Hey guys, i did a little doodle of what i think tram tours should be, it dosn't involve much but i think it could work :P
I will post pic and explain after!
The Layout:
As you can tell its not really to different except the underground layer idea (i will comment later) except, i was thinking some sort of inverted car that doesn't just stay flat... giving it freedom to go up and down. The car could be controlled and swung, raised or lowered from the track.
The Canyon:
Basically The Canyon is Catastrophe Canyon but with things added, alot more affects and 2 sides to the canyon, You enter from bottom right corner to find that the car has broken down... then all of a sudden it starts to rain and the truck slides down hitting the sub station setting both sides on fire whilst you hear "The dam has broken" and water rushes down in every direction just as you start to get away.
Underground lava zone:
You come out of the canyon off the floor and slowly descend underground into the lava zone, where the cars move around inside and fire bursts out everywhere,
This isn't something ive thought of in great detail because its hard really, but im sure themeing would be a big bit.
Once again, we are in london, looks the same as last time but you take a different path and find your self face to face with a life size dragon that turns its head once you stop and your breaks make a noise once the dragon sees you, it roars and as you get away he blows fire at you !!
The stations:
I think the way the stations work at the moment just dont work so if you have an unload and load station then the que could be cut because they can load people straight away
Hmm, I can see where your coming from on some points. IMO though, if there are ever changes to the tram tour (which is definatly needed) then it needs to be re-routed to make more room to the left side of it (where the London set is).
I think the station should be changed that you have two load/unload bays (double station) where a bridge(s) over to the other side of the normal station to get to a second tram while the other one is leaving. Hope that makes sense.
I think the changes to Catastrophe Canyon is cool, maybe just keep the one side though.
A new set is a must, the ride at the moment seems so boring and dull, there are too many spots where nothing happens, that needs to be changed and if anything should be a priority for the imagineers.
Btw, Nicholas that picture isn't showing on my pc.
I like your idea for Catastrophe Canyon where the tram breaks down, but that wouldn't really fit with the theme. The Studio Tram Tour is supposed to show you how things are done behind the scenes. So if it was made to look like the water and everything was all a big accident, then they can't show you how it's done :lol: That was really hard to explain so you probably won't get it :P
You're ideas are pretty good though. I like the idea of an actual animatronic dragon in the London scene. That would certainly make it a lot more exciting than it is now :lol:
Thanks for comments so far :D i think we could change the canyon back a bit then :P
Very good idea Nicholas-c, the two stations idea is great so is the life size dragon.
Quote from: "Nicholas-c"Underground lava zone:
You come out of the canyon off the floor and slowly descend underground into the lava zone, where the cars move around inside and fire bursts out everywhere,
This isn't something ive thought of in great detail because its hard really, but im sure themeing would be a big bit.
Read the second message here:
http://www.photosmagiques.com/wdsfans/n ... roject.php (http://www.photosmagiques.com/wdsfans/news/future_project.php)
the second zone can be "Journey to the Center of... Studio Tram Tour" then :P
What you think my idea of new cars ? hanging from a track ?
Would the cars be controlled by a joystick like on buzz laser blast or would it be controlled by itself?
Either way a very good idea.
Well, thats an idea actually, i was thinking keeping the same size but mounting them to an over head track, but if you made each car big enough for 4 - 6 people and give them a joystick :P that would be cool