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Disneyland Paris => Disneyland Paris Trip Reports => Topic started by: ailsa on November 11, 2007, 02:28:38 PM

Title: Delayed Trip Report
Post by: ailsa on November 11, 2007, 02:28:38 PM
Ok I went to dlrp quite a while ago (2nd of August) but because of problems with my internet I haven't been able to give a trip report so I thought I'd do a quick one!

Day 1:

We left home about 8.00 after many debates on how to get 2 wheelchairs,  6 suitcases, and all my sisters equipment into the van.

After lots of travelling, even more traffic jams, missing the tunnel crossing and torential rain in paris we finally arrived 12 hours later at 9.30.

We unpacked the van and the only problem we had was that the guy helped at first but then disappeared so my brother and I had to run backwards and forwards taking everything else in. After about another hour we were in our room and my brother and I were sent out to grab something to eat from the disney village. My brother has 4 cheeseburgers, about 4 portions of chips from McDonalds (seriously he's a rugby player).and my dad had a big mac. My mum, my sister's career (bev) and I had a panini and chips and we eventually headed to bed.

Day 2:
We got up around 9 and didn't even get to breakfst til 10 and after alot of nagging on my part my brother, Bev and I managed to get into the park around 1. (this is why I can;t wait til my brother and I go without them we'll get in when it actually opens). We showed Bev around the park as she'd never been before and we took her on phantom manor, pirates and a couple of the shops. My parents and sister came in and we sat down and had ice cream, then we took my sister on it's a small world, pirates, the tea cups snow white and pinocchio. After that it was enough for her and she headed out and my brother, dad and I went on thunder mountain, pirates (again) and phantom manor again.  

We then went back to the hotel where I moaned about being cooped up and that I wanted to go back in the park and eventually I was sent to the disney village to stop my moaning. We then met up and went for tea at planet hollywood. by the time we had done we had to head back into the hotel.

Day 3:

Once again we were running late but my brother and I rushed though breakfast (which is hard when he eats so much) and headed out to the studios only about 10 minutes after it opened. We then did a few shows and shopping and met up with my dad, Bev and sister where we sat and had a drink and my brother and then went on Rock'n'roll rollercoaster. It was a 30 minute queue where we bickered the entire way up the ride. We went on and by the time we'd come off we'd cooled off and everythign was fine again.
We went back to the hotel and my mum announced we had to go to the garage to get some stuff for my sister (severely disabled with special dietry requirements) so we headed up there and when we got back my mum and I headed into studios for shopping and then onto village.
By then we headed to Annette's diner and had tea after than we headed into the park to watch the parade. It's amazing how many disabled guests there were I had to sit between my sisters legs to stop her kicking people as they went passed. My brother and I stayed to watch the fireworks (which were amazing!) and then headed back to the hotel.

Day 4:
My brother and I headed into the park early for the extra magic hours and I went on space mountain(fo rthe first time ever), buzz, pinocchio, snow white, peter pan, the maze and then my brother decided that he needed food and couldn't wait 45mins till breakfast. Then we headed back to the hotel had breakfast and came back into the park (by ourselves - you wouldn't think my parents liked disney). i went on Indiana (for the first time), thunder mountain, phantom manor, pirates and did a bit of shopping. Then my parents and sister came in and we went on pirates, it's a small world, snow white and pinocchio again. We then went to Cafe Mickey for tea - which was great because Goofy was so good with my sister and his energy I ended up falling for him and thinking he was such a cool character.
We then headed back into the park went on phantom manor and other rides and headed back to the hotel when it closed.

Day 5:
We got up, got packed and my brother and I headed into the park, we went on phantom manor and that's all we had time for. However it started tipping it down and I was wearing jeans and I got soaked! We then all piled into the van and headed for center parcs!

Also through out that holiday I dropped my sunglasses down the toilet twice! So I now have to invest in a new pair!

Ok so it wasn't so quick I have some photos should i post them. Sorry it's a bit dull and brief but our family holidays aren't jam packed cos we have to stop quite alot for my sister.
Post by: Epcot_Boy on November 11, 2007, 03:19:30 PM

Despite your earlier problems and what sounds like lousy weather you seemed to have enjoyd the magic 8)

Look forward to seeing the holiday pix

Epcot_Boy :peter:
Post by: ailsa on November 11, 2007, 06:17:36 PM
Lol the first day was terrible and the last but the middle ones were amazing - really really hot and sunny!
Post by: Disneyana on November 11, 2007, 11:39:05 PM
Nice little report. Sounds like a great time you had ! Of course I would so much like to see the pics too.  :wink:
Post by: Anonymous on November 11, 2007, 11:45:41 PM
Sounds like you had a few firsts Ailsa. :)

How did you find Space Mountain and Indy?

Didn't you go and meet any characters? I'm surprised you didn't go and meet Belle and the Prince (obviously her real one can't be at DLRP all year  :wink: ).
Post by: The Butlin Boy on November 11, 2007, 11:50:52 PM
Great trip report, thanks for putting in the time to write it for us :)
Post by: ailsa on November 14, 2007, 06:29:31 PM
I never really get time to meet the characters except for the meal cos I'm trying to get on the rides my sister can't go on while I'm not helping with her. I loved space and Indy! I couldn't believe I hadn't been on them before!
Post by: Anonymous on November 14, 2007, 07:04:44 PM
I like Space Mountain but I always feel it's a bit rough.

Can't wait to go and meet the Princesses again myself next year.


Whereas at one time, the rides were the big attraction for me, now it's as much the characters and the parades. I think it's the whole Disney experience to be honest, and I love to shop while I'm there too.

Post by: Riebi on November 14, 2007, 07:48:07 PM
Thanks for sharing! Much fun to read it! :D
Post by: ailsa on November 15, 2007, 05:33:37 PM
I loved meeting them at the meal and I'llmake more of an effort next time as I'll be going at my pace etc I just love the feeling of being there. It's so much fun!