to take a german theme park weekend. But again: Nobody knows it. There even don´t know that there are two parks or something about the birthdays. Some even don´t know that they have open all around the year. :shock:
How should be a german interested in DLRP if knowbody show him that DLRP is better, bigger, more themed and not as expensive as everybody think about. :D
The german resort team should do more for a whole nation of theme park lovers. It can be a big market for them as shown in the last year, especially the nineties.
:wink: They forego chances...
Quote from: "Disneyana"But sadly only 10% of the visitors were from Germany. Compared to 40% french
That's just because Disneyland is located in France. If it was in Germany, there would be many more German visitors than only 40 %. Just think about the big interest for all the other parks in Germany like Phantasialand, Europa Park, Heide Park, Holiday Park, Movie Park and so on. France has only got "Parc Astèrix" as an "own" park. I think there would only be 3 % guests from France if Disneyland was in Germany.
Maybe, but still the most important thing for Germans is the price. :wink: And DLP is not cheap in many of their opinions.
QuoteMaybe, but still the most important thing for Germans is the price. And DLP is not cheap in many of their opinions.
I argee with you the price will play a big roll, but in my option i thnink no park in germany have two parks and a entertaiment district, and no park has the magic like disney. befor i go to an other park in germany i save money and go to disneyland, its like a little holiday trip, im in a other country and im at disneyland nothing is better!!
i think the big problem is not the money than the germans arent poor but the most of them spent the money to mallorca and ibiza to make party and drink a lot the whole week...
the most people in germany don´t know about the thrilling attractions in disneyland they only thinks is just something for little kids.
we need more reportages about the trhillrides at disneyland and mor tv adverts...
Quote from: "lil-shawn"Quotemost people in germany don´t know about the thrilling attractions in disneyland they only thinks is just something for little kids.
we need more reportages about the trhillrides at disneyland and mor tv adverts...
That's what I always say.
I hope there will be Tower of Terror commercial spots on German Television.
Let´s pray together [-o<
Hey ho!
Long long loooooooong I´ve said to myself: "How will the first ToT-advertising will come to my home". Since today morning I know what way it has take. Via video text. :shock:
On german televsion video text (RTL and VOX, both RTL-media-group) you can find the big message: "Disney-Paris: New attraction" (yes with hyphen and just attraction not attractions). If you choooose the site, this text will come to your eyes:
QuoteNeue Attraktion im Disney-Land Paris
Ein Gefühl wie im freien Fall aus 52 Metern Höhe können Touristen bald in Europas erstem Tower of Terror erleben. Die neue Attraktion im "Disneyland Paris" soll im März eröffnen. Sie ist gestaltet wie ein verlassenes Luxushotel aus den 30er Jahren. Durch die Eingangshalle und die Bibliothek des "Towers" werden die Fahrgäste in den Hotelfahrstuhl geschleust. Dieser fahre 52 Meter in die Höhe und rase dann "schneller als im freien Fall" wieder herunter, erläutert die Vertretung des Freizeitparks in München.
Phantasialand: AUch hier "freier Fall"
Wer nicht bis nach Paris reisen, jedoch einen "freien Fall" genießen will, kann dies auch im "Phantasialand" bei Brühl tun. Das "Mystery Castle" ist die dortige Attraktion. Zunächst wird der Besucher durch das den Turm umgebende Schloss geführt und auf dem Weg von Geistern und Ungeheuern "angegruselt". Nach dem "Abschuss" aus der Bodenposition der 48, 6 Meter langen Fahrstrecke folgt der Absturz im quasi freiem Fall aus der höchsten Position. Die Fahr läuft bei fast vollständiger Dunkelheit ab.
For everybody who doesnt have a clue in german the interesting points:
Disneyland Paris (not the WDS park, no no no! [-X You know that the germans don´t even know that it exist :wink: ) has a new attraction. Just one. not more. ONE!
The new ride will open in march. (So all who has ridden it since december: liers! :lol: )
The ride is themed by an luxery hotel, you have to go to the lobby, the bibliothek and then to the lift.
There you will get lifted till 52 meters and then: fall faster then free fall.
(I has writen a bit enthralling then the text really is)
Till this point WOW a advertising! WOW! :D/ =D> sure it has some mistakes! But something there!
But then you can read the rest:
For all people who wouldn´t go to paris: Noooo problem! Phantasialand in Brühl has a similar thing! The Mystery castle. (not really a good free fall tower....) After a description of this "great" ride you can just ask yourself: "Why travel to paris" :twisted:
But cool job that the german agency abroad at munich hast do "something" to get a videotext place :P
That's the cr*ppest piece of advertising I have ever, ever seen.
Riebi, I really feel your pain now!! :lol:
...someone feels our pain and sorrows now :mrgreen: Isn't it sad how they treat us? I'm so pleased that there's the internet where I can get all the news about DLRP :)
An noooow you have also the videotext of vox and rtl on some poooor days :mrgreen:
Quote from: "lil-shawn"I thingk to bring the disney store back to germany is no problem, because a friend who works on the bank told me that when u wanna make a company in germany like mc donalds or starbucks u have to macke a deal with the owners and u get the stuff to cell, the name and other thinks and ur the boss of the shop.
Your friend was probably talking about a franchise.
Sometimes it's possible to open a new location for a company, like McDonald's (as you already mentioned). You make an investment, and the company (McDonald's) takes care of the realisation of the restaurant (interior, etc.). Also, you will need keep to the rules of McDonald's when it comes to running a restaurant under their brand.
Quote from: "lil-shawn"I don´t know if he told me the truth but when it is true i make one in nuernberg :-)
Well, I'm not sure if the Walt Disney Company also works with franchises for their Disney Stores, but if they do, be aware of the price tag that comes with it.
Franchising a Disney Store will most likely ask for a pretty heavy investment: license for using the Disney brand, rent for the store, the merchandise. And be sure to pick the perfect location for the store. You'll need a lot of visitors per day, and not only to check out the store but also to actually buy something. Or else you'll probably run the store to the ground in no time.
QuoteWell, I'm not sure if the Walt Disney Company also works with franchises for their Disney Stores, but if they do, be aware of the price tag that comes with it.
Franchising a Disney Store will most likely ask for a pretty heavy investment: license for using the Disney brand, rent for the store, the merchandise. And be sure to pick the perfect location for the store. You'll need a lot of visitors per day, and not only to check out the store but also to actually buy something. Or else you'll probably run the store to the ground in no time.
So ur right, they don´t i was talking to an manager of the disney store in Miami, and he told me its not easy to have an disney store in germany cause a friend of him was the owner of the disney store in frankfurt...
so i have to play lotto and have to win a lot of money than maybe i can do it :P
The big videotext advertising bang for the resort go on! This time with another silly feature at VOX-video text.
Formula 1 Racing at Euro-Disney! This was the head-banging headline which I found yesterday late in the evening.
I said to myself "Wow! A decision in this plan" and couldn´t wait to read it. But it was just a message about the thinking of mr. Eckelstone that he whish a course at "Euro-Disney" or Paris.
:mrgreen: But one cool thing: I was always thinking he kept in his mind to make a course at Disneyland Resort Paris. But now VOX has told us that it will happen at euro disney. Sounds like a very big and very loud office party! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Something new about the train connection to DLRP: ( wrote:
QuoteSince June 10, 2007 Paris is connected to Frankfurt via Mannheim, Kaiserslautern and Saarbrücken as well as to Stuttgart via Karlsruhe and Straßburg by a high speed rail connection serviced by TGV and ICE trains. As Frank Hoffmann - the director of Alleo GmbH, the joint-venture of the German Bahn and the French SNCF - now stated the company is far ahead of its estimates. The Disneyland Resort Paris hasn't managed to profit from this new and fast connection so far, mostly since the trains go directly to the city center, to be exact: Gare de 'Est.
But according Frank Hoffmann this is about to change! Starting this July a bus shuttle is planned to operate between Gare de l'Est and the Disneyland Resort Paris. And it should get even better as Frank Hoffmann not only mentioned that currently another stop in the Champagne is considered for the high speed trains but also stated that "at a later point" the high speed trains should stop directly at the train station of the Disneyland Resort Paris (similar as the EuroStar already does)!
What should I say about this. Maybe I should say that before the high speed connections between frankfurt/Stuttgart/Munich and Paris were reality the DLRP-station was integrated in this line. You can read it in an older catalogue were the connection is listed and TGV or ICE take a direct stop at DLRP. Why have they canceled this?
There were a big party at every station of the line! We had here in Saarbrücken two big events with stars on stage and a very big advertising campain to keep sure that everyone knows: just 1 hour and 50 minutes and you´re in Paris! One for party for the connection and one party for the new highspeed station.
This was a big chance for DLRP to say: And just 1 hour and 40 minutes to come to us!
But nothing happend. The direct connection to DLRP was canceled and so now you must take the metro from gare de l´est and later then the line A to DLRP. That cost 1 hour min. and so you can take the car. Takes just 30 minutes longer and is cheaper.
Since june 2008 they would take buses....don´t think that that makes the times shorter!
One thing by the way: We ask last time we went to DLRP and they said the connection would come in oktober 2007. Missed chances.
Quote from: "Riebi"This was a big chance for DLRP to say: And just 1 hour and 40 minutes to come to us!
But nothing happend. The direct connection to DLRP was canceled and so now you must take the metro from gare de l´est and later then the line A to DLRP.
Riebi, there was *never* any direct TGV / ICE connection from Germany to Marne-la-Vallée Chessy.
Yes thats the point. There were never. But before the start they were planned. You can find it in the older catalogues together with a big advertising of TGV EST. But one later they are showing another connection. The connection should start with the normal roll out of TGV EST but they´ve canceld the Marne-La-Vallée route.
And even after this DLRP could have said "Tous-en-train" and make a "Just 2 hours away"-campain like we have and had this "Just 110 minutes till paris" campains all around my city.
It´s here a real trend to go for a breakfast to Paris now. The trains are a big success and they´ve add some trains just few weeks before. Why not make a sunday morning break at paris is now a normal question in my region. It´s a real burner. All because some advertising. But nothing from DLRP. So everyone has the good connection to Paris in mind but nobody has the idea to take line A to Disney.
Quote from: "Riebi"And even after this DLRP could have said "Tous-en-train" and make a "Just 2 hours away"-campain like we have and had this "Just 110 minutes till paris" campains all around my city.
Yes, but DLRP is *not* just two hours away... I used this connection several times last year and it can be a real pain to get from the resort to the Gare de l'Est with your luggage.
The problem with the TGV Est is that right now, Deutsche Bahn and SNCF only have a very limited number of trains that can run in France and in Germany. (As far as I know, the railway network in both countries uses different voltages...)
At the same time, Marne-la-Vallée station is not on *any* route going into Paris... so the trains can't just stop on their way at DLRP.
So it's not that easy. During the next few years, more and more new trains should be put into service. But it still might take some till there's the first direkt train to DLRP.
That are two diffrent things.
+1 No at the moment there´s noooo direct connection on the LGV Est. But it was planned and adverted with it.
So my point is not to say there´s a direct connection, it is, that a direct connection that is now planned for the future could exist already today. They planned last year to connect DLRP since Oktober/November 2007. I know that because I ask the SNCF and the Deutsche Bahn when this will happen like they told it in a advert.
And I don´t think that a bus to DLRP will be a real choice. With a big bus through paris could have the same duration as the Metro/RATP.
By the way: From Strasbourg a direct connection seems possible. Just in german:
QuoteMarne-la-Vallée Chessy TGV: drei Hin- und Rückfahrten (Ankunft um ca. 9:00, 10:15 und 11:20 Uhr; Abfahrt nach Straßburg um ca. 18:00, 20:00 und 21:15 Uhr). Mit solchen Uhrzeiten können Sie voll und ganz von einem Aufenthalt oder einem Tag in dem Vergnügungspark Disneyland Paris profitieren. Fahrzeit: 2:25 Std.
(Source: SNCF)
Also from the station Champagne/ardenne:
QuoteAb Juni 2007 ermöglicht der Bahnhof Champagne-Ardenne TGV sechs der neun geplanten Hin- und Rückfahrten mit der Ile-de-France:
Flughafen Charles de Gaulle TGV: drei Hin- und Rückfahrten (Ankunft um ca. 8:00, 14:15 und 21:30 Uhr; Abfahrt nach Champagne-Ardenne TGV um ca. 7:45, 13:00 und 20:00 Uhr). Fahrzeit: 30 Minuten.
Marne-la-Vallée Chessy TGV: drei Hin- und Rückfahrten (Ankunft um ca. 9:00, 10:15 und 11:20 Uhr; Abfahrt nach Champagne-Ardenne TGV um ca. 18:00, 20:00 und 21:15 Uhr). Mit solchen Uhrzeiten können Sie voll und ganz von einem Aufenthalt oder einem Tag in dem Vergnügungspark Disneyland Paris profitieren. Fahrzeit: 30 Minuten.
Massy TGV: drei Hin- und Rückfahrten (Ankunft um ca. 9:30, 11:00 und 12:00 Uhr; Abfahrt nach Champagne-Ardenne TGV um ca. 17:30, 19:30 und 20:30 Uhr). Fahrzeit: 1:05 Std.
(source: SNCF)
:arrow: //
So a connection for the north track of LGV EST must be possible.
+2 Some campain would be great. I see adverts of Paris, of TGV/ICE and Paris and how fast you can be at this wonderful city. Just a simple "Hey folk DLRP is the neighbour of Paris" could take people to the resort or simple to think about it. It can´t be in their way to have nothing when the whole city of paris seems to advert itself. It´s very easy to get early in the morning to paris why not stay a night and take then a disney day. This are simple marketing considerations. They should use this LGV Est euphoria for their own aims.
concluding I can just say, the only reason why I don´t take the train is that I lost to much time at paris till I´m in the train to dlrp.
Hmmm, I feel your pain as well. It's wonderfully easy to get to DLRP from London (Eurostar), by plane (from CDG airport*) and from the Low Countries (Thalys, TGV), all of which can be done avoiding the hectic stations of Paris. It's hard to fathom why there wouldn't be a similar option for the Germans.
*the airport itself however is a different matter, but I'll save that for another topic.
:shock: :shock: :shock:
I´m shoked
:shock: :shock: :shock:
It happened just some minutes ago! I saw the first Disneyland Paris advert at the normal german TV since years!!!
Not one of the adverts we saw here as youtube video or something like that.
It was a short combination of diffrent parc scence like cars race rallye, the castle, candleabration etc. with the red wrapping paper at one side of the screen.
A voice-over was telling that you should go to the magic kingdom by calling the DLRP-line. This was then on the wrapping paper. After this, a short Disneyland 15 sign and over.
Hope we get finaly more of that!
:shock: :shock: :shock:
I´m shoked
:shock: :shock: :shock:
It happened just some minutes ago! I saw the first Disneyland Paris advert at the normal german TV since years!!!
Not one of the adverts we saw here as youtube video or something like that.
It was a short combination of diffrent parc scence like cars race rallye, the castle, candleabration etc. with the red wrapping paper at one side of the screen.
A voice-over was telling that you should go to the magic kingdom by calling the DLRP-line. This was then on the wrapping paper. After this, a short Disneyland 15 sign and over.
Hope we get finaly more of that!
Quote from: "Riebi":shock: :shock: :shock:
I´m shoked
:shock: :shock: :shock:
It happened just some minutes ago! I saw the first Disneyland Paris advert at the normal german TV since years!!!
Not one of the adverts we saw here as youtube video or something like that.
It was a short combination of diffrent parc scence like cars race rallye, the castle, candleabration etc. with the red wrapping paper at one side of the screen.
A voice-over was telling that you should go to the magic kingdom by calling the DLRP-line. This was then on the wrapping paper. After this, a short Disneyland 15 sign and over.
Hope we get finaly more of that!
Was the ad with Barbara Meyer?? Germany's next Topmodel?? read in another forum that there should be one out....
No :| It was a advert that I never saw and never heard about before.
Just composed of diffrent park shots. Nothing really exciting but an advert :lol:
I just see the new advert too!!!
It was on "Kabel 1" and with Barbara Meyer (Germanys Next Top Model)!
Finally we have a new Ad in Germany!
I will try to record the Ad and post it here!
that would be really cool :D
Here´s what she´s writing at her website:
QuoteIch habe eine neue Kampagne! Das Disneyland Paris hat mich ausgesucht, um den Zauber des Disneylands auch hier in Deutschland zu versprühen! Ich freue mich sehr über diese tolle Zusammenarbeit! Den TV-Spot, bei dem ich viele tolle Attraktionen selbst testen durfte, habe ich bereits in Paris gedreht. Viele bekannte Disney-Figuren waren auch dabei und haben mir viel Freude und einen unvergesslichen Dreh bereitet. Den fertigen Spot wird man schon Ende März sehen können! (
I try to translate:
QuoteI´ve got a new campain! Disneyland Paris choooose my to spray the magic of Disneyland also here in germany. I´m very happy with the co-operation. The TV-Ad was already shoooot at Paris, where I could try much exciting attractions. Much Disney-Characters where also with me and make me plasure and a unforgettable shot. The finished advert could be seen at the end of march!
That sounds good. I hope I will see it today. I'm going to watch Kabel1 the whole day :wink:
I make the same with Pro 7 where I saw the advert. If you hear a loud cry over germany, you must turn to Pro 7. That´s just me who alert you :lol:
Didn't hear you scream yet :wink:
Haven't seen it yet so I'm still wating for your alert. :lol:
Same here :lol: Haven´t seen it again :cry:
And I will not be able to see it, because Kabel 1 and most of the private German television channels send Austrian commercial spots here. :x
Wow, Barbara does represent DLRP?? That's great, I like her so much, she's beautiful! The photo of her with Mickey is really cool (where is it possible to meet the Captain Mickey beside the Newport Bay???)!
Do you think the spot will also run on Pro7?
Oh yes, I really like the picture as well. She is so pretty. And I haven't seen Mickey dressed up like that either.
Yes, Riebi said that it also runs on ProSieben. I didn't see it so far but I didn't watch much TV this week.
Now cry from me till today. Saw it never again. A one-day campain? :lol:
No, I now saw it soooo many times on Pro7, it's really, really great :)!
Finally we got a tv campaign of DLRP in Germany!! And then even with the beautiful, natural Barbara :D/
Really love the Mickey in the Captain's Outfit, seems as if they were on Mark Twain or Molly Brown together?!
Hmm...I must look more TV and more Pro 7! Want fun! :D
Yes seems to be somewhere in Frontierland! Mickey seems trying impress her with his captains-jacket!
I have never see it, too :x
I SAW the spot just a few seconds ago! It was running on Kabel1 during a break in Ghostbusters.
It's short, but very nice.
I'm glad they are starting to give more attention to the German market. Hopefully its a success, since Germany is a market that still has the ability to grow. Its quite weird they abandoned Germany for so many years, because of the distance it would be more logical for Germans to make a short trip to Paris then for people from Spain or Italy for example.
Maybe cause the marketing chief is from spain :lol:
I must say it´s a shame that they haven´t do something the last years. But now when the birthday is most over we have our first advert :lol:
It´s also intersting that the visits of germans are more rare then some years before. Hope now that the resort is going again a bit more german friendly again :mrgreen: Last time my mother had some big problems to find someone at the reception who could talk only a bit german to answer her simple question. And at the breakfast I had to translate the signs all the time cause they has no german translation of some newer signs.
Today at the evening news of RTL II (shame that I watched the evening news of RTL II :oops: :lol: ) was a very short report about Disneyland Resort paris.
It was not about the birtday or about the tower or about stitch or about such things. It just says that the NoAngels (famous german pop girlband) visited "EURO DISNEY" (yes they even not know the new name at RTL II) with their childs. They show them at Main Street and short at the elevator of the Tower (not the tower outsite) and the scenes while the scenes of the elevator and the area behind the drop was on the speakers was telling something about a "Ghosthouse" (so they haven´t just take the wrong name for the resort, they also confound Phantom Manor and the Tower of terror)
So a worse feature of "Euro Disney" but hey! DLRP at german TV! :mrgreen:
hmmm i dont know what to say, its typical german everything they do is wrong :)
i think i will watch the late news on rtl II maybe they will bring it again!!!
Hehe Riebi,
I saw a similar spot on RTL on Monday in "Punkt 12" - if I remember correctly, they said that the No Angels were at "Disneyland Paris" ;)!
Really cool that we now have/had even TWO tv-spots about DLRP with celebrities :lol:
Yes and I saw the advert today 2 times! Wow! Sure it´s not so "big time" like the other international adverts. But something :D
I want to see the TV spot too, but here in Austria we have ProSieben Austria and not the German one. The TV program is nearly the same, but the advertisement is different. So I don't know if we will see the DLRP TV spot.
here is the video from the no angels at disneyland resort paris!!
its in german so maybe riebi will translate later :P
I saw the same pictures but the editing was another one. I saw first the NoAngels at Main Street, then inside Tower of Terror then this singing thing with the lil one. And all over all "Euro Disney" :lol:
Seems that other media had the same pictures but the better text!
Quote from: "lil-shawn"here is the video from the no angels at disneyland resort paris!!
its in german so maybe riebi will translate later :P
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Ay Ay captain!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
But I wont translate the whole show :mrgreen: I´m the one who´s getting said all the time at school that english is not my language :lol:
But I will try a bit:
"The Baby Angels and her celeb mums make an excursion. (Suly scene) Leila, 8 years old, daugther of Nadja, Cheyenne, age of 5, daugther of jessica and - (Drop to the main street scene) cause she fancy it - Lucy, quasi the godmother.
(Hollywood Bvd. scene) And - like we all should know - there´s something bequeath:
(Interview with Nadja and Leila about the good voice of Leila. After beiing a bit ashamed leila sings something very short. And that all on Cars! Then hopping in front of the Tower)
Sandy (another NoAngel)isn´t there, it´s always something diffrent when kids are involved.
(Then interview with Lucy, Jessica and Nadja in front of the castle, about their plans to hit the european song contest and how lazy a day here at disneyland is. After the interview:)
And you have tree guesses who couldn´t get enough of Disneyland and won´t go home after the trip. It was the godmother and not the kids!"
Yes maybe worse but I´ve done it :D/
Would be intresting if Cheyenne must stay at Hotel Cheyenne or has also a vip-room. :mrgreen:
Nice video, great that they finally show something on german tv about dlrp!!!!
Finally I have seen the spot twice. It's good although I have to confess I have expected a bit more :wink:
I have also seen an advert in a few magazines. I thought I might post a picture.
(// (//
I know what you mean! Of course the big 15. birthday and 15. birthday continues spots are better. Much better :mrgreen: But I´m happy that there´s something :lol:
The print campain with barbara seems a bit tacky...looks like they took one of barbaras first holy communion pics :lol: Don´t know what they making there with her hands but that´s absolute 80s :mrgreen:
So I would say the tv spots are ok and a wonderful step for germany but the print very old fashioned. But If it brings more visitors to the resort: great thing! =D>
Great to hear you're getting new advertising! I think it will be one of DLRP's aims in coming years to find out why Germany isn't working for them and to do something about it. (Not sure if I'm guessing that or if someone actually told me... the blue bird maybe)
Is Barbara Meier quite famous? There's a load of official press photos of people unknown to me (cast of Dutch soaps, French celebs) just trying to decide whether to post them on DLRP Today... They got shots of Barbara everywhere, and some people who I've worked out are your Eurovision entry for this year.
Barbara Meier is the winner of Germany´s Next Top Model by Heidi Klum (episode II). Don´t know how famous she is.
The NoAngels are very famous in germany. Don´t know why they make now this eurovision thing cause they are very well in business :D
I think the main thing why their aren´t more germans anymore at DLRP is cause they haven´t make any real advertise over the years. Even not for the 15th. Nobody knows about the 15. here and nobody knows about two parks there. I had lately on my birthday party a group of people who where very interested in my fab. Disneyland 15 Picture Album (best advert ever :lol: ) All of them was at DLRP in the past but never after 2002. So they never heard that there´s a second park and they also never heard about the birthday before and say "Oh 15. years...if we known that a year earlier we were there" Thanks god I could say: The Celebration continue...big time!
The new spot also isn´t a 15. advert. You see just at the end the Disneyland15 Logo but nothing more. And noooo word of CCBT (The Celebration Continues... Big Time). Maybe cause they forgot to launch it last year here :lol:
The adverts begins with barbara at a window at main street saying "my dream is coming true, now you dream can come true too". Then some shots of attractions with barbara and of course a phone number where you can call.
I think Barbara is now pretty poular because she did many tv spots ;)! (F.e. Yoghurette, 2x C&A, the Pro7 advertises, she was at Wetten, dass...?, tvtotal etc.)
I guess she looks very familiar now and especially teenie-girls know and like her because she always was very natural. And she's studying maths, that's why she's a representative for the "year of mathematics 2008" in Germany :lol: So she's a pretty girl which is also intelligent and natural, she's a good and famous celebrity for our German DLRP advert, I think :)!
I also wanted to say that it's not only DLRP which abandons us Germans. We had many Disney Stores in Germany, but they were all closed so we don't have one anymore :(! When DVDs are published, we don't get all of the extras, we didn't even get the "Pocahontas Special Edition" here :cry:
And as Riebi said, they just don't do any advert for DLRP. maybe now that the 15th had come, there are a few signs in the travel agencys and now this spot with Barbara...
Well, I think Disney is coming back to Germany. Mostly for kids, but better than nothing.
Look what I found this weekend at a shopping center here in Munich (
Mickey buns.
They are quiet delicious :P and my little daughter loved it.
And by the way all prospects for DLRP were "sold out". I think that is a good sign.
I am sure they are not available in Austria. But we are living in Salzburg and Munich is just an hour away. Let's go there for some buns. :P
I have seen the new DLRP spot on ProSieben, so we have this spot here in Austria too and I hope that many people will see it and consider to travel to DLRP. The spot looks nice and it is better than nothing and I think many people know Babara here as well, because of Germany's Next Top Model (My girlfriend forces me to watch it with her :evil: ).
QuoteI guess she looks very familiar now and especially teenie-girls know and like her because she always was very natural. And she's studying maths, that's why she's a representative for the "year of mathematics 2008" in Germany So she's a pretty girl which is also intelligent and natural, she's a good and famous celebrity for our German DLRP advert, I think !
yeah nala you´ve right i think she is good enough for our short (very short) tv spot :D
QuoteI also wanted to say that it's not only DLRP which abandons us Germans. We had many Disney Stores in Germany, but they were all closed so we don't have one anymore ! When DVDs are published, we don't get all of the extras, we didn't even get the "Pocahontas Special Edition" here
i don´t know but buena vista usa dont make our dvd releases, i think it is buena vista germany in munich. I think we have to fight with them to get the original international releases like in the us. not this stupid and ugly looking special collection dvd. It´s funny because i head or read all time that the special collection is very cheep, but when i buy tarzan as a special edition from the special collection and buy the junglebook platinum edition, they have the same prices. so i think they have to change it now better yesterday... :lol:
Hopefully this renewed interest of Disneyland Resort Paris towards the German market will pay-off. Maybe its a start for better things to come.
Quote from: "Nala_84"I also wanted to say that it's not only DLRP which abandons us Germans. We had many Disney Stores in Germany, but they were all closed so we don't have one anymore :(!
The sad truth is that both the Netherlands and Belgium (?) never ever have had a Disney Store at all. I don't get it to be honest, especially since France and its surrounding countries should be a top priority for Disney. I dont really understand why there never has been a Dutch Disney Channel either... the Disney brand can really profit from these kind of projects. There is still a lot to learn when it comes to marketing the Disney brand in Europe.
Quote from: "Maarten"The sad truth is that both the Netherlands and Belgium (?) never ever have had a Disney Store at all. I don't get it to be honest, especially since France and its surrounding countries should be a top priority for Disney. I dont really understand why there never has been a Dutch Disney Channel either... the Disney brand can really profit from these kind of projects. There is still a lot to learn when it comes to marketing the Disney brand in Europe.
Actually, the Dutch market seems to small for a Disney Channel or Disney Store. If we were ever to get a Disney Store, it would probably stay with just one (and that's probably for the best). This one Disney Store should than be located in Amsterdam, in my opinion. That way you attract both the Dutch and tourists.
Also, most Disney shows are licensed to existing networks. And there's Jetix, which is also owned by Disney. Not that Jetix really represents anything Disney, but still... :wink:
A shared Disney Channel would be an idea though. One Disney Channel for both The Netherlands and Belgium. The French part of Belgium would also be able to watch the Disney Channel, since a French audio stream will be broadcasted for them (re-used from the French Disney Channel). But that's just an idea!
Today I've written an e-mail (I used the e-mail adress you can find under "contact" on the official German DLRP-site), I had some questions concerning our next trip (in September :D/ ). When I checked my e-mails, I was hoping for some useful help, but all I got was the information that they can't answer my e-mail because they receive an enormous amount of e-mails. The e-mail said I could call the hotline (of course you've to pay for that) and contained also some tips how to book a trip on the internet (well, that was not the question..). Isn't that weird? :? Maybe they will answer later, but the last time I've written them an e-mail they didn't answer it at all. Anyone had the same experience? I hope the customer service in other countries is better!
Quote from: "Remco K."If we were ever to get a Disney Store, it would probably stay with just one (and that's probably for the best). This one Disney Store should than be located in Amsterdam, in my opinion. That way you attract both the Dutch and tourists.
Yeah, it's weird they haven't ever tried to expand the Disney Stores there. I've got two within 25 minutes... Although I walked past the amazing one in Manchester today and it has massive Hannah Montana posters either side of the door and her concert blaring out of the speakers, so... I never really go in them, they focus almost entirely on a younger audience.
Having a Disney Store in Amsterdam (and other places) would be a good move though, you all use the same currency and nothing much has to be translated. I know in Edinburgh they've got a top spot opposite the station and make a lot of money from tourists with special Scottish Mickey plushes.
Disney Channel, I wouldn't be too disappointed, there's very little "Disney" about it these days.
Quote from: "Baloo"Quote from: "Remco K."If we were ever to get a Disney Store, it would probably stay with just one (and that's probably for the best). This one Disney Store should than be located in Amsterdam, in my opinion. That way you attract both the Dutch and tourists.
Yeah, it's weird they haven't ever tried to expand the Disney Stores there. I've got two within 25 minutes... Although I walked past the amazing one in Manchester today and it has massive Hannah Montana posters either side of the door and her concert blaring out of the speakers, so... I never really go in them, they focus almost entirely on a younger audience.
Having a Disney Store in Amsterdam (and other places) would be a good move though, you all use the same currency and nothing much has to be translated. I know in Edinburgh they've got a top spot opposite the station and make a lot of money from tourists with special Scottish Mickey plushes.
Disney Channel, I wouldn't be too disappointed, there's very little "Disney" about it these days.
Indeed, they should really expand their borders, plenty of money lying around for this kinda expansion! What can be the reason that they aren't already here???
Quote from: "Soap"Indeed, they should really expand their borders, plenty of money lying around for this kinda expansion! What can be the reason that they aren't already here???
Again, the Dutch market would be to small for that. A Disney Store in Amsterdam might have a chance. Perhaps Disney Stores in other larger cities too, like Rotterdam, Groningen, The Hague. But that's about it. There's no use of opening anymore Disney Stores in The Netherlands. I can't see the us Dutch buying things like stuffed animals on a daily base. Sure, the Disney Store in Holland would attract lots of guests, but to actually make profit of the store, they also need to buy items from it.
I'm not trying to destroy your dream, Soap, just sketching a realistic view on how a Disney Store would settle here. :)
I´ve found now the barbara meier avert for you! Fun while watching is my wish for you :mrgreen:
There´s also explained why we have another totally diffrent advert. The advert wasn´t made by the normal advertising agency of DLRP "Euro RSCG", but by a german one which exist since march: "Axel Springer Digital TV" (axel springer is a big media concern in germany)
Quote from: "Remco K."Quote from: "Soap"Indeed, they should really expand their borders, plenty of money lying around for this kinda expansion! What can be the reason that they aren't already here???
Again, the Dutch market would be to small for that. A Disney Store in Amsterdam might have a chance. Perhaps Disney Stores in other larger cities too, like Rotterdam, Groningen, The Hague. But that's about it. There's no use of opening anymore Disney Stores in The Netherlands.
In my opinion it would be great to keep the potential Disney Stores exclusive. Disney Stores should be special, something you won't find in every shopping mall. Thats like it was intended to be in the 90s.
QuoteI can't see the us Dutch buying things like stuffed animals on a daily base. Sure, the Disney Store in Holland would attract lots of guests, but to actually make profit of the store, they also need to buy items from it.
Would you like to explain on what facts you base your opinion that the Dutch won't buy stuffed animals? Personally I don't believe the Dutch are that different from the French, Germans or English in that regard.
I agree with Maarten on this, on what facts do you base this??
I know a lot of dutch people who would love see such a store here and would surely buy stuff from it. It should stay exclusive, yes, so only at first in Amsterdam or The Hague (pls there :P)
It's also a good advertisement opportunity for the brand name "Disney"!
They can do adds for all kind of disney related stuff: the global parcs, movies, series, etc etc
So why shouldn't that be the case in Holland???? :roll:
Yes maybe it should be exclusive, but not THAT exclusive. :wink: I think many people would be so happy if a Disney Store opens in Germany again.
It doesn't have to be in every city, but it could open in a few bigger cities like Hamburg, Berlin and Frankfurt.
And Amsterdam would be good, I'm going to take a hoilday there next month, so they should hurry up :wink:
I thin they should develope a "real" Disney Store Europe concept. The shops at germany had good selling figures. It was more a political decision of WDC to close the german market.
It shouldn´t be to hard to have a disney store in every western europe capital. Even same with Disney Channel. The german ARD shows good that you can connect diffrent regional tv stations to one big nationwide channel. You can have diffrent presentations, adverts, even broadcasts by having the same time schedules, all controlled by one big connecting centre.
Sleeping about it one night I think it´s an interesting decision that the take the "Axel Springer Digital TV" instead of "Euro RSCG". I ask myself "why?" Could show that they haven´t made first the decision to integrate germany again to their advert-market.
Quote from: "Maarten"Would you like to explain on what facts you base your opinion that the Dutch won't buy stuffed animals? Personally I don't believe the Dutch are that different from the French, Germans or English in that regard.
With the small number of Disney Store opening in The Netherlands (they'll probably never build more than 2 or 3), importing products for it will be pretty expensive. Selling DVDs is useless, since they will be much cheaper at Blokker or Bart Smit just around the corner. Stuffed Disney characters are pretty expensive already in the parks, imagine in a lonely Disney Store somewhere in The Netherlands.
It's not that I'm against the idea of having a Disney Store in The Netherlands, I would even love to have one. I just can't see it work. One or two stores probably won't survive, because they're to expensive to operate. I'm not sure how many Disney Stores there are in France, Germany or United Kingdom, but I have the feeling those countries already have a better distribution system to import the products (because of DLRP and the UK version of Disney Store Online. I'm not sure about Germany though).
Germany hasn´t anymore disney stores. They closed them all together cause incomprehensible factors. :|
Lets give this topic back to the original subject.
I've opened a new thread on the Imagineering forum about a Disney Store in Amsterdam. :wink:
viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4451 (//
the penny has dropped, the fog has lifted at DLRP Marketing department! Without any advert campains nobody from germany will come to DLRP! Long time for this perception!
After we were all happy about ONE spot in germany showing DLRP with Barbara Meier
(you can see this older spot here: //
there is a new one!
I saw it today! This new one is a co-operation with C&A (big cloth department store) showing the 15 Logo all through the advert and saiing that you can find the same magic of DLRP at C & A. I´m excited.
First we have again a new spot after years of nothing (Ok till no real 15. or CCBT advert or something of the Tower but we have something!!!) and then you can find the magic of DLRP at C & A. Should have a look tomorrow in the city. Maybe I don´t neeeeeed anymore to travel sitting just at C & A and feeling like at Central Plaza! :lol:
QuoteMaybe I don´t neeeeeed anymore to travel sitting just at C & A and feeling like at Central Plaza!
hmm is funny but i don´t think nobody find the real magic at C&A. i go there and make trouble with them when i don´t find the magic there!! :lol:
i didnt saw the advert yet but i will see it hopefully soon!
I don't like C&A and I don't buy anything there, but I will go to next C&A store in our shopping center and I will have a look if C&A Austria does also some advertising for DLRP. I hope so.
At least we have the TV spots on Pro7 here in Austria too.
Quote from: "dagobert"At least we have the TV spots on Pro7 here in Austria too.
You can see German commercials on Pro 7??
There is always a good product range of Disney clothing for kids at C&A. But I never found anything interesting for grown-ups except socks :roll: .
@ Parkfish: Yes, I can see the German commercials on Pro7, I don't know why. Most of my friends have the Austrian Commercials.
Quote from: "lil-shawn"hmm is funny but i don´t think nobody find the real magic at C&A. i go there and make trouble with them when i don´t find the magic there!! :lol:
:lol: Same here! They will have big trouble in their store if I haven´t my disneyland magic feeling! :mrgreen:
I was at C & A. The magic are T-Shirts and advert-banner. You can see in the shop windows a banner of the castle (15. look) then puppets with disney t-shirts and at the windows the 15. Disneyland logo.
There´s also a raffle //
Hope someone of us get the prize :mrgreen:
Thanks for the link. I only won a wallpaper :(
I guess I have to go to C&A too now and look at it.
I think its a good advert for Disneyland, as many families go to C&A!
C&A did also some advertising for DLRP in Austria, but it disappeared during the last week. It was the first time that I have seen such advertising for DLRP in Austria.
I don't know since when it is done, but Disneyland has finally updated it's hompage and it looks pretty good =D> =D> =D>
New navigation for booking a trip, new apperance. I love it :D/ (;return%20false;)
Quote from: "Reiana"I don't know since when it is done, but Disneyland has finally updated it's hompage and it looks pretty good =D> =D> =D>
New navigation for booking a trip, new apperance. I love it :D/ (;return%20false;)
The updated version of the German website has been up and running since Christmas / January...
Quote from: "dagobert"but it disappeared during the last week.
That seems to be again a main problem. The advers disappeared again. Maybe they took this strange no angels grand prix song for real!
I just got the new Summer-Advert. Its in German - and means:
"This summers Party! - Lets start!"
As far as I know, its the first time, Disney promotes the summer season like this. With Party, Fun, Sun and summer. The last years, the adverts were more concentrated on families and children.
I don´t know, how it was like in the other countrys.
My opinion: Looks great!!! AND: They promote the long opening times of Disneyland Park.
Great Idea!!!!
hey folks,
i read an article on Fokus - online about DLRP.
The big question of this article is, why don´t come germans to DLRP, Last year the company had 14,5 million guest and 3% of them where germans thats not more than 500 000 guests.
now the madia management think about what to do, to attrac the park to more guests from germany.
here is the link to the side, its in german!!! //
many of the germans say, that disney is too loud, to expansive, not interresting enough, they don´t go becaus of the french people, the information on the web sides are not enough, the brochure is not information enough like the older ones and so on....
Thanks for the link. I wouldn't have thought that only 3% are german guests. The people I know also don't go to Disneylnd for many reasons. Some people don't like theme parks at all, other doesn't like Disney, other think it's too far away. I think many people just can't imagine what Disneyland is like. Furthermore I think Disney should advertise more. For example: Tower of Terror. If you ask lets say 100 people about it,I don't think that there would be 2 people who knew it. If Ididn't inform me in the internet I also wouldn't know. Why didn't they take the chance and did more promotion for the Tower of Terror?
Thanks for posting that! Very interessting article.
It´s nice that they won´t forget germany :wink: But I must say: I´m hearing again NOTHING about DLRP. No Tower of Terror, no party continues, no fun. After the short adverts they give us earlier in the year the sleep again. Like under a spell of malificiant. It´s nice to read it black on white that they enmesh the spanish people. I also get this impression the last times I went to the resort. (Maybe also cause the marketing director is from spain???)
I must say all their strategie wasn´t very well at germany over the last five years. They reduced so much and the´ve give the germans more and more the feeling that they aren´t much welcome like other nations. Some examples:
They have canceled their press contact things. I remember one of the "disney fanatics" under the journalists where I work was saying to me, that they aren´t as friendly and courteous over the last year as they was in the nineties. You don´t get anymore some invitations to the press events and if you try to get some better informations and press kids you can have a problem. That brings most of the journalists away from DLRP. They could also report about the dozens german theme parks. They don´t need DLRP to get their pages full. And so most of the journalist digressed over the last years from DLRP and only the critical ones stays (cause they are intersted in bad figures at DLRP)
The languages barrier at the resort is bigger for germans then some years before . It´s nice to see that you can now also read in spanish what you get at your breakfast. But why they cancel german in some discriptions. You can´t expect that everyone knows french or english. That was a hard thing to learn after my last visit with my mother. She don´t know to speak english, french or spanish. So she has to ask me about everything at the breakfast. That wasn´t a nice show since she had always in mind how easy it was at DLRP to get his things without knowing english. And I must say it was a bit of a disappointment. And of course like DLRP would say: No thanks, we are not longer interested in germans.
They don´t make a real good and long advertising. I know something about the TOT and the birthday because I´m very intersted in Disney and - of course - I´m on this forum here. But most people never heard something about this. Why? Cause it doesn´t exist a proper advertising. We saw a short advertising phase with Germany´s next top modell (Part II) Barbara Meier. But there wasn´t much to see about the 15. party and there was NOTHING to see about the Tower of Terror. In fact they build a huge E-Ticket without telling something about that to the germans. In the same time Europa Park, Phantasia Land, Heide Park Soltau and even TripsDrill advert their new and shiny attractions. So why should a german go to DLRP if he doesn´t know something about it and doesn´t get any proper information.
That are only three points on a longer list. But he! Wake up their at DLRP. It now will be a hard and long way to get again the attention of the germans BACK (they had it in the nineties)
Why has they sleep so long and why has they had such a unlucky behave with the german press and the german guests. It´s time to change this and go again on the old disney way. It seems for me that they havent a very prospective public relations and marketing plan the last years. They burned their bridges, seems to be miles away from europe for germans and now they are wondering why the germans don´t come in. You could say "your fault DLRP, no sympathy". but it´s to sad for this :cry:
Hope they will do now SOMETHING to get germans in.
Speaking of language barriers above I´ve try to translate the article for the english people. :mrgreen:
Hope you can read it and get clear about the written [-o< :mrgreen:
Soltau prefered instead of Paris. (Soltau is home of a big theme park in germany (Heide Park Soltau)[/b]
More then 14 million people visit Disneyland Paris in one year. But the operating company riddle why so less germans are coming.
By Focus-editor Frank Fleschner
It´s not easy to find a reasonably calm place at europes biggest amusement park. Beside all the attraction, the constructers of Disneyland Resort Paris construct a network of loudspeaker at the area. They tootle the whole day long the adequate music to every disney backdrop. The music is as loud as you can hear your own words barely and the babel of the other medial 40.000 visitors everyday doesn´t matter.
Only who hears accurate could identificate the different languages: French, English, Spanish and – yes, from time to time – german. 14,5 millions visitors count DLRP in 2007. But only 3 % of them are coming from germany to meet Micky, Peter Pan and Pinocchio – that are circa 500.000 people. although cologne (Köln!) is just 380 km away and stuttgart just 470 km. It´s not surprising that 44 % of the visitors are from france. It´s also not surprising that 16 % are british and that they build the second big group of visitors. They could reach DLRP in just 2,5 hours by train away from London. But the germans are the biggest disappointment for the operating company – and the biggest riddle.
They court the spanish
Could it be because many own german amusement parks like Europa Park at Rust (3.6 million visitors) or HeidePark Soltau (1.4 million visitors) keep their visitors away from DLRP? Or are the german parents to critical of the American consume and fantasy-world of Disney? "The speech/adress in the past was also a weak point in the past" thinks the disney marketing manager Kristina Szolar. Lastly the concern cancelled the marketing budged for germany. Now the Disney-specialists ponder about a new strategie. In a first step, the german internet-site should get a relaunch and should then explain detailed what the visitor could expect at the park. "German customers need much information ex ante" describe Szolar her experiences. The Spanish would first book the journey to paris and would then look locally what to do.
Generally, so people from the disney environment, the park managers currently enmesh the spanish. Hotelallocation would rather give to the Spanish travel agencies instead to the germans. Spanish guests were lastly the third heavy citizenship of visitors. despite the long travel they had a part of 11 %. And they are such favored guests cause they spend more money during the trip as the germans.
But at year 17 the operating company must boost the visitor-figures to reduce the netto-loss of lastly 42 million euro. And so marketing women Szolar assure ,,Germany won´t get forgotten"
i have to totaly argee with Riebi, it´s the parks own fault, no tv spots, no radio spots, not enough information on the internet, no advertising of the new big attraktion and so on...
the most in germany dosen´t known about a second park or the big thrilling attractions that disney have. the germans dosen´t feel welcome. the language there is the next problem, many germans have problems with french and english so the point is we go to a german park like Europapark and see what dey stole or copied from disney...
the next thing is, why the german have to go there, when WDW is cheeper and bigger, and u feel welcome there.
i think Paris have to change the whole thing complete, where ist the war welcome home? where are the ever smiling and friendly cast members? Where is the little gift for your first visit? I think they have to do a lot in the next vew years to make it nicer vor everyone in europe and not only for the french, english and spanisch people....
But somehow I can't understand why many germans prefer to go to America. I mean it is more expensive, isn't it??? You have to pay for a flight and it also needs much more time than going to Paris. You can make a two day trip to Paris but a two day trip to America?
I don't know about the language either, I have never been to America but are they talking German there? Furthermore I think in Paris many castmembers can speak German, especially in the hotels. And many Germans travel to Spain,Italy etc. where they also do not speak german. So I can't imagine that many people to not go there because of the language.
As I said I think it is because Dsiney doesn't advertise here enough...Especially with ToT...Look what they did in England...
QuoteBut somehow I can't understand why many germans prefer to go to America. I mean it is more expensive, isn't it??? You have to pay for a flight and it also needs much more time than going to Paris. You can make a two day trip to Paris but a two day trip to America?
Sure is america more expansive because of the flight, but there u don´t see or visit just WDW there u have Sea World, Universal Studios and so on.... for sure u kan make just a 2 or 3 day trip to paris but for this short time the most german says its to expansive... i don´t understand it either, for me the prices are okay...
QuoteI don't know about the language either, I have never been to America but are they talking German there? Furthermore I think in Paris many castmembers can speak German, especially in the hotels. And many Germans travel to Spain,Italy etc. where they also do not speak german. So I can't imagine that many people to not go there because of the language.
okay so this is nothing i said it stands on messeges under the article. many of them says they don´t go because of the language.... sure in america they speak just English and a view cast members speak german. *lol* thats right germans make a lot of vacations and in countrys they don´t speak any word in german, but u have to understand other countrys are not DLRP... And what i think is for the most germans it is amust have to speak german there!!
yes it is because disney don´t make not enough advertising, but thats not all!! the next thing is the germans are upset cause disney is not in germany :lol:
Quote from: "lil-shawn"QuoteI don't know about the language either, I have never been to America but are they talking German there? Furthermore I think in Paris many castmembers can speak German, especially in the hotels. And many Germans travel to Spain,Italy etc. where they also do not speak german. So I can't imagine that many people to not go there because of the language.
okay so this is nothing i said it stands on messeges under the article. many of them says they don´t go because of the language.... sure in america they speak just English and a view cast members speak german. *lol* thats right germans make a lot of vacations and in countrys they don´t speak any word in german, but u have to understand other countrys are not DLRP... And what i think is for the most germans it is amust have to speak german there!!
yes it is because disney don´t make not enough advertising, but thats not all!! the next thing is the germans are upset cause disney is not in germany :lol:
I know, I also read the comments :wink:
Are Germans really THAT complicated??
I also don´t think that the language problem is the the main problem. But it´s one of the problems. At its more that they´ve cut german a bit the last years. I must be possible to get the german language back on a sign which only means "breakfast" :mrgreen: That isn´t really a costly thing. just service.
The main problem for me is that they´ve forget germany a bit the last years. no adverts no visitors. In the same way they cut back their german advert budget they´ve cut their own meat. DLRP was on the way to be a establish theme park for the germans. Then they take all their attention back from germany and DLRP is now a bit forgotten. Also cause the german parks has done soooo much in the last years. They have a new attraction every year ... and they promote this facts right to their german visitors.
I think it will be now even harder to etablish DLRP again at the german minds.
Why they are going to USA? Cause they have Disneyland and WDW in mind when they plan their holyday trips to the states. It´s etablished to go to Disneyland on your trip to LA and it´s a normal thing to go to WDW on your florida trip. Without this big advertising and attention break over the last years DLRP could be etablished in the same way in this years.
So I must ask myself: What is the riddle??? Higher quality every year in german parks with big advertising and no one sign from´s clear what the germans choose. Maybe the germans are angry with DLRP after DLRP dropped them like a hot potato.
For me it´s a bit like a little girl that gives a big wonderful and amazing birthday party. She invited the beaumarais from france and the perrys from uk and also the josés from spain. And then she´s wondering the whole party where the Schmidts from germany are. Its clear that they wont come. They don´t know it and if they know it they are angry to get no invitation and go to janet from florida or peggy from california who makes also a good party since years:mrgreen:
the disney specialist should simply take a look in this forum to now what happened :lol:
Quote from: "lil-shawn"the germans dosen´t feel welcome. the language there is the next problem, many germans have problems with french and english so the point is, we go to a german park like Europapark and see what dey stole or copied from disney...
Sorry to say this - but thats rubbish. If you have a closer look to the statistics, you will see, that many Germans are re-visiters. So the language is not the problem. Do the greek speak german? Or the italians? NO. And germans go there on holidays anyway.
If I travel abroad, I know: These people will probably not speak my language. Even germans know that ;-)
Quote from: "lil-shawn"the next thing is, why the german have to go there, when WDW is cheeper and bigger, and u feel welcome there.
Did you ever read how many germans travel to WDW? Far more less than to DLRP.
And why do you feel more welcome there? They don´t speak german at WDW.
QuoteDid you ever read how many germans travel to WDW? Far more less than to DLRP.
And why do you feel more welcome there? They don´t speak german at WDW.
first i don´t wanna attac you, but i think u don´t understand it...
i never talked about me, i talked about germans they don´t feel welcome in paris,
i heard it very often on my trips, a lot of germans say WDW is better, friendlier and
u feel welcome... these are not my words, i just writ these what i heard and read!!!
QuoteSorry to say this - but thats rubbish. If you have a closer look to the statistics, you will see, that many Germans are re-visiters. So the language is not the problem.
at this point i never talked about the statistic and revisitors!! 500 000 german guest from 14 million is not much, from this 500 000 are maybe how much revisitors? not all of them!!!
QuoteDo the greek speak german? Or the italians? NO. And germans go there on holidays anyway.
If I travel abroad, I know: These people will probably not speak my language. Even germans know that
wow great ur one of how many germans? 82 million resident´s who think so.... here we talk about DLRP not italy, egypt, turkey and other countrys. The thing is these are places germans like to visit and know about the language. but about disney i hear a lot, the language is a problem thats why we dont wanna go!!! hobe u will understand it know when not write me an PM in germand and i explain it better :twisted:
QuoteI know, I also read the comments
Are Germans really THAT complicated??
hmmm just say yes , the most of them... i´m a german by my self but everyday i have to think about how stubid most germans are....
Hey there,
we're trying to start a petition in another DLRP forum.
Everyone of you who is disappointed of DLRP according to how the German office treats us German fans - you're invited to write an Email, a personal message etc., just what you want to say to the German office (f.e. ask them why we don't have offers here anymore etc.).
We'd be glad if you take part, the more we are, the more they might here us :)! Just PM me if you need the adress to send the email to, or if you have any questions :)!
cool thing! maybe it helps a bit!
Quotehobe u will understand it know when not write me an PM in germand and i explain it better
Hey lil-shawn,
I think, I perfectly understand what you mean. I just have another opinion.
Let me tell you my point of view in a few words.
I bet almost the same number of french guests, or spanish guests or english guests would tell you WDW is better and makes them feel more welcome. Not only the german guests. Think about, that it is just a very small number of germans who visited WDW, too. To see the dimensions, you have to look at the majority. And this majority just can compare DLRP with Heide-Park or Movie Park, ......
Quote500 000 german guest from 14 million is not much
Indeed, but europe has a population of 680 million. See what I mean?
But there one question left: You say:
Germans like places like spain, greek, egypt... and know about the language. but about disney they hear a lot, the language is a problem thats why they dont wanna go!!!
Do you really think, that people drive to spain, norwich or egypt although they don´t speak their language. But don´t drive to DLRP, cause CM don´t speak german! This argument doesn´t work.
The problem is not caused by the language!
I hope I could clarify it a bit. And please don´t see my post as an attack ;-)
Its just a different opinion :-)
Okay magicstar ure right in this point, not munch germans go to WDW when i see the statistic, maybe i got something wrong :oops:
no i think too the language is not the problem, hmm i think mallorca is nomore spain :lol: and thats the place german´s like to go or not??
i know that in many tourist places they speak english so i never understand, when some people say they don´t go to paris because of the language!! u know what i mean right?
no i don´t see it as an attac don´t worry about it :D
Maybe to clear this situation a bit, here an article from Süddeutsche Zeitung: (;return%20false;)
It seems that the germans like to travel. But France isn´t really a destination for them. And that because some issues. Maybe the germans have just a problem with french and most of them don´t know that you can speak also english (or now spanish :wink: ) at DLRP without any problems. :mrgreen:
France has its name for the land which prefer that you speak french.
But they love spain, portugal and turkey for their summer time travel.
But I think that´s just ONE and not the biggest problem DLRP has in germany. The main problems are NO advertising and not a very well PR strategie (always negative reports at the german press). If they make a better PR strategie and a better advert and marketing strategie for germany they will have german visitors. So simple can it be :mrgreen:
By the way: The feeling of "welcomeness" is for me not a language issue. I don´t speak spainish but I feel very welcome at gran canaria, costa de la luz etc. I think it´s more subliminal. And that depends again also on the marketing and PR strategie and the service you get from DLRP at germany.
Hey I`am from Germany too.
I don´t think that the language is a big problem for the most of us ;) ...
I think the real problem ( like said a few weeks ago by other members) is the really really bad advertising and the bad Promotion of DLRP in Germany. Some months ago we had a little TV campaign with Barbara Meier ( which is a German Model ). The first after 2 or 3 years ???. But the TV Spot was only shown in one TV Channel ( PRO7 ) , and only 1 -2 times a day for 2 weeks or so... Also there weren´t much Attractions showed in the Spot, just TOT and CARS and also Characters Express. And thats the main Problem of DLRP ! They should focus on more advertising in Germany. Another big problem from my point of view is :
Everytime I visit the "NEW" official DLRP Website in German, I can´t find Last Minute Offers like in the past ! Look ! There aren´t any special offers like 40 % less ( Website in French ) Everytime I watch the French Site of DLRP there are special Offers and there´s the Annual Pass Option ! If a German looks just the German Website of DLRP he can´t see the Annual Pass Option and he can´t see Special Offers ( which makes a SHORT VISIT much more interesting ). Since I found out how cheap a visit can be with an Annual Pass I do visit the Parks much much more ! ( 3-4 Times a Year ).
So I should come to a final:
Please make more Advertising in German. Show how "MAGICAL" a visit can be ( SHOW ATTRACTIONS AND HOTELS AND DON`T FORGET TO SAY THAT YOU CAN RELAX ALSO AS THAT THEY HAVE VERY GOOD RESTAURANTS AND SHOPPING etc...! Work on the German official DLRP Site, so that people know about the Resort and it´s very unique and Special Events ( most of the Special Event-Sites : for Example the Halloween-Site last Year, weren´t available in German Language!!!)
Show the German People the different possibilities to make a visit much cheaper and more affordable ! All this together could get more German visitors, from my point of view ! What´s yours ?
CU eddy :D
First of all, I haven't read this thread all the way through. I just want to comment that Denmark has no advertisments at all for dlrp. No mention of ToT. Nothing. And second of all, on the dlrp website you can't preorder park tickets for Denmark. I think we're the only european country not on the list. And I wrote a message to the offical website mail adress and asked them about it but never recieved a reply. I don't really get this. :(
Mizzrabbit: oh so you're from Denmark too:D! I think there's alot advertising and so here. Lots of brochures, advertisements in magasines and those kind of things.
About the special offers: Like Nala already said some fans wrote letters to DLRP to complain about the situation. We also got an answer telling us that the Germans didn't understand the special offers and thats why they don't offer them any longer.
I'm really upset about it...The Germans are to stupid to understand special offers???
Denamrks not the only one Portugal isnt on the list either!!!
Quote from: "swity"About the special offers: Like Nala already said some fans wrote letters to DLRP to complain about the situation. We also got an answer telling us that the Germans didn't understand the special offers and thats why they don't offer them any longer.
I'm really upset about it...The Germans are to stupid to understand special offers???
Yes that´s really hard! Maybe they better should change their marketing team if the couldn´t explain an offer to their customers. And maybe they should have some more chanels to explain their offer then just a link at their website.
The problem wasn´t that the germans doesn´t understand an offer. The problem is that they doesn´t know something about any offer, nothing about ToT, nothing about the 15. birthday and finally nothing about a second park that exist since over 5 years.
It shows clearly the paralysis of the german disney marketing.
I´ve wrote them now over a week ago. No answer. :(
A friend of me got a telephone call from DLRP (Marketing) last week, they told him that Disney USA only give this special offers to other countries, while the people from there comes often and more to the Resort than the germans do. That´s the reason why. Disney Germany can´t do anything with this special problem, they told too :-(
And he told him, that the answer we get (germans didn´t understand the special offers) is absolutely nonsens .....
My english is not so good, so I can´t tell you all what they say :-(
Maybe I don't watch enough telly, but the only time I see adverts for Disney is at the start of the DVD's, or maybe the odd poster in a bus shelter for a new release.
Quote from: "swity"About the special offers: Like Nala already said some fans wrote letters to DLRP to complain about the situation. We also got an answer telling us that the Germans didn't understand the special offers and thats why they don't offer them any longer.
I'm really upset about it...The Germans are to stupid to understand special offers???
Hey swity...
would be very interesting to read the complete answer from DLRP.
Did they email you? Do you think you can post it here?
Thaaank you :D
Sorry for the late response, I just came back home from a little short trip.
I was told I shouldn't post it in a forum so I'm going to send it to you via PM :wink:
Quote from: "MagicStar"Quote from: "swity"About the special offers: Like Nala already said some fans wrote letters to DLRP to complain about the situation. We also got an answer telling us that the Germans didn't understand the special offers and thats why they don't offer them any longer.
I'm really upset about it...The Germans are to stupid to understand special offers???
Hey swity...
would be very interesting to read the complete answer from DLRP.
Did they email you? Do you think you can post it here?
Thaaank you :D
We got the Answer-Mail in german. My English is not good enougt to translate the whole Mail.
Hey folks,
the disney filmparade at pro7 get every episode more boring,
i remember back in 1992 when we had the disney filmparade, it was
longer then the actual and more interessting.
when i remember right in the UK it called Disney Time...
here is a video of the intro from the Disney Filmparade...
The walt disney company have to bring back this great show...
You are right, the Disney Filmparade on the German TV station PRO7 gets more and more boring. I don't watch the show anymore, because it is always the same.
I can hardly remember the old Disney Filmparade hosted by the German showmaster Thomas Gottschalk on the TV station RTL, but I think the show lasted longer than for 10 minutes.
They should broadcast the Filmparade on the afternoon and they also should make it longer. I'm sure more people would watch it, than in the morning. Maybe one show per month and always with a certain topic from the themeparks, inviting guests and of course the show should last for more than one hour.
If I remember correctly, I think there was once a special edition of the popular German TV show Wetten Dass..? broadcasted from DLRP. They used the stunt show theater in the Walt Disney Studios.
In my opinion such shows are the best way to advertise DLRP in Austria and Germany.
to all german users on this board - if you are interested in a discussion with Disney's german Head of Sales Promotion on October 5th 2008 at the Disneyland Resort Paris please follow this
link (//! This is a great chance for all of us to address our critiques and personally discuss the existing problems that lead to this thread.
We are looking forward to meeting as much of you as possible on October 5th 2008 in Paris!
If you should have any requests please send me a PM or just write me an eMail to So even if you are not able to attend the meeting we'd be glad to forward your questions and insert your suggestions during the meeting next month.
Viel gluck!!!
Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Viel gluck!!!
Thanks :) Now this seems to be the start for some options - let's see what some "true fans" can really achieve [-o<
I would like to take part in that :D But I´m only 17 so maybe it´s not a good idea or ?
Quote from: "EDDY"I would like to take part in that :D But I´m only 17 so maybe it´s not a good idea or ?
Age doesn't really matter - so if you should be in the resort on October 5th at 14.00 h feel free to join us! The location hasn't been chosen by now - it depends on how many attendees we're gonna have. So I suggest to check the thread in the german forum (// I'll post all news and updates over there!
I will be there. :D/
It was a good idea from us to wrote to the Disney Company to get answers why the german people get no special offers etc ....
That sounds like a great opportunity!!
Unfortunately I can't be there, but I'll write you an email which you could print and give to Disney, maybe?
Quote from: "Nala_84"That sounds like a great opportunity!!
Unfortunately I can't be there, but I'll write you an email which you could print and give to Disney, maybe?
If you want just drop me a line at - I am collecting all requests and will take care that they all will be presented to Disney on the date of the meeting. And everybody else should also feel free to send me an eMail ... as long as it is about the german concerns ;)
Quote from: "Flounder"Aloha,
to all german users on this board - if you are interested in a discussion with Disney's german Head of Sales Promotion on October 5th 2008 at the Disneyland Resort Paris please follow this link (//! This is a great chance for all of us to address our critiques and personally discuss the existing problems that lead to this thread.
We are looking forward to meeting as much of you as possible on October 5th 2008 in Paris!
If you should have any requests please send me a PM or just write me an eMail to ( ...
Attention DisneyFans from Munich!!!
27. and 28 september
There is a special WALL-E event at the Forum-Munich (Deutsches Museum) this weekend. (;return%20false;)
Das FUNtastische Disneywochenende.
Disneyland Paris will be there too with da drawing workshop and information about Disneyland Paris.
I'll try to check it out.
Sounds interesting. Seems that they try to get the little ones more into disney.
First short report from this morning. Pictures will follow tomorrow.
First thing you see is a gigantic inflatable WALL-E (about 5m high) outside the building.
First thing inside after some pink DisneyPrincess flags (Ariel, Aurora, Snow White), you are greeted by a DisneyChannel booth, where you can have your picture taken with 4 different DC backgrounds (Mickey/Minnie, Manny, little Einsteins oder Winnie Pooh/Tigger). Nice.
Then there is a princess area, where girls can dress up in DisneyPrincessCostumes and get a face Make-up.
A comic booth where you can buy disneyrelated magazines (Lustiges Taschenbuch, Pooh magazine)
A small Disneystore, where you can buy Disneyplush (keychains, Minnie an Mickey in Halloween costumes, blinking cell phone charms)
Then there is a small area where a Disneyartists shows how Mickey and Co are drawn, just like in Art of Animation.
A very cosy stoytelling corner (a woman is reading fairytales)
A very small DLRP booth (very boring) in cooperation with a travel agency.
A very small water cooler both, where you can order a Disney water cooler.
A small wheel of fortune with Disneycharacters, where you can win different small prices.
And best thing a last :D/
A Meet and Greet stage with real Disneycharacters.
We missed Mickey, only saw him wave goodby, but had a lot of fun with Goofy and took so real cute pictures.
There is a professional photographer too. But all pictures are for free. They even print your selfmade pictures. Very nice.
We'll be there tomorrow afternoon again.
I'm really curious about the pictures.
I think the Austrian premiere of Wall-e was in the "Technische Museum" in Vienna. This event was organized by Walt Disney Motion Pictures Austria and "Licht ins Dunkel" (Charity organization) and you could win a trip to DLRP and other Disney-Pixar goodies. (;return%20false;) (in German)
I have posted a question in the "World of Disney" thread about the Walt Disney exhibition in Munich. It would be great if someone could answer it for me. Thank you!!!
Wow Reiana, that sounds amazing!! Especially meet'n'greet the characters - why don't we have something similar here, too?! :mrgreen:
I still have to write a letter for your meeting in DLRP Flounder, hope I get to write this tomorrow, then I'll send it to you as soon as possible!! When do you leave to DLRP?
Here are some pictures from yesterday
Drawing class
Little Disneyshop
Fun with Goofy
Pictures from today will follow tomorrow.
I've just found out, that there is a special offer on the Austrian website. It says that if you stay at DLRP between February 20th and April 2nd, you will get one day and one night for free. ... free.xhtml (
So I checked it on the German DLRP website, but in Germany they don't have this offer. Usually it is the other way round, because Austria is such a small market. I also didn't know that Austria has it's own website. Until now we have always been redirected to the German site. That's the reason why I have always booked a trip by telephone.
Do other countries have the same offer?
Unfortunately we don't have any time to go to DLRP at the moment. Hopefully they will still have this offer in the future.
So it looks like that DLRP doesn't at least abandon Austria anymore.
QuoteI've just found out, that there is a special offer on the Austrian website. It says that if you stay at DLRP between February 20th and April 2nd, you will get one day and one night for free. ( ... free.xhtml
So I checked it on the German DLRP website, but in Germany they don't have this offer. Usually it is the other way round, because Austria is such a small market. I also didn't know that Austria has it's own website. Until now we have always been redirected to the German site. That's the reason why I have always booked a trip by telephone.
Do other countries have the same offer?
Unfortunately we don't have any time to go to DLRP at the moment. Hopefully they will still have this offer in the future.
So it looks like that DLRP doesn't at least abandon Austria anymore.
i saw that too, the funny thing is in the uk u get -40% in austria i get one day and night free and like every time germany get nothing just kids under 7 stay and play free but this option has every country...
and now they wonder why no germans wanna go to the parks, its really to expansive, when i book over france, england and swiss i get it cheaper.. i think thats so stupid, its okay that the french peeps get it cheaper cause they live there...
wish all of you a magical day...
I can't really understand it, why Germany doesn't have this offer. I think every country should be treated equally!!
Quote from: "lil-shawn"and now they wonder why no germans wanna go to the parks, its really to expansive, when i book over france, england and swiss i get it cheaper.. i think thats so stupid, its okay that the french peeps get it cheaper cause they live there...
wish all of you a magical day...
Indeeeeeed! That´s another example of bad advertising. Again nobody in germany gets any infos about MMP and noooo real benefits as the other countries around germany. Maybe they really should change their marketing team. Are they really thinking that nooo one will have a look at the other country-websites??? Why not booking in france or uk? :roll:
the uk offer is unique in my opinion as our currerncy has devalued so much recently and we account for approximately 25% of DLRP visitors. There must be some reason though that Germany is sidelined, maybe the cost of advertising to such a large country doesnt get the reurns that it does in say a smaller country such as Austria. As far as I understand Germany has a huge population im guessing market research suggests that the amount of resource that would be needed to get people to visit just isnt cost effective, which must feel like a terrible snub to the Disney fans in Germany. It must be soooo frustrating.
Is this 40% discount advertised in the UK, for example on TV, radio or magazines? Here in Austria there is no DLRP adverising at all. Sometimes you can find an advertising poster of DLRP in travel agencies.
Until recently I didn't even know that there is an Austrian website.
It's really very frustrating that Germany/Austria are left behind by Disney.
I think the frustrating thing is that they don´t see the facts:
-germany has a huge population, but that´s not a bad thing.
huge population = huge market. They could make a simple segmentation and choooose just their target group (by age, money, lifestyle....) to advert Disney. I mean...I work at a marketing department and a huge market is always wonderful cause you can choose the people you want. That without waste coverage by using modern advertise options.
-the germans are a population of theme park lovers. They love to go to any theme park, zoo, shopping centre etc. There are theme parks in every corner of germany and normaly you could drive to a theme park or a "themed world", zoo, anything under 2 hours. Why not using this big group of theme park lovers.
-in the times of the credit crunch germany and the population of germany is much interested in spending money. Yes indeed! The consumer sentiment rised again. The germans aren´t very impressed by the credit crunch till today and would spent money for leisure time things.
-in the same way the visits of people from spain and uk decline, more people for a one-day-trip find the way to the resort. Maybe they should start to search a bigger main target group and not just spain, uk and france cause that could be a real bad fault in the next 2 years. (sorry but uk, spain and france isn´t europe and yes there are culturel diffrences in every country...bad show for an "american group" :| )
-by doing nothing over years they quench the sparks of a disney park next door. Disneyland Resort Paris won´t ever be a proper holiday destination for germany if they don´t advert anything. Disneyland Resort Paris has lost /missed the connection in germany. There was a real punch in the first years of the nineties. Germans love Disney and germans are normaly crazy for every american thing (yes now even more with mr. obama :lol: ) But now DLRP is just knows as the very very expensive little children Euro Disneyland Park (we don´t know here that they have 2 parks) that is nearly bankrupt. Change it or Disney will loose the last chances to get any new german visitor to disney for the next 30 years.
-for the first years of advertising it won´t be cost effective to advert Disney in germany. But that´s a normal marketing rule. You will see the effect later. But a advertising or marketing campain will get even more costly every day and year they do nothing. For the moment it seems they take all their money to hold the visitors they have. But sorry...that won´t bring DLRP back to a "stable profitability". It´s just a base for DLRP, nothing more.
i have to argee with riebi,
they should promote the park more in other countrys in europe,
it´s imprtant for them to get new visitors...
a good friend asked me today why i always visit this expansive euro disney park.
first i didn´t know what to say, but i told him that its called DLRP and
for this money i have two parks and great attractions..
he didn´t known about the studios and tower of terror, he was thinking this attraction
is just ín florida. now he wanna go again too :P
even my mom and dad didn´t know the park grows, the last visit they did was 2000,
now my parents wanna see what happen in the last 9 years. i showed them my pics and
my videos...
@ dagobert - yeah the 40% off is advertised on the TV and in the press, i know people that have never been before and they have booked because of the offer. They are all first time visitors too, im guessing Disney will be hoping they spend loads on merchandise :lol: :lol:
it's really strange that they don't advertise more for germany or other countries near by. I guess one reason why they chose Paris was that it is more or less in the heart of europe and big markets like Germany close by. And it's really easy to reach with airplane.