Have never used this before myself, but when we go Sept 2020 we are going all out as it's for a 30th Birthday. Character lunches the lot! has any used photo pass before, is it worth the the money??
If you want the ride photos and some meet and greet photos? (As not all locations have a photographer stationed there)
I personally find it a good value, but its personal preference really.
If you're not into ride photos, probably its a no. (As IIRC character lunches have no photographers).
Won't be any use tonyou at character lunches.... how many in your party? We find it totally worth it but there are 7 of us, which means we get 2 ride photos everytime we go on a photopass ride. The character photographers generally take a few pics each so on our last trip which was 7 days we had over a 100 photos. You'd only have to buy 3 or 4 photos to get your moneysworth especially if you buy before you go. I think it's totally worth it
only three of us going. mum me and my sister. Do picture in Meet Mickey get included? can you get them printed there if you show the pass? or do you have to do it when you get home?
Yes, Meet Mickey is included, but please note that the photo booth is closed at Meet Mickey - meaning a photo WILL be taken but you will have to check it out elsewhere. You can get/order prints, etc on the spot or when you get home from the website.
lovely thank you, think we'll go for that.